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Lysosomal storage diseases are inherited metabolic disorders caused by genetic defects causing deficiency of various lysosomal proteins, and resultant accumulation of non-degraded compounds. They are multisystemic diseases, and in most of them (>70 %) severe brain dysfunctions are evident. However, expression of various phenotypes in particular diseases is extremely variable, from non-neuronopathic to severely neurodegenerative in the deficiency of the same enzyme. Although all lysosomal storage diseases are monogenic, clear genotype-phenotype correlations occur only in some cases. In this article, we present an overview on various factors and processes, both general and specific for certain disorders, that can significantly modulate expression of phenotypes in these diseases. On the basis of recent reports describing studies on both animal models and clinical data, we propose a hypothesis that efficiency of production of compounds that cannot be degraded due to enzyme deficiency might be especially important in modulation of phenotypes of patients suffering from lysosomal storage diseases.  相似文献   

Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) represent a group of over 40 distinct genetic diseases with a total incidence of approximately 1:7,000 births. Bone marrow transplantation and enzyme replacement therapy are currently in use for the treatment of some disorders and new forms of enzyme and gene replacement therapy are actively being researched. The effectiveness of these therapies, particularly for the LSD involving the central nervous system and bone pathology, will rely heavily upon the early diagnosis and treatment of the disorder, before the onset of irreversible pathology. In the absence of a family history the only practical way to detect these disorders will be by a newborn screening program. One common feature of these disorders is an increase in the number and size of lysosomes within the cell from approximately 1% to as much as 50% of total cellular volume. Associated with this, is a corresponding increase in some lysosomal proteins. We propose that the measurement of one or more of these proteins in blood spots taken from Guthrie cards, will form the basis of a newborn screening program, for the detection of all LSD. We have identified a number of lysosomal proteins as potential markers for LSD. The level of these proteins has been determined in blood spots taken from Guthrie cards and in plasma samples from over 300 LSD affected individuals representing 25 disorders. Based on these results we have proposed a strategy for a newborn screening program involving a two tier system, utilizing time resolved fluorescence immunoquantification of the protein markers in the first tier, followed by tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of stored substrates in the second tier assays.  相似文献   

Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) are monogenic diseases caused by the deficiency of different lysosomal enzymes that degrade complex substrates such as glycosaminoglycans, sphingolipids, and others. As a consequence there is multisystemic storage of these substrates. Most treatments for these disorders are based in the fact that most of these enzymes are soluble and can be internalized by adjacent cells via mannose-6-phosphate receptor. In that sense, these disorders are good candidates to be treated by somatic gene therapy based on cell microencapsulation. Here, we review the existing data about this approach focused on the LSD treatments, the advantages and limitations faced by these studies.  相似文献   

Interest in newborn screening (NBS) for lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) has increased significantly due to newly developed enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), the need for early diagnosis, and advances in technical developments. Since the central nervous system cannot be treated by ERT, neuronopathic LSDs are generally not the primary target of NBS. An exception is Krabbe disease, in which hematopoietic stem cell transplantation before the onset of symptoms has benefits. However, NBS for LSD relies on measuring enzyme activities, so the most severely affected individuals (usually patients with neuronopathic subtypes) will be detected together with patients with less severe disease. In the near future, NBS is likely to be developed for diseases such as Gaucher, Niemann-Pick A/B, and certain mucopolysaccharidoses. The ability to predict phenotypes (neuronopathic or not) by enzyme activity and genotyping will therefore be critical for adequate patient management. This article reviews the status of LSD screening and issues concerning detection of neuronopathic LSDs by screening.  相似文献   

Although neurodegenerative diseases are most prevalent in the elderly, in rare cases, they can also affect children. Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) are a group of inherited metabolic neurodegenerative disorders due to deficiency of a specific protein integral to lysosomal function, such as enzymes or lysosomal components, or to errors in enzyme trafficking/targeting and defective function of nonenzymatic lysosomal proteins, all preventing the complete degradation and recycling of macromolecules. This primary metabolic event determines a cascade of secondary events, inducing LSD’s pathology. The accumulation of intermediate degradation affects the function of lysosomes and other cellular organelles. Accumulation begins in infancy and progressively worsens, often affecting several organs, including the central nervous system (CNS). Affected neurons may die through apoptosis or necrosis, although neuronal loss usually does not occur before advanced stages of the disease. CNS pathology causes mental retardation, progressive neurodegeneration, and premature death. Many of these features are also found in adult neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases. However, the nature of the secondary events and their exact contribution to mental retardation and dementia remains largely unknown. Recently, lysosomal involvement in the pathogenesis of these disorders has been described. Improved knowledge of secondary events may have impact on diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of affected children. Importantly, new insights may provide indications about possible disease reversal upon treatment. A discussion about the CNS pathophysiology involvement in LSDs is the aim of this review. The lysosomal involvement in adult neurodegenerative diseases will also be briefly described.  相似文献   

Gene transfer strategies for correction of lysosomal storage disorders   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D'Azzo A 《Acta haematologica》2003,110(2-3):71-85
Lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) represent a large group of monogenic disorders of metabolism, which affect approximately 1 in 5000 live births. LSDs result from a single or multiple deficiency of specific lysosomal hydrolases, the enzymes responsible for the luminal catabolization of macromolecular substrates. The consequent accumulation of undigested metabolites in lysosomes leads to polysystemic dysfunction, including progressive neurologic deterioration, mental retardation, visceromegaly, blindness, and early death. In general, the residual amount of functional enzyme in lysosomes determines the severity and age at onset of the clinical symptoms, implying that even modest increases in enzyme activity might affect a cure. A key feature on which therapy for LSDs is based is the ability of soluble enzyme precursors to be secreted by one cell type and reinternalize by neighboring cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis and routed to lysosomes, where they function normally. In principle, somatic gene therapy could be the preferred treatment for LSDs if the patient's own cells could be genetically modified in vitro or in vivo to constitutively express high levels of the correcting enzyme and become the source of the enzyme in the patient. Both ex vivo and in vivo gene transfer methods have been experimented with for gene therapy of lysosomal disorders. Several of these methods have proved efficient for the transfer of genetic material into deficient cells in culture and reconstitution of enzyme activity. However, the same methods applied to humans or animal models have been giving inconsistent results, the bases of which are not fully understood. A broader knowledge of disease pathogenesis, facilitated by available, faithful animal models of LSDs, coupled to the development of better gene transfer systems as well as the understanding of vector host interactions will make somatic gene therapy for these devastating and complex diseases the most suitable therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to describe neurological phenotypes associated with lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs), focusing on features arising from primary neuronal involvement. Clinical presentation, progression and genetic data, are discussed in detail in Part 2, the electronic material. Main features are summarized in Part 1. Insights gained from several observational studies are discussed. Prospective studies of the natural history of most neuronopathic LSDs have been hampered by the rarity of these conditions and the short survival of affected patients. Increasingly, longitudinal observations relating to neurological manifestations are being reported. Better clinical studies are necessary, including repeated measurements of disease progression to facilitate the development of sensitive scoring systems and appropriate counseling of affected individuals and their families. Ideally, clinical studies should involve a large cohort. As treatment becomes available, knowledge of disease expression and factors that influence the phenotype may enable critical assessment of therapeutic outcomes. It is hoped that increased familiarity with the clinical expression of individual LSDs will allow early diagnosis, so families at risk are given options to consider during future pregnancies. Early diagnosis also permits the introduction of timely intervention, to favoring improved outcome in cases that are potentially treatable.  相似文献   

Summary: Extensive clinical heterogeneity is seen in lysosomal storage disorders, regarding the age of onset and severity of symptoms, the organs involved, and effects on the central nervous system. A broad phenotypic spectrum is seen, for example, in mucopolysaccharidosis type I (Hurler/Scheie disease), Gaucher disease, the severalforms of GM2-gangliosidosis and the different manifestations of β-galactosidasedeficiency (GM1-gangliosidosis and Morquio disease type B). Variable clinical expression of the same enzyme defect is not well understood. The presence of different mutations is only part of the explanation, as intrafamilial variability is observed in many cases. Other mechanisms, for example the effect of specific activators, may also have an influence on phenotype.  相似文献   

Metabolic Brain Disease - Whereas significant strides have been made in the treatment of lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs), the neuronopathy associated with these diseases remains impervious mainly...  相似文献   

Treatment options for a number of lysosomal storage disorders have rapidly expanded and currently include enzyme replacement therapy, substrate reduction, chaperone treatment, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and gene-therapy. Combination treatments are also explored. Most therapies are not curative but change the phenotypic expression of the disease. The effectiveness of treatment varies considerably between the different diseases, but also between sub-groups of patients with a specific lysosomal storage disorder. The heterogeneity of the patient populations complicates the prediction of benefits of therapy, specifically in patients with milder disease manifestations. In addition, there is a lack of data on the natural history of diseases and disease phenotypes. Initial trial data show benefits on relevant short-term endpoints, but the real world situation may reveal different outcomes. Collaborative international studies are much needed to study the long-term clinical efficacy of treatments, and to detect new complications or associated conditions of the diseases. This review summarizes the available treatment modalities for lysosomal storage disorders and the challenges associated with long term clinical care for these patients.  相似文献   

Summary Recently a striking elevation of the activity of chitotriosidase, an endo β-glucosaminidase distinct from lysozyme, was found in plasma from patients with Gaucher type I disease (McKusick 230800). Plasma chitotriosidase originates from activated macrophages and this elevation is secondary to the basic defect in Gaucher disease. To investigate the specificity of this phenomenon, we have investigated 24 different lysosomal storage diseases. In 11 different diseases increased chitotriosidase activity in plasma was found (in 28% of the patients). None of these diseases showed elevations as high as in Gaucher disease. Chitotriosidase was not significantly elevated in plasma from 20 different non-lysosomal enzymopathies or in plasma from patients with infectious diseases associated with hepatomegaly. The results show that marked elevation of chitotriosidase activity in plasma appears to be specific for Gaucher disease. The data further suggest that elevated levels of chitotriosidase activity in plasma from patients with unexplained diseases may be indicative for a lysosomal disorder.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that the lysosome associated membrane protein (LAMP-1) is elevated in plasma from approximately 70% of lysosomal storage disorder patients. As part of the development of a newborn screening program for lysosomal storage disorders we have developed a first tier screening assay based upon the level of LAMP-I in blood spots taken from newborn Guthrie cards. To determine the effectiveness of the first-tier marker a prospective pilot Guthrie neonatal screening program for the identification of LSD was commenced in April 1998. Prior to commencement of the pilot program ethical approval was obtained and information leaflets regarding the neonatal screening of LSD were distributed to parents at the time of their infant's Guthrie collection. The LAMP-1 assay utilizes a chicken polyclonal and a mouse monoclonal in a sandwich time resolved fluorescent immunoassay. LAMP-1 blood-spot calibrators and quality control specimens were developed and shown to be stable and reproducible. To date 11,183 infants have been screened using LAMP-1. The population distribution is described with a median and 98th percentile of 220pg/l whole blood and 483microg/l whole blood respectively. Acceptable CV% for intra and inter assay of 8.9% and 10% respectively were obtained.  相似文献   

Lysosomal storage disorders are inherited metabolic diseases in which a mutation in a gene encoding a lysosomal enzyme or lysosome-related protein results in the intra-cellular accumulation of substrate and reduced cell/tissue function. Few patients with neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorders have access to safe and effective treatments although many therapeutic strategies have been or are presently being studied in vivo thanks to the availability of a large number of animal models. This review will describe the comparative advancement of a variety of therapeutic strategies through the ‘research pipeline’. Our goal is to provide information for clinicians, researchers and patients/families alike on the leading therapeutic candidates at this point in time, and also to provide information on emerging approaches that may provide a safe and effective treatment in the future. The length of the pipeline represents the significant and sustained effort required to move a novel concept from the laboratory into the clinic.  相似文献   

Most lysosomal storage diseases have central nervous system (CNS) involvement. No effective treatment is available at present. We investigated the usefulness of brain-directed gene therapy and cell therapy using mouse models of lysosomal storage diseases. For gene therapy to the CNS, a recombinant adenovirus encoding beta-galactocerebrosidase gene was injected into the cerebral ventricle of neonatal twitcher mice, a murine model of Krabbe disease. Improvements in neurological symptoms and a prolonged lifespan were observed. Brain activity of beta-galactocerebrosidase was increased significantly and the concentration of a cytotoxic metabolite, psychosine, was decreased. Pathological observations of the brain were also improved in treated twitcher mice. For cell therapy to the CNS, a neural stem cell line derived from human fetal brain was genetically engineered to overexpress beta-glucuronidase and transplanted into the cerebral ventricles of neonatal MPS VII mice, a model of beta-glucuronidase deficiency. Transplanted human neural stem cells were found to integrate and migrate in the host brain and to produce large amounts of beta-glucuronidase. Brain contents of the substrate of beta-glucuronidase were reduced and widespread clearing of lysosomal storage was observed in treated MPS VII mice. These data suggest that brain-directed gene/cell therapy may be useful in the treatment of neurological alterations in lysosomal storage diseases.  相似文献   

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