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董刚 《医学美学美容》2022,31(1):101-104
目的 观察眼袋整形手术中双极电凝直视下眼轮匝肌紧缩术的应用疗效方法 选择2021年 1月-2021年8月在本院进行眼袋整形手术治疗的110例患者作为观察对象。根据随机表法分为常规组及研究组,各55例。常规组行传统眼袋切除术,研究组行双极电凝直视下眼轮匝肌紧缩术。比较两组手术疗效、 治疗满意度、眼部症状评分、并发症发生率、生活质量评分结果 研究组手术疗效、满意度、生活质量评分均高于常规组,眼部刺激感、畏光、异物感等症状评分低于常规组(P<0.05);两组并发症发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)结论 双极电凝直视下眼轮匝肌紧缩手术疗效可靠、高效、安全, 能够减轻对患者眼部的不良影响,提高患者整形满意度,改善患者生活质量。  相似文献   

下眼袋整复术的改进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从解剖学的观点,将眼袋分为四个临床类型,不同的类型采用不同手术方法,手术成功关键是不能仅靠拉紧皮肤,切除眶隔内疝出的部分脂肪整复眼袋,还必须紧缩眼轮匝肌防止眶脂再疝出。  相似文献   

下眼袋整复术的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从解剖学的观点,将眼袋分为四个临床类型,不同的类型采用不同手术方法。手术成功关键是不能仅靠拉紧皮肤、切除眶隔内疝出的部分脂肪整复眼袋,还必须紧缩眼轮匝肌防止眶脂再疝出。  相似文献   

目的:探讨眼袋去除整形修复的手术方法.方法:对先天性、生理性退变、老化性下眼睑皮肤松弛,眼轮匝肌松弛,下眼睑眶内脂肪膨出,眼袋形成的患者,应用眼轮匝肌瓣眶隔内固定紧缩整复眼袋.结果:从1998年5月至2010年10月,应用眼轮匝肌瓣眶隔内固定紧缩整复眼袋591例,手术后随访1~3年,均取得良好的效果,无并发症后连症发生.结论;临床应用眼轮匝肌瓣眶隔内固定手术方法紧缩修复整形眼袋,手术创伤小,安全可靠,减少术后下睑外翻及其它并发症发生.  相似文献   

眶隔及眼轮匝肌双重紧缩的睑袋整复术   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:为提高睑袋整复术的效果,从理论与实际的角度探讨睑袋的形成原因及病理改变,采用眶隔及眼轮匝肌双重紧缩的方法进行睑袋整复术.方法:在局麻下,作下睑缘1~2mm的切口,皮下潜行剥离至骨性眶缘形成皮瓣,在眶隔膜表面分离形成与皮瓣形态一致的下睑眼轮匝肌瓣.打开眶隔,尽量还纳疝出的眶隔脂肪,如疝出的眶隔脂肪量较多,可部分切除.横向折叠缝合眶隔2~3针,向外上方提紧眼轮匝肌瓣,楔形切除适量的眼轮匝肌,断端固定在眶缘的骨膜上.最后,切除下睑多余的皮肤.结果:本组共40例,随访20例3个月~2年,除1例因眼轮匝肌切除过多而产生轻度下睑退缩外,其余均效果满意持久.结论:眶隔及眼轮匝肌双重紧缩的睑袋整复术,是针对下睑衰老机理及表现而进行的一种手术设计,可提高手术效果并延长术后有效时间.  相似文献   

目的:探讨眼轮匝肌成形术在松弛型眼袋修复术的效果。方法:2018年10月至2019年9月,四川省人民医院整形外科门诊收治松弛型眼袋患者32例,男6例、女26例,年龄31~60岁,平均48.5岁。对32例患者行皮肤入路眼袋修复,通过眼轮匝肌成形,重塑眼轮匝肌环形强度及形态。通过术前术后Barton分级及评分,术后并发症以...  相似文献   

目的:探讨双极电凝在复杂腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)中的应用价值。方法:回顾分析2008年1月至2011年12月应用双极电凝行128例复杂LC的临床资料。结果:65例顺行切除胆囊,51例逆行切除胆囊;2例因胆囊三角解剖关系无法确认而中转开腹。术后1例胆漏,引流10 d后治愈;1例发生胆总管残余结石,行EST取石治愈。术中出血量平均(30.6±16.3)ml,平均住院(5.1±1.3)d。结论:应用双极电凝行复杂LC安全有效,具有手术止血效果好、操作方便、术野清晰等优点,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The orbicularis oculi (OO) muscle has been recommended for neuromuscular monitoring when the adductor pollicis (AP) muscle is not available. We investigated whether neuromuscular block could be measured reliably from the orbital part of the OO muscle by the use of acceleromyography. METHODS: During propofol, fentanyl, and alfentanil anaesthesia two TOF-Guards (Organon Teknika NV, Boxtel, the Netherlands) with acceleration transducers placed on the distal phalanx of the thumb and over the middle of the eyebrow, respectively, were used to measure neuromuscular block simultaneously in 23 patients during vecuronium-induced and neostigmine-antagonized neuromuscular block. For both muscles, the simultaneously recorded first response (T1) in the train-of-four (TOF) and TOF-ratio were measured both during onset and recovery of the block. Furthermore, both the AP muscle T1 and TOF-ratio responses were plotted against 10% intervals of the OO muscle responses during onset and recovery, respectively. RESULTS: The orbicularis oculi muscle had a shorter latency and a faster recovery to TOF-ratio 0.80 compared with the AP muscle. During onset and recovery, pronounced variations of the AP muscle T1 and TOF-ratio responses were observed when compared with the OO muscle. CONCLUSION: A significant clinical disagreement exists between the degree of paralysis measured at the OO and the AP muscles. It is impossible to obtain a reasonable estimate of the degree of block at the AP muscle when the block is measured from the OO muscle with acceleromyography. If used, there is substantial risk of overlooking a residual block, and adequate recovery of the block should be confirmed by a final AP muscle measurement.  相似文献   

Background: Blepharoplasty and midface access incisions that are currently used were designed on the premise that innervation to the lower eyelid orbicularis oculi muscle approaches the muscle from its lateral aspect and that its segmental fascicles run parallel to the muscle's fibers. These incisions yield a high rate of complications that include ectropion and other eyelid malpositions. Objective: The goal of this study was to investigate the innervation of the lower orbicularis oculi muscle and determine how it is affected by lower eyelid surgery. Methods: Macroscopic anatomic dissections were performed on 10 frozen cadavers, and the origin and distribution of innervation was mapped. An additional 12 fresh cadaver specimens were dissected through use of 3.5× loupe magnification. Six ultrafresh cadaver specimens were used for histologic examination. Fixation was done in 10% formaldehyde. Axial incisions perpendicular to the facial plane were made at 5-mm intervals from the lower forehead level to the oral commissure. Hematoxylin and eosin specimens and Masson's trichrome specimens were made from alternating slices taken at 5-mm intervals. Results: The results of this anatomic study suggest that the upper eyelid orbicularis oculi muscle is innervated by fascicles of the temporal branch of the facial (VII) nerve. These nerves travel along the undersurface of the muscle and branch out parallel to the muscle fibers. The lower eyelid orbicularis oculi muscle seems to be innervated by 3 to 5 branches of the zygomatic nerve, which splits into 2 large groups of fascicles as it crosses the zygomaticus major muscle. These nerves continue toward the orbicularis oculi muscle, splitting into a plexus of nerves that approaches the orbicularis oculi muscle fibers at an angle of approximately 90°. No significant branches from the lateral aspect of the lower orbicularis oculi were observed in this study. Conclusions: The results of this anatomic study indicate that techniques that (1) approach the midface through the lower eyelid and (2) change the plane of dissection from deep to the orbicularis oculi muscle to superficial to the zygomaticus major muscle may place the innervation of the orbicularis oculi muscle at much higher risk.  相似文献   

钳夹破坏眼轮匝肌的鱼尾纹去除术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探索一种简易并有效去除鱼尾纹的手术方法。方法:通过睑缘切口在修复下睑袋的同时钳夹破坏外眦部眼轮匝肌,减少外眦动力性皱纹的形成。结果:本组36例,随访4月~2年,术后鱼尾纹改善明显,外眦形态良好,效果满意。结论:钳夹破坏眼轮匝肌去除鱼尾纹的手术方法简单可行,效果可靠,可与下睑袋手术同时进行。  相似文献   

This study investigated the electrophysiology of the denervated orbicularis oculi muscle and its clinical application. Orbicularis oculi muscle denervation was achieved by complete transection of the seventh nerve in ten dogs. The parameters studied were the electrical requirements needed to cause a minimal perceptible contraction (twitch) and a complete eyelid closure (blink). Twitch and blink curves were generated. The findings are summarized as follows: (1) Minimum intensities for direct twitch of denervated orbicularis oculi muscle were significantly lower than intensities of normal orbicularis oculi muscle twitch (p less than 0.01) when long stimulus duration (5 to 400 ms) was used. (2) Minimum intensities for direct blink of denervated orbicularis oculi muscle were not significantly different from stimulus intensities for blink of normal orbicularis oculi muscle if long stimulus duration (5 to 400 ms) was used. Twitch and blink curves could be used to clinically follow the orbicularis oculi muscle movement return after operations performed in patients affected by lagophthalmos.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the electrophysiology and pathology of denervated orbicularis oculi muscles have been studied in dogs during chronic electrical stimulation. The orbicularis oculi muscles were unilaterally denervated in 8 dogs, and 4 of these muscles were directly stimulated on a daily basis for 75 days. No difference in minimum stimulus intensities evoking orbicularis oculi muscle twitch contraction appeared between denervated treated and nontreated muscles. A significant reduction of minimum stimulus intensities evoking upper eyelid complete closure (blink), however, was found in the denervated treated muscles between 10 and 30 days (p less than 0.01). At 28 and 75 days, orbicularis oculi muscle biopsies showed no difference in muscle fiber diameter between denervated treated and nontreated muscles. At 75 days, type II muscle fiber distribution, however, was significantly increased in denervated treated muscles compared with denervated nontreated muscles (p less than 0.01). These findings of orbicularis oculi muscle electrophysiology were consistent with a transient reversal of denervation changes by electrical stimulation, partially supported by muscle biopsies.  相似文献   

目的 探讨以外眦眼轮匝肌为蒂的颞颧区扩张皮瓣修复眶下区皮肤缺损的方法,并对该方法进行评价. 方法 对16例眶下区皮肤缺损患者,采用外眦眼轮匝肌为蒂的颞颧区扩张皮瓣进行修复.手术共分两期,一期手术在颞颧区埋置扩张器,二期手术设计以外眦眼轮匝肌为蒂的颞颧区扩张皮瓣,转移修复眶下区皮肤缺损. 结果 转移的颞颧区扩张皮瓣成活良好,11例患者获3个月至3年随访,颞颧区扩张皮瓣转移后未发生挛缩,切口瘢痕不明显,皮肤颜色、质地与眶周皮肤一致. 结论 以外眦眼轮匝肌为蒂的颞颧区扩张皮瓣能够修复较大面积眶下区皮肤缺损,设计灵活,皮瓣转移后对面部外形影响小.  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种有效修复鼻端缺损的手术方式。方法:利用眼轮匝肌与颞区之间充分的血运联系,设计以眼轮匝肌为蒂的颞部皮瓣,皮瓣经皮下隧道转移至受区,修复鼻部缺损。结果:本组11例,有10例皮瓣存活良好,1例术后出现皮瓣周缘部分坏死,颞部供区瘢痕轻微,眼裂无明显变形,效果比较满意。结论:眼轮匝肌蒂颞部皮瓣是修复鼻端缺损的较好方法。  相似文献   

眼轮匝肌瓣悬吊治疗重度上睑下垂   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨眼轮匝肌瓣悬吊治疗重度上睑下垂方法的临床效果。方法做重睑成形术切口,于皮肤与眼轮匝肌间向上分离达眉上缘,再于眼轮匝肌深面、眶隔浅面向上分离达眶上缘;根据睑板宽度及弧度设计眼轮匝肌瓣,向下推进固定在睑板前方,悬吊上睑。结果15例24只眼重度上睑下垂者术后效果均较满意,睑缘外形匀称优美,眼睑闭合功能良好,无并发症。不足之处是,向下注视时有上睑停滞现象。结论眼轮匝肌瓣悬吊手术操作简单,手术野显露良好,固定牢靠,张力适当,不易复发;无需做额肌纵切口,不损伤眶上血管神经束及面神经额支,不减弱额肌的收缩力,是一种治疗重度上睑下垂可供选择的方法。  相似文献   

颞侧眼轮匝肌蒂岛状皮瓣的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨用颞侧眼轮匝肌蒂岛状皮瓣修复眼睑及鼻部皮肤软组织缺损的方法及效果.方法 设计以眼轮匝肌为蒂,以同侧颞区无毛发区为供区的皮瓣,移位并修复上下睑外翻及上下睑和鼻部肿瘤或瘢痕切除后、鼻外伤组织缺损共30例.皮瓣面积为1.0 cm×1.8 cm~2.5 cm×4.5 cm.结果 30例巾除5例早期皮瓣远端出现静脉淤血经保守治疗好转外,全部皮瓣均完全成活,随访3个月至1年,较少遗留瘢痕及继发畸形,功能及外观满意.结论 以眼轮匝肌为蒂的颞侧岛状皮瓣是修复眼睑及鼻部小面积缺损的良好手术材料,具有易于转移、血供可靠、愈合快及供区隐蔽等优点.  相似文献   

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