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患者 ,男 ,2 5岁 ,农民 ,左小腿经久不愈溃疡 2年余。 2年前无明显诱因于左小腿下 1 3处外测出现一红色斑疹 ,约蚕豆大小 ,伴瘙痒 ,搔抓皮疹后 ,出现丘疹、水疱、渗液、糜烂和结痂 ,到个体诊所诊治 ,皮损愈合 ,遗留稍硬的角化斑块及暗褐色色素沉着 ,仍感皮损处瘙痒。经搔抓及自行外敷中草药后 ,皮损处出现糜烂、溃疡 ,且于6个月前左小腿远端内侧出现相同两个皮损 ,就诊于本地医院 ,予以抗感染及上药等治疗 ,内侧一溃疡愈合 ,其余两个溃疡经久不愈。常自行处理溃疡面 ,因瘙痒搔抓皮损周围 ,近 1个月溃疡增大迅速 ,自觉疼痛 ,于 2 0 0 0年 4月…  相似文献   

1病历摘要 患者男,31岁.因头面部和双小腿丘疹伴瘙痒1个月,泛发加重2周,于2017年12月26日至我院皮肤科住院治疗.患者自诉1个月前无明显诱因额部和面颊出现硬币大红色环状斑块;双小腿出现散在数个绿豆大脓疱及红色丘疹,伴轻微瘙痒,无疼痛,未予诊治.皮损逐渐增大并增厚,出现溃疡、黄色分泌物、坏死及结痂,伴皮损处疼痛.否认发热、关节痛、腹痛及腹泻等不适,当地医院拟诊为脂溢性皮炎、疱疹及银屑病,予中药治疗(具体药物不详).  相似文献   

患者男,65岁,因左上背、左小腿褐色丘疹20余年,周边起红斑、丘疹、渗出伴瘙痒2月余,于2010年11月25日来我院皮肤科就诊。20多年前左小腿发生1个、左上背发生多个褐色丘疹,无显著不适。2个月前左上背其中1个及左小腿褐色丘疹周边发生红斑、丘疹伴瘙痒,搔抓后有渗出,后因皮损周边红斑扩大,渗出和瘙痒加重就诊。皮肤科检查:左侧小腿及左上背部各有一直径约0.5cm大小的褐色丘疹,边缘规则,无溃疡、渗血。丘疹周围1~1.5am范围内分布红斑、丘疹、鳞屑,伴有轻度渗出,边界较清。环形红斑与中央褐色丘疹之间炎症较轻,伴轻度色素减退(图1,2)。  相似文献   

患者男,65岁,因左上背、左小腿褐色丘疹20余年,周边起红斑、丘疹、渗出伴瘙痒2月余,于2010年11月25日来我院皮肤科就诊.20多年前左小腿发生1个、左上背发生多个褐色丘疹,无显著不适.2个月前左上背其中1个及左小腿褐色丘疹周边发生红斑、丘疹伴瘙痒,搔抓后有渗出,后因皮损周边红斑扩大,渗出和瘙痒加重就诊.皮肤科检查:左侧小腿及左上背部各有一直径约0.5 cm大小的褐色丘疹,边缘规则,无溃疡、渗血.丘疹周围1~ 1.5 cm范围内分布红斑、丘疹、鳞屑,伴有轻度渗出,边界较清.环形红斑与中央褐色丘疹之间炎症较轻,伴轻度色素减退(图1,2).  相似文献   

患者男,17岁.双小腿多发结节、溃疡、肿胀伴疼痛1个月余,于2007年2月12日就诊于我院皮肤科.1个月前无明显诱因患者双小腿出现米粒至绿豆大红色丘疹、硬结和脓疱,有轻微疼痛.在外院治疗(用药不详)效果不明显,皮损逐渐增多、增大,呈蚕豆至鸽蛋大溃疡,周围红肿,渐向外扩展,疼痛加剧.既往无类似疾病史.  相似文献   

患者男,52岁。左小腿伸侧鳞屑性斑块、丘疹、脓疱、破溃,脓性渗出伴疼痛1个月余。患者既往寻常型银屑病病史6年。1个月前,左小腿鳞屑性斑块基础上,出现紫红色炎性丘疹,渐扩大,中央化脓破溃,伴脓性渗出。消毒溃疡表面,取深部分泌物培养结果阴性。皮损组织病理示:表皮破溃缺失,真皮全层弥漫中性粒细胞浸润。诊断:寻常型银屑病合并坏疽性脓皮病。患者予以克拉霉素抗感染5 d,予以复方甘草酸苷片口服辅以局部理疗,1周后皮损明显好转。后加用雷公藤多苷片促进疗效,治疗4周皮损愈合。本文报道该病例并就其特点进行文献复习。  相似文献   

患者男,66岁,因头面部、四肢多发无痛性溃疡6个月收住郑州大学第一附属医院皮肤科。患者6个月前无明显诱因双侧小腿及踝部散发黄豆大小红色丘疹,无自觉症状。其后皮损逐渐呈环状向外扩大,中央溃疡形成,伴脓血性分泌物,部分皮损融合成片。1个月前就诊于外院,考虑坏疽性脓皮病,口服沙利度胺片1个月,无明显好转。  相似文献   

<正>1临床资料患者男,23岁。双小腿反复红斑、溃疡伴疼痛5个月。5个月前患者无明显诱因下双小腿出现瘙痒,不久便出现红肿、大小不一结节,伴疼痛,无发热、口腔溃疡、腹痛及关节疼痛等不适,自行外用药膏及中草药泡洗(具体不详)未见好转,皮损渐加重,结节破溃呈大小不一的糜烂、溃疡(图1),伴疼痛剧烈,行走困难,右小腿至足背渐出现麻木、感觉异常,曾在当地诊治,未见好转。遂于3个月前到本科住院,皮损组织病理示:感染  相似文献   

患者男,36岁.因左下肢带状分布的红斑、紫癜样皮损伴疼痛3个月就诊.3个月前,在无明显诱因下,先于左内踝处出现红斑、紫癜样丘疹伴疼痛,此后皮损逐渐向上发展,累及左小腿内侧,呈不连续带状分布.  相似文献   

正1临床资料患者男,68岁。全身出现丘疹2个月。患者于就诊前2个月无明显原因前额皮肤出现暗红色斑、丘疹,无明显瘙痒、疼痛等不适,未予特殊处理。皮损渐增多,并累及双侧口角、口唇,伴轻微口角疼痛,曾多次在多家医院就诊,按"口角炎"给予对症治疗,口角疼痛稍有减轻,但皮损改善不明显,且双手背、手掌、双小腿、双足背、足底、背部亦出现类似的暗红色至灰紫色斑疹和斑丘疹,其上有少许鳞屑。期间一直无明显瘙痒感,无  相似文献   

Penile cancer     
Penile cancer, while relatively rare in the western world, remains a disease with severe morbidity and mortality, not to mention significant psychological ramifications. Furthermore, the disease is observed with dramatically increased incidence in other parts of the world. A review of the literature has shown that the overwhelming majority of penile cancers are in situ or invasive squamous cell carcinomas, including a well-differentiated variant, verrucous carcinoma. Important predisposing factors are lack of circumcision, human papillomavirus infections, and penile lichen sclerosus, although other factors have occasionally been reported as well. Prevention, careful monitoring of patients at risk, and early diagnosis are essential to reduce the incidence of penile carcinoma and to provide a definitive cure. Public health measures, such as prophylactic use of circumcision, have proved successful but are controversial. Also, no standard therapeutic guidelines as to the best treatment strategy according to different stages, including efficacy of conservative nonsurgical modalities and indications for lymph nodal dissection, are available so far. It is common opinion that penile cancer is an emerging problem that deserves further investigations, and physicians, especially dermatologists, should be aware of this issue. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: At the completion of this learning activity, participants should be familiar with penile carcinoma, its risk factors, its clinical and histologic presentation, and the treatments currently available for its management.  相似文献   

Prevention signifies the avoidance of diseases. It also includes the early detection of diseases and taking measures to avoid worsening of an existing disease. Prevention is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. The prevention of skin cancer is particularly important due to the rising incidence of skin cancer in recent years. In Germany, 195.000 new cases of skin cancer, including non melanoma skin cancer and melanoma are occurring. Therefore, skin cancer is among the most common cancer diseases. Primary prevention comprises the reduction of skin cancer risk behavior, including education about the danger of UV exposure and the right way of dealing with natural and artificial UV radiation. The implementation of a systematic skin cancer screening in Germany contributes to secondary prevention. First data from the initial project in Schleswig‐Holstein, Germanyís most northern state, indicate for the first time that the incidence and mortality of melanoma can be reduced by secondary prevention. For tertiary prevention, the national associations recommend a risk‐adapted, evidence‐based follow‐up for all types of skin cancer. From the perspectives of the payers and from the patients, prevention is assessed positively. Prevention can contribute to a reduction of disease burden.  相似文献   

Nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSCs) represent the most common cancer in the United States, accounting for more than 2 million cases per year. Despite the magnitude of health burden on the US population, there remain many questions regarding the epidemiology, health outcomes, and treatments of NMSCs. This article highlights these areas of clinical and research need. The article focuses on the recent epidemiologic trends as well as health outcomes of NMSCs in the United States. In addition, current national guidelines, available treatments and care pathways, and clinical trials are discussed.  相似文献   

患者男,95岁. 主诉:右膝内侧结节2个月余. 现病史:患者2个月前无明显诱因发现右膝部内侧有一结节,黄豆大,质地硬,呈淡红色,无自觉症状,未经诊治,结节逐渐增大.遂于2010年4月29日来我科就诊. 既往史:慢性前列腺增生20余年. 个人史及家族史:无特殊.  相似文献   

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