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BACKGROUND: Skin aging consists of photoaging and intrinsic aging. It is characterized clinically not only by rhytides, but also by pigmentary alterations and facial telangiectasias. There continues to be a growing interest in the efficacy of intense pulsed light (IPL) devices in the treatment of skin aging, as well as further defining its mechanism of action. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this clinical trial was to evaluate the effects and the mechanism of action of an IPL by comparing clinical photographs and biopsy results before and after treatment. METHODS: A total of 58 patients were treated using a new IPL device. Clinical photographs were taken before treatment and compared to those taken 3 weeks after the treatment. Also, 4 cases had pathological analyses of tissues that were stained by haematoxylin-eosin and Uana orcein. Immunohistology of human collagen of types 1 and 3 and quantitative analyses of elastin and collagen were performed by a poly-functional digital image light microscope; a transmission electron microscope was used for 2 of the cases to look for additional changes. RESULTS: After 3 treatments, 62.1% of the patients showed improvement in wrinkles and skin texture. Pigmentation improved in 84.6% of the patients, and a reduction in telangiectasis was seen in 81.25% of the patients. Pathological examination showed that both type 1 and type 3 collagens increased following treatment, but elastin content decreased; however, the elastin fibers were arranged more neatly. In the transmission electron microscope study, the amount of fibroblast activity increased, the fibroblasts were more active, and there were more collagen fibers neatly rearranged within the stroma. CONCLUSION: Clinical and pathological studies demonstrated that the IPL was effective in improving wrinkles and skin texture. The mechanism of action may be through the increasing activity of the fibroblasts, hyperplasia of the fibroblasts, and rearrangement of both collagen and elastin within the stroma.  相似文献   

皮肤是人体最大的器官,其结构从内到外依次为皮下组织、真皮层和表皮层。皮肤表面及腺体等部位定植着众多微生物,统称为皮肤微生物组。不同微生物其组成和分布在一定范围内维持动态平衡,并通过增殖、分泌等方式与宿主的皮肤及免疫系统进行相互调节,构成了皮肤微生态系统。当皮肤菌群失调时,会引发微生态紊乱,导致疾病的发生。通过微生态角度进行治疗,不仅能有效减少病症,还可避免细菌耐药性扩散等情况。综述了皮肤微生态相关的近期研究成果,并着重介绍皮肤微生物与皮肤疾病的关联,以及微生态治疗在皮肤疾病中的应用,旨在为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的观察和分析头孢菌素类药物皮肤过敏的实验以及皮试方法。方法选择我院2010年1月至2011年1月接收的治疗过程中使用头孢菌素类药物的500例住院患者,随机平均分成皮试组与非皮试组,分别观察患者用药后的情况。结果有青霉素过敏史的患者占19.80%,皮试阳性占有率中,其他物质过敏史的占12.02%,无过敏史的占0.55%;皮试阴性组用药后发生的不良用药反应以及过敏反应明显低于非皮试组患者,两组数据差异显著,具有统计学意义。结论影响头孢菌素类药物出现不良药物反应以及皮试阳性发生率的主要因素是患者的过敏史,因此,对具有过敏史患者用药前应该对患者进行采取拟用药皮试。  相似文献   

皮肤微生态在调控微生物和内稳态方面发挥着关键作用,与炎症性皮肤病及皮肤衰老存在密切联系。本文总结了皮肤微生态的组成与作用、皮肤疾病与微生态之间的关系、炎症性皮肤病和皮肤衰老的微生态调节治疗策略,为皮肤疾病的临床治疗及药物开发提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 对Episkin™和Epikutis®模型在体外皮肤刺激性和腐蚀性检测各方面进行对比。方法 参考体外皮肤刺激实验(OECD指导原则439)和体外皮肤腐蚀实验(OECD指导原则431),对2种模型在质量控制、检测方法、结果判断、运输等方面进行探讨。结果 2种模型在质量控制、检测方法、结果判断等方面存在差异,在实验操作性和成本上也各有优缺点,但2种模型均能满足体外皮肤刺激性和腐蚀性实验要求。结论 2种模型均能很好地用于体外皮肤刺激性和腐蚀性检测。  相似文献   


Certain metals, and many metal-based compounds, are inherently toxic, and their presence in occupational and environmental settings raises appropriate questions concerning human exposure. Contact of these materials with the skin represents an important route of exposure, which is not well characterized. The purpose of this review, therefore, is to assemble the available, useful information pertinent to risk assessment following dermal contact.

Specifically, we summarize here: (1) data relevant to the qualitative and (where possible) quantitative evaluation of metal compound permeation through the skin; (2) the role of each metal in metabolism, particularly with respect to the skin, and the potentially toxic effects that may result from dermal contact; and (3) the immunological characteristics (including allergenicity) of the metals and their derivatives.

In total, information on 31 metals has been reviewed. It is clear that many diverse factors determine the ability of metal-based species to permeate biological membranes, not all of which have been fully defined. Therefore, considerably more experimentation, targeted at the development of high-quality transport data, will be required before the specification of practically useful structure-activity relationships are possible.  相似文献   

The histochemical and physicochemical aspects of skin permeability and transdermal drug permeation are reviewed under preponderant consideration of the past years' literature supplied by relevant investigations from the author's laboratories. The chemical composition and the physical order of the horny layer lipids as well as the interactions of drugs and vehicle components with these lipids are the basis of understanding drug penetration, its influencing by vehicles and penetration enhancement. By means of measuring drug concentration profiles in human skin the mechanisms of vehicle effects and penetration enhancement are demonstrated. The consequences of increased permeability and xenobiotic enrichment in pathologically altered skin are discussed.  相似文献   

根据中医经络理论导出的经络穴位经皮给药系统具有经穴效应及药物效应双重治疗特性。分析了其机理,认为与经穴的外敏性、中药的生物活性与经穴的放大效应,以及局部皮肤的超微结构的变化等三方面因素有关,并预测这种给药方式在临床治疗肿瘤及其他慢性病方面有着广阔前景。  相似文献   

Glyphosate Skin Binding, Absorption, Residual Tissue Distribution,and Skin Decontamination. Wester, R. C., Melendres, J., Sarason,R., McMaster, J., and Maibach, H. I. (1991). Fundam. Appl. Toxicol.16, 725–732. Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum postemergencetranslocated herbicide. Its interactions with skin and potentialsystemic availability through percutaneous absorption was studiedby skin binding, skin absorption, residual tissue distribution,and skin decontamination. Glyphosate in a final formulation(Roundup) undiluted and diluted with water 1:20 and 1:32, wouldnot partition into powdered human stratum corneum (<1%).In vitro percutaneous absorption through human skin into humanplasma as receptor fluid was no more than 2% over a concentrationrange of 0.5–154 µg/cm2 and a topical volume rangeof 0.014–0.14 ml/cm2. Disposition of glyphosate followingiv administration of 93 and 9 µg doses to rhesus monkeyswas mainly through urine excretion, 95 ± 8 and 99 ±4% in 7 days, respectively. Percutaneous absorption in vivoin rhesus monkey was 0.8 ± 0.6% for the low dose (25µg/cm2) and 2.2 ± 0.8% for the high dose (270 µg/cm2).No residual 14C was found in organs of the monkeys euthanized7 days after the topical application. Washing the skin applicationsite with soap and water removed 90 ± 4% of applied dose,and washing with water only removed 84 ± 3% of applieddose. Both soap and water and water only were equal in abilityto remove glyphosate from skin over a 24 hr skin applicationperiod. About 50% of the initially applied dose could be recoveredafter 24 hr. Glyphosate is very soluble in water and insolublein most organics (octanol/water log P = –1.70) and thereforenot compatible with the lipid-laden stratum corneum. This isconsistent with the low skin binding and skin absorption andalso consistent with the efficient removal from skin with soapand water or water-only wash.  相似文献   

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