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非埋植型与埋植型牙种植体骨界面改建的X线观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较非埋植型与埋植型两种不同种植方式种植体-骨界面组织变化的异同。方法 选用成年杂种犬8只,在其下颌分别植入埋植型与非埋植型种植体,分不同时期处死动物,采用X线对非埋植型与埋植型种植体-骨界面愈合过程进行动态观察,比较两者者界面改建的异同。结果 X线观察1、2、4周非埋植型和埋植型种植体-骨界面新骨形成的速度与骨性结合的程度均无明显差异。12周时,非埋植型和埋植型种植体与骨组织均紧密接触,但非埋植型种植体颈部观察到牙槽骨轻微吸收现象。结论 非埋植型种植体尽管植入后基桩在整个愈合过程中承受了一定的咬合力,但它能与埋植型种植体一样获得良好的骨结合。  相似文献   

非负荷期种植体周围牙槽骨丧失的X线观察   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的:研究非负荷期种植体周围骨吸收的时间变化规律。方法:以非埋植型纯钛种植体植入狗下颌骨,术后每月拍一次标准牙片,用Photoshop 6.01软件测量种植体周围骨吸收的量并加以分析。结果:种植体植入后第一个月骨吸收为0.64mm,每二个月为0.01mm,第三、四、五个月分别为0.04mm,0.15mm,0.24mm,第一个月骨吸收量与其余四个月之间有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:种植体植入后第一个月骨吸收最多,可能与手术创伤引起的骨组织改建局部加速现象有关。  相似文献   

目的 对比评价BLB、Camlog两种种植体临床非负荷期种植体周围牙槽骨吸收的情况.方法 拍摄X线片测量32例97枚BLB种植体和24例41枚Camlog种植体植入10 d、 4个月(下颌)、 6个月(上颌)种植体周围牙槽骨的吸收量.结果 BLB组和Camlog组种植体植入10 d后种植体周围平均骨吸收量分别为0.60 mm和0.98 mm(P<0.05),植入4个月(下颌)或6个月(上颌)后,骨吸收量分别为0.18 mm和0.22 mm(P>0.05). 4~6个月后两者无明显差异.结论 有羟基磷灰石涂层的BLB种植体较Camlog种植体初期骨吸收少.  相似文献   

目的:评价数字全景X片在测量非负荷期种植体周围牙槽骨吸收的应用情况。方法:观测、分析对比共26例病人50枚Camlog系统种植体的临床应用非负荷期间数字化X片和X线牙片上种植体周围牙槽骨吸收的情况。结果:50枚Carolog种植体植入后10天、两种X片骨吸收测量结果分别为0.65mm\0.81mm,两者之间无明显差异;第四个月(或六个月\下颌)分别为0.12\1mm\0.19mm,两者之间无明显差异。结论:本研究显示数字化X片在测量非负荷期种植体周围牙槽骨吸收的应用中有操作简单.重复性好、精确度高、变形可补偿等优点,有实际应用价值,值得推广。  相似文献   

本研究以14只成年杂种狗为实验对象,二种涂层复合牙种植体和钛合金种植体采用非埋植型和埋植型种植,植入到狗双侧下颌无牙区,分不同程期处死动物,组织形态学检查和定量组织学研究。结果表明:采用非埋植型和埋植型牙种植,种植体—骨界面均可达到骨性结合,埋植型较非埋植型达到骨性结合的速度快,结合程度高,植入3个月后,各型种植体 CLF 均可达到一较稳定水平,界面结合类型是混合性的。采用非埋植型种植体,应注意口腔清洁卫生,强调对炎症和(牙合)力的控制,防止纤维组织向根方生长。  相似文献   

在恢复缺失牙的治疗中 ,临床上传统的埋植型种植体应用已较广泛 ,但随着人们对种植体骨界面生物力学研究的深入 ,有学者提出种植体植入后给予适当的功能刺激有利于骨的生长和改建[1] 。我们通过组织学定量测定 ,比较两者受载后种植体 骨界面改建的动态变化 ,从定量的角度分析其种植体 骨界面结合的异同。一、材料和方法1.动物模型的建立 :健康雄性Beagle纯种犬 8只。拔除双侧下颌第 4前磨牙和第 1磨牙。拔牙创愈合 3个月后 ,行纯钛种植体植入。每只实验犬下颌左侧均植入埋植型种植体 3颗 ,右侧均植入非埋植型种植体 3颗。种植体植入后 3个…  相似文献   

目的:研究不同颈部形态种植体周围非负荷期骨吸收程度,为合理使用不同颈部形态的种植体提供参考依据.方法:收集采用种植修复治疗的患者45例,共51枚颈部光滑的种植修复体,其中ITI组颈部呈杯形种植体27枚; Anthogyr组圆柱形24枚.测量所有患者3个月时颈部周围骨组织总吸收量和术后10天、1个月、2个月、3个月时两组...  相似文献   

目的观察非埋植型与埋植型两种不同种植方式之间种植体—骨界面结合动态变化的异同。方法选用成年杂种犬8只,在其下颌分别植入埋植型与非埋植型种植体,分不同程期处死动物,采用骨组织形态计量学方法对非埋植型与埋植型种植体—骨界面愈合过程进行动态观察,比较了两者骨界面改建的异同,从定量的角度分析其变化的异同。结果非埋植型种植体骨结合率均略低于埋植型种植体,但它们之间无统计学差异。尽管非埋植型种植体植入后基桩在整个后基桩在整个愈合过程中承受了一定的咬合力,但它能与埋植型种植体一样获得良好的骨结合。结论埋植型与非埋植型种植体其新骨形成的速度与骨性结合的程度两者之间无明显差异。采用骨组织形态计量学方法定量、动态地研究种植体—骨界面结合动态变化有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:观察比较埋植型与非埋植型种植体在义齿修复受载后,其种植体一骨界面组织变化的异同。方法:选用纯系动物Beagle犬8只,在其下颌分别植入埋植型与非埋植型种植体,采用固定金属全冠行种植义齿修复,分不同程期处死动物。采用X线对埋植型与非埋植型种植体一骨界面改建过程进行动态观察,比较两者之间的异同。结果:X线显示各个程期所有埋植型和非埋植型种植体周围均无透光区,骨质密度和骨小梁的排列与宿主骨基本一致。非埋植型种植体颈部牙槽骨显示轻微的水平吸收。埋植型和非埋植型种植体之间无明显差异。结论:非埋植型种植体尽管植入后基桩在整个愈合过程中承受了一定的咀嚼力,但它能与埋植型种植体一样获得良好的骨结合。埋植型和非埋植型种植义齿受载后其界面的改建之间无显著差异。  相似文献   

目的:评价非潜入式植入法对平台转换连接种植体颈部牙槽骨吸收有无影响。方法:23例共33颗后牙缺失患者按要求植入ankylos种植体,取出覆盖螺丝并上愈合基台。植入当天和二期修复时拍牙片并进行前后对比。结果:1枚种植体植入一周时出现异常予以拔除,其余种植体均能形成良好的骨结合。经牙片对比,植入当天与二期修复时种植体颈部牙槽骨无明显变化。结论:非潜入式植入法对平台转换连接种植体颈部牙槽骨吸收无明显影响。  相似文献   

Objective: To determine if longitudinal bone level change at Astra Tech? implants placed in the posterior part of the dentition was influenced by the healing conditions provided following implant placement, i.e., submerged or non‐submerged healing. Material and methods: Eighty‐four patients and 115 fixed partial dentures (FPDs or cases) entered the study. The cases were randomized into two implant installation groups: initially non‐submerged (group A) or initially submerged (group B) implants. Three hundred and twenty‐four implants were installed (group A=153; group B=171): 145 in the maxilla and 179 in the mandible. Radiographs from the implant sites were obtained at FPD insertion (baseline) and subsequently every 12 months. In the radiographs, the position of the marginal bone at the mesial and distal aspects of the implants was determined and the radiographic (Rx) bone level change over time was calculated. Results: Seven implants failed to integrate (four in group A and three in group B). During the 5 years of monitoring, three implants had to be removed and 35 implants were lost to follow‐up. The Rx bone level alteration that occurred during year 1 was 0.02±0.38 mm in group A and 0.17±0.51 mm in group B. During the subsequent 4 years there was some further Rx bone loss in group B (0.02±0.62 mm), while in group A there was some gain of bone (0.07±0.5 mm). Conclusion: The peri‐implant bone level change and number of biological complications that took place during the 5 years was small and unrelated to the surgical protocol used for implant placement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and radiographic results of submerged and non-submerged implants for posterior single-tooth replacements and to assess patient-based outcomes. Twenty patients were included in the study. A split-mouth design was used; implants inserted using a submerged technique were compared to those inserted with a non-submerged technique. Implants were restored with metal–ceramic crowns after 3 months. Reconstructions were examined at baseline, 6, 12, and 24 months. Standardized radiographs were made. Radiographic crestal bone level changes were calculated, as well as soft tissue parameters, including pocket probing depth, bleeding on probing, plaque index, and gingival index. Results were analyzed by two-way repeated measures of variance (ANOVA). To evaluate patient-based outcomes, patients were asked to complete a questionnaire at the 6-month follow-up; the Wilcoxon paired signed rank test was used to compare scores. The data of 18 patients were reviewed. During 24 months, non-submerged implants (0.57 ± 0.21 mm) showed significantly lower bone loss than submerged implants (0.68 ± 0.22 mm) (P < 0.01). Patient satisfaction with non-submerged implants (median 87.5) was significantly higher than with submerged implants (median 81.5) (P < 0.01). Non-submerged implants showed comparable clinical results to submerged implants and resulted in higher patient satisfaction due to decreased surgical intervention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate bone-level alterations that occurred at implants of the Astra Tech(R) System that were placed in the load carrying, posterior parts of the dentition using either a submerged (two-stage) or a non-submerged (one-stage) installation protocol. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighty-four patients that required 115 fixed partial dentures (FPDs or cases) entered the prospective study. All subjects were assigned one patient and > or =one case numbers. For the randomization of cases, a custom-made program based on balanced random permuted blocks was utilized. The cases were assigned to two treatment groups, namely one-stage installation procedure, non-submerged technique (group A) and two-stage installation procedure, submerged technique (group B). Several subjects contributed with cases to both groups A and B. Periodontal, endodontal and open caries lesions were treated prior to implant installation. All patients received careful oral hygiene instruction and training in self-performed plaque control measures. The surgical technique used for fixture installation followed the outline described in the manual for the Astra Tech System. The FPDs were placed 3 months (mandible) and 6 months (maxilla) following implant installation. Immediately following FPD placement, a baseline examination was performed that included assessment of plaque, soft-tissue inflammation and bone level. Clinicians who were otherwise not involved in the study performed the radiographic measurements. Clinical and radiographical examinations were repeated once a year after the baseline examination. DATA ANALYSIS: The primary outcome variable was the change in the bone level at the implants from the time of placement of the bridge (FPD) to the 1- and 2-year reexaminations. Fisher's permutation test was used to test if differences existed between groups A and B, and between patients (men/women, smokers/non-smokers, age), sites (maxilla/mandible) and implants (length, diameter). Pitman's test was used to study correlations between bone shape and quality data and different radiographic bone-level data. RESULTS: It was demonstrated that tissue healing following implant installation appeared to be independent of the surgical protocol, i.e. whether the marginal portions of the implants during surgery were fully or only partly submerged under the ridge mucosa. Thus, (i) in both treatment groups the number of implants that failed to osseointegrate (early failures) was small (<2%); (ii) at the end of the recommended periods of bone healing prior to loading, - in both groups, maxilla=6 months and mandible=3 months - the level of the marginal bone was close to the coronal rim of the fixture; group A: 1.54+/-0.92 mm, group B: 1.31+/-0.77 mm. The current study also demonstrated that irrespective of surgical protocol (two-stage, one-stage), implants supporting the FPDs exhibited only small amount of radiographic bone loss during the first year of function (group A: 0.02+/-038 mm, group B: 0.17+/-0.64 mm). Moreover, during the second year of function, the amount of additional bone loss that occurred in the two treatment groups was close to zero. CONCLUSION: Periimplant bone-level change during function seemed to be unrelated to whether initial soft- and hard-tissue healing following implant installation had occurred under submerged or non-submerged conditions.  相似文献   

目的应用AutoCAD确定牙槽骨水平的界值范围,为临床牙槽骨水平的定量评估提供准确的数值和客观依据。方法选择2009—2010年山西医科大学口腔医学院放射科拍摄的302例无缺牙患者的数字曲面体层片302张,测量釉牙骨质界(CEJ)下2mm、牙根颈1/3和牙根颈1/2的区域面积,并分别与CEJ至根尖点(RA)的面积相比得出各测量项目面积比值。结果 CEJ下2mm的面积比值为0.1535±0.0091,牙根颈1/3的面积比值为0.3265±0.0152,牙根颈1/2的面积比值为0.5039±0.0202,可以将其面积比值的均数作为牙槽骨吸收的定量界值范围。结论应用AutoCAD测量牙槽骨吸收的面积比值得到的界值范围,可作为临床客观评价标准。  相似文献   

目的:对单个种植体周围牙槽骨发生碟形和楔形垂直吸收并处于稳定期时的骨内应力变化状况,进行比较研究。方法:应用MSC-NASTRAN软件建立种植体周围不同形状、不同深度骨缺损的垂直骨吸收稳定期三维有限元模型,在垂直及斜向载荷下进行计算分析。结果:单个种植体周围牙槽骨发生少量垂直吸收后并处于稳定期时,随着骨缺损深度的增加,垂直载荷下骨内最大Von-Mises应力值有很小幅度的波动;斜向载荷下骨内最大Von-Mises应力值会增大,但幅度不大。同等骨缺损深度的碟形和楔形吸收的骨内应力情况相差较小。结论:在骨皮质保持完整及种植体不松动的情况下,种植体周围骨组织发生少量的垂直吸收时,骨内应力情况随缺损深度增加变化不大;而且相同条件下两种形状垂直骨吸收的骨内应力情况较相近。  相似文献   

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