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In a prospective study, a commercial polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system was compared with a conventional procedure, based on PCR and hybridization with a radio-labeled probe, for the detection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in 131 blood samples from 80 children born to HIV-seropositive mothers. Twenty-three of these children were HIV infected. The sensitivity and specificity of the commercial assay as compared with the conventional PCR procedure were 100% and 95.1%, respectively. This commercial method simplifies the performance of the conventional PCR technique and can be used to detect HIV type 1 vertical transmission.  相似文献   

We developed an improved microtiter-based assay for the detection of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified DNA sequences. The synthetic DNA sequences used to prime the PCR were labeled with biotin at their 5' ends so that the specific PCR product was labeled with biotin. Following amplification, an aliquot of the PCR product was denatured and hybridized to a capture DNA sequence immobilized in a microtiter well. The capture sequence was complementary to a portion of the sequence between the primers, so that only extended primers were captured. The captured PCR product was detected colorimetrically by using a streptavidin-peroxidase conjugate and tetramethylbenzidine substrate.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood of 57 patients with antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) and of five HIV-1 seronegative subjects at risk for HIV-1 infection were analysed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and virus isolation. The virus was recovered from peripheral blood cells in 89% and from plasma in 75% of the HIV-1 seropositive cases. In contrast, proviral HIV-1 DNA was detected in all HIV-1 seropositive patients by dot blot hybridization of the amplified fragments. The intensities of the dot blot reactions were less pronounced in asymptomatic HIV-1 seropositive individuals than in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS-related complex (ARC), suggesting an increase in proviral DNA with advancing disease. Three of five seronegative patients with signs or symptoms suggesting HIV-1 infection, but none of the controls, were positive for HIV-1 DNA by one or two primer pairs. These results show a high sensitivity of the PCR for detecting HIV-1 DNA in patients of all stages of HIV-1 infection. Proviral DNA can also be detected in some individuals without detectable antibodies to the virus. The virus load in peripheral blood, as determined by virus cultivation and PCR, seems to increase with progression of the infection.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing using up to four primer pairs and biotinylated probes was 97.9% sensitive (188 of 192 specimens positive) and 100% specific (267 of 267 specimens negative) for detecting the presence or absence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from pediatric patients whose HIV status has been confirmed. SK38/39 and SK145/150 were the most sensitive primer pairs, respectively detecting HIV DNA in 95.6 and 95.9% of peripheral blood mononuclear cell specimens from HIV-infected children and collectively detecting all adequately tested PCR-positive specimens. Primer pairs SK29/30 and SK68/69 respectively detected HIV DNA in only 76.4 and 76.6% of HIV-positive specimens. Among infants born to HIV-seropositive mothers, 30 who subsequently were confirmed to be infected were sampled when they were less than or equal to 6 months of age; in all but one infant, HIV DNA was found in the first specimen collected. Among the nine youngest infected infants tested, all were PCR positive by 38 days of age. PCR methods thus have reliably detected vertically transmitted HIV infection early in life.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Studies of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection have attempted to quantitate the viral load correlate it with the degree of immune deficiency. In one study, only about 1 in 10,000 peripheral-blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) expressed HIV-1, but in other studies, at least 1 in 100 CD4-positive cells was infected and harbored the HIV-1 provirus. METHODS. We developed a new, highly sensitive in situ polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) method that amplifies selected genetic regions within intact single cells. We used this technique to determine the proportion of PBMC carrying HIV-1 provirus in infected patients in different stages of disease. RESULTS. None of the PBMC from 11 HIV-1--seronegative patients were found to be positive for HIV-1 provirus by the in situ PCR method. In 56 patients infected with HIV-1, the percentage of PBMC with HIV-1 ranged from 0.1 percent to 13.5 percent. The mean percentage of infected mononuclear cells was greater in 13 patients with persistent generalized adenopathy (mean, 6.6 percent) and 19 with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (Stages IV-A to IV-C) (4.6 percent) than in 19 patients with asymptomatic HIV-1 infection (0.9 percent) (P less than 0.001). However, in five patients with Kaposi's sarcoma (Stage IV-D), an average of only 1.6 percent of mononuclear cells were infected. CONCLUSIONS. In HIV-1 infection, the proportion of PBMC that are infected appears to be at least 10 times higher than previously described. It is likely that most infected cells contain HIV-1 provirus in a latent or defective form that was not detected in some earlier studies.  相似文献   

A procedure for rapid detection of JC virus (JCV) using the polymerase chain reaction is described. The procedure was tested in eight HIV-1-seropositive patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. One-step DNA extraction using a chelating resin was carried out on clinical samples of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), urine and brain tissue. After amplification, PCR products were detected by a DNA hybridization method. Microplates were coated with a specific probe and hybridized PCR products were revealed by a commercial colorimetric immunoassay. Using this procedure JC virus DNA was detected in all CSF specimens from patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. This sensitive and rapid (24 h) procedure could greatly facilitate use of the DNA probe assay for detection of JC virus in clinical laboratories.  相似文献   

In 13 of 16 AIDS patients with retinitis, a herpesviruslike infection was diagnosed by clinical investigation. In 12 of the 13 patients, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA was detected in 5 microliters of aqueous humor by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the aqueous humor of 12 control patients HCMV DNA could not be detected by PCR. PCR may be used to monitor specific antiviral long-term therapy in HCMV retinitis.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction was used to measure the DNA copy number of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Differences in polymerase chain reaction amplification efficiency were controlled by amplifying known amounts of HIV DNA in parallel with samples. This technique is a sensitive, accurate, and reproducible method for the quantitation of HIV DNA.  相似文献   

A specific and sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure for the detection of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was developed. PBMC from both blood samples and cultures were digested by proteinase K in a lysis buffer, and after heat inactivation of the proteinase, the resultant material was used in a two step amplification protocol using nested sets of primers. Two independent amplifications, from the gag and pol genes respectively, were performed in each tube. The PCR was positive for six of 14 samples from FIV seropositive adult cats, while all 36 samples from seronegative cats were negative. In comparison with an antigen-capturing ELISA procedure, the PCR detected FIV infection in PBMC cultures on average two days earlier.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked oligosorbent assay (ELOSA) was developed for the detection on microtiter plates of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) DNA. The denatured PCR product was hybridized with a passively adsorbed oligonucleotide capture probe and a horseradish peroxidase-labeled oligonucleotide detection probe. The sensitivity and specificity of the PCR-ELOSA technique depended to some extent on the nucleotide sequences of the oligonucleotide primer and probe quartet used in the amplification and detection. We evaluated five oligonucleotide quartets located in the gag, pol, vpr, env, and nef regions of HIV-1. DNAs from 39 HIV-1-seropositive individuals and 27 healthy HIV-1-seronegative controls were amplified by the PCR procedure, and the products were detected by ELOSA. Ten copies of HIV-1 DNA against a background of 1 microgram of human DNA were specifically detected by PCR-ELOSA. Specificities and sensitivities were, respectively, 100 and 95% for the gag system, 100 and 97% for the pol system, 100 and 85% for the vpr system, 96 and 95% for the env system, and 100 and 95% for the nef system. The simplicity of ELOSA makes it suitable for automation and applicable to genetic testing and detection of viral and bacterial DNAs or RNAs in most routine laboratories.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency viruses types 1 and 2 have been implicated as the etiologic agent of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and its related disorders. The direct detection of human immunodeficiency virus is complicated by the low incidence of free circulating virus as well as the small number of infected cells. An in vitro DNA amplification procedure known as the polymerase chain reaction has been applied to the detection of the human immunodeficiency virus proviral sequences in infected individuals. This article highlights the features of the polymerase chain reaction and its contribution to the detection of these viruses.  相似文献   

A clone containing the complete genome of chicken anaemia virus (CAV) was used in hybridizations with DNA from various field isolates of CAV. CAV DNA from all field isolates was detected in a polymerase chain reaction with oligonucleotides derived from the sequence of the cloned CAV DNA as primers. By way of Southern blot analysis with (32)P-labelled DNA probes derived from cloned CAV DNA, all field isolates were shown to contain DNA molecules of about 2.3 kb, i.e. the size of cloned CAV DNA. In a dot-blot assay it was demonstrated that non-radioactively-labelled cloned CAV DNA hybridized specifically to DNA from field isolates. The cloned CAV DNA is highly similar to the DNA of field isolates, as borne out by restriction-enzyme mapping. We conclude that our cloned CAV genome is representative for CAV in the field. The described PCR and hybridization techniques, may, therefore, be used for research and diagnosis of CAV infections.  相似文献   

A convenient assay combining solution hybridization and enzyme immunoassay for DNA-RNA hybrids (polymerase chain reaction-enzyme immunoassay [PCR-EIA]) was developed to detect human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) provirus amplified by the PCR and was compared with oligomer hybridization with 32P-labeled SK19. In PCR-EIA, a fragment of the HIV-1 gag gene from peripheral blood mononuclear cells was first amplified with primer pair SK38/SK39 or O1/O2. PCR-amplified material was reacted in solution with a biotinylated RNA probe. Biotinylated hybrids were measured in a microtiter-plate EIA with antibiotin antibody and a beta-D-galactosidase-conjugated monoclonal antibody to DNA-RNA hybrids. Ten copies of HIV-1 DNA could be detected by PCR-EIA by using two different sets of primers. HIV-1 DNA was detected in 104 of 108 peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples by using SK38/39 and oligomer hybridization, in 104 of 108 samples by using SK38/SK39 and PCR-EIA, and in 104 of 108 samples by using O1/O2 and PCR-EIA. HIV-1 provirus was detected in 107 of 108 samples by using a combination of two sets of primers. One sample from a seropositive patient was negative in all three PCR assays, and six samples gave discordant results between primer pairs. Six of the latter samples scored negative in a PCR for beta-globin but became positive when the sample was diluted before amplification. When applied to clinical samples, PCR-EIA generated results similar to those of an isotopic assay for detection of amplified DNA.  相似文献   

In addition to tests for the group-specific hexon antigen of adenoviruses, adenoviruses can be detected in clinical specimens by hybridization assays utilizing the widely shared base sequences of the region of the hexon gene that codes for the group-reactive determinants. We have developed a liquid-phase hybridization system with biotin- and europium-labeled probes which are reacted after DNA amplification of a 161-bp region of the hexon gene and which are quantitated by time-resolved (TR) fluorometry in streptavidin-coated microtiter wells. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-TR fluorometry is not a rapid test in the usual sense, but it is highly useful for specimens with inherent toxicity or with low virus yield, such as organ minces and specimens obtained late in the course of an illness. In a survey of 103 specimens tested by this method, including urine, stool, and tissue suspensions, the agreement with the hexon-specific TR fluoroimmunoassay antigen test for positive specimens was 100% and the sensitivity compared with that of virus culture was 91%. The PCR-TR fluorometry system was also shown to be advantageous as a quantitative measure of PCR products.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive two-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was evaluated for detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) DNA in clinical specimens. The product resulting from the first amplification reaction is used as the template for the second PCR with an internal (nested) primer pair. Even when starting from a single copy of HIV-1 DNA, the double PCR product was readily detected by direct visualization in ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels. Amplification of minute amounts of HIV-1 DNA was successful in a considerable excess of HIV-1 negative DNA than reported previously. All of 85 HIV-1-infected individuals were PCR-positive with at least two of the three sets of primers used, 252 of 255 amplifications allowing unambiguous visualization of a unique DNA fragment of the expected size. The two-step amplification protocol is simple and rapid and fulfills the requirements of sensitivity and specificity for use in a clinical laboratory.  相似文献   

Novel sets of env gene PCR primers for distinguishing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtypes B and E were designed. These primers anneal to different regions of the env gene and amplify DNA fragments of distinct sizes in a subtype-specific manner. Blood samples from 11 HIV-1 carriers in Thailand and 46 carriers in Japan were examined by PCR. The new env primers detected HIV-1 proviral DNA in 100% (11/11) and 88% (37/42) of the subtype B and E infection cases, respectively. The env primers also detected proviral DNA in saliva and breast milk samples in seven of 11 cases and two of three cases, respectively. The PCR subtyping results matched completely with those obtained by nucleotide sequencing of the env V3 region. The results suggest that the PCR using the env primers designed in this study may be an accurate and cost-effective method for differentiating subtypes B and E of HIV-1 in a large number of clinical samples. However, subtype E specific primer cross-react with subtype A, C, G, the new primer in this study is useful for regions in South East Asia where subtype E is predominant.  相似文献   

We compared the sensitivity of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to that of slot blot hybridization for detecting hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in the serum of a chimpanzee infected with HBV and 52 patients. Also, we utilized a rapid PCR procedure for the detection: Viral DNA was released from virions by incubating serum with NaOH. After a primary PCR amplification, the sample was reamplified using a second set of primer pairs (PCR/PCR). In the chimpanzee, HBV DNA was detected 3 weeks earlier than the appearance of hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg) and persisted for two weeks with antibody to HBsAg. Of the 14 chronic hepatitis B patients positive for both HBsAg and HBV e antigen (eAg), 9 were positive for HBV DNA by slot blot hybridization and all 14 by PCR. Also, of 9 patients positive for HBsAg and antibody to eAg, 2 were positive for HBV DNA by slot blot hybridization and 8 by PCR. Three of the 11 patients who had lost HBsAg during follow up examination of chronic hepatitis B were positive for HBV DNA by PCR, whereas none of them was positive by slot blot hybridization. Six patients who had recovered from acute hepatitis B more than one year ago and 12 cases who had had vaccination of HBV were negative for HBV DNA by PCR. This technique should yield valuable information on the biology of HBV.  相似文献   

Dried blood spots (DBSs) constitute a potentially valuable source of material for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) serologic and molecular testing. To facilitate molecular testing, we have adapted the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to the detection of HIV proviral DNA in DBS samples. The method is highly reproducible, with 75 microliters of whole dried blood providing sufficient DNA for duplicate testing with three primer sets. By using DBS PCR, 66 of 69 (95.6%) seropositive at-risk individuals tested positive by at least two primer sets and 85 of 85 (100%) low-risk seronegative blood donors tested negative by all three sets of primers. The frequency of HIV DNA detection in seronegative at-risk individuals was low, with only 1 of 58 (1.7%) individuals testing positive. These results show that in a clinical environment, HIV PCR analysis of DBS specimens is specific and sensitive. The method is cost effective and presents a useful alternative to the isolation of HIV from seropositive babies with an undefined infection status.  相似文献   

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