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染料介导光氧化固定牛带瓣颈静脉的生物特性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解染料介导光氧化固定牛颈静脉的生物稳定性,抗钙化性和免疫原性,新鲜的牛颈带瓣静脉经染料介导光氧化法固定,分别进行化学消化和胃蛋白酶消化,上清液进行梯度聚丙烯酰胺电泳来了解其生物稳定性;将氧化固定的材料埋植于SD大鼠皮下,3周后取出,测钙含量、进行钙染色以及组织学检查了解其抗钙化性和免疫原性;采用戊二醛固定以及新鲜的牛带瓣颈静脉作为对照。染料介导光氧化固定的牛带瓣颈静脉经化学和酶消化之后的上清液电泳之后出现极淡的蛋白条带,明显淡于新鲜的未处理的材料,戊二醛固定的材料几乎不出现蛋白条带。皮下埋植3周后,钙含量测定,染料介导光氧化组显著低于戊二醛组,统计学上差异有显著性意义;钙染色,戊二醛组可见大量的钙沉积,新鲜组也可见钙沉积,但比戊二醛组少,染料介导光氧化组只见少量钙沉积;组织学检查提示光氧化组细胞浸润明显少于其他两组。体外动物实验提示,染料介导光氧化固定的牛带瓣颈静脉具有生物稳定性,低的钙化性和低免疫原性。  相似文献   

心血管外科中应用的异种生物组织一般都要进行固定,最为成熟和广泛的方法是戊二醛固定,但是其存在很多的缺点,具有生物毒性,容易钙化,耐久性差,促使人们努力寻找一种更好的替代方法,其中染料介导的光氧化固定被认为是一种很有前途的方法。染料介导光氧化固定方法比较简单,把需要固定的组织浸泡于含有光敏染料的缓冲液中光照。染料介导光氧化固定方法相比戊二醛固定,具有生物毒性低,不易钙化的优点,与戊二醛固定一样,具有生物稳定性高、免疫原性低的特点。从目前的研究看,染料介导光氧化固定技术是一种很有前途的生物组织固定方法。  相似文献   

评价经单宁酸后处理的牛颈静脉带瓣血管的血液相容性,探讨其在心血管外科中的应用前景。带瓣牛颈静脉经常规戊二醛处理后,再以单宁酸溶液进行后处理,然后进行体外动态凝血实验,血小板黏附性能实验,D-二聚体测定和补体激活实验进行血液相容性评价,与传统的戊二醛处理的带瓣牛颈静脉作平行对照。结果表明:(1)单宁酸处理后的带瓣牛颈静脉抗凝血性能优于对照组;(2)单宁酸处理后带瓣牛颈静脉血小板黏附比对照组明显减轻且变形小;(3)D-二聚体含量各组均在正常范围内,单宁酸处理前后无显著性差异(P〉0.05);(4)补体激活实验中单宁酸处理后的带瓣牛颈静脉组补体C3a水平明显低于对照组(P〈0.05)。经单宁酸处理后带瓣牛静脉体外血液相容性得到改善,显示了在临床上应用的可能性。  相似文献   

亲水性交联剂处理牛颈静脉的理化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别用 4 %的 EX- 313与 0 .5 %的戊二醛处理牛颈静脉带瓣胶原管道 ,所获的材料分别进行外观、扫描电镜与光镜检查 ;另外进行大鼠皮下埋植试验 ,生物力学的测试 ,所获的数据进行 t检验。EX- 313处理后的材料比戊二醛处理者质地更接近天然血管 ,结构间充满空隙 ,抗张强度与戊二醛处理者相当 ,抗钙化方面 EX- 313处理者明显优于戊二醛处理者。用亲水性交联剂 EX- 313处理的生物材料在抗钙化与顺应性方面比戊二醛更有优势 ,由其处理的牛颈静脉有可能成为较理想心脏修复材料  相似文献   

背景:Triton X-100、环氧氯丙烷联合改性处理戊二醛固定的牛颈静脉管道是一种新型抗钙化右心管道材料,其生物相容性方面的研究较少。 目的:评价新型抗钙化牛颈静脉管道的体外细胞毒性。 方法:通过CCK-8法检测新型抗钙化牛颈静脉管道(实验组)及单纯戊二醛处理牛颈静脉管道材料浸提液(对照组)对L-929小鼠成纤维细胞的毒性作用,以第2,4天为检测时间点,计算细胞相对增殖率、对材料毒性进行分级。 结果与结论:CCK-8法细胞毒性试验显示新型抗钙化牛颈静脉管道材料浸提液第2,4天L-929细胞增殖率均在85%以上,毒性分级为1级,无细胞毒性,且显著优于对照组(P < 0.05)。提示经戊二醛、Triton X-100、环氧氯丙烷联合处理制备的新型抗钙化牛颈静脉管道材料无细胞毒性。  相似文献   

为从化学角度探索单宁酸与牛颈静脉的交联机制,使用5种含有单宁酸不同特征基团的模式分子,分别对戊二醛固定后的牛颈静脉带瓣血管进行交联处理。体内实验采用20只SD大鼠皮下植入处理后的带瓣血管,21和60 d后用原子吸收光谱法测定抗钙化效果,用Masson和EVG染色测定交联程度。体外采用热稳定性和酶解实验检测交联程度,并使用傅里叶变换红外光谱检测带瓣血管化学结构的变化,推测单宁酸与带瓣血管交联作用的类型;进一步在确定交联类型的体系中加入系列浓度梯度(0.1、0.3、0.5、1 M)的尿素,对交联类型使用同样方法进行验证。结果显示,含多酚羟基的单宁酸组带瓣血管交联程度最高,21和60 d钙含量分别为2.25、8.26 mg/g,抗钙化能力最优(P<0.05);傅里叶变换红外光谱图中,单宁酸组带瓣血管有氢键生成。浓度梯度尿素实验表明,随着尿素浓度的增加,单宁酸与牛颈静脉组织交联程度下降(P<0.05),60 d时单宁酸组钙含量为8.10 mg/g,远低于加入0.1 M尿素组的16.83 mg/g和0.5 M尿素组的50.76 mg/g(P < 0.001)。研究表明,单宁酸对牛颈静脉带瓣血管的交联作用是由其所含的多酚羟基与组织中蛋白质基团间通过氢键而产生的,为进一步优化单宁酸抗钙化处理流程提供依据。  相似文献   

经传统戊二醛(GA)交联的牛颈静脉易发生钙化,限制了其在临床上的广泛应用。在GA交联基础上增加单宁酸(TA)处理,取得了良好的抗钙化效果,但也存在组织柔顺性较差的不足。根据单宁酸易与金属阳离子产生螯合作用的特性,本研究尝试应用三价铁离子(Fe3+)与反应体系中的单宁酸形成螯合物,防止单宁酸过度反应,从而提高其抗钙化的综合性能。探索Fe3+添加方式和pH等反应条件,分别通过单轴拉伸实验测定力学性能、大鼠皮下植入实验测定钙化水平和两点弯曲法测定血管柔顺性,筛选出优化的TA-Fe3+处理方法,并对此方法处理得到的牛颈静脉进行生物相容性评价。结果表明,碱性条件(pH=8)下,TA处理前增加Fe3+处理步骤能改善TA固定牛颈静脉的组织柔顺性,柔顺度较TA组显著改善,同时保持了TA处理的力学强度;大鼠皮下植入21和60 d后钙含量显著低于GA组[21 d:(1.71±0.41) mg/g vs (38.12±7.40) mg/g; 60 d:(2.73±1.13) mg/g vs (124.19±14.22) ...  相似文献   

目的 建立兔颈静脉内皮细胞原位消化、体外获取及培养的方法.方法 仅解剖游离单侧兔颈静脉,并保留在原位,对侧颈静脉不进行解剖游离.阻断该静脉段的两端并插管,向该静脉段内灌注Ⅰ型胶原酶进行原位消化.切取该颈静脉段,离体状态下获取兔颈静脉内皮细胞,使用EGM-2培养基培养并传代.倒置显微镜、透射电镜观察获取的兔颈静脉内皮细胞,免疫组化法检测Ⅷ因子.结果 获取的兔颈静脉内皮细胞原代培养7~10d左右可达到80%融合.光镜下细胞为短梭形或多角形,呈“鹅卵石”样排列.透射电镜可见内皮细胞特征性的Weibel-Palade小体.兔Ⅷ因子相关抗原免疫组化检测阳性.获取的兔颈静脉内皮细胞进行冻存、复苏和传代后均可以正常生长.结论 成功建立了兔颈静脉内皮细胞原位消化、体外获取及培养的方法.  相似文献   

目的检测氯离子通道蛋白3(chloride channel 3,ClC-3)在体外培养的牛角膜内皮细胞(bovine corneal endothelial cell,BCECs)k中的表达和定位。方法应用免疫荧光法测定ClC-3在体外培养BCECs的所在部位,RT-PCR和Wester印迹法检测ClC-3mRNA和蛋白的表达。结果在体外培养的BCECs,RT-PCR可以扩增出长度为602bp的ClC-3的cDNA产物。Western印迹可见到约85ku的发光条带,细胞膜和部分细胞浆可见到ClC-3的表达。结论体外培养的BCECs在转录和翻译水平均有内源性ClC-3基因表达,表达产物存在定位于细胞膜和内质网部分细胞浆。  相似文献   

背景:胶质瘤的根除治疗至今仍是一大难题,抗血管生成治疗胶质瘤有望成为新的有效途径。目的:证实内皮抑素在体外对血管生长的抑制作用,为今后利用其抑制肿瘤生长奠定实验室基础。方法:取Wistar大鼠肝脏,提取mRNA后利用RT-PCR获取内皮抑素cDNA片段。碱裂解法小量提取质粒pcDNA3。重组质粒pcDNA3-Endo的构建。重组pcDNA3-Endo真核表达载体转染骨髓间充质干细胞。RT-PCR及Western Blot检测内皮抑素基因的表达。MTT法检测ECV-304细胞增殖抑制实验。体外实验共分成4个组:重组质粒组、空载质粒组、脂质体对照组及空白对照组。结果与结论:成功构建pcDNA3-Endo重组真核表达质粒,pcDNA3-Endo质粒能在体外有效转录并分泌内皮抑素基因,转染了外源pcDNA3-Endo质粒的ECV-304细胞增殖明显受到抑制。结果提示内皮抑素基因能在体外有效抑制血管内皮细胞的增殖。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

Knowledge of variations of veins of head and neck in relation to external jugular, anterior jugular, internal jugular, and facial veins is important to surgeons doing head and neck surgery as well as to radiologists doing catheterization and to clinicians in general. In the current case, multiple variations in the veins of the left side of neck are reported. The anterior division of retromandibular vein was absent. The facial vein continued as anterior jugular vein. The internal jugular vein was duplicated above the level of hyoid bone. There was a large communicating vein between the anterior jugular vein and anterior division of internal jugular vein. Lingual vein drained into the communicating vein. Jugular venous arch was abnormally large, doubled, and highly placed. The veins of the right side were normal.  相似文献   

The most common cause of a neck mass that increases in size on the Valsalva maneuver is laryngocele. Jugular phlebectasia is a congenital dilation of the jugular vein, which is extremely rare in adults, may present similarly. Duplication of the internal jugular vein (IJV), which is usually encountered coincidentally, is another rare anatomic variation. Isolated cases or cases associated with IJV ectasia have been reported. We report on an adult patient with coexisting external jugular phlebectasia and internal jugular duplication on the same side.  相似文献   

Context:Venous outflow from the cranial cavity occurs mainly through the internal jugular vein (IJV). The increase in venous outflow through IJV is possible by head elevation. IJV collapse may indicate the reduction of blood volume in the vein and show the head elevation effectiveness.Aims:The aim of this study is to examine the impact of head elevation on IJV size.Results:Thirty-one volunteers were involved (19 males), their average age was 37.0 ± 11.5 years. Increasing the head elevation angle by 15°, 30° and 45° resulted in a decrease in IJV diameter in the right and left sides in all patients. The occurrence of the vein walls collapse corresponds to the collapsibility index equal to 100%. The results showed that 100% collapsibility index was recorded in 6 patients (19%) at 15° head elevation, in 12 patients (39%) at 30°, in 11 patients (35%) at 45°. In two volunteers (6%), 100% collapsibility index was not recorded even at maximum 45° head elevation.Conclusions:Ultrasound IJV scanning during gradual head elevation together with the collapsibility index calculation could be useful guidance for the venous outflow assessment. In order to prove and extend the study findings, more research is needed.  相似文献   

We present a very rare case of right partial and double internal jugular veins, found in an 86-year-old Japanese female cadaver during a student dissection practice session in 2002 at Osaka Dental University. In this case, the right internal jugular vein separated into medial and lateral branches at a level with the middle of the fifth cervical vertebra. Both branches had the same thickness as an internal jugular vein and poured into the right subclavian vein. A slender venous space slit was formed by these two branches and the right subclavian vein. The inferior belly of the right omohyoid muscle and the inferior root of the right ansa cervicalis passed through the superior region in this venous space. To our knowledge, this case has never been reported previously. Therefore, we attempted to investigate the incidence based on existing references for similar cases and speculated on the development based on our findings. We considered the medial branch was the right internal jugular vein and the lateral branch was the communicating branch between the external and internal jugular veins.  相似文献   

A rare bilateral duplication of the internal jugular vein (IJV) was discovered during cadaveric dissection. From each jugular foramen, a single IJV descended to the level of the hyoid bone then divided into medial and lateral veins. The medial IJVs traveled in the carotid sheath; the lateral IJVs coursed posterolateral to the sheath across the lateral cervical region (posterior triangle) of the neck. On the right side, medial and lateral IJVs entered the subclavian vein separately. C2-C3 anterior rami and the suprascapular artery passed between the medial and lateral IJVs. The right external jugular vein passed aberrantly between the heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) into the subclavian vein anterior to the lateral IJV. On the left side, the medial IJV drained into a large bulbous jugulovertebrosubclavian (JVS) sinus that received six main vessels. The lateral IJV diverged posterolaterally toward the border of the trapezius muscle, received the transverse cervical vein, and then turned sharply anteromedially to drain into the JVS sinus. The lateral IJV also gave an aberrant additional large vein that passed laterally around the omohyoid muscle before entering the JVS sinus. The left external jugular vein paralleled the anterior border of SCM before passing posterolaterally to terminate in the JVS sinus. Jugular vein anomalies of this magnitude are very rare. Determining the frequency of multiple IJVs is hampered by inconsistent terminology. We suggest that IJV duplication differs from fenestration anatomically and, potentially, developmentally. Criteria for characterizing IJV duplication and fenestration are proposed. The mechanism of development and the clinical significance of multiple IJVs are discussed.  相似文献   

颈静脉孔的应用解剖学   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:为与颈静脉孔相关的影像诊断和临床治疗提供解剖学资料。方法:从颅底内、外面,对80具成年颅骨的颈静脉孔进行观测;并对20具成人尸头进行解剖,观察该区域神经血管解剖关系。结果:①62.3%右侧颈静脉孔较左侧大,15.9%左侧较大,21.8%两侧大小一致;②14.38%的颈静脉孔有骨桥,85.62%无骨桥;③颈静脉孔内、外侧缘距正中矢状面两侧的平均距离颅外均较颅内大:颅外分别为26.11mm和33.41mm,颅内分别为22.29mm和27.52mm。④XI脑神经多沿颈静脉孔前上缘,X、XI脑神经沿内侧缘出颅,两者被纤维索(占87.5%)或骨桥(占12.5%)隔开。⑤IX脑神经多经颈静脉孔外口前上缘向前下越过颈内动脉表面;IX脑神经经颈内静脉深面(占57.5%)或其浅面(42.5%)行向后下。结论:右侧颈静脉孔通常较左侧大,左右不对称;影像学观测该区域血管、神经应选择恰当的层面。  相似文献   

Summary The dissection of 100 external jugular veins in 50 cadavers was the object of this anatomic study. A certain number of notions concerning the afferent veins, the mode of termination and the valvular system of this vessel were defined. 1)Afferent veins. Along its pathway toward the deep venous system, the external jugular vein successively received: the transverse cervical vein in 88 cases (88%), usually opposite the intersection of the external jugular vein with the dorsal border of the sterno- cleidomastoid muscle; the suprascapular vein in 47 cases (47%); the anterior jugular vein in 46 cases (46%); the cervical vein or anastomosis with the latter in 13 cases (13%). 2)Mode of termination. Forty-three subjects presented a symmetric mechanism. 100 anastomoses can be classed into three types: in 60 cases (60%), the external jugular vein flowed into the jugulo-subclavian venous confluence; in 36 cases (36%), in to the subclavian vein at a distance from its junction with the internal jugular vein; in 4 cases (4%) in to the trunk of the internal jugular vein. 3)Study of the valves. There were studied in 25 subjects (50 external jugular veins). The valves were found in the ostial and paraostial position in 49 out of 50 veins.
Contribution à l'étude des afférences et de la terminaison de la veine jugulaire externe
Résumé Cette étude anatomique repose sur la dissection de 100 vv. jugulaires externes chez 50 cadavres. Elle a permis de préciser un certain nombre de notions concernant les veines afférentes, le mode de terminaison et le système valvulaire de ce vaisseau. 1)Veines afférentes. Le long de son trajet vers le sytème veineux profond, la v. jugulaire externe reçoit successivement: la v. cervicale transverse dans 88 cas (88 %), habituellement en regard du croisement de la v. jugulaire externe avec le bord dorsal du m. sterno-cléido-mastoïdien ; la v. supra-scapulaire dans 47 cas (47 %); la v. jugulaire antérieure dans 46 cas (46 %) ; la v. céphalique ou une anastomose avec celle-ci dans 13 cas (13 %). 2)Mode de terminaison. Quarante trois sujets présentent un dispositif symétrique. Les 100 abouchements peuvent être classés en trois types : dans 60 cas (60 %) la v. jugulaire externe se déverse dans le confluent veineux jugulo-subclavier ; dans 36 cas (36 %), dans la v. subclavière à distance de sa réunion avec la v. jugulaire interne ; dans 4 cas (4 %) dans le tronc de la v. jugulaire interne. 3)Etude des valvules. Recherchées chez 25 sujets (50 vv. jugulaires externes), les valvules ont été retrouvées dans 49 cas sur 50 en position ostiale ou paraostiale.

目的探讨估测右颈内静脉前路法置管长度最适宜的公式。方法选取2013年1月至2013年6月我科经右颈内静脉留置深静脉导管患者67例,分别用4种公式对置入导管长度进行估测,并与实际置入至正确位置的长度进行比较,分析4种公式的准确性。结果 4种公式估测置入长度的误差百分比均在15%以内。公式1估测长度与实际长度无明显差异(P0.05);其余3种公式的估测长度均明显小于实际长度,有明显差异性(P0.05)。在对不同身高患者置管长度的预测中,公式4的平均绝对误差明显高于公式1,有明显差异性(P0.05);公式2、公式3与公式1的绝对误差平均值比较均无显著性差异(P0.05)。结论4种公式预测长度误差均在15%以内,其中公式1简单、准确、实用、误差小,更适用于右颈内静脉置管前路法长度的估计。  相似文献   

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