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目的为了解濮阳市医用数字摄影x射线机质量控制现状,更好的开展放射卫生监督工作。方法按照《医用常规x射线诊断设备影像质量控制检测规范》(WS76-2011)和《计算机x射线摄影(CR)质量控制监测规范》(GBZ187-2007)对濮阳市22台CR/DR系统设备进行检测、分析。结果 CR/DR系统设备通用检测指标合格率整体较高,CR系统设备通用检测指标合格率低于DR系统设备通用检测指标合格率;CR系统设备专用检测指标合格率高于DR系统设备专用检测指标合格率;不同级别医疗机构通用、专用检测指标合格率由高到低依次均为三级医院、二级医院、一级医院。结论提高放射卫生服务机构的检测能力,增强对医疗机构的放射卫生监督工作力度。  相似文献   

为了解全国疾病预防控制机构的水质检测能力,于2008年对全国1997家疾病预防控制机构的106项水质指标检测能力进行调查.结果显示2008年全国疾病预防控制机构水质平均检测能力为33项,仅有0.20%的疾病预防控制机构具备106项水质指标的检测能力,90.8%的疾病预防控制机构检测能力低于50项.其中,81.6%疾病预防控制机构的常规指标检测能力集中在21~40项之间,93.2%疾病预防控制机构非常规指标的检测能力低于21项,常规指标和非常规指标的平均检测能力分别为27和5项.不同级别的疾病预防控制机构水质检测能力存在显著性差异(X2CMH=69.288 2,P<0.01),检测能力由高到低依次为省级、省会市、地级市、县级市及县.省级、省会市、地级市、县级市及县级疾病预防控制机构常规指标、非常规指标和全项指标的平均检测能力分别为39、44、83项;36、28、64项;33、14、47项;27、3、30项.提示全国疾病预防控制机构水质检测能力总体水平不高,相关部门仍需进一步加强各级疾病预防控制机构的水质检测能力建设,提高各级疾病预防控制机构的水质检测能力.  相似文献   

蔡利超 《河南预防医学杂志》2019,30(12):903-904,927
目的探讨血清肝纤四项指标与肝功能指标联合检测结果在慢性乙肝肝纤维化诊断中的临床价值。方法选取慢性乙肝患者80例,将其设定为乙肝组,并取同时期在巩义市人民医院接受体检的健康者40例,将其设定为对照组。两组均接受血清肝纤维化指标以及肝功能指标检测,比较两组检测结果。结果相较于对照组,乙肝组血清透明质酸(HA)、IV型胶原(IV-C)、层黏连蛋白(LN)、Ⅲ型前胶原(PC-Ⅲ)、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)和AST/ALT水平均更高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);血清肝纤维化指标与肝功能指标联合检测阳性检出率高于血清肝纤维化指标的阳性检出率以及肝功能指标阳性检出率,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论血清肝纤四项指标与肝功能联合检测在慢性乙肝肝纤维化诊断中的临床效果显著,效果优于单纯应用血清肝纤维化指标或肝功能指标检测。  相似文献   

目的 为及时掌握院前急救和野外环境下急救呼吸机的质量状况,对有创呼吸机质量控制检测项目进行优化处理,形成急救呼吸机的快速检测操作流程,确保病人的救治安全。方法 依托于医院近年来有创呼吸机的质量控制检测数据,采用缩小合格标准范围和分析置信区间等方法,提取易产生偏离的指标并验证其与同类指标的相关性,形成优化的快速检测项目组合。结果 与原有质量控制检测规程相比,快速检测规程检测指标由5类24个指标减少为3类7个指标。经实测验证,检测时间缩短56.1%,检测结果相符率为100%。结论在保证检测质量的前提下,急救呼吸机快速检测操作规程可降低检测时间,实现快速、高频率质量控制检测,从而确保设备的质量和使用安全。  相似文献   

地沟油鉴别检测指标的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘波  杨建国  张雪梅 《职业与健康》2011,27(10):1167-1169
综述目前鉴别检验地沟油的常见检测指标。对地沟油和正常食用油常规检测指标和特异性检测指标进行分析。常规检验指标能区分油脂优劣,可以作为判断是否为地沟油的辅助性指标,特异性指标是今后鉴别地沟油的重点。寻找出能判断地沟油的特异性指标并建立检验方法,为执法部门提供可靠的检验依据,防止地沟油回流餐桌。  相似文献   

目的 了解当前湖南省疾病预防控制机构的水质检测能力现状,查找不足,为该省生活饮用水检测能力建设和制定本省饮用水安全规划提供依据. 方法 以调查问卷的方式,对全省各级疾病预防控制机构的水质检测能力进行研究. 结果 2012年6月,湖南省各级疾病预防控制机构水质平均检测能力为35项,没有1家疾病预防控制机构具备生活饮用水卫生标准规定的106项水质指标的检测能力,87.59%的疾病预防控制机构检测能力低于50项.其中,88.32%疾病预防控制机构的常规指标检测能力集中在21~~40项之间,94.16%疾病预防控制机构非常规指标的检测能力低于21项,常规指标和非常规指标的平均检测能力分别为30和5项.省级、地级市、县级市及区县级疾病预防控制机构常规指标、非常规指标和全项指标的平均检测能力分别为42、62、104项;37、20、57项;32、4、36项;29、4、31项.不同级别的疾病预防控制机构水质检测能力差异有统计学意义(x2=50.718,P<0.01),检测能力由高到低依次为省级、地级市、县级市及区县级. 结论 湖南省疾病预防控制机构水质检测能力总体水平不高,部分疾控中心无检测检验实验室,相关部门需进一步加强各级疾病预防控制机构的水质检测能力及人才队伍建设,全面提高各级疾病预防控制机构的水质检测能力.  相似文献   

首诊女性生育力评价是确定辅助生殖治疗方案的重要前提和基础,本研究对中国13家辅助生殖机构进行问卷调查,了解各机构首诊女性生育力评价指标及检测方法,为合理选用指标提供依据。调查显示辅助生殖机构首诊女性生育力评价指标包括一般健康指标、卵巢储备指标和子宫情况等,指标选择一致性较高,但检测方法差异较大,建议选择检测真实性更好,创伤性更小的检测方法。  相似文献   

目的分析全国各级疾病预防控制机构对生活饮用水卫生标准中106项水质指标的检测能力,为促进疾病预防控制机构水质检测能力建设工作提供参考。方法收集2014年全国各级疾病预防控制机构水质检测能力数据,采用系统聚类方法,以生活饮用水卫生标准中各类型指标的检测能力为变量,对各级机构进行聚类,并分析检测能力特征。结果省和省会城市、地市级疾病预防控制机构按检测能力均聚类为3类,县(区)级聚类为5类;省和省会城市机构1、2、3类所占比例分别为77.4%、9.4%和13.2%,常规指标平均检测能力分别为42项、41项和34项,非常规指标平均检测能力分别为62项、40项和7项;地市级机构1、2、3类所占比例分别为34.6%、25.8%和39.6%,常规指标平均检测能力分别为41项、39项和34项,非常规指标平均检测能力分别为55项、26项和3项;县(区)级机构1~5类所占比例分别为2.7%、11.3%、32.1%、39.2%和14.8%,常规指标平均检测能力分别为39项、37项、35项、27项和4项;华北、西南和西北地区各级机构的水质检测能力较弱;各级机构毒理学指标的检测能力水平均有待提升;检测能力缺失的主要原因是缺少仪器设备和标准品。结论我国各级疾病预防控制机构水质检测能力建设有待进一步加强,尤其需要注重省和省会城市机构非常规指标、地市级和县(区)级机构常规指标检测能力的建设,以及增强对华北、西南和西北地区县(区)级疾病预防控制机构仪器设备配置、标准品购买以及人员培训方面的投入。  相似文献   

目的掌握全省饮用水水质检测能力现状,为疾控机构(CDC)水质检测能力建设提供依据。方法各级疾控机构通过"国家饮用水水质卫生监测信息系统"上报水质检测能力,对指标可检测数和计量认证数由低到高进行3级评价。结果 21个市级疾控机构中,95.2%的机构常规指标检测能力和47.6%的机构非常规指标检测能力在3级;176个县级疾控机构中,66.5%的机构常规指标检测能力在3级,96.6%的机构非常规指标检测能力在1级。42项常规指标中,市、县级疾控机构的放射性指标可检测率、计量认证率都较低,同时部分毒理指标和消毒剂指标可检测率、计量认证率也低于80%;除省疾控中心外全省有9个疾控机构具备42项常规指标的检测能力,其中市级8个、县级1个。结论四川省疾控机构饮用水水质检测能力总体水平不高,与目前水质监测工作和《国务院关于进一步加强新时期爱国卫生工作的意见》中市级106项、县级常规指标的要求还有较大差距,各级政府应从保障饮水安全的角度加大对疾控机构的水质检测能力建设投入,保障饮用水水质卫生检测能力。  相似文献   

目的 为X射线计算机断层摄影装置(CT)使用者提供质量保证, 为卫生行政部门加强管理提供依据.方法 参照国家标准对广东省CT状态质控参数进行检测.结果 2005-2007年共检测364台CT机,3年状态检测中仅有1台CT机不及格,合格率为99.7%.所检测的CT机剂量指数合格率均在92.4%以上,CT值参数指标合格率分别为94.9%、93.5%、89.4%,均匀性参数指标合格率分别为94.9%、96.1%、97.0%,噪声参数指标合格率分别为98.7%、100.0%、99.2%,层厚参数指标合格率均超过96.1%;空间分辨力参数指标合格率均为100%,密度分辨力参数指标合格率均达到99.2%以上,定位光精度参数指标合格率分别为92.4%、94.1%、87.1%,诊断床定位精度参数指标定位与归位合格率最低的2006年为98.6%与99.3%. 结论 广东省的CT处于良好状态 ,但应加强管理,使质控检测制度化,同时应提高质控参数标准.  相似文献   

目的 了解南京市鼓楼区高中学生睡眠质量状况及其与血压之间的关系,为改善本区青少年睡眠质量及血压控制提供支持。方法 在南京市鼓楼区以班级为单位随机整群抽取6所高中学校54个班级的2 462名高中学生,对其进行匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表( PSQI)调查以及身高、体重和血压的测试。结果 青少年睡眠质量差的人数检出率为37.12%。不同年龄青少年间收缩压和舒张压均存在统计学差异(F = 10.12、5.75,P<0.01)。多元线性回归分析显示,睡眠质量与青少年的收缩压(β = 2.76,P<0.01)、舒张压(β = 0.76,P<0.01)存在关联,睡眠质量越差其收缩压和舒张压则越高。结论 青少年睡眠质量与血压之间存在关联,睡眠质量的提高将可能对青少年血压控制起到积极帮助。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases have been shown to be the leading cause of death in Brazil since the 1970s. High blood pressure has been the major risk factor among the above mentioned diseases. A negative correlation between occupational qualification and blood pressure has been observed among workers. The above mentioned facts bring out the importance of the knowledge of high blood pressure distribution among the different occupational groups. The aim of the present study was to describe the distribution of blood pressure in stable and homogeneous population of unskilled, low wage earning industrial workers. The Prevalence of high blood pressure was established for this specific group. This prevalence was also related to some biological and socio-economical covariates as compared with that among other occupational groups in Brazil. METHOD: The subjects were 73 active employees at a tannery in Botucatu, state of S. Paulo, Brazil, in July 1993. These subjects underwent blood pressure measurements, anamnesis and clinical examination. The results were compared with those of similar studies carried out in elsewhere Brazil. Age confounding was controlled by different techniques. RESULT: The crude prevalence of high blood pressure detected in this group of workers was of 56.1%, with 15.8% of isolated systolic hypertension. Alcohol abuse and smoking were associated with high blood pressure and isolated systolic hypertension in the population studied. DISCUSSION: Prevalence of hypertension in the group studied is significantly higher than that observed in other groups of workers studied in Brazil. Such a finding points to the need for further investigation so as to isolate those factors involved in the increased blood pressure found in this group.  相似文献   

The authors have investigated the haemodynamic effects of verapamil on the pulmonary circulation by 24 patients suffering from secondary pulmonary hypertension, caused by mitral and/or aortic valve diseases. For this purpose the numeric and graphometric analysis of intracavitary right ventricle pressure curve and pulmonary artery pressure tracing was applied. It was observed a selective antihypertensive effect on the lesser circulation. The pulmonary and systemic systolic tension decreased comparing in percentage 3:1, in case of diastolic tension this comparison was 2:1. The decrease in pulmonary circulation was strongly significant. The diminishing of heart rate and the improving of right heart function was not significant. The elevation of end-diastolic pressure of the right ventricle, just as the shape-analysis of pressure curves suggested right ventricle overload.  相似文献   

A bifurcating crustacean motor neuron, which serves an integrative function by selectively controlling output to its daughter branches, was examined for its behavioral response to changes in pressure and in temperature when each was varied while the other was held constant, and when both were varied together. The neuron was exposed to helium pressure between 1 and 200 ATA and temperatures between 9 and 22 degrees C. The response of the neuron to pressure changes was biphasic and time dependent. Immediately following a pressure change, action potential amplitude and conduction velocity increased, and the ability of the branch point to pass high frequency trains improved; after 15-20 min at pressures above 35 ATA these measures were depressed below control values. The curve relating functional measures to temperature displayed a time-dependent hysteresis, fast warming leading to values for amplitude, velocity, and branchpoint capacity which corresponded to those made at a point 3-5 degrees C higher during slow cooling. The delayed depressant effects of compression and cooling were synergistic. Low temperature significantly enhanced the effects of pressure on amplitude and conduction velocity; high pressure increased the Q10 of both measures. However, slow cooling antagonized the transient compression-induced excitability increase, and prolonged exposure to hyperbaric pressure diminished the temperature hysteresis. The complex time-dependent changes in this branching axon's ability to conduct are related to previously described changes in membrane potential properties. The responses of this axon to pressure changes are different from responses of other axons studied at hyperbaric pressure. Thus, even within relatively stereotyped axon membrane the effects of pressure are not generalizeable among cells. The possible relevance of these findings to the high pressure nervous syndrome (HPNS) is discussed.  相似文献   

目的:研制数字式颅内压力计,用于检测颅内压力,为颅内压升高患者提供准确的颅内压力数据。方法:在颅骨顶部的合适位置钻一小孔,将内径为1mm左右的充满生理盐水的导管插入脑室,导管外端通过三通开关连接传感器,通过传感器把压力转换成电信号送到单片机C8051F020进行数据处理,并输出到LCD液晶屏显示压力。结果:该数字式颅内压力计可实现实时检测,其检测结果准确,能真实反映出颅内压力。结论:该数字式颅内压力计操作简单,读数直观,体积小,携带方便。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The relation between blood lead concentration (PbB) and blood pressure was examined in a Taiwan nationwide population survey of PbB from July 1993 to June 1994. METHODS: After multistage sampling procedures, 2800 subjects (1471 males and 1329 females) with a mean (range) age of 44 (15-85) years were enrolled in this study. Anthropometric, blood pressure, and lifestyle factors were measured during household visits. The PbB was measured with a flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometer and all specimens were analysed in triplicate. RESULTS: The mean (range) PbB among all study subjects was 6.5 (0.1-69.1) micrograms/dl; among males it was 7.3 (0.1-69.1) micrograms/dl and among females 5.7 (0.1-40.1) micrograms/dl). The mean (range) systolic blood pressure among all subjects was 123 (80-210) mm Hg, among males it was 127 (80-200) mm Hg and among females 119 (80- 210) mm Hg. The diastolic blood pressure among all subjects was 78 (40- 150) mm Hg; among males it was 80 (40-130) mm Hg; and among females 75 (40-150) mm Hg. Age, body height, body weight, and body mass index (BMI) were significantly correlated with systolic blood pressure or diastolic blood pressure in both sexes. The PbB (or the natural logarithmic transformed PbB) was not significantly correlated with blood pressure among males or females. After adjustment for the potential confounders of age, age2, BMI, milk intake, alcohol consumption, and cigarette smoking, systolic blood pressure was significantly associated with PbB among males with a regression coefficient (beta) of 0.185 (p = 0.015). No significant association between PbB and blood pressure was found among females. CONCLUSIONS: From this study, only a weak association between systolic blood pressure and PbB was found among males. There was no strong evidence that PbB was a good predictor of blood pressure. However, the possibility that long term high body lead burden could cause high blood pressure could not be ruled out on the basis of this survey.



The aim of this study was to evaluate concurrent risk factors for high blood pressure in adolescents. This is a prospective cohort study including 4,452 adolescents born in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, in 1993. Blood pressure was measured before and after the interview, and the mean value was used in the analyses. Mean systolic blood pressure was 101.9mmHg (SD = 12.3) and mean diastolic pressure was 63.4mmHg (SD = 9.9). Adolescents with black skin had higher blood pressure than those with white skin. Mean systolic pressure among subjects in the top quartile of body mass index (BMI) was 11.6mmHg higher than among those in the lowest quartile. Mean systolic pressure among postmenarcheal girls was 5.4mmHg higher than among premenarcheal girls. Similar trends were found for diastolic arterial pressure. Our findings suggest that blood pressure control must begin already in childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

Automated sphygmomanometers should be evaluated in field studies before being recommended for epidemiological use. In this study an automated sphygmomanometer, the Copal UA-231, was evaluated on the basis of duplicate blood pressure measurements, one with this machine and one with a Hawksley random zero machine, taken on 1536 participants in a health survey. The Copal-random zero differences had a mean of 2.3 mm Hg for systolic blood pressure and 1.9 mm Hg for diastolic pressure, the Copal reading higher than the random zero. The standard deviations of these differences were similar to the standard deviations of the differences between two random zero measurements taken on subjects in a separate survey. However, Copal-random zero differences varied systemically with blood pressure levels. In this study a 10 mm Hg increase in systolic blood pressure was associated with a 1.22 mm Hg increase in the Copal-random zero difference and a 10 mm Hg increase in diastolic blood pressure was associated with a 1.15 mm Hg increase in the Copal-random zero difference. The Copal UA-231 is recommended for use in field surveys, but it should be recognised that a small systematic increase in Copal-random zero difference with increasing blood pressure may complicate interpretation of epidemiological associations.  相似文献   

Blood pressure and blood lead in surveys in Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The association between blood pressure and blood lead level was examined in two population surveys in Wales. In a survey of 1,721 male and female subjects throughout the principality, there was evidence of a marked relation of blood pressure with age, but when this was removed no residual association with blood lead remained. In a survey of 1,164 older men in Caerphilly, there was no evidence of an association between blood lead and either resting blood pressure or the rise in blood pressure during a cold pressor test.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that birth size may influence blood pressure in later life. Most of these reported inverse associations only became evident after weight or body mass index at some later age was included in the regression model. In a prospective birth cohort study in Brazil, the effect of birth size on blood pressure at age 11 years was explored. Of the 5,249 cohort members, 4,452 were interviewed. Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures were 101.9 mmHg (standard deviation, 12.3) and 63.4 mmHg (standard deviation, 9.9), respectively. Birth weight was positively associated with blood pressure in the crude analysis, but this effect was no longer significant after adjustment for confounders. When current body mass index-a possible mediating variable-was added to the model, the association between birth weight and blood pressure tended to become negative, though not quite significant. Birth length showed a positive effect on later blood pressure regardless of the adjustments made. Head circumference, gestational age, and ponderal index were not associated with blood pressure. Children born small for gestational age had lower blood pressure values. The postulated inverse association between birth weight and later blood pressure was not confirmed in this cohort. Instead, a positive effect of birth length was detected.  相似文献   

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