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Phagocytosis of bacteria by macrophages and neutrophils is an essential component of host defense against infection. The mechanism whereby the interaction of opsonized particles with Fcγ receptors triggers the engulfment of opsonized particles remains incompletely understood, although activation of tyrosine kinases has been recognized as an early step. Recent studies in other systems have demonstrated that tyrosine kinases can in turn signal the activation of small GTPases of the ras superfamily. We therefore investigated the possible role of Rho in Fc receptor–mediated phagocytosis. To this end we microinjected J774 macrophages with C3 exotoxin from Clostridium botulinum, which ADP-ribosylates and inactivates Rho. C3 exotoxin induced the retraction of filopodia, the disappearance of focal complexes, and a global decrease in the F-actin content of J774 cells. In addition, these cells exhibited increased spreading and the formation of vacuolar structures. Importantly, inactivation of Rho resulted in the complete abrogation of phagocytosis. Inhibition of Fcγ receptor–mediated phagocytosis by C3 exotoxin was confirmed in COS cells, which become phagocytic upon transfection of the FcγRIIA receptor. Rho was found to be essential for the accumulation of phosphotyrosine and of F-actin around phagocytic cups and for Fcγ receptor–mediated Ca2+ signaling. The clustering of receptors in response to opsonin, an essential step in Fcγ-induced signaling, was the earliest event shown to be inhibited by C3 exotoxin. The effect of the toxin was specific, since clustering and internalization of transferrin receptors were unaffected by microinjection of C3. These data identify a role for small GTPases in Fcγ receptor–mediated phagocytosis by leukocytes.  相似文献   

FcγRIIB is an inhibitory receptor expressed throughout B cell development. Diminished expression or function is associated with lupus in mice and humans, in particular through an effect on autoantibody production and plasma cell (PC) differentiation. Here, we analyzed the effect of B cell–intrinsic FcγRIIB expression on B cell activation and PC differentiation. Loss of FcγRIIB on B cells in Fcgr2b–conditional KO (Fcgr2b-cKO) mice led to a spontaneous increase in autoantibody titers. This increase was most striking for IgG3, suggestive of increased extrafollicular responses. Marginal zone (MZ) B cells had the highest expression of FcγRIIB in both mice and humans. This high expression of FcγRIIB was linked to increased MZ B cell activation, Erk phosphorylation, and calcium flux in the absence of FcγRIIB triggering. We observed a marked increase in IgG3+ PCs and B cells during extrafollicular PC responses in Fcgr2b-cKO mice. The increased IgG3 response following immunization of Fcgr2b-cKO mice was lost in MZ-deficient Notch2 Fcgr2b–double KO mice. Importantly, patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) had a decrease in FcγRIIB expression that was strongest in MZ B cells. Thus, we present a model in which high FcγRIIB expression in MZ B cells prevented their hyperactivation and ensuing autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Macrophages can respond to a variety of infectious and/or inflammatory stimuli by secreting an array of proinflammatory cytokines, the overproduction of which can result in shock or even death. In this report, we demonstrate that ligation of macrophage Fcγ receptors (FcγR) can lead to a reversal of macrophage proinflammatory responses by inducing an upregulation of interleukin (IL)-10, with a reciprocal inhibition of IL-12 production. IL-10 upregulation was specific to FcγR ligation, since the ligation of the Mac-1 receptor did not alter IL-10 production. The identification of the specific FcγR subtype responsible for IL-10 upregulation was determined in gene knockout mice. Macrophages from mice lacking the FcR γ chain, which is required for assembly and signaling by FcγRI and FcγRIII, failed to upregulate IL-10 in response to immune complexes. However, mice lacking either the FcγRII or the FcγRIII were fully capable of upregulating IL-10 production, implicating FcγRI in this process. The biological consequences of FcγRI ligation were determined in both in vitro and in vivo models of inflammation and sepsis. In all of the models tested, the ligation of FcγR promoted the production of IL-10 and inhibited the secretion of IL-12. This reciprocal alteration in the pattern of macrophage cytokine production illustrates a potentially important role for FcγR-mediated clearance in suppressing macrophage proinflammatory responses.  相似文献   

The ζ family includes ζ, η, and FcεRIγ (Fcγ). Dimers of the ζ family proteins function as signal transducing subunits of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR), the pre-TCR, and a subset of Fc receptors. In mice lacking ζ/η chains, T cell development is impaired, yet low numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells develop. This finding suggests either that pre-TCR and TCR complexes lacking a ζ family dimer can promote T cell maturation, or that in the absence of ζ/η, Fcγ serves as a subunit in TCR complexes. To elucidate the role of ζ family dimers in T cell development, we generated mice lacking expression of all of these proteins and compared their phenotype to mice lacking only ζ/η or Fcγ. The data reveal that surface complexes that are expressed in the absence of ζ family dimers are capable of transducing signals required for α/β–T cell development. Strikingly, T cells generated in both ζ/η−/− and ζ/η−/−–Fcγ−/− mice exhibit a memory phenotype and elaborate interferon γ. Finally, examination of different T cell populations reveals that ζ/η and Fcγ have distinct expression patterns that correlate with their thymus dependency. A possible function for the differential expression of ζ family proteins may be to impart distinctive signaling properties to TCR complexes expressed on specific T cell populations.  相似文献   

Increased type I interferon (IFN-I) production and IFN-stimulated gene (ISG) expression are linked to the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Although the mechanisms responsible for dysregulated IFN-I production in SLE remain unclear, autoantibody-mediated uptake of endogenous nucleic acids is thought to play a role. 2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane (TMPD; also known as pristane) induces a lupus-like disease in mice characterized by immune complex nephritis with autoantibodies to DNA and ribonucleoproteins. We recently reported that TMPD also causes increased ISG expression and that the development of the lupus is completely dependent on IFN-I signaling (Nacionales, D.C., K.M. Kelly-Scumpia, P.Y. Lee, J.S. Weinstein, R. Lyons, E. Sobel, M. Satoh, and W.H. Reeves. 2007. Arthritis Rheum. 56:3770–3783). We show that TMPD elicits IFN-I production, monocyte recruitment, and autoantibody production exclusively through a Toll-like receptor (TLR) 7– and myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88)–dependent pathway. In vitro studies revealed that TMPD augments the effect of TLR7 ligands but does not directly activate TLR7 itself. The effects of TMPD were amplified by the Y-linked autoimmune acceleration cluster, which carries a duplication of the TLR7 gene. In contrast, deficiency of Fcγ receptors (FcγRs) did not affect the production of IFN-I. Collectively, the data demonstrate that TMPD-stimulated IFN-I production requires TLR7/MyD88 signaling and is independent of autoantibody-mediated uptake of ribonucleoproteins by FcγRs.  相似文献   

The physicochemical nature of gammaA was investigated in normal male and female urine concentrated approximately 1000 times. Sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and Sephadex G-200 chromatography revealed that urinary gammaA has sedimentation properties intermediate between 19S and 7S molecules. Isolation of urinary gammaA by DE 52 chromatography free of other immunoglobulins with subsequent antigenic analysis showed that the urinary gammaA-molecule is antigenically indistinguishable from the gammaA-molecules found in other external secretions and has a corrected sedimentation coefficient of 11.8S. In addition, like other secretory gammaA-molecules and unlike serum polymeric gammaA, urinary gammaA resisted mild reductive measures with 0.1M beta-mercaptoethanol. Free or unattached secretory "piece" was found in all normal urines tested and in agammaglobulinemic urine. Secretory "piece" antigenic determinants were also found in ureteric urine. The average daily excretion of urinary gammaA was 1.1 mg. The maximum excretion of urinary 7S gammaG per 24 hr was approximately 3 mg.  相似文献   

The β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral tertiary amine has been developed, which provides an efficient access to optically active β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives in both high yield and enantioselectivity (up to 78% yield and 95 : 5 er). This is the first catalytic method to access chiral β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one via a direct organocatalytic approach.

The asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters catalyzed by (DHQD)2AQN has been developed, which provides an access to β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives in high levels yield and enantioselectivity.

Metal-free organocatalytic asymmetric transformations have successfully captured considerable enthusiasm of chemists as powerful methods for the synthesis of various kinds of useful chiral compounds ranging from the preparation of biologically important molecules through to novel materials.1 Chiral pyrrolidin-2-ones have been recognized as important structural motifs that are frequently encountered in a variety of biologically active natural and synthetic compounds.2 In particular, the β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one backbones, which can serve as key synthetic precursors for inhibitory neurotransmitters γ-aminobutyric acids (GABA),3 selective GABAB receptor agonists4 as well as antidepressant rolipram analogues,5 have attracted a great deal of attention. Therefore, the development of highly efficient, environmentally friendly and convenient asymmetric synthetic methods to access these versatile frameworks is particularly appealing.As a direct precursor to pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives, recently, α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam has emerged as the most attractive reactant in asymmetric organometallic or organocatalytic reactions for the synthesis of chiral γ-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-ones (Scheme 1). These elegant developments have been achieved in the research area of catalytic asymmetric vinylogous aldol,6 Mannich,7 Michael8 and annulation reactions9 in the presence of either metal catalysts or organocatalysts (a, Scheme 1). These well-developed catalytic asymmetric methods have been related to the γ-functionalized α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam to date. However, in sharp contrast, the approaches toward introducing C-3 chirality at the β-position of butyrolactam through a direct catalytic manner are underdeveloped (b, Scheme 1)10 in spite of the fact that β-selective chiral functionalization of butyrolactam can directly build up α,β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one frameworks.Open in a separate windowScheme 1Different reactive position of α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam in catalytic asymmetric reactions.So far, only a few metal-catalytic enantioselective β-selective functionalized reactions have been reported. For examples, a rhodium/diene complex catalyzed efficient asymmetric β-selective arylation10a and alkenylation10b have been reported by Lin group (a, Scheme 2). Procter and co-workers reported an efficient Cu(i)–NHC-catalyzed asymmetric silylation of unsaturated lactams (b, Scheme 2).10c Despite these creative works, considerable challenges still exist in the catalytic asymmetric β-selective functionalization of γ-butyrolactam. First, the scope of nucleophiles is limited to arylboronic acids, potassium alkenyltrifluoroborates and PhMe2SiBpin reagents. Second, the catalytic system and activation mode is restricted to metal/chiral ligands. To our knowledge, an efficient catalytic method to access chiral β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one via a direct organocatalytic approach has not yet been established. Therefore, the development of organocatalytic asymmetric β-selective functionalization of γ-butyrolactam are highly desirable. In conjunction with our continuing efforts in building upon chiral precedents by using chiral tertiary amine catalytic system,11 we rationalized that the activated α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam might serve as a β-position electron-deficient electrophile. This γ-butyrolactam may react with a properly designed electron-rich nucleophile to conduct an expected β-selective functionalized reaction of γ-butyrolactam under a bifunctional organocatalytic fashion, while avoiding the direct γ-selective vinylogous addition reaction or β,γ-selective annulation as outlined in Scheme 2. Herein we report the β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters12 catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral tertiary amine, which provides an efficient and facile access to optically active β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives with both high diastereoselectivity and enantioselectivity.Open in a separate windowScheme 2β-Selective functionalization of γ-butyrolactam via metal- (previous work) or organo- (this work) catalytic approach.To begin our initial investigation, several bifunctional organocatalysts13 were firstly screened to evaluate their ability to promote the β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam 2a with cyclic imino ester 3a in the presence of 15 mol% of catalyst loading at room temperature in CH2Cl2 (entries 1–6,
11aCH2Cl270%40 : 60
21bCH2Cl2<5%57 : 43
31cCH2Cl270%65 : 35
41dCH2Cl268%70 : 30
51eCH2Cl258%63 : 47
61fCH2Cl271%77 : 23
71fDCE72%80 : 20
81fCHCl370%80 : 20
91fMTBE68%79 : 21
101fToluene63%78 : 22
111fTHF45%76 : 24
121fMeOH32%62 : 38
13b1fDCE : MTBE75%87 : 13
14c1fDCE : MTBE72%87 : 13
15d1fDCE : MTBE70%85 : 15
Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: unless specified, a mixture of 2a (0.2 mmol), 3a (0.3 mmol) and a catalyst (15 mmol%) in a solvent (2.0 mL) was stirred at rt. for 48 h.bThe reaction was carried out in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1).cThe reaction was carried out in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) for 24 h.dThe reaction was carried out in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) and 10 mol% of catalyst was used.eIsolated yields.fDetermined by chiral HPLC, the product was observed with >99 : 1 dr by 1H NMR and HPLC. Configuration was assigned by X-ray crystal data of 4a.The results of experiments under the optimized conditions that probed the scope of the reaction are summarized in Scheme 3. The catalytic β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam 2a with cyclic imino esters 3a in the presence of 15 mol% (DHQD)2AQN 1f was performed. A variety of phenyl-substituted cyclic imino esters including those bearing electron-withdrawing and electron-donating substituents on the aryl ring, heterocyclic were also examined. The electron-neutral, electron-rich, or electron-deficient groups on the para-position of phenyl ring of the cyclic imino esters afforded the products 4a–4m in 57–75% yields and 82 : 18 to 95 : 5 er values. It appears that either an electron-withdrawing or an electron-donating at the meta- or ortho-position of the aromatic ring had little influence on the yield and stereoselectivity. Similar results on the yield and enantioselectivities were obtained with 3,5-dimethoxyl substituted cyclic imino ester (71% yield and 91 : 9 er). It was notable that the system also demonstrated a good tolerance to naphthyl substituted imino ester (78% yield and 92 : 8 er value). The 2-thienyl substituted cyclic imino ester proceeded smoothly under standard conditions as well, which gave the desired product 4p in good enantioselectivity (88 : 12 er), although yield was slightly lower. However, attempts to extend this methodology to aliphatic-substituted product proved unsuccessful due to the low reactivity of the substrate 3q. It is worth noting that the replacement of Boc group with 9-fluorenylmethyl, tosyl or benzyl group as the protection, no reaction occurred. The absolute and relative configurations of the products were unambiguously determined by X-ray crystallography (4a, see the ESI).Open in a separate windowScheme 3Substrate scope of the asymmetric reaction of α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam 2 to cyclic imino esters 3.a aReaction conditions: unless specified, a mixture of 2 (0.2 mmol), 3 (0.3 mmol) and 1f (15.0 mmol%) in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) was stirred at rt. bIsolated yields. cDetermined by chiral HPLC, all products were observed with >99 : 1 dr by 1H NMR and HPLC. Configuration was assigned by comparison of HPLC data and X-ray crystal data of 4a.We then examined the substrate scope of the imide derivatives (Scheme 4). Investigations with maleimides 4r–4u gave 48–61% yield of corresponding products as lower er and dr values than most of γ-butyrolactams. As for methyl substituted maleimides, the reaction failed to give any product.Open in a separate windowScheme 4Substrate scope of the asymmetric reaction of maleimides to cyclic imino esters.a aReaction conditions: unless specified, a mixture of 2 (0.2 mmol), 3 (0.3 mmol) and 1f (15.0 mmol%) in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) was stirred at rt. bIsolated yields. cDetermined by 1H NMR and chiral HPLC.The chloride product 4a ((R)-tert-butyl 4-((R)-3-((E)-(4-chlorobenzylidene)amino)-2-oxotetra hydrofuran-3-yl)-2-oxopyrrolidine-1-carboxylate) was recrystallized and the corresponding single crystal was subjected to X-ray analysis to determine the absolute structure. Based on this result and our previous work, a plausible catalytic mechanism involving multisite interactions was assumed to explain the high stereoselectivity of this process (Fig. 1). Similar to the conformation reported for the dihydroxylation and the asymmetric direct aldol reaction, the transition state structure of the substrate/catalyst complexes might be presumably in the open conformation. The acidic α-carbon atom of cyclic imino ester 3a could be activated by interaction between the tertiary amine moiety of the catalyst and the enol of 3avia a hydrogen bonding. Moreover, the enolate of 3a in the transition state might be in part stabilized through the π–π stacking between the phenyl ring of 3a and the quinoline moiety. Consequently, the Re-face of the enolate is blocked by the left half of the quinidine moiety. The steric hindrance between the Boc group of 2a and the right half of the quinidine moiety make the Re-face of 2a face to the enolate of 3a. Subsequently, the attack of the incoming nucleophiles forms the Si-face of enolate of 3a to Re-face of 2a takes place, which is consistent with the experimental results.Open in a separate windowFig. 1Proposed transition state for the reaction.In conclusion, we have disclosed the β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral tertiary amine, which provides an efficient and facile access to optically active β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives with high diastereoselectivity and enantioselectivity. To our knowledge, this is the first catalytic method to access chiral β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one via a direct organocatalytic approach. Current efforts are in progress to apply this new methodology to synthesize biologically active products.  相似文献   

Involvement of Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase in FcεRI-dependent Mast Cell Degranulation and Cytokine Production     
Daisuke Hata  Yuko Kawakami  Naoki Inagaki  Chris S. Lantz  Toshio Kitamura  Wasif N. Khan  Mari Maeda-Yamamoto  Toru Miura  Wei Han  Stephen E. Hartman  Libo Yao  Hiroichi Nagai  Anne E. Goldfeld  Frederick W. Alt  Stephen J. Galli  Owen N. Witte    Toshiaki Kawakami 《The Journal of experimental medicine》1998,187(8):1235-1247

The Spliceosomal Phosphopeptide P140 Controls the Lupus Disease by Interacting with the HSC70 Protein and via a Mechanism Mediated by γδ T Cells          下载免费PDF全文
Nicolas Page  Nicolas Schall  Jean-Marc Strub  Marc Quinternet  Olivier Chaloin  Marion Dcossas  Manh Thong Cung  Alain Van Dorsselaer  Jean-Paul Briand    Sylviane Muller 《PLoS Clinical Trials》2009,4(4)
The phosphopeptide P140 issued from the spliceosomal U1-70K snRNP protein is recognized by lupus CD4+ T cells, transiently abolishes T cell reactivity to other spliceosomal peptides in P140-treated MRL/lpr mice, and ameliorates their clinical features. P140 modulates lupus patients' T cell response ex vivo and is currently included in phase IIb clinical trials. Its underlying mechanism of action remains elusive. Here we show that P140 peptide binds a unique cell-surface receptor, the constitutively-expressed chaperone HSC70 protein, known as a presenting-protein. P140 induces apoptosis of activated MRL/lpr CD4+ T cells. In P140-treated mice, it increases peripheral blood lymphocyte apoptosis and decreases B cell, activated T cell, and CD4CD8B220+ T cell counts via a specific mechanism strictly depending on γδ T cells. Expression of inflammation-linked genes is rapidly regulated in CD4+ T cells. This work led us to identify a powerful pathway taken by a newly-designed therapeutic peptide to immunomodulate lupus autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Human platelet IgG Fc receptor FcγRIIA in immunity and thrombosis     
M. Arman  K. Krauel 《Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis》2015,13(6):893-908
Beyond their prominent role in hemostasis and thrombosis, platelets are increasingly recognized as having immunologic functions. Supporting this, human platelets express FcγRIIA (CD32a), a low‐affinity Fc receptor (FcR) for the constant region of IgG that recognizes immune complexes (ICs) and IgG‐opsonized cells with high avidity. In leukocytes, FcγRIIA engagement initiates strong effector functions that are key for immune and inflammatory responses, including cytokine release, antibody‐dependent cell‐mediated killing of pathogens, and internalization of ICs. However, the physiologic relevance of platelet‐expressed FcγRIIA has received little attention in previous reviews on FcRs. This article summarizes and discusses the available information on human platelet FcγRIIA. The importance of this receptor in heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia, a prothrombotic adverse drug effect, is well documented. However, studies demonstrating platelet activation by IgG‐opsonized bacteria point to the physiologic relevance of platelet FcγRIIA in immunity. In this context, platelet activation and secretion may facilitate both a direct antimicrobial function of platelets and crosstalk with other immune cells. Additionally, a role for platelet FcγRIIA in IgG‐independent hemostasis and physiologic thrombosis, by means of amplifying integrin αIIbβ3 outside‐in signaling, has also been proposed. Nonetheless, the thrombotic complications found in some infective and autoimmune diseases may result from unbalanced FcγRIIA‐mediated platelet aggregation. Moreover, FcγRIIA is not expressed in mice, and thrombocytopenia and/or thrombotic events found after drug administration can only be recapitulated by the use of human FcγRIIA‐transgenic mice. Altogether, the available data support a functional role for platelet FcγRIIA in health and disease, and emphasize the need for further investigation of this receptor.  相似文献   

Positive Selection of γδ CTL by TL Antigen Expressed in the Thymus          下载免费PDF全文
Kunio Tsujimura  Toshitada Takahashi  Akimichi Morita  Hitomi Hasegawa-Nishiwaki  Shigeru Iwase    Yuichi Obata 《The Journal of experimental medicine》1996,184(6):2175-2184
To elucidate the function of the mouse TL antigen in the thymus, we have derived two TL transgenic mouse strains by introducing Tlaa-3 of A strain origin with its own promoter onto a C3H background with no expression of TL in the thymus. These transgenic mouse strains, both of which express high levels of Tlaa-3-TL antigen in their thymus, were analyzed for their T cell function with emphasis on cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation. A T cell response against TL was induced in Tg.Tlaa-3-1, Tg.Tlaa-3-2, and control C3H mice by skin grafts from H-2Kb/T3b transgenic mice, Tg.Con.3-1, expressing T3b-TL ubiquitously. Spleen cells from mice that had rejected the T3b-TL positive skin grafts were restimulated in vitro with Tg.Con.3-1 irradiated spleen cells. In mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC), approximately 20% and 15% of Thy-1+ T cells derived from Tg.Tlaa-3-1 and Tg.Tlaa-3-2, respectively, expressed TCRγδ, whereas almost all those from C3H expressed TCRαβ. The MLC from Tg.Tlaa-3-2 and C3H demonstrated high CTL activity against TL, while those from Tg.Tlaa-3-1 had little or none. The generation of γδ CTL recognizing TL in Tg.Tlaa-3-2, but not C3H mice, was confirmed by the establishment of CTL clones. A total of 14 γδ CTL clones were established from Tg.Tlaa-3-2, whereas none were obtained from C3H. Of the 14 γδ CTL clones, 8 were CD8+ and 6 were CD4CD8 double negative. The CTL activity of all these clones was TL specific and inhibited by anti-TL, but not by anti-H-2 antibodies, demonstrating that they recognize TL directly without antigen presentation by H-2. The CTL activity was blocked by antibodies to TCRγδ and CD3, and also by antibodies to CD8α and CD8β in CD8+ clones, showing that the activity was mediated by TCRγδ and coreceptors. The thymic origin of these γδ CTL clones was indicated by the expression of Thy-1 and Ly-1 (CD5), and also CD8αβ heterodimers in CD8+ clones on their surfaces and by the usage of TCR Vγ4 chains in 12 of the 14 clones. Taken together, these results suggest that Tlaa-3-TL antigen expressed in the thymus engages in positive selection of a sizable population of γδ T cells.  相似文献   

Gadd45β and Gadd45γ are critical for regulating autoimmunity          下载免费PDF全文
Lin Liu  Elise Tran  Yani Zhao  Yuchen Huang  Richard Flavell    Binfeng Lu 《The Journal of experimental medicine》2005,202(10):1341-1348
The number of effector T cells is controlled by proliferation and programmed cell death. Loss of these controls on self-destructive effector T cells may precipitate autoimmunity. Here, we show that two members of the growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible (Gadd45) family, β and γ, are critical in the development of pathogenic effector T cells. CD4+ T cells lacking Gadd45β can rapidly expand and invade the central nervous system in response to myelin immunization, provoking an exacerbated and prolonged autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice. Importantly, mice with compound deficiency in Gadd45β and Gadd45γ spontaneously developed signs of autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. Our findings therefore identify the Gadd45β/Gadd45γ-mediated control of effector autoimmune lymphocytes as an attractive novel target for autoimmune disease therapy.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein Ibα and FcγRIIa play key roles in platelet activation by the colonizing bacterium,Streptococcus oralis     
D. O. Tilley  M. Arman  A. Smolenski  D. Cox  J. S. O'Donnell  C. W. I. Douglas  S. P. Watson  S. W. Kerrigan 《Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis》2013,11(5):941-950

The CD3-γδε and CD3-ζ/η Modules Are Each Essential for Allelic Exclusion at the T Cell Receptor β Locus but Are Both Dispensable for the Initiation of  V to (D)J Recombination at the T Cell Receptor–β, –γ, and –δ Loci     
Laurence Ardouin  Jamila Ismaili  Bernard Malissen    Marie Malissen 《The Journal of experimental medicine》1998,187(1):105-116
The pre–T cell receptor (TCR) associates with CD3-transducing subunits and triggers the selective expansion and maturation of T cell precursors expressing a TCR-β chain. Recent experiments in pre-Tα chain-deficient mice have suggested that the pre-TCR may not be required for signaling allelic exclusion at the TCR-β locus. Using CD3-ε– and CD3-ζ/η–deficient mice harboring a productively rearranged TCR-β transgene, we showed that the CD3-γδε and CD3-ζ/η modules, and by inference the pre-TCR/CD3 complex, are each essential for the establishment of allelic exclusion at the endogenous TCR-β locus. Furthermore, using mutant mice lacking both the CD3-ε and CD3-ζ/η genes, we established that the CD3 gene products are dispensable for the onset of V to (D)J recombination (V, variable; D, diversity; J, joining) at the TCR-β, TCR-γ, and TCR-δ loci. Thus, the CD3 components are differentially involved in the sequential events that make the TCR-β locus first accessible to, and later insulated from, the action of the V(D)J recombinase.  相似文献   

TLR2-Dependent Inhibition of Macrophage Responses to IFN-γ Is Mediated by Distinct, Gene-Specific Mechanisms          下载免费PDF全文
Sarah A. Benson  Joel D. Ernst 《PLoS Clinical Trials》2009,4(7)

Development of γG, γA, γM, β1C/β1A, C′1 esterase inhibitor, ceruloplasmin, transferrin, hemopexin, haptoglobin, fibrinogen, plasminogen, α1-antitrypsin, orosomucoid, β-lipoprotein, α2-macroglobulin, and prealbumin in the human conceptus          下载免费PDF全文
David Gitlin  Anita Biasucci 《The Journal of clinical investigation》1969,48(8):1433-1446
The synthesis of γG, γA, γM, β1C1A, C′1 esterase inhibitor, ceruloplasmin, transferrin, hemopexin, haptoglobin, fibrinogen, α1-antitrypsin, orosomucoid, β-lipoprotein, α2-macroglobulin, and prealbumin was studied in 15 normal human embryos and fetuses of 29 days to 18 wk gestation and in the yolk sacs of four embryos from 5.5 to 11.5 wk gestation using tissue culture in 14C-labeled amino acids followed by radioimmunoelectrophoresis. The human embryo as early as 29 day gestation synthesized β1C1A, C′1 esterase inhibitor, transferrin, hemopexin, α1-antitrypsin, β-lipoprotein, α2-macroglobulin, and prealbumin in culture. At 32 days gestation ceruloplasmin and orosomucoid were also synthesized, but synthesis of fibrinogen was not observed before 5.5 wk. Synthesis of γM occurred as early as 10.5 wk gestation, and γG synthesis was found in cultures as early as 12 wk gestation; γA synthesis was not detected in any of the tissue cultures. With the exception of the γ-globulins, each of the proteins studied was synthesized by the liver, but additional sites of synthesis for some of these proteins were also found. Synthesis of γG and γM occurred primarily in the spleen, but other sites of synthesis were noted as well.  相似文献   

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