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PURPOSE: To correlate quantitative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data (ie, relaxation times and magnetization transfer ratios [MTRs]) with histopathologic findings of demyelination and axonal disease in cervical spinal cord specimens from patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and control subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Formaldehyde-fixed cervical spinal cord specimens from 11 patients with MS-three men and eight women (mean age at death, 66 years +/- 11.3 [standard deviation])-and two female control subjects without neurologic disease (83 and 41 years of age at death) were examined at 4.7 T. Relaxation time measurements and MTR mapping were performed. Analyses included the whole cord area and region-of-interest measurements. Histopathologic analyses included semiquantitative myelin and quantitative axonal analysis. RESULTS: Compared with control specimens (P < .001, analysis of variance), specimens from patients with MS had smaller cord areas (mean area, 59.0 mm(2) +/- 12.5 vs 72.7 mm(2) +/- 10.0), significant prolongation of T1 (mean prolongation, 30%) and T2 (mean prolongation, 13%), and decreased MTRs (mean, 10.5%). Within MS specimens, 58% of the white matter area displayed signal intensity abnormalities on intermediate-weighted MR images. The number of axons in normal-appearing white matter in MS specimens was, on average, 46% lower than the number of axons in white matter in control specimens. All quantitative MR parameters correlated well with demyelination; the correlation with T2 relaxation time was the strongest (r = 0.77, Spearman and Kendall nonparametric correlations). By contrast, quantitative MR parameters correlated less well with axonal density; the correlation with T2 relaxation time was the strongest (r = -0.44, Spearman and Kendall nonparametric correlations). Multilevel analysis, corrected for age and MS phenotype, could not result in a model explaining axonal density on the basis of quantitative MR parameters when myelin density was included as a predictor. CONCLUSION: Changes in quantitative MR imaging parameters in the cervical spinal cord in MS are mainly determined by demyelination and do not reflect axonal disease well.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To prospectively compare high-spatial-resolution T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and intermediate-weighted spectral fat-saturated magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for the differentiation of tumor from fibrosis and for delineation of rectal wall layers in rectal cancer specimens. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The local ethics committee approved the protocol, and written informed consent was obtained from each patient. Thin-section high-spatial-resolution MR imaging was performed in specimens obtained from 23 patients (16 men, seven women; median age, 64 years; age range, 39-84 years) immediately after resection. Seven patients underwent neoadjuvant treatment. T1-weighted spin-echo, T2-weighted fast spin-echo, and intermediate-weighted spectral fat-saturated MR images were obtained in the transverse plane. Differences in signal intensity between tumor and fibrosis and between tumor and rectal wall layers were evaluated by using visual scoring and measurements of T2 relaxation time. Statistical differences were evaluated by using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and a mixed-model regression analysis. All images were compared with whole-mount histopathologic slices (n = 86). RESULTS: T2-weighted MR images provided the best differentiation between tumor and fibrosis (P < .001). Mean visual signal intensity scores were -1.8 for T2-weighted MR images, -1.4 for intermediate-weighted spectral fat-saturated MR images, and -0.2 for T1-weighted MR images. T2 relaxation times were 97 msec +/- 4.6 for tumor and 70 msec +/- 3.8 for fibrosis (P < .001). Substantial overlap was noted between the tumor and the circular layer of the muscularis propria (97 msec +/- 2.1), and less overlap was noted between the tumor and the longitudinal layer of the muscularis propria (88 msec +/- 1.6). CONCLUSION: T2-weighted MR imaging provides superior delineation of rectal wall layers and better differentiation of tumor from fibrosis in rectal cancer specimens compared with T1-weighted MR imaging and intermediate-weighted spectral fat-saturated MR imaging by using thin-section high-spatial-resolution sequences.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Tumor progression is often difficult to distinguish from nonneoplastic treatment response on the basis of MR images alone. This study correlates metabolite levels measured by preoperative MR spectroscopic (MRS) imaging with histologic findings of biopsies, obtained during image-guided resections of brain mass lesions, to clarify the potential role of MRS in making this distinction. METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with brain tumors underwent high-resolution (0.2-1 cc) 3D proton MRS imaging and MR imaging before undergoing surgery; 11 had a newly diagnosed neoplasm, and 18 had recurrent disease. Surgical biopsies were obtained from locations referenced on MR images by guidance with a surgical navigation system. MR spectral voxels were retrospectively centered on each of 79 biopsy locations, and metabolite levels were correlated with histologic examination of each specimen. RESULTS: All mass lesions studied, whether attributable to tumor or noncancerous effects of previous therapy, showed abnormal MR spectra compared with normal parenchyma. When the pattern of MRS metabolites consisted of abnormally increased choline and decreased N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) resonances, histologic findings of the biopsy specimen invariably was positive for tumor. When choline and NAA resonances were below the normal range, histologic findings were variable, ranging from radiation necrosis, astrogliosis, and macrophage infiltration to mixed tissues that contained some low-, intermediate-, and high-grade tumor. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that 3D MRS imaging can identify regions of viable cancer, which may be valuable for guiding surgical biopsies and focal therapy. Regions manifesting abnormal MR spectra had a mixture of histologic findings, including astrogliosis, necrosis, and neoplasm.  相似文献   

Seventy-two histologically proved nodular hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) were studied with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging at 1.5 T. Capsules were present in 56 of the 72 tumors. Thirty-seven capsules were depicted on T1-weighted spin-echo MR images, and 16 were depicted on T2-weighted MR images. Visualization was dependent on thickness and structure of the capsules. Of the 72 tumors, 36 had a mosaic pattern. A mosaic pattern was visualized in 12 of the 36 tumors on T1-weighted images and in 27 of the 36 tumors on T2-weighted images. Six tumors were determined to be histologic grade 1, and all were hyperintense on T1-weighted images, regardless of whether intracellular fat deposits were present. Four of the six grade 1 tumors were isointense on T2-weighted images. In contrast, grades 2 and 3 tumors had various signal intensities on T1-weighted images and most were hyperintense on T2-weighted images. Twenty-one of 32 tumors (66%) with focal areas of increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images had intratumoral dilated sinusoids at histologic examination.  相似文献   

Focal and confluent areas of periventricular hyperintensity have been reported on magnetic resonance (MR) images in 30% of patients over 60 years of age. In order to better understand the pathologic basis of these lesions, the authors studied 14 formalin-fixed brains with MR imaging. Multiple focal areas of hyperintensity were identified in the periventricular white matter in three of the 14 brains studied (21%). Subsequent gross and microscopic pathologic examination of both hyperintense and normal-intensity areas was performed on 87 tissue sections. The larger lesions were characterized centrally by necrosis, axonal loss, and demyelination and therefore represent true infarcts. Reactive astrocytes oriented along the degenerated axons were identified at distances of up to several centimeters from the central infarct. This is called isomorphic gliosis and is associated with increased intensity on T2-weighted images that increases the apparent size of the central lesion.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this essay is to describe the imaging characteristics of adenomyoepithelial tumors of the breast. CONCLUSION: Adenomyoepithelial tumors of the breast are rare, and most are benign. The predominant mammographic and ultrasound feature is an irregular mass with suspicious imaging findings. This uncommon condition should be included in the differential diagnosis of noncalcified masses found on mammograms and of solid masses with associated hypervascularity on ultrasound images. Biopsy is necessary for histologic evaluation, and the management is surgical excision.  相似文献   

MR imaging of ampullary carcinomas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the appearance of ampullary carcinomas on MR images. METHODS: Sixteen patients with ampullary carcinomas underwent MR imaging. Tumor detectability, signal intensity of the tumor, and enhancement pattern on dynamic study were analyzed. MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) findings were assessed and were compared with the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) findings. RESULTS: Signal intensities of the tumor on each image were various. Dynamic study detected all tumors except one, and all detected tumors showed delayed enhancement. MRCP delineated more than half of the tumors as a filling defect within the duodenal fluid and clearly demonstrated pancreaticobiliary ductal. CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic study is mandatory in diagnosing ampullary carcinoma, because it can depict most of the tumors, and delayed enhancement of such tumors is characteristic in case of ampullary carcinoma. MRCP can provide reliable information about pancreaticobiliary duct and it can replace diagnostic ERCP.  相似文献   

de Lange  EE; Fechner  RE; Wanebo  HJ 《Radiology》1989,170(2):323-328
Eleven patients who underwent abdominoperineal resection for rectosigmoid carcinoma were examined with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for suspected recurrent tumor in the presacral space. There were 12 suspected masses in the 11 patients. Ten lesions were malignant, and in two lesions only nonneoplastic inflammatory tissue was found. The signal intensity (SI) of each lesion relative to that of muscle was determined visually and correlated with the histologic findings at surgery or biopsy. The SIs of malignant and benign lesions were indistinguishable. All lesions showed areas of high SI that correlated with carcinoma and tumor necrosis or with non-neoplastic inflammation and edema. Areas of low SI corresponded to reactive fibrous tissue (desmoplastic reaction) with small islands of tumor or to nonneoplastic fibrosis. MR imaging can be useful in determining the extent of suspected tumors, but SIs on T2-weighted images do not permit histologic diagnosis. In particular, distinction of benign from malignant tissue is difficult in tumors with a desmoplastic reaction.  相似文献   

We report a 6-month-old boy who presented with unilateral leukocoria, retinal detachment, and a retrolental mass in a microphthalmic eye based on retinal dysplasia with concurrent optic nerve aplasia. Dysplastic retinal tissue, a rare congenital defect, may create a clinical and radiologic picture of an intraocular mass closely resembling tumor tissue. MR imaging findings with histopathologic correlation are presented to facilitate discrimination of the more common causes of leukocoria.  相似文献   

目的以组织病理学结果为参照,评价肾脏实性肿物的动脉自旋(ASL)MRI灌注特征与价值。材料与方法这项前瞻性研究符合HIPAA原则,获得单位伦理委员会的批准。所有病人均于检查前签署了知情同意书。42例怀疑肾肿物的病人在进行常规1.5T临床MRI检查前,进行了ASL检查。1名放射医师在不知最终病理结果的情况下,通过对兴趣区的分析,计算肿瘤灌注的平均值和峰值水平。通过方差分析检验灌注值与病理学结果的相关性。采用线性模型评价肾透明细胞癌的肿瘤体积与灌注值之间的相关性。P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。结果 34例病人[男28例,女6例;(60.4±11.7)岁]获得组织病理学结果。乳头型肾细胞癌的平均灌注值[(27.0±15.1)mL/(min.100g)]低于透明细胞型[(171.6±61.2)mL/(min.100g),P=0.001]、嫌色细胞型[(152.9±80.7)mL/(min.100g),P=0.04]、未分类型肾细胞癌[(208.0±41.1)mL/(min.100g),P=0.001]和肾嗜酸细胞瘤[(373.9±99.2)mL/(min.100g),P<0.001]。肾嗜酸细胞瘤的灌注平均值和峰值水平[分别为(373.9±99.2)mL/(min.100g)和(512.3±146.0)mL/(min.100g)]高于乳头型[(27.0±15.1)mL/(min.100g)和(78.2±39.7)mL/(min.100g),两者P<0.001],嫌色细胞型[分别为(152.9±80.7)mL/(min.100g),P<0.001和(260.9±61.9)mL/(min.100g),P=0.02]和未分类型肾细胞癌[分别为(208.0±41.1)mL/(min.100g),P=0.01和(273.3±83.4)mL/(min.100g),P=0.03]。肾嗜酸细胞瘤的平均肿瘤灌注值高于透明细胞癌(P<0.001)。结论动脉自旋标记MR成像可在灌注水平上区分和诊断不同病理类型的肾脏肿物。肾嗜酸细胞瘤的灌注水平高于肾细胞癌,乳头型肾细胞癌的灌注水平低于其他亚型的肾细胞癌。  相似文献   

Palatal tumors commonly arise from the minor salivary glands, and benign tumors account for approximately half of all minor salivary gland tumors. Minor salivary gland tumors have an affinity for the posterior hard palate and soft palate and virtually never arise in the midline, probably because of the distribution of palatal salivary glands. The majority of benign salivary gland tumors of the palate are pleomorphic adenomas, while the most common malignant salivary gland tumor is adenoid cystic carcinoma, followed by mucoepidermoid carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma. Epithelial tumors frequently arise from the soft palate. The majority of benign epithelial tumors of the palate are papillomas, while most malignant epithelial tumors are squamous cell carcinomas. Various types of mesenchymal tumors, including fibromas, lipomas, schwannomas, neurofibromas, hemangiomas, and lymphangiomas, also involve the palate. This article describes the CT and MR findings of benign and malignant palatal tumors.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To correlate the perilesional hyperintense rim of malignant hepatic tumors seen on ferumoxide-enhanced T1-weighted gradient-echo (GE) MR images with histopathologic findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 13 tumors in 12 patients, T1-weighted GE images (TE of 1.4 msec, flip angle of 90 degrees) obtained after IV administration of ferumoxide were evaluated. MR imaging was initiated within one hour of the completion of ferumoxide administration. Surgical resection for tumors was performed within an interval of two weeks of the MR imaging. Resected specimens were histopathologically examined for peritumoral sinusoidal congestion, desmoplastic reaction, compressed hepatic parenchyma, lymphocytic infiltration, and vascular proliferation. RESULTS: In twelve tumors (92%), prominently (N = 2), moderately (N = 5), and mildly to minimally (N = 5), a perilesional hyperintense rim was observed. Among histopathologic findings, the degree of peritumoral sinusoidal congestion correlated (R =.75, P <.04) with the degree of perilesional hyperintense rim. The thickness of the perilesional hyperintense rim showed a moderate positive correlation (R =.65, P <.02) with the thickness of peritumoral area with sinusoidal congestion. CONCLUSION: Perilesional hyperintense rim of malignant hepatic tumors on ferumoxide-enhanced T1-weighted GE images may correlate with sinusoidal congestion surrounding malignant hepatic tumors.  相似文献   



To retrospectively assess apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of different subtypes of pancreatic endocrine tumors based on the World Health Organization (WHO) classification system and analyze the potentially responsible histopathologic characteristics.

Materials and Methods:

Following Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, 18 patients with surgical pathology‐proven pancreatic endocrine tumors were evaluated. Tumors were subcategorized based on the WHO grading classification into well‐differentiated tumors with benign and uncertain behavior and endocrine carcinomas with well and poor differentiation. ADCs were measured on diffusion‐weighted (DW) images and compared using Student's t‐test and one‐way analysis of variance. The correlation between ADCs, tumor cellularity, Ki‐67 labeling index (an index of cell growth), and extracellular fibrosis were analyzed.


A difference was demonstrated in mean ADCs between well‐differentiated endocrine tumors (1.75 ± 0.53) and endocrine carcinomas (1.00 ± 0.19 × 10?3mm2/sec) (P < 0.01). After excluding the three well‐differentiated endocrine tumors with benign behavior and marked fibrosis, a significant inverse correlation between ADC values and cellularity of endocrine tumors was observed. An inverse correlation was seen between Ki‐67 labeling index and ADC values (r = ?0.70; P < 0.01).


Tumor cellularity and/or extracellular fibrosis may account for various ADCs in pancreatic endocrine tumors. ADC correlates well with the Ki‐67 labeling index and may help predict growth of endocrine tumors. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011;33:1071–1079. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Fibroadenomas: histopathologic and MR imaging features   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Ten patients with tumors of the pineal region underwent CT and MRI investigations. There were 3 germinomas, 3 teratomas and 1 of each of the following: pineocytoma, PNET, ependymoma and meningioma. Not only were tumor size and growth compared to CT, but an attempt was made to obtain knowledge of the histology of the tumor by special T2 calculations. The investigations did not lead to an improvement in type specific diagnosis.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Peiffer on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate signal intensity and border characteristics of lymph nodes at high-spatial-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in patients with rectal cancer and to compare these findings with size in prediction of nodal status. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-two patients who underwent total mesorectal excision of the rectum to determine if they had rectal carcinoma were studied with preoperative thin-section MR imaging. Lymph nodes were harvested from 42 transversely sectioned surgical specimens. The slice of each lymph node was carefully matched with its location on the corresponding MR images. Nodal size, border contour, and signal intensity on MR images were characterized and related to histologic involvement with metastases. Differences in sensitivity and specificity with border or signal intensity were calculated with CIs by using method 10 of Newcombe. RESULTS: Of the 437 nodes harvested, 102 were too small (<3 mm) to be depicted on MR images, and only two of these contained metastases. In 15 (68%) of 22 patients with nodal metastases, the size of normal or reactive nodes was equal to or greater than that of positive nodes in the same specimen. Fifty-one nodes were above the area imaged, and seven of these contained metastases. The diameter of benign and malignant nodes was similar; therefore, size was a poor predictor of nodal status. If a node was defined as suspicious because of an irregular border or mixed signal intensity, a superior accuracy was obtained and resulted in a sensitivity of 51 (85%) of 60 (95% CI: 74%, 92%) and a specificity of 216 (97%) of 221 (95% CI: 95%, 99%). CONCLUSION: Prediction of nodal involvement in rectal cancer with MR imaging is improved by using the border contour and signal intensity characteristics of lymph nodes instead of size criteria.  相似文献   

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