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Little is known about who enrolls in state premium subsidy programs or enrollees' experiences. This study surveyed parents of children enrolled in two programs with identical income eligibility requirements: Oregon's State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and its premium subsidy program (FHIAP). Parents choosing FHIAP were more likely to be employed, to speak English, to have prior experience with premiums and private health insurance, and to perceive insurance as protection against future health care needs. Despite copayment requirements and more restricted benefits in FHIAP, there were few differences in access to care between children enrolled in the two programs.  相似文献   

We conducted 32 in-depth interviews with 20 rural, low-income, women residing in the United States who were pregnant (n = 12) or 3 months postpartum (n = 8) and had experienced intimate partner violence (IPV). Using purposive sampling and the grounded theory method, we generated a conceptual model of coping. The urge to protect the unborn baby was the primary influence for participants' decisions about separating from or permanently leaving an abusive relationship. Implications include universal screening for IPV in child-bearing women, inquiry into maternal identity development during pregnancy, and improved resource access for rural, low-income women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine how do working life and private life characteristics relate to sickness absence. METHODS: Questionnaire data for 1557 female and 1913 male employees were related to registered sickness absence by multivariate analyses. RESULTS: Apart from health problems, clear associations with sickness absence were observed for complaints attributed to heavy, arduous work, and sickness presenteeism. The use of tranquilizers, occurrence of bullying, and the existence of a high total workload from paid and unpaid work were associated with sickness absence in women. In men, the use of alcohol as sedative, anxiety of reorganization, not holding a supervisor position, adverse life events, and divorce were related with sickness absence. CONCLUSIONS: Our study identified different areas at work and outside work for women and men that could be targets for actions aiming at preventing high sickness absence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if adolescents who report dieting and different weight-control behaviors are at increased or decreased risk for gains in body mass index, overweight status, binge eating, extreme weight-control behaviors, and eating disorders 5 years later. DESIGN: Population-based 5-year longitudinal study. PARTICIPANTS: Adolescents (N=2,516) from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds who completed Project EAT (Eating Among Teens) surveys in 1999 (Time 1) and 2004 (Time 2). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Weight status, binge eating, extreme weight control, and self-reported eating disorder. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Multiple linear and logistic regressions. RESULTS: Adolescents using unhealthful weight-control behaviors at Time 1 increased their body mass index by about 1 unit more than adolescents not using any weight-control behaviors and were at approximately three times greater risk for being overweight at Time 2 (odds ratio [OR]=2.7 for girls; OR=3.2 for boys). Adolescents using unhealthful weight-control behaviors were also at increased risk for binge eating with loss of control (OR=6.4 for girls; OR=5.9 for boys) and for extreme weight-control behaviors such as self-induced vomiting and use of diet pills, laxatives, and diuretics (OR=2.5 for girls; OR=4.8 for boys) 5 years later, compared with adolescents not using any weight-control behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: Dieting and unhealthful weight-control behaviors predict outcomes related to obesity and eating disorders 5 years later. A shift away from dieting and drastic weight-control measures toward the long-term implementation of healthful eating and physical activity behaviors is needed to prevent obesity and eating disorders in adolescents.  相似文献   

Inadequate family communication concerning hereditary lipid disorders by index patients (IPs) may prevent their biological relatives from seeking testing and treatment. This lack of disclosure places the relatives at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. The present study, undertaken in the Netherlands, explored the reasons for family disclosure, and how disclosure was approached. Semi-structured interviews with 20 purposely sampled IPs revealed that they generally alerted their first-degree relatives of the genetic risk because they felt morally obliged to do so or because they were advised to do so by a health professional. However, IPs rarely alerted their more distant relatives due to insufficient risk knowledge or fear of being perceived as interfering in their relative's affairs. Furthermore, many IPs stated that they would not seek to persuade a relative to undergo testing out of respect for their autonomy. However, the findings did suggest that less direct methods were used for persuasion. An example would be stressing the severity of the condition. Consequently, the self-reported disclosures were incomplete and unbalanced. Typically, IPs provided information regarding the threat of inherited high cholesterol without furnishing information on means of coping with the risk. As IPs want and need professional support to help them disclose this information to their relatives, we suggest additional research about the ethical, practical and economic possibilities for this support.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Healthcare providers can transmit influenza and influenza-like illness (ILI) to patients and vice versa. However, the magnitude of this problem in the healthcare system as a whole is unknown. Using population-based administrative health data, we tested the hypothesis of a temporal association of ILI diagnosis among clinicians and their patients. METHODS: Healthcare providers under study included physicians (85%) and a variety of other medical professionals (such as chiropractors, dentists and optometrists). Cases of ILI were defined as having an ICD-9 code of influenza (487), pneumonia (480-486) or bronchitis (466 and 490) in a province-wide healthcare-provider billing system. Rates of ILI among persons who saw a sick (case) and non-sick (control) doctor were calculated and compared. RESULTS: The rate of ILI was lower among providers than among patients for every year of the study. The mean number of exposures to patients diagnosed with ILI was higher among case providers than among control providers (P = 0.044). However, exposure to case providers did not significantly increase the risk of ILI diagnosis among patients (OR=1.11; 95% confidence intervals 0.85-1.36). INTERPRETATION: Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis of patient-to-provider transmission. However, we may have underestimated the association and magnitude of this effect. Our results do not support the hypothesis that infectious doctors transmit disease to their patients, although this may be partly accounted for by the lower rates of ILI among the provider population in general.  相似文献   

After publication of this work [Beenackers et al: Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2011, 8:76] it was realized that formula 3 and formula 4 in the Statistical Analysis section of the Methods were incorrectly listed. Since the formulas were correctly used in the analysis, this correction does not affect the results or conclusions of the paper.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to assess the risk of death or nonfatal injury drivers aged >/=65 pose to themselves and to other road users as compared with drivers in younger age groups. METHODS: Crash-related deaths and injuries were separated into two categories: those occurring among the drivers themselves, and those occurring among others, such as passengers, bicyclists, or pedestrians. RESULTS: The number of deaths among others varied by driver's age, with deaths among others decreasing as the driver's age increased. The proportion of deaths among others compared with deaths among drivers also varied by age. For drivers in the youngest three age groups, about two thirds of the deaths were among others (ages 16 to 19, 63.1%; ages 20 to 34, 68.1%; and ages 35 to 59, 66.6%). This proportion declined with age, reaching a low among drivers aged >/=85 years (ages 60 to 74, 52.2%, ages 75 to 84, 37.9%, ages >/=85, 18.9%). When calculating deaths among others per 100 million miles driven, crashes among young (16 to 19) and older (aged >74) drivers were associated with more deaths to others than were crashes among drivers aged 20 to 74. The number of nonfatal injuries among others also declined as age of the driver increased. The number of injuries among others per 100 million miles driven was highest among the youngest (16 to 19) and oldest (>/=85) drivers. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that older drivers make relatively small contributions to crash-related morbidity and mortality; moreover, their contributions are generally a result of injuries to self rather than to others.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine if urban youth ("metropolitan" status) are at greater risk of engaging in risk behaviors than suburban or rural youth. METHODS: We analyzed data on substance use and sexual risk behaviors from the national school-based Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) conducted in 1999, an anonymous questionnaire self-administered by students in grades 9 through 12. The national survey employs a multistage cluster sample to produce a nationally representative sample of high school students. Data were analyzed using SUDAAN software to take into account the sampling model. RESULTS: In 1999, metropolitan status was not a significant determining factor for involvement in risk behaviors. Of the specific risk factors examined in this analysis, there were no significant differences between rural and suburban youth, and these two groups were combined as "nonurban." In subsequent analysis of urban vs. nonurban youth, no significant differences in risk behaviors were found on bivariate or multivariate analyses. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis suggests that metropolitan status has little if any association with youth engaging in substance use and sexual risk behaviors. In addition, it appears that urban youth are engaging in these risk behaviors no more frequently than their nonurban counterparts.  相似文献   

The demand for unskilled labor has collapsed across industrialized societies, including Britain and Sweden, and rates of unemployment and economic inactivity have increased. The result is a reduction in total employment, primarily among men. These trends could be expected to hit particularly hard those people with chronic illness. The study tests two opposing hypotheses: (1) the increasingly flexible, deregulated labor market in Britain would result in an increased number of new jobs, and thus better employment opportunities for unskilled workers, including those with chronic illness; (2) the more regulated labor market in Sweden, with the associated health and social policies, would provide greater opportunities for jobs and job security for workers with chronic illness. Analysis of data on men from the British General Household Survey and the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions, 1979-1995, showed that employment rates were higher and rates of unemployment and economic inactivity were lower in Sweden than in Britain, and the differences in these rates across socioeconomic groups and between those with and without chronic illness were smaller in Sweden. The results support the hypothesis that active labor market policies and employment protection may increase the opportunities for people with chronic illness to remain in work.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine vitamin C intakes among American schoolchildren. We investigated the leading sources of vitamin C in children's diets, the leading vegetables and fruits consumed by children and differences in dietary intake associated with vitamin C consumption. METHODS: Data from 1,350 7- to 12-year-old and 908 13- to 18-year-old schoolchildren were obtained from the 1994-1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII). The children were stratified by age and gender and then split into three vitamin C consumption groups based upon two 24-hour recalls: low (0 to 30.0 mg), marginal (30.1 to 59.9 mg), and desirable (>60.0 mg). Data were analyzed by tabulation and by ANOVA followed by post hoc Scheffe's test. Outcome measures included food groups and energy-adjusted intakes of micro- and macronutrients. RESULTS: Among the 7- to 12-year-olds, 12% of boys and 13% of girls had mean vitamin C intakes that were less than 30 mg/day, and, among 13- to 18-year-olds, 14% of boys and 20% of girls had low vitamin C intakes. In addition to consuming significantly more vitamin C, children with desirable vitamin C intakes also consumed significantly more (p <0.001) energy-adjusted folate and vitamin B6; children with low vitamin C intakes tended to have significantly greater (p <0.001) energy-adjusted intakes of fat and saturated fat. Children with desirable vitamin C intakes consumed significantly more (p <0.006) high-vitamin C fruit juice, low-vitamin C vegetables and whole milk. Children with low vitamin C intakes on average consumed two daily servings of vegetables and fruits, of which less than 1/5 of a serving was citrus, while children with desirable vitamin C intakes consumed an average of one daily serving of citrus. CONCLUSIONS: A considerable number of children drastically under-consumed vitamin C and total vegetables and fruits. Overall, children with desirable vitamin C intakes had healthier diets, including more milk and vegetables, than did their peers with low vitamin C intakes. Health care professionals should continue to promote at least five daily servings of vegetables and fruits and should advise parents that at least one of these should be rich in vitamin C.  相似文献   


International best practices call for a gender-responsive approach to HIV prevention for women, including those who use drugs and those who engage in sex work. This paper draws on multiple qualitative data sources collected over five years in Ukraine to explore the notions of gender, women and family that buttress HIV-related programmes for women. Our analysis reveals that service providers often cast women as hapless victims of unfortunate family circumstances and troubled personal relationships that produce sudden poverty, or social strivers who seek access to wealth and privilege at the expense of their health. Women are portrayed as most vulnerable to HIV when they lack a male ‘protector’. We argue that the programmes constituted around these stereotypes of women and their vulnerabilities reflect new forms of institutional power that deflect attention away from gendered socio-economic processes that contribute to women’s HIV vulnerability, including job insecurity and unemployment, workplace discrimination, unreliable social benefits and power imbalances within their relationships. We explore how to transform HIV prevention efforts to better address the causes of women’s increased vulnerability to HIV in Ukraine and in Eastern Europe more generally.  相似文献   

In this paper we highlight what we consider to be a lack of adequate conceptualisation. operationalisation and measurement of "place effects". We briefly review recent historical trends in the study of the effects of place on health in industrial countries, and argue that "place effects" often appear to have the status of a residual category, an unspecified black box of somewhat mystical influences on health which remain after investigators have controlled for a range of individual and place characteristics. We note that the distinction between "composition" and "context" may be more apparent than real, and that features of both material infrastructure and collective social functioning may influence health. We suggest using a framework of universal human needs as a basis for thinking about how places may influence health, and recommend the testing of hypotheses about specific chains of causation that might link place of residence with health outcomes.  相似文献   

We tested how consumers recognize, understand and value on-package information about food production methods that may contribute to a more sustainable agriculture. Nine copy tests were formed, each containing one out of three products and one out of three panels of information. The products were (1) fillet of chicken, (2) semi-skimmed milk and (3) fillet of salmon. The panels of information were (a) a certified organic logo and details about the animal welfare standards of organic products, (b) just the logo, or (c) a statement in which the product was attributed to the world market. About 371 customers of a supermarket in the city of Amsterdam filled in a questionnaire, which included a subset of three copy tests. The results showed that many consumers did not realize that the organic logo already covers all the standards. They were inclined to underestimate the distinctive advantage of the logo; products with logo and details got higher ratings of positive attributes but were also considered more expensive. As a consequence, the detailed information panels enabled consumers to choose more in agreement with their personal values but the net impacts on purchase intentions were small.  相似文献   

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