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陈洁  张娜  徐浩  吕铁钢 《山东医药》2023,(36):73-77
目的 分析2020年6月—2023年4月临沂地区儿童流感流行病学及甲型流感临床特征。方法 收集2020年6月—2023年4月临沂市妇幼保健院儿科急诊及发热门诊就诊的流感样症状儿童鼻咽拭子标本6 651份,采用多重实时荧光PCR方法进行流感病毒检测与分型鉴定;同时记录患儿性别、年龄、发病时间、症状,并后续于电子病历系统中调取患儿实验室与影像学检查等临床资料。结果 6 651份儿童咽拭子标本中,流感阳性1 298例(19.52%),其中甲型流感1 015例(78.20%)、乙型流感283例(21.80%)。2020年6月—2021年5月、2021年6月—2022年5月、2022年6月—2023年4月流感阳性例数分别为24例(2.96%)、275例(10.50%)、999例(31.03%),各年度比较,P均<0.05。男性及女性流感阳性例数分别为785例(19.91%)、513例(18.94%),两性别比较,P>0.05。≥1岁者、1~3岁者、4~6岁者、7~14岁者流感阳性例数分别为172例(7.08%)、469例(22.04%)、466例(31.96%)、191例(30.08...  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市儿童2011—2015年流行性感冒(流感)的流行特征和流感病毒优势株的变化,为儿童流感的防控提供参考.方法 利用北京市儿童医院2011—2015年监测到的流感样病例(influenza like illness,ILI)及流感病原学监测数据,分析流感流行趋势和流感病毒的构成情况.结果 在7331597例门、急诊病例中监测到ILI 638623例,ILI占门、急诊就诊病例的8.71%,0~岁组所占比例最高,为69.56%;采集门诊ILI咽拭子标本5351例,其中流感病毒核酸阳性515例.各年份优势毒株构成不同,夏季也出现了ILI就诊的高峰.结论 2011—2015年各年份流感流行高峰出现在冬春季,小于5岁儿童是主要易感人群,建议夏季就诊高峰对儿童ILI开展多病原检测,从而可采取有针对性的预防及治疗措施.  相似文献   

目的 分析新疆阿克苏地区儿童流行性感冒(简称流感)病原学特征,为当地流感防控提供科学依据。方法收集2013—2022年阿克苏地区流感监测哨点医院流感样病例(ILI)信息,采集咽试子标本,利用实时荧光RT-PCR法检测流感病毒,统计分析儿童流感样病例监测结果。结果 2013—2022年共检测儿童流感样病例标本4 582份,其中阳性464份、阳性率10.13%。不同年度甲乙流感病毒构成差异有统计学意义(χ2=559.066,P<0.05)、甲型流感不同亚型构成差异有统计学意义(χ2=424.779,P<0.05)、乙型流感不同系别构成差异有统计学意义(χ2=350.000,P<0.05);儿流行高峰从12月—次年3月,12月阳性率最高27.78%;6—9月阳性率最低0.00%。7~10岁儿童阳性率最高14.95%,1岁以下儿童阳性率最低3.73%;儿童流感阳性率无性别差异(χ2=3.718,P>0.05)。MDCK细胞分离培养出流感病毒93株。结论阿克苏地区出现儿童甲乙型流感病毒...  相似文献   

目的 分析重庆市流行性感冒(简称流感)重症、危重症和死亡病例的流行病学特征,为流感重症防控提供依据。方法 以2017年1月—2020年12月中国疾病预防控制信息系统中报告的重庆市流感重症、危重症及死亡病例为研究对象,收集相关资料,对其三间分布、既往病史及临床表现进行描述流行病学分析。结果 2017—2020年,重庆市共报告流感重症、危重症和死亡病例164例,发病时间集中于每年12月至次年3月,病原类型以甲型流感病毒为主(157例,占95.73%)。人群分布中,男性111例,女性53例,年龄以60~69岁组占比最高(34例,占20.73%),职业以农民占比最高(56例,占34.15%)。164例病例分布在重庆市19个县(区),报告数居前三位的县(区)为渝中区(101例)、垫江县(11例)及南岸区(6例)。164例病例中有既往病史的占58.54%(96/164),临床表现主要为咳嗽(159例)、异常呼吸音(134例)及发热(129例),并发症以肺炎最为常见(134例,占81.71%)。结论重庆市流感重症及死亡病例高发季为冬春季,主要病原类型为甲型流感病毒,流感重症病例以老年、男性人群居多,...  相似文献   

叶欣欣  刘佳  吴美丽 《地方病通报》2021,36(1):34-36,50
目的分析2010—2020年新疆克拉玛依市流行性感冒(流感)监测的实验室数据,为本市制定流感防控措施提供参考依据。方法描述性分析2010—2020年克拉玛依市流感监测哨点医院报告的流感样病例(ILI)和病原学监测结果。结果2010年1月—2020年10月,克拉玛依市共检测流感样病例咽拭子样本6976份,核酸检测检出流感病毒阳性1414份、阳性率为20.3%;阳性样本中以甲型季H3亚型最多(38.7%),其次为乙型流感病毒(33.1%)、新甲H1亚型病毒(28.0%)和混合型病毒(0.2%),不同年度优势型别不同;12月至次年4月为流感高发期,5岁~组儿童检出阳性率最高(23.5%),男女性流感病毒均以甲型季H3为主,病原构成差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.520,P>0.05)。结论新疆克拉玛依市以甲型流感病毒为主,冬春季为高发期;建议加强中小学生流感防控,鼓励家长在流行季前为儿童接种流感疫苗。  相似文献   

目的 对2017年1月—2018年12月北京市海淀区流行性感冒(流感)监测数据进行分析,了解海淀区流感的流行情况和趋势,为海淀区流感防控工作提供科学依据。方法 采集北京市海淀区国家级流感监测哨点医院2017—2018年的流感样病例咽拭子标本,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法进行流感病毒核酸检测。结果 2017—2018年共采集1743例咽拭子标本,检出流感病毒核酸阳性样本262例,阳性检出率为15.03%;2017年与2018年流感病毒核酸阳性检出率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);男性流感病毒核酸阳性检出率高于女性(P<0.05);60岁及以上年龄组流感病毒核酸阳性检出率最高(P<0.05);冬、春季流感病毒核酸阳性检出率高于夏、秋季(P<0.05)。结论 北京市海淀区在2017年与2018年流感流行强度较高,冬、春季为高峰季节,但2年流行的流感病毒优势株有所不同,老年病例流感病毒核酸阳性检出率最高,是流感防控重点人群,学校和托幼机构是聚集性疫情重点防控场所。  相似文献   

目的通过对新疆2004~2007年度流行性感冒(下简称流感)监测结果的分析,了解新疆流感流行特征,为进一步加强监测工作、制定防治对策提供科学依据。方法在4所哨点医院开展季节性流感流行病学与病原学监测,通过突发公共卫生报告管理信息系统进行流感暴发疫情监测。结果2004~2007年度,在4个哨点医院相关科室共监测就诊病例641613例,监测到流感样病例(ILI)21627例,流感样病例占就诊病例百分比(ILI%)为3.37%;采集并检测流感样病例样本1132份,分离到流感病毒181株,阳性检出率为16.0%,其中甲型流感病毒H1N1亚型92株,占50.8%,H3N2亚型44株,占24.3%,乙型流感病毒45株,占24.9%。结论2004~2007年度新疆流感呈低水平活动状态,其中2005~2006年度流感活动强于其他2个年度。散发病例呈现冬季高发的特点,暴发疫情多见于冬春季。3个监测年度中,流感病毒优势株的型别各不相同。  相似文献   

目的 分析成都某医院2011~2013 年流感监测结果,探索流感流行特征及规律,为制订流感防治策略提供依据。方法 将内科门诊、发热门诊、内科急诊和儿内科门诊设置为监测诊室,按照国家流感监测方案开展监测工作,并对监测结果进行分析。结果 登记报告流感样病例就诊百分比(ILI%)2011 年为1.95%,2012 年为1.24%,2013 年为2.70%。2011~2013 年832 份ILI 标本中流感病毒核酸阳性率为13.82%,其中各亚型流感病毒构成比分别为:B 型19.13%、季节性A(H1N1)型0.87%、A(H3N2)型15.62%和甲型H1N1 流感64.35%。ILI 在冬春季节出现就诊高峰,与标本核酸检测阳性率高峰时间呈正相关(r=0.457,P<0.001);ILI 年龄组构成比以5~15 岁组最高,各年龄组核酸检测阳性率差异有统计学意义。结论 ILI 流行强度与流感病毒活动趋势一致。流感防治工作需要在冬春以及夏季加强。需注重各年龄层的采样比例,减少采样人群分布不均衡导致的监测结果差异。  相似文献   

目的调查2009年甲型H1N1流感患者的临床特点。方法通过调查2009年11月至2010年2月符合流感疑似病例收治入院的136例患者,明确2009甲型H1N1流感组,季节性甲型流感组和非流感组的人口学情况,肺炎发生的差异,危重症发生的差异,以及实验室检测参数的差异,筛选出需要住院的流感疑似患者发生肺炎的危险因素。结果 2009甲型H1N1流感发病年龄更年轻(36±17岁);孕妇的构成比(42.2%)高于其他组;发生肺炎的构成比(51.11%)高于其他组;病死1例。D-二聚体、AST、LDH异常增加的构成比明显大于其他发热患者。结论甲型H1N1流感的易感人群是年轻人和孕妇。甲型H1N1流感是发生肺炎的危险因素,容易并发肺炎和呼吸衰竭,及引起血凝系统、骨骼肌、心肌的损害。  相似文献   

目的了解2016—2019年新疆流感样病例(influenza-like illness,ILI)的流行病学特征和病原学监测数据,为流感防控工作提供科学依据。方法通过中国流感监测信息系统收集2016—2019年新疆流感哨点医院报告的ILI、病原学监测数据和流感聚集性疫情报告资料,分析流行病学特征。结果 2016年第14 w—2019年第13 w,新疆共报告门诊病例9 820 366例,其中流感样病例405 394例,ILI%为4.1%;病例集中在15岁以下人群;检测样本38 975份,检出流感病毒阳性6 584份、阳性率16.9%,分离病毒株为新甲型H1N1型848株、H3型603株、BV型47株和BY型606株,聚集性疫情中病毒型别与当年流行的病毒型别一致。结论新疆流感疫情集中在每年的第40 w至次年第20 w,新甲型H1N1,B型和H3型交替流行;流感主要发生在冬春季,以学龄儿童为主;应加强学龄儿童的流感防控工作。  相似文献   



Influenza circulation in tropics and subtropics reveals a complex seasonal pattern with year‐round circulation in some areas and biannual peaks in others.


We analyzed influenza surveillance data from nine countries around southern and southeastern Asia spanning latitudinal gradient from equatorial to temperate zones to further characterize influenza type‐specific seasonality in the region. We calculated proportion of positives by month out of positives during that year and adjust for variation in samples tested and positivity in these countries.


Influenza A epidemics were identified between November and March during winters in areas lying above 30°N latitude, during monsoon months of June–November in areas between 10° and 30°N latitude, and no specific seasonality for influenza A virus circulation in areas lying closer to the equator. Influenza B circulation coincided with influenza A circulation in areas lying above 30°N latitude; however, in areas south of 30°N Asia, influenza B circulated year round at 3–8% of annual influenza B positives during most months with less pronounced peaks during post‐monsoon period.


Even though influenza B circulates round the year in most areas of the tropical regions of southern and southeastern Asia, the most appropriate time for influenza vaccination using the most recent WHO recommended vaccine would be prior to the monsoon season conferring protection against influenza A and B peaks.  相似文献   



School-located influenza vaccination (SLV) programs have the potential to mass-vaccinate all enrolled children, but parental consent is required.


To examine parental attitudes and determine predictors of parental consent for vaccination of schoolchildren through SLV programs.


Surveys were distributed to parents of 4517 children during 2009–2010 (year 1) and 4414 children during 2010–2011 (year 2) in eight elementary schools in conjunction with a SLV program.


Participants included 1259 (27·9%) parents in year 1 and 1496 (33·9%) in year 2. Parental consent for 2009 H1N1, 2009 seasonal, and 2010 seasonal influenza vaccines was obtained from 738 (70·8%), 673 (64·5%), and 1151 (77·2%) respondents, respectively. During the 2009 pandemic, respondents concerned about influenza severity were twice as likely to consent for the 2009 H1N1 vaccination compared to unconcerned respondents (OR 2·04, 95% CI:1·19–3·51). During year 2, factors that predicted parental consent were the perception of high susceptibility to influenza infection (OR 2·19, 95% CI:1·50–3·19) and high benefit of vaccine (OR 2·23, 95% CI:1·47–3·40). In both years, college-educated parents were more likely to perceive vaccine risks (year 1: 83·6 versus 61·5%, P < 0·001 and year 2: 81·1% versus 60·6%, P < 0·001) and less likely to consent for seasonal influenza vaccine (year 1: OR 0·69, 95% CI:0·53–0·89 and year 2: OR 0·61, 95% CI:0·47–0·78) compared to non-college-educated parents.


Parents who appreciate the risks of influenza and benefits of vaccination are more likely to consent for SLV. More research is needed to determine how to address heightened safety concerns among college-educated parents.  相似文献   

Please cite this paper as: Sunagawa et al. (2012) Single‐dose inhaled laninamivir: registered in Japan and its potential role in control of influenza epidemics. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses DOI: 10.1111/j.1750‐2659.2012.00351.x.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe use of rapid molecular testing for influenza diagnosis is becoming increasingly popular. Used at the point of care or in a clinical laboratory, these tests detect influenza A and B viruses, though many do not distinguish between influenza A subtypes. The UK Severe Influenza Surveillance System (USISS) collects surveillance data on laboratory‐confirmed influenza admissions to secondary care in England.This study set out to understand how rapid influenza molecular testing was being used and how it might influence the availability of subtyping data collected on influenza cases admitted to secondary care in England.MethodsAt the end of the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 influenza seasons, a questionnaire was sent to all National Health Service Hospital Trusts in England to evaluate the use of rapid influenza testing. Surveillance data collected through USISS was analysed from 2011/2012 to 2020/2021.ResultsOf responding trusts, 42% (13/31) in 2017/2018 and 55% (9/17) in 2018/2019 used rapid influenza molecular tests, either alone or in combination with other testing. The majority of rapid tests used did not subtype the influenza A result, and limited follow‐up testing occurred.Surveillance data showed significant proportions of influenza A hospital and intensive care unit/high dependency unit admissions without subtyping information, increasing by approximately 35% between 2012/2013 and 2020/2021.ConclusionsThe use of rapid influenza molecular tests is a likely contributing factor to the large proportion of influenza A hospitalisations in England that were unsubtyped. Given their clear clinical advantages, further work must be done to reinforce these data for public health through integrated genomic surveillance.  相似文献   

目的通过研究2015-2019年池州市流感病原学监测结果,对病原学型别及流行病学特征进行分析,为流感的防控提供科学依据。方法采集哨点监测医院流感样病例(ILI)鼻咽拭子标本,并收集医院报表的数据(流感样病人年龄、性别、年龄分组依据均来自报表数据),采用实时荧光定量PCR方法对标本进行核酸检测,并对结果进行描述性统计和分析,率的比较采用χ2检验。结果2015-2019年池州市共监测标本5075例,阳性1279例,阳性率为25.20%。检出的流感型别中甲型为765例,占阳性标本数的59.81%(765/1279),病原学类型以新甲H1和季节性H3型为主,乙型为514例,占阳性标本数的40.19%(514/1279),病原学分型以Victoria和Yamagata为主。5个年龄组中,6~15岁组阳性率最高(34.45%)。不同性别组的流感检测阳性率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。流感的暴发流行也多集中在青少年,聚集性高的地方,且甲乙型均有暴发。结论2015-2019年池州市5年来流感病毒流行以冬季、春季高发,夏季多为散在流行,偶伴有小高峰。主要以乙型、新型H1N1型、季节性H3型交替流行为主;流感监测和预防控制取得一定成果;但流感疫情仍然严峻,为有效防控流感疫情,需对辖区实施流感防控举措。重点应加强学龄前儿童和中小学生的流感防治工作。  相似文献   

We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the prevalence and current knowledge of influenza A virus (IAV) and influenza D virus (IDV) in non-human mammalian hosts in Africa. PubMed, Google Scholar, Wiley Online Library and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE-WAHIS) were searched for studies on IAV and IDV from 2000 to 2020. Pooled prevalence and seroprevalences were estimated using the quality effects meta-analysis model. The estimated pooled prevalence and seroprevalence of IAV in pigs in Africa was 1.6% (95% CI: 0–5%) and 14.9% (95% CI: 5–28%), respectively. The seroprevalence of IDV was 87.2% (95% CI: 24–100%) in camels, 9.3% (95% CI: 0–24%) in cattle, 2.2% (95% CI: 0–4%) in small ruminants and 0.0% (95% CI: 0–2%) in pigs. In pigs, H1N1 and H1N1pdm09 IAVs were commonly detected. Notably, the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus was also detected in pigs. Other subtypes detected serologically and/or virologically included H3N8 and H7N7 in equids, H1N1, and H3N8 and H5N1 in dogs and cats. Furthermore, various wildlife animals were exposed to different IAV subtypes. For prudent mitigation of influenza epizootics and possible human infections, influenza surveillance efforts in Africa should not neglect non-human mammalian hosts. The impact of IAV and IDV in non-human mammalian hosts in Africa deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

In the United States, two types of vaccines are recommended for the prevention of influenza: an intranasal live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) for eligible individuals aged 2-49 years and unadjuvanted injectable trivalent inactivated vaccines (TIV) for eligible individuals aged ≥ 6 months. Several recent studies have compared the efficacy of the 2 vaccines in children and adults. In children 6 months to 18 years of age, each of the four comparative studies of LAIV and TIV demonstrated that LAIV was more protective. In individuals 17-49 years of age, most comparative studies have demonstrated that LAIV and TIV were similarly efficacious or that TIV was more efficacious. However, LAIV was shown to be more protective than TIV in new military recruits of all ages, and placebo-controlled studies in adults in 1997-1998 suggested that LAIV was more protective against the mismatched A/H3N2 strain. The relative efficacy of LAIV and TIV among young adults may vary depending on the specific population and the antigenic match between the vaccines and circulating strains. In adults 60 years of age and older, limited data suggest that the two vaccines are similarly effective. In children and adults, studies also suggest that the relative efficacy of LAIV versus TIV may increase when measured against more severe illness. Additional research comparing LAIV and TIV is needed in adults and would also be valuable in older children and adolescents. Studies should examine the role of pre-existing immunity as well as vaccine impact on influenza illness of varying severity.  相似文献   

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