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复方昆明山海棠颗粒剂抗小鼠光变态反应的药效学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨复方昆明山海棠颗粒剂(CTHHG)对小鼠光变态反应的药效学作用。方法将Balb/c小鼠随机分为7组,每组10只。其中,有一组为模型对照组,五组为用药组,另设正常动物为空白对照组。以氯丙嗪为光敏剂,经长波紫外线(UVA)照射诱导Balb/c小鼠产生光变态反应模型。灌胃采用0.2mL/10g,1次/d,直至光激发当天,共13d。并于激发后48h,通过测定小鼠耳部的肿胀厚度差、重量差、真皮内浸润的单个核细胞数来判断各组药物抗光变态反应的效果。结果CTHHG对于激发前后的左耳厚度差、激发后左右耳厚度差及重量差、真皮内浸润的单个核细胞几个指标均有显著抑制作用。其中,以高剂量组的作用更为明显。与模型对照组比较,CTHHG对激发前后左耳厚度差的影响,高、中、低剂量组差异均有显著性(P<0.01);对激发后左右耳厚度差及重量差的影响,高剂量组差异有显著性(P<0.05);对激发后小鼠耳真皮内浸润的单个核细胞的影响,高、中、低剂量组差异均有显著性(高剂量组P<0.01,中、低剂量组P<0.05)。结论CTHHG对光变态反应具有显著的抗炎作用。  相似文献   

目的对复方昆明山海棠颗粒剂(CTHHG)治疗豚鼠光变应性接触性皮炎(PACD)的药效学进行研究,以期为CTHHG的临床开发应用提供更深入的理论依据。方法将豚鼠随机分为8组:CTHHG高、中、低剂量组、昆明山海棠颗粒剂组(THHG)、氢化可的松组、羟基氯喹组、模型组、正常对照组。以6-甲基香豆素(6-MC)为光敏剂,通过长波紫外线(UVA)的诱导和激发,建立起豚鼠PACD动物模型。通过27天连续灌胃给药,评价豚鼠背部皮肤红斑反应,观察激发后皮损病理特征,再对真皮内浸润的单一核细胞进行计数。结果与模型组相比,CTHHG高、中、低剂量组均能明显改善PACD模型豚鼠背部皮肤红斑、水肿等炎症反应(红斑抑制率达8 0%以上),减少其皮损处单一核细胞的浸润(P(0.01)。其中高、中剂量组作用优于THHG组(P(0.05),与羟基氯喹的疗效相当(P>0.05),但几组均不及氢化可的松(P(0.01)。结论CTHHG具有显著的抗炎及免疫抑制作用,作为治疗PACD的药物,具有良好的开发前景。  相似文献   

复方昆明山海棠治疗12种皮肤病临床疗效评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以复方昆明山海棠治疗5类12种皮肤病,获得较好的疗效。  相似文献   

我们于 1999年 1月至 6月用自拟复方昆明山海棠汤配合自体疣种植术治疗扁平疣 41例 ,取得良好效果 ,现将结果报道如下 :1 临床资料   门诊扁平疣患者 41例 ,男 14例 ,女 2 7例 ,年龄 14~ 38岁 ,平均 2 3 5岁 ,病程 3月~ 6年 ,平均 1 7年。 2 0例曾经口服左旋咪唑、中药、肌注聚肌胞针、板蓝根针及使用激光、冷冻等治疗未愈 ;对照组 2 8例 ,男 8例 ,女2 0例 ,年龄 11~ 36岁 ,平均 2 2岁 ,病程 4月~ 6年。2 治疗方法 2 1 治疗组 选择自身疣体 1个 ,局部用 75 %酒精消毒 ,2 %利多卡因局麻祛除疣体表面角质层 ,切取芝麻大至米粒大的…  相似文献   

昆明山海棠的化学成份,药理作用及临床应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

我科于2005年7月-2007年7月采用复方昆明山海棠联合复方甘草酸苷治疗86例寻常性银屑病,取得满意疗效,现报告如下。  相似文献   

昆明山海棠治疗带状疱疹28例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道应用昆明山海棠治疗带状疱疹28例。饭后服用昆明山海棠片、每日3次、每次2—3片,7天为1疗程。结果痊愈16例、好转10例、无效2例、总有效率92.8%平均治愈9天、在缩短病程上仅次于聚肌胞(平均治愈7天)、优于维生素B_1、B_(12)(平均治愈12.9天)和强的松(平均治愈14.4天)。  相似文献   

昆明山海棠与雷公藤急性毒性试验对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对比昆明山海棠与雷公藤乙醇提取液对小鼠的急性毒性.方法:灌胃给药后观察两药对小鼠的毒性反应、死亡时间、死亡率和脏器病理改变.结果:昆明山海棠和雷公藤乙醇提取液的LD50分别为34.84 g/kg和 16.31 g/kg.给予大剂量昆明山海棠(65.6 g/kg·d)和雷公藤(26.88 g/kg·d)后,肉眼见小鼠肝脏颜色变为灰白色,表面呈细颗粒状.光镜下肝细胞肿胀、胞浆内有大小不等的空泡以及数量不等的细胞凋亡.结论:昆明山海棠乙醇提取液的毒性小于雷公藤乙醇提取液.  相似文献   

刘玲  何黎 《临床皮肤科杂志》2002,31(12):784-784
46例副银屑病患者,男28例,女18例;年龄19~49岁;病程3个月~14年;其中点滴状21例,小斑片状14例,痘疮样11例。治疗方法:光疗仪器采用上海希格玛公司SS-03紫外线光疗机。照射前2h服光敏剂(白芷15g、补骨脂15g)。照射时眼戴防护罩,初剂量UVA1.044J/cm2、UVB0.02J/cm2,每治疗2~3次UVA递增0.52J/cm2、UVB递增0.02J/cm2,最终剂量:UVA14.17J/cm2、UVB0.2J/cm2。每周照射3次,次数逐渐减少,总次数平均8次(4~15次);平均总剂量UVA12.5J…  相似文献   

目的评价昆明山海棠联合复方松馏油糊治疗慢性湿疹的疗效。方法治疗组予昆明山海棠2片,3次/d口服,同时每日外用复方松馏油糊封包;对照组仅用复方松馏油糊封包。两组患者的疗程均为5周,分别于治疗第1周、3周和5周末观察疗效。结果治疗1周、3周和5周时,治疗组有效率分别为66.67%,73.33%和96.67%,对照组分别为28.57%,39.29%和71.43%,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。治疗组和对照组均出现了不良反应,但未影响治疗。结论昆明山海棠联合复方松馏油糊治疗慢性湿疹疗效好,不良反应少,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

目的研究蒙药协日嘎洗剂对真菌和细菌的体外抑制作用。方法应用药物稀释法(试管法)和管碟法分别对协日嘎洗剂抑制真菌和细菌的作用进行实验研究。结果蒙药协日嘎洗剂对真菌具有良好的抑制作用,对细菌抑制作用较弱。结论该项实验研究既扩展了传统蒙药协日嘎四味汤散的剂型种类,又开发了该药抑菌的新用途,对临床应用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

H1-antihistamines, the mainstay of treatment for urticaria, were developed from anticholinergic drugs more than 70 years ago. They act as inverse agonists rather than antagonists of histamine H1-receptors which are members of the G-protein family. The older first generation H1-antihistamines penetrate readily into the brain to cause sedation, drowsiness, fatigue and impaired concentration and memory causing detrimental effects on learning and examination performance in children and on impairment of the ability of adults to work and drive. Their use should be discouraged. The newer second-generation H1-antihistamines are safer, cause less sedation and are more efficacious. Three drugs widely used for symptomatic relief in urticaria, desloratadine, levocetirizine and fexofenadine are highlighted in this review. Of these levocetirizine and fexofenadine are the most potent in humans in vivo. However, levocetirizine may cause somnolence in susceptible individuals, whereas fexofenadine has a relatively short duration of action and may be required to be given twice daily for all round daily protection. Although desloratadine is less potent, it has the advantages of rarely causing somnolence and having a long duration of action.  相似文献   

Topical Pharmacology of Imidazole Antifungals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four imidazole derivatives have now undergone extensive open and comparative trials as topical agents in dermatomycoses and vaginal candidosis. They are chlormidazole (Chemie Grünenthal), clotrimazole (Bayer), miconazole (Janssen) and econazole (Janssen, CilagChemie); all also have some antibacterial activity. Many other imidazoles have been marketed, usually as antiprotozoal or anthelminthic agents, and some of these have some anti-mycotic activity as well as other miscellaneous therapeutic properties. The mode of action of imidazole antimycotic agents is discussed; after prolonged topical application to animals and human subjects, systemic absorption is negligible. All four agents which are available as cream, powder, lotion or vaginal tablets have many successful studies to their credit, often with clinical and mycological cure rates of over 80 % in a variety of dermatomycoses and in vaginal candidosis. The relative value of these topical agents is discussed, and it is suggested that in severe and extensive dermatomycoses consideration should be given to the systemic use of miconazole in support of topical therapy.  相似文献   

带状疱疹150例护理体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨带状疱疹患者的护理方法。方法将150例患者随机分为对照组50例,治疗组100例,对照组在配合医生进行临床药物治疗的同时,采用传统护理方案,包括病情观察和创面护理;治疗组在对照组的基础上采用中西医结合护理方案,增加刺络拔罐、情志护理和辨证施护等。结果治疗组患者有效率96.00%,明显高于对照组78.00%,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论中西结合护理带状疱疹患者疗效高于传统护理。  相似文献   

Pharmacology and immunology of botulinum toxin type A   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The utility of botulinum neurotoxins as therapeutic and esthetic agents depends on their ability to inhibit neurotransmitter release from selected neurons, remain localized at the site of injection, and evade the body's immunologic defenses. The clinical correlates of these actions, respectively, are efficacy, safety, and a low rate of antibody formation. These properties have long formed the basis for the use of botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) in the treatment of movement disorders such as focal dystonias, spasticity, and cerebral palsy and, more recently, in the treatment of glabellar lines--all of which are characterized by excessive muscle activity.  相似文献   

All-trans retinoic acid is used topically for treating a variety of dermatologic conditions ranging from acne to photoaged skin. Although the clinical effects of retinoic acid treatment are often considerable, relatively little is known about the basic mechanisms underlying such effects. With the development of an in vivo human assay we have investigated the pleiotypic effects of topical retinoids from the histologic to the molecular. Histologically, retinoic acid induces epidermal proliferation and differentiation coupled with dermal fibroblast production of collagen. Immunologic effects include stimulation of the antigen-presenting capacity of Langerhans cells and induction of keratinocyte ICAM-1 expression. At the biochemical level, retinoic acid regulates transglutaminase and tyrosinase activities and activates protein kinase C. Both polar metabolites and stereoisomers of all-trans retinoic acid are also biologically active. Molecular biologic techniques have revealed that elevation of mRNA for cellular retinoic acid binding protein II is a retinoid-related event and that nuclear receptors such as retinoic acid receptors and retinoid X-receptors may transduce the retinoid response.  相似文献   

目的 观察祛玫合剂治疗玫瑰糠疹的疗效并探讨其作用机理。方法 ①治疗组口服祛玫合剂 ,对照组口服盐酸西替利嗪片同时外用氢化考的松霜。②将小鼠随机分为 3组 ,1组和 2组在小鼠腹部、耳部涂搽DNFB溶液 ;3组涂搽生理盐水作对照。涂搽后 ,1、3组用祛玫合剂、2组用生理盐水灌胃 ,连续 7天。处死小鼠称耳重 ,并计算脾、胸腺指数。结果 ①治疗组与对照组治愈天数比较差异有高度显著性 (t =17.0 7,P <0 .0 1)。②祛玫合剂可以拮抗由DNFB诱发的小鼠变态反应。结论 祛玫合剂治疗玫瑰糠疹有满意的疗效 ,其机理可能是通过抗病毒、抗变态反应等作用共同完成的。  相似文献   

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