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Canine and rabbit vascular contractile responses to serotonergic agonists have been used to predict antimigraine efficacy for several antimigraine agents, including sumatriptan. The purpose of the present study was to establish the assumed predictive value of contractile responses in canine and rabbit saphenous veins to contractile efficacy for a series of agonists in human cerebral and coronary arteries and to understand better the receptors mediating such responses. The canine and rabbit saphenous veins contracted similarly (both qualitatively and quantitatively) to series of structurally diverse serotonergic agonists, suggesting that the receptors mediating serotonin-induced contractility in these tissues were similar. In addition, the contractile potency (estimated as EC50 values) for these structurally diverse serotonergic agonists in either the rabbit or canine saphenous vein significantly correlated with contractile potency for these agonists in human cerebral arteries. Thus, to the extent that contractile responsiveness of human cerebral arteries may predict antimigraine agents, contractile responses of the rabbit and/or canine saphenous vein may be useful surrogates for antimigraine efficacy. In addition, the contractile potency for this series of serotonergic agonists in the rabbit and/or canine saphenous vein significantly correlated with contractile potency of these agonists in human coronary arteries. These data suggest that the use of the saphenous vein to identify potent vasoconstrictors will also reveal agents capable of contracting human coronary arteries, a liability for using this approach to evaluate promising antimigraine therapies.  相似文献   

Summary— The effects of hypoxia on isolated arteries remain controversial, depending on the species, vascular beds and protocols. The aims of the study were to characterize the response of rat thoracic aorta to hypoxia and to examine the roles of endothelium, extracellular calcium and endothelin in this response. Hypoxia was induced by bubbling Krebs solution with 95% N2 and 5% CO2 instead of 95% O2 and 5% CO2. Experiments were performed during 1 h in norepinephrine (0.01 μM) precontracted rings. Hypoxia produced a biphasic response consisting of an initial transient partial relaxation (67% at 14 min) followed by a slow but sustained contraction (27% from 40 to 60 min). After endothelium removal, relaxation appeared faster with increased magnitude (82% at 12 min) and was followed by a weak transient contraction (16% at 25 min). In endothelium-intact rings, Ca2+ free medium (EGTA, 0.1 mM) and Ca2+ channel blockers, verapamil (0.05, 0.5 and 5 μM) or nicardipine (0.1, 1 and 10 μM), had no effect on relaxation but inhibited the contraction, the effects of both calcium antagonists being concentration-dependent. Similarly, the ETA/ETB receptor antagonist, bosentan (0.1, 10 and 1,000 nM), induced a concentration-dependent decrease in the contraction. We conclude that 1) the response of rat thoracic aorta during 1 h of hypoxia is biphasic (relaxation followed by contraction); 2) the endothelium is involved in the contraction whereas its role in the relaxation remains to be elucidated; 3) extracellular calcium is involved in the contraction; and 4) endothelin may play a role in the contraction.  相似文献   

The subtypes of histamine receptors mediating dilatation of human meningeal arteries have been tested in vitro, using "selective" antagonists, and compared with cerebral and temporal arteries previously examined. Dilatory responses were tested after preconstriction with prostaglandin F2 alpha. Both mepyramine and cimetidine caused a parallel shift to the right of the histamine concentration-response curve, suggesting the presence of both H1- and H2-receptors. Combined treatment with mepyramine and cimetidine caused further displacement of the concentration-response curve to the right. Schild analysis indicated pA2 values of 6.3 for cimetidine and 9.8 for mepyramine in situations of near complete blockade of either of the receptors. Both H1- and H2-receptors seem of importance for the histamine-induced dilatation in meningeal arteries and neither appear to dominate. The data considered in conjunction with our previous findings support the finding that experimental histamine-induced headache due to vasodilatation is intracranial of origin.  相似文献   

Alpha-1 adrenoceptors and calcium in isolated canine coronary arteries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experiments were designed to define the postjunctional alpha adrenoceptor subtype(s) in large canine coronary arteries and to determine the dependency of contractions due to their activation upon the entry of extracellular calcium. Rings of left circumflex coronary artery were mounted at their optimal length for isometric tension recording in organ chambers filled with physiological salt solution. Phenylephrine and cirazoline were full agonists relative to norepinephrine. Methoxamine was a partial agonist relative to norepinephrine whereas clonidine, xylazine, B-HT 920 and B-HT 933 produced minimal contractions. Prazosin competitively inhibited the contractile response to phenylephrine (pA2 = 8.6), whereas rauwolscine caused a noncompetitive inhibition and was more than 100 times less potent than prazosin at inhibiting the response to phenylephrine. Similar results were obtained using norepinephrine (in the presence of propranolol) as the agonist. The calcium-entry blockers nimodipine, verapamil and diltiazem inhibited contractions caused by norepinephrine, phenylephrine and cirazoline. Removal of extracellular calcium abolished the response to cirazoline. These results suggest that in large canine coronary arteries: 1) only alpha-1 adrenoceptors are present postjunctionally and 2) responses due to alpha-1 adrenoceptor activation are dependent upon extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of acetylcholine (Ach) on lymphocyte function in rats under chronic stress. The authors isolated peripheral lymphocytes from rats 5 weeks after stress treatment and then measured interleukin-2 (IL-2) production after stimulation with concanavalin A or phytohemagglutinin-L. Although mitogen-induced IL-2 production of the stress group was lower than that of the control group, the addition of Ach significantly increased mitogen-induced IL-2 production in both groups. This effect of Ach was inhibited by atropine in the control group only. The changes (increasing rates) in mitogen-induced IL-2 production from basal condition showed a negative correlation with serum corticosterone concentrations. The authors observed no correlation between the effects of Ach (changes in mitogen-induced IL-2 production with Ach compared to those without Ach) and serum corticosterone concentration. These findings suggest that stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system improves lymphocyte function during chronic stress.  相似文献   

Contraction induced by 124 mM potassium followed the depolarization of smooth-muscle cells and activation of potential-operated calcium channels in human temporal arteries. The contraction elicited consisted of two phases, one rapid and one slowly developing stable phase; both were affected by the two calcium entry blockers flunarizine and nimodipine but at significantly different concentrations. In calcium-free medium 124 mM potassium resulted in a weak contraction. Addition of calcium caused a concentration-dependent contraction that was attenuated by the calcium entry blockers at concentrations comparable to those inhibiting the second phase. The results suggested that in human temporal arteries flunarizine and nimodipine act as calcium entry blockers; there was good correlation with the therapeutic plasma concentration for nimodipine but not for flunarizine.  相似文献   

Agonist actions of methyl-1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-3-nitro-4-(2-trifluoromethylphenyl)- pyridine-5-carboxylate (Bay k 8644) were investigated in femoral and mesenteric arteries from 6-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), and data compared with findings in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKYs). The addition of Bay k 8644 produced a dose-dependent contraction in SHR femoral artery with a pD2 value of 8.55. Maximum contraction induced by this agonist (1 X 10(-7) M) was comparable to the maximum developed by K+-depolarization. Bay k 8644 was much less effective in eliciting the contractile responses on WKY femoral artery. Contractile responses of mesenteric and tail arteries to Bay k 8644 were weak and were not significantly different between SHR and WKY. Thoracic aorta was sensitive to the contractile response to Bay k 8644, but the sensitivity was not significantly different between SHR and WKY. Increased responsiveness to exogenously applied K+ was also observed in SHR femoral artery as compared to WKY. Contractile responses of SHR femoral artery to Bay k 8644 were antagonized competitively by nifedipine (pA2 = 8.36), a dihydropyridine Ca++ antagonist, but noncompetitively by diltiazem, a non-dihydropyridine Ca++ antagonist. When the effect of nifedipine on the dose-response curve for Bay k 8644 was determined in WKY femoral artery, there was a similar extent of rightward displacement of the dose-response curve to that seen in SHR. Nifedipine was less efficacious in relaxing the contractile response to Bay k 8644 compared to the contractile response to K+ in SHRs femoral arteries.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dose-dependent actions of prostaglandins (PGs) were investigated on cerebral arterial strips isolated from premature, newborn and adult baboons. PGE1 an PGE2 in low concentrations (10(-9) to 10(-7) M) elicited significant relaxation in both premature and newborn baboon cerebral arteries. Arteries from adult baboons showed slight or small relaxation in response to these PGs. PGE1 and PGE2 in higher concentrations (10(-8) to 10(-6) M) caused no contraction in premature and newborn arteries, but significant contraction in adult arteries. PGF2 alpha (10(-9) to 10(-7) M) elicited relaxations in arteries from baboons of every age group, being greater in prematures and newborns than in adults. PGF2 alpha (3 X 10(-7) to 10(-5) M) produced a slight or small contraction in prematures and newborns, respectively, whereas larger contraction was induced in the adult artery. PGI2 (prostacyclin) (10(-8) to 10(-6) M) produced dose-dependent relaxation in arteries from baboons of all age groups with no significant difference in the relaxant effect among the three age groups. Effective concentration (EC25) values for relaxant effect of PGE1 and PGE2 were much less than those of PGF2 alpha and PGI2 in premature and newborn arteries. In adult cerebral arteries, only PGF2 alpha and PGI2 were effective in causing a significant relaxation. In premature and newborn arteries, PGE1 and PGE2 were not effective in causing a significant contraction, whereas in adult arteries EC25 values for contractile effects of PGE1 and PGE2 were less than those for PGF2 alpha.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on isolated rat aorta and superior mesenteric artery in order to study the action of nifedipine on norepinephrine and K-depolarization-evoked contractions and transmembrane calcium fluxes. Concentration-dependent contractions were obtained with norepinephrine in physiological solution and with Ca++ in K-depolarizing solution. Nifedipine caused a concentration-dependent depression of the maximum response. When aorta was depolarized by 40 mM KCI (instead of usual 100 mM KCI concentration), high concentrations of Ca++ evoked a relaxation that was also blocked by nifedipine. The action of nifedipine has been examined on Ca influx and efflux in arteries stimulated by norepinephrine and K-depolarization. Norepinephrine-evoked Ca influx, but not Ca efflux, was reduced by nifedipine. Concentration inhibitory curves for Ca influx and contraction could be superimposed. K-depolarization-dependent Ca entry and Ca efflux were blocked by nifedipine at concentrations lower than those required to antagonize norepinephrine actions. The results suggest that the action of nifedipine on artery contractility can be related to blockade of calcium entry through channels opened during depolarization or receptor-response coupling.  相似文献   

When treated with the cytosolic Ca++ indicator Quin 2-acetoxymethyl ester (Quin 2-AM), isolated hepatocytes exhibited signs of toxicity, such as extensive lipid peroxidation and vitamin E loss and release of lactate dehydrogenase. Lipid peroxidation induced by this agent was blocked completely by cotreatment of the cells with ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid, EDTA, ruthenium red, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, desferal and trifluoperazine, and was partially inhibited by quinacrine and indomethacin. With the exception of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and quinacrine, these agents also inhibited lactate dehydrogenase leakage. Although the results with ruthenium red suggested that Quin 2-AM may cause toxicity by altering handling of Ca++ by mitochondria, mitochondrial membrane potential was not altered in cells treated with Quin 2-AM until after toxicity occurred. Evidence of a direct, potentiative effect of Quin 2 on iron-induced lipid peroxidation was gained from experiments with liposomes. Treatment of cells with Quin 2-AM did not enhance nitro blue tetrazolium reduction, suggesting that Quin 2 did not stimulate O2- production by the cells. Direct chelation of Ca++ did not appear to be involved in the mechanism of Quin 2 toxicity, for an analog of Quin 2 that is virtually nonhydrolyzable, which greatly limits the binding of Ca++, also caused lipid peroxidation and cell death. These results suggest that Quin 2 causes toxicity by chelating iron or by activating some cellular process(es) that is dependent on the presence of iron or Ca++.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate whether angiotensin II and/or endothelin could contribute to the hypoxic contractile response of isolated rat pulmonary artery. Experiments were performed for 1 h on noradrenaline precontracted arterial rings in hypoxic conditions (95% N2 and 5% CO2). Nicardipine, lisinopril, losartan, phosphoramidon, FR139317 and bosentan were used to block Ca2+ channels, angiotensin I-converting enzyme, AT1 receptors, endothelin-converting enzyme, ETA receptors, and ETA/ETB receptors, respectively. The profile of the hypoxic contractile response was biphasic, displaying, after a short relaxation, a weak and transient contraction (from 2-4 min) and then, before complete relaxation, a slowly developed but sustained contraction (from 14-60 min). Endothelium removal abolished the transient contraction and reduced (-59%) the sustained contraction. Nicardipine did not modify the transient contraction, but concentration-dependently decreased (from -35% to -100%) the sustained contraction (P = 0.024). Lisinopril and losartan did not affect the response (P = 0.418 and P = 0.973, respectively). Bosentan did not modify the transient contraction, but concentration-dependently decreased (from -14% to -71%) the sustained contraction (P = 0.016), whereas phosphoramidon and FR139317 did not affect the response (P = 0.830 and P = 0.806, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: In rat, (i) both phases of the hypoxic contractile response are endothelium-dependent and independent of angiotensin II; (ii) the transient contraction does not depend on endothelin; (iii) the sustained contraction, which involves calcium influx, appears partly dependent on mature endothelin released from storage granules by stimulating ETB receptors.  相似文献   

The possible pronociceptive role of peripheral cholecystokinin (CCK-8) as well as CCK(A) and CCK(B) receptors in diabetic rats was assessed. Subcutaneous injection of 0.5% formalin induced a greater nociceptive behavior in diabetic than in non-diabetic rats. Moreover, local peripheral injection of CCK-8 (0.1-100 microg) significantly increased 0.5% formalin-induced nociceptive activity in diabetic, but not in non-diabetic, rats. This effect was restricted to the formalin-injected paw as administration of CCK-8 into the contralateral paw was ineffective. Local peripheral administration of CCK-8, in the absence of formalin injection, produced a low level of, but significant increase in, flinching behavior in diabetic compared to non-diabetic rats. In addition, local peripheral administration of the non-selective CCK receptor antagonist proglumide (1-100 microg), CCK(A) receptor antagonist lorglumide (0.1-100 microg) or CCK(B) receptor antagonist CR-2945 (0.1-100 microg), but not vehicle or contralateral administration of CCK receptor antagonists, significantly reduced 0.5% formalin-induced flinching in diabetic rats. CR-2945 was the most effective drug in this condition. These effects were not observed in non-diabetic rats. The local peripheral pronociceptive effect of CCK-8 (100 microg) was significantly reduced by proglumide (100 microg), lorglumide (100 microg), and CR-2945 (100 microg). Results suggest that diabetes-induced peripheral sensitization could be due to a local peripheral release of CCK-8, which in turn would act on CCK(B), mainly but also in CCK(A), receptors located on the primary afferent neurons.  相似文献   

Histamine is probably a mediator of vascular responses in the brain, but there is little experimental evidence for its importance in this role. By using both in vitro and in situ techniques, we have studied responses of cat pial arteries to stimulation of histamine receptors by pharmacological agents. In vitro, histamine and 2,2-pyridylethylamine (PEA, H1 agonist) caused contraction of resting arteries while impromidine (H2 agonist) was without effect. The PEA-induced constriction was blocked by the histamine H1 antagonist, mepyramine. When the arteries were precontracted (by 3 X 10(-6) M prostaglandin F2 alpha), however, all three agents caused vascular relaxation with an order of effectiveness as follows: histamine = impromidine much much greater than PEA. The responses of histamine and impromidine were reduced by the H2-antagonists, metiamide or cimetidine. Schild plots for the H2 receptor antagonists resulted in pA2 values of 6.90 and 7.03 for metiamide and cimetidine, respectively. In situ, neither agonist caused pial arterial constriction. Impromidine was considerably more effective than PEA in producing arterial dilatation. Metiamide reduced the effect of impromidine, whereas the dilatation of PEA was reduced by mepyramine. Dilatations resulting from PEA persisted in the presence of metiamide. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that histamine H2 receptors are present in cerebral vascular smooth muscle as identified both in vitro and in situ. Indications for the additional presence of H1 receptors are, however, weak.  相似文献   

Phytoestrogens derived from soybeans reverse endothelial dysfunction in a number of animal models of systemic vascular disease. Based on these studies, we hypothesized that phytoestrogens would reverse chronic hypoxia-induced endothelial dysfunction in rat pulmonary arteries. To test this hypothesis we examined the effect of genistein, the major phytoestrogen found in soybeans, on carbachol-induced relaxation in phenylephrine-constricted pulmonary artery rings isolated from normoxic rats and rats exposed to 14 days of hypobaric hypoxia. Compared with that in normoxic rats, the response to carbachol was impaired in pulmonary arteries isolated from rats exposed to chronic hypoxia. In normoxic rat pulmonary arteries, genistein (30 microM) did not change the maximum relaxation to carbachol. In contrast, genistein significantly enhanced the relaxation response to carbachol in pulmonary arteries from hypoxic rats, restoring it to the levels seen in normoxic rats. 17beta-estradiol (10 microM) and daidzein (30 microM), a structural analog of genistein lacking inhibitory effects on tyrosine kinases, also restored the relaxation response to carbachol in hypoxic rat pulmonary arteries. The nitric-oxide synthase inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (100 microM) completely blocked the genistein, daidzein, and 17beta-estradiol-induced restoration of the relaxation response to carbachol, whereas the estrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182,780 (10 microM) had no effect on the relaxation responses. We conclude that the phytoestrogens genistein and daidzein act like estrogen in restoring nitric oxide-mediated relaxation in chronically hypoxic rat pulmonary arteries and that this effect does not appear to be mediated by inhibition of tyrosine kinases or by known estrogen receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract. Propranolol, a non-selective β -blocker, is used for treatment of portal hypertension as it is believed to diminish splanchnic blood flow both by reducing cardiac output ( β 1-blockade) and by increasing splanchnic arteriolar resistance ( β 2-blockade). However, possible vasodilatory properties of propranolol at higher concentrations may counteract splanchnic vasoconstriction. Nadolol, another non-selective β -blocker, has also been suggested for treatment of portal hypertension. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of various concentrations of propranolol and nadolol on vascular resistance in isolated perfused mesenteric arterial beds from normal and portal hypertensive rats. At concentrations of 10-7 mol L-1 to 10-6 mol L-1 neither propranolol nor nadolol changed pressor responses to noradrenaline in normal rats. However, nadolol 10-5 mol L-1 significantly increased, whereas propranolol 10-5 mol L-1 reduced, noradrenaline-induced vasoconstriction both in normal and in portal hypertensive rats. This unexpected vasodilatory effect of propranolol at high concentrations was present in preparations stimulated by both noradrenaline and methoxamine but not vasopressin and thus may be due to competitive α -receptor blockade. In contrast, nadolol lacked this effect and produced splanchnic arteriolar vasoconstriction at high concentrations also.  相似文献   

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is associated with numerous pathophysiological adaptations of the microvasculature. Considering this, active and passive pressure‐dependent and pressure‐independent mechanisms of vascular control were studied in small resistance arteries isolated from patients with PVD. Using pressure myography and confocal microscopy, human skeletal muscle arteriolar structure and function were compared between paired arteries; one isolated from the healthy non‐diseased proximal skeletal muscle vascular bed (PSM, internal control) and the other from the diseased ischaemic part of the leg [distal skeletal muscle (DSM)]. Structurally, arteries isolated from the diseased part of the leg displayed significant atrophy compared with the non‐diseased arteries. Functionally, no differences were observed in the fundamental ability small resistance arteries to contract or relax. However, active pressure‐dependent myogenic contraction was significantly reduced in DSM arteries compared with PSM arteries. DSM versus PSM; 3 ± 1% versus 22 ± 4% and 3·4% ± 1·1% versus 25 ± 4% at 80 and 120 mmHg, respectively. Furthermore, structural remodelling in DSM arteries could also be correlated with significant changes in vascular wall mechanics. DSM arteries displayed significantly greater incremental dispensability, wall stress and wall strain compared with PSM arteries as a product of pressure‐dependent distension. These alterations in pressure‐dependent active myogenic tone and passive mechanical properties goes some way to explain uncontrolled orthostatic‐dependent changes in leg fluid volume and oedema formation experienced by these patients.  相似文献   

Neurodegeneration induced by methylphenidate (MPH), as a central stimulant with unknown long‐term consequences, in adult rats’ brain and the possible mechanisms involved were studied. Rats were acutely treated with MPH in the presence and absence of some receptor antagonists such as ketamine, topiramate, yohimbine, and haloperidol. Motor activity and anxiety level in rats were monitored. Antioxidant and inflammatory parameters were also measured in isolated hippocampus and cerebral cortex. MPH‐treated groups (10 and 20 mg/kg) demonstrated anxiety‐like behavior and increased motor activity. MPH significantly increased lipid peroxidation, GSSG content, IL‐1β and TNF‐α levels in isolated tissues, and also significantly reduced GSH content, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR) activities in hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Pretreatment of animals by receptor antagonists caused inhibition of MPH‐induced motor activity disturbances and anxiety‐like behavior. Pretreatment of animals by ketamine, topiramate, and yohimbine inhibited the MPH‐induced oxidative stress and inflammation; it significantly decreased lipid peroxidation, GSSG level, IL‐1β and TNF‐α levels and increased GSH content, SOD, GPx, and GR activities in hippocampus and cerebral cortex of acutely MPH‐treated rats. Pretreatment with haloperidol did not cause any change in MPH‐induced oxidative stress and inflammation. In conclusion, acute administration of high doses of MPH can cause oxidative and inflammatory changes in brain cells and induce neurodegeneration in hippocampus and cerebral cortex of adult rats and these changes might probably be mediated by glutamate (NMDA or AMPA) and/or α2‐adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

目的 探讨ATP敏感性钾通道(KATP)在一氧化氮(NO)调节失血性休克(HS)大鼠离体淋巴管收缩性中的作用机制.方法 84只雄性Wistar大鼠按随机数字表法分为对照组(n=6)、HS 0.5 h组(n=36)、HS2h组(n=42);制备离体淋巴管条,分别或联合与KATP阻断剂格列本脲(Gli)及其开放剂吡那地尔(Pin)、NO供体L-精氨酸(L-Arg)、蛋白激酶A(PKA)抑制剂H-89及其供体8-溴-环磷酸腺苷(8-Br-cAMP)、一氧化氮合酶(NOS)抑制剂L-硝基-精氨酸甲脂(L-NAME)、可溶性鸟苷酸环化酶抑制剂1 h-[1,2,4](恶)二唑[4,3-a]喹喔啉-1-酮(ODQ)、蛋白激酶G(PKG)抑制剂KT-5823共同孵育(分别为HS 0.5 h、HS 0.5 h+L-Arg、HS0.5 h+L-Arg+ H-89、HS 0.5 h+L-Arg+ Gli、HS 0.5 h+8-Br-cAMP、HS 0.5 h+8-Br-cAMP+ Gli组及HS 2 h、HS 2 h+L-NAME、HS 2 h+L-NAME+ Pin、HS 2 h+ODQ、HS 2 h+ODQ+ Pin、HS 2 h+KT-5823、HS2h+KT-5823+ Pin组,n=6).采用离体淋巴管灌流技术,记录淋巴管收缩频率(CF),计算收缩幅度(CA)、紧张指数(TI)和泵流分数(FPF).结果 HS 0.5 h淋巴管的CF、TI、FPF显著高于对照组;L-Arg能显著降低HS 0.5 h淋巴管的CF、TI 、FPF,H-89、Gli分别与L-Arg共孵育后,H-89能够逆转L-Arg降低CF、FPF的作用,Gli能够逆转L-Arg降低FPF的作用;8-Br-cAMP能降低HS 0.5 h淋巴管的CF、FPF,Gli与8-Br-cAMP共孵育后,CF显著高于HS 0.5 h+8-Br-cAMP组,且TI、FPF显著低于HS 0.5 h组.HS2h淋巴管的CF、FPF、TI较对照组显著降低;L-NAME可提高HS2h淋巴管的CF、TI、FPF,ODQ可提高HS2h淋巴管的CF、TI,KT-5823可提高HS2h淋巴管的CF、FPF;而L-NAME、ODQ、KT-5823分别与Pin共孵育后,分别能显著降低HS2h淋巴管单独与L-NAME孵育时的CF、FPF,降低与单独ODQ孵育时的CF、TI、FPF,并恢复CA至对照组水平,降低单独与KT-5823孵育时的CF、FPF.结论 KATP参与了NO对HS大鼠离体淋巴管泵功能的调节作用,其作用与NO-cAMP-PKA、NO-cGMP-PKG信号通路有关.  相似文献   

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