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社会资本与社会医学新发展观   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
社会资本是近年来广泛应用于政治、经济、社会发展领域的理论,其核心是基于信任的互惠合作网络的建立和对公共事务的自愿参与,以及由此派生出的共同的价值观、行为规范等.将社会资本理论引入社会医学学科,并与社会医学的热点研究领域如社会因素与健康、社区卫生服务发展、新型农村合作医疗筹资、社区开发策略等有机结合,从而为社会医学学科的发展开拓新的思路、注入新的活力.  相似文献   

《中国社会医学杂志》是由中华人民共和国教育部主管、华中科技大学同济医学院主办的国家级医学专业学术期刊。主要介绍社会医学及其相关学科的研究发展状况;报道医疗卫生领域政策性、理论性及实践性研究的重点、热点问题;探讨社会医学基本理论、研究方法和技术问题;研究社会因素在疾病的发生、发展、转归过程中的作用,以及诊断和针对性的预防控制  相似文献   

社会医学是医学教育的重要学科,是健康观念与医学模式转变的必然结果。社会结构转型期社会医学教育蓬勃发展,兴旺发达,但是学科建设诸多基础性与战略性问题尚未解决,社会医学学科体系框架设计与战略性研究领域选择是关键性问题,严重影响社会医学的发展。在比较研究3本代表性教材的基础上,提出构想中的社会医学学科体系框架,确定若干亟待研究的战略性研究领域,以期完善社会医学学科体系,提高医学教育回应性和质量。  相似文献   

社会医学学科体系框架与战略性研究领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会医学是医学教育的重要学科,是健康观念与医学模式转变的必然结果.社会结构转型期社会医学教育蓬勃发展,兴旺发达,但是学科建设诸多基础性与战略性问题尚未解决,社会医学学科体系框架设计与战略性研究领域选择是关键性问题,严重影响社会医学的发展.在比较研究3本代表性教材的基础上,提出构想中的社会医学学科体系框架,确定若干亟待研究的战略性研究领域,以期完善社会医学学科体系,提高医学教育回应性和质量.  相似文献   

《中国社会医学杂志》是由中华人民共和国教育部主管,华中科技大学同济医学院主办的国家级学术性科技期刊,国内外公开发行。1刊登内容:专论:对医疗卫生领域政策性重点、热点问题进行分析、论述的文章;社会医学理论研究:关于社会医学基本理论、基本方法及技术问题的探讨;临床社会医学:研究疾病的发生、发展、转归过程中社会因素的作用,以及诊断和针对性治疗措施;相关交叉学科:刊登与社会医学的生存、发展有密切关系的卫生管理、卫生经济、卫生法学、健康教育、医学伦理、医学哲学的学科的研究成果;国外研究:介绍国外社会医学及其相关学科领域…  相似文献   

当前,随着老年医学的发展,一门新的分支学科老年社会医学,日渐引人注目。本文仅就老年社会医学研究的若干问题加以概述。一、老年社会医学的概念老年社会医学是从社会角度研究老年医学问题的一门学科,是现代社会医学的一个重要组成部分,又是现代老年医学的一个新的分支。老年社会医学应用管理学、统计学、流行病学和社会学等研究方法。它研  相似文献   

《中国社会医学杂志》为中国科技核心期刊(中国科技论文统计源期刊),主要介绍社会医学及其相关学科的研究发展状况;报道医疗卫生领域政策性、理论性及实践性研究的重点、热点问题;探讨社会医学基本理论、研究方法和技术问题;研究社会因素在疾病的发生、发展、转归过程中的作用及预防控制措施;介绍与社会医学生存、发展密切相关的卫生管理学、卫生经济学、卫生法学、健康教育学、医学伦理学等相关学科的研究成果。辟有专家论坛、理论与方法学研究、卫生政策与管理、医学教育研究、社会因素与健康、社区卫生服务、卫生服务评价、疾病预防与控制等栏目。为了保证稿件质量,根据有关标准和规范并结合本刊实际,制定以下投稿指南。  相似文献   

社会医学是一门社会科学与医学交叉的学科.从20世纪70年代末至今,我国的社会医学经历了创立、成长和发展3个时期,已经成为预防医学领域内的一门重要学科.社会医学产生使预防医学注入了新的活力,即从生物预防扩大到社会预防[1-5].目前全国已经拥有1个国家级重点学科和6个省级重点学科、30多个硕士生学科培养点和12个博士生学科培养点,每年培养近300名社会医学的硕士和博士生,对推动我国卫生事业的发展发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

社会医学在我国出台已经有十数年,社会医学是继承和发展了原保健组织学、人民保健学、居民健康状况以及卫生统计学等学科的一些有关部分而逐渐形成的。社会医学的主导内容大体上已经有了共识,包括学科发展简史、基本理论观点、医学模式转变、社会因素与健康、健康测定与评价方法、卫生战略与方针、卫生服务研究与疾病防治对策等。  相似文献   

《中国社会医学杂志》为中国科技核心期刊(中国科技论文统计源期刊),主要介绍社会医学及其相关学科的研究发展状况;报道医疗卫生领域政策性、理论性及实践性研究的重点、热点问题(如对目前流行肆虐的新型冠状病毒感染肺炎突发公共卫生事件的追踪及思考);探讨社会医学基本理论、研究方法和技术问题;研究社会因素在疾病的发生、发展、转归过程中的作用,以及诊断和针对性的预防控制措施;介绍与社会医学的生存、发展有密切相关的卫生管理学、卫生经济学、卫生法学、健康教育学、医学伦理学等相关学科的研究成果。  相似文献   

Although it is widely acknowledged that community social capital plays an important role in young people’s health, there is limited evidence on the effect of community social capital on the social gradient in child and adolescent health. Using data from the 2005–2006 Flemish (Belgium) Health Behavior among School-aged Children survey (601 communities, n = 10,915), this study investigated whether community social capital is an independent determinant of adolescents’ perceived health and well-being after taking account of individual compositional characteristics (e.g. the gender composition within a certain community). Multilevel statistical procedures were used to estimate neighborhood effects while controlling for individual level effects. Results show that individual level factors (such as family affluence and individual social capital) are positively related to perceived health and well-being and that community level social capital predicted health better than individual social capital. A significant complex interaction effect was found, such that the social gradient in perceived health and well-being (i.e. the slope of family affluence on health) was flattened in communities with a high level of community social capital. Furthermore it seems that socioeconomic status differences in perceived health and well-being substantially narrow in communities where a certain (average) level of community social capital is present. This should mean that individuals living in communities with a low level of community social capital especially benefit from an increase in community social capital. The paper substantiates the need to connect individual health to their meso socioeconomic context and this being intrinsically within a multilevel framework.  相似文献   

社会资本与农村合作医疗的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会资本是存在于社会结构中的社会规范和社会关系等,具有社会和资本双重特性,对经济增长和社会发展具有明显的外在作用。合作医疗是一种社区筹资,它通过对疾病负担的分摊,保障农村、尤其是农村贫困地区居民的基本卫生服务需求,减缓农民“因病致贫、因病返贫”的发生。社会资本在合作医疗基金的筹集、补偿、卫生服务提供和利用以及合作医疗的监督管理中,具有极为重要且广泛的作用。激活和充分利用社会资本,是合作医疗持续发展的关键之一。  相似文献   

Social capital is associated with better health, but components of social capital and their associations with different types of health are rarely explored together. The aim of this study was to use nationally representative data to develop population norms of community participation and explore the relationships between structural and cognitive components of social capital with three forms of health – general health, mental health and physical functioning. Data were taken from Wave 6 (2006) of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. Using individual-level data, the structural component of social capital (community participation) was measured using a twelve-item short-form of the Australian Community Participation Questionnaire, and the cognitive component (social cohesion) by sense of belonging, tangible support, trust and reciprocity. Three subscales of the SF-36 provided measures of health. Multiple hierarchical regression modelling was used to investigate multivariate relationships among these factors. Higher levels of participation were related to higher levels of social cohesion and to all three forms of (better) health, particularly strongly to mental health. These findings could not be accounted for by sex, age, Indigenous status, education, responsibility for dependents, paid work, living alone or poverty. Controlling for these and physical health, structural and cognitive components of social capital were each related to mental health, with support for a possible mediated relationship between the structural component and mental health. Social capital was related to three forms of health, especially to mental health. Notable gender differences in this relationship were evident, with women reporting greater community participation and social cohesion than men, yet worse mental health. Understanding the mechanisms underlying this apparent anomaly needs further exploration. Because community participation is amenable to intervention, subject to causal testing, our findings may assist in the development of programs which are effective in promoting social cohesion and, thereby, mental health.  相似文献   

社会资本开发与卫生事业发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从社会资本理论内涵及其构成要素出发,探讨其对卫生事业发展产生作用的关键环节,并提出通过加强外部制度和内部制度建设,为卫生事业发展创造良好和谐的社会政策、公民道德等宏观环境;通过医疗机构之间的合作、网络建设和盘活机构内部机制,构建卫生事业发展的组织基础;通过加强社区综合环境建设和鼓励培育志愿者组织与行动,创建促进卫生事业发展的微观社会环境等措施,以充分开发社会资本,为卫生事业发展提供动力。  相似文献   

社会资本是促进人群健康和卫生行业发展的重要动力。结合我国医疗卫生国情剖析社会资本理论中信任、群众参与、社会网络、规范、互惠、能动性等指标的内涵,及其对人群健康、卫生机构乃至卫生保健全行业发展的影响,为开发和利用社会资本发展卫生事业、增进人群健康提供理论依据。  相似文献   

卫生保健领域中社会资本指标探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会资本是促进人群健康和卫生行业发展的重要动力.结合我国医疗卫生国情剖析社会资本理论中信任、群众参与、社会网络、规范、互惠、能动性等指标的内涵,及其对人群健康、卫生机构乃至卫生保健全行业发展的影响,为开发和利用社会资本发展卫生事业、增进人群健康提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Numerous empirical studies, largely conducted in Western societies, have linked social capital to health outcomes. However, few studies thus far have been conducted in northeastern Asian countries, particularly Japan. Therefore, whether social capital is a determinant of health in Japanese society remains unclear. This study attempted to provide new evidence for the impact of social capital on health in Japan by analyzing original survey data with two different statistical models. In total, 1910 subjects were randomly selected from 210 enumeration districts (EDs) considered in the 2000 population census. In the present study, after excluding missing data on the outcome and predictor variables, we conducted an analysis of 1157 individuals nested within 206 EDs. Ecological and multilevel regression analyses were performed to examine the association between social capital and health, measured by the General Health (GH) perception item (a subcategory of Short Form 36 (SF-36)), and to estimate the impact of aggregated indicators of social capital on health. We developed an original Japanese version of three social capital items (perceived helpfulness, kindness, and greeting) based on previous studies and expert opinions and prepared a social cohesion index that integrated these three social capital items. The ecological model, after adjusting for sociodemographic factors, revealed that perceived helpfulness and greeting, along with the social cohesion index, were observed to have statistically significant associations with GH. The multilevel model, after adjusting for individual social capital perceptions, indicated that the two aggregated indicators of community social capital (kindness and greeting), along with the social cohesion index, showed a statistically significant association with GH. These results showed the existence of a contextual effect of social capital on health outcomes, although individual differences in social capital perceptions in Japan were considered.  相似文献   

文章阐述了当前“社会资本”的两种具体涵义,较全面地分析了社会资本对社区卫生服务供需双方产生的影响,以期获得对社区卫生服务可持续发展更清晰的视角,并在此基础上提出相应措施.  相似文献   

Social capital and health promotion: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interest in social capital and health has emerged at an exciting time. In public health, there is a renewed interest in mechanisms that link social inequalities and health. In epidemiology, there has been a critical interrogation of methods and a call for a more explicit use of theory. In health promotion over the last 20-30 years, social health interventions have been somewhat marginalised in an era dominated by interest in traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors. Now that social hypotheses are being reborn in health, there is a risk that the sophistication that has developed in social health promotion and the literatures that have informed it could be overlooked. In this paper, we present a brief history of social capital and how it has come into recent prominence through the debate linking income inequality and health. We present the background to this, the earlier literatures on social environmental influences on health and the possible processes thought to underlie this relationship. Social capital has relational, material and political aspects. We suggest that, although the relational properties of social capital are important (eg, trust, networks), the political aspects of social capital are perhaps under recognised. The paper also reviews how complex social processes at the community level have come to be operationalised by social theorists and intervention agents in other fields. We suggest that social capital research so far has inadequately captured the underlying constructs, in particular the qualitative difference between the macro/context level and the micro/individual level. While being cautious about the science, we conclude that social capital's power as rhetoric and as a metaphor may be of value. We conclude by suggesting that the coalescence of interests in context-level influences on health now invites a revitalisation of theories and interventions inspired by diverse fields, such as geography and ecological community psychology.  相似文献   

Studies of social capital have focused on the static relationship between social capital and health, governance and economic conditions. This study is a first attempt to evaluate interventions designed to improve the levels of social capital in post-conflict communities in Nicaragua and to relate those increases to health and governance issues. The two-year study involved a baseline household survey of approximately 200 households in three communities in Nicaragua, the implementation of systematic interventions designed to increase social capital in two of the locales (with one control group), and a second household survey administered two years after the baseline survey. We found that systematic interventions promoting management and leadership development were effective in improving some aspects of social capital, in particular the cognitive attitudes of trust in the communities. Interventions were also linked to higher levels of civic participation in governance processes. As in other empirical studies, we also found that higher levels of social capital were significantly associated with some positive health behaviors. The behavioral/structural components of social capital (including participation in groups and social networks) were associated with more desirable individual health behaviors such as the use of modern medicine to treat children's respiratory illnesses. Attitudinal components of social capital were positively linked to community health behaviors such as working on community sanitation campaigns. The findings presented here should be of interest to policy makers interested in health policy and social capital, as well as those working in conflict-ridden communities in the developing world.  相似文献   

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