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Relation between coronary anatomy and serial changes in left ventricular function on exercise: a study using first pass radionuclide angiography with gold-195m.

J L Caplin D S Dymond J C O'Keefe W D Flatman L Dyke S O Banim R A Spurrell 《Heart (British Cardiac Society)》1986,55(2):120-128
Serial changes in left ventricular function on exercise were assessed by first pass radionuclide angiography with gold-195m (half life 30.5 s) in 25 men with known coronary anatomy. In the seven patients with three vessel disease, abnormalities of global left ventricular function and regional wall motion occurred earlier during exercise, were of greater extent at peak exercise, and persisted longer after exercise than in the 11 patients with one and two vessel disease or the seven with normal coronary arteries. Although there were significant differences between the groups in absolute change in ejection fraction and the rate of change in ejection fraction related to exercise duration and heart rate, a considerable overlap of values between groups precluded the accurate prediction of coronary anatomy in individuals. These data suggest that the amount of myocardium at risk from ischaemia in some patients with one and two vessel disease may resemble that in patients with three vessel disease. This study shows that an anatomical classification based solely on the number of diseased vessels will not predict the extent of the impairment of left ventricular function on exercise. 相似文献
J L Caplin D S Dymond W D Flatman J C O'Keefe R A Spurrell 《International journal of cardiology》1986,12(2):185-192
The adequacy of radioisotopic mixing in first-pass radionuclide studies of right ventricular function was assessed in 27 patients using multiple injections of gold-195m (half-life 30.5 sec). A theoretical disadvantage of the first-pass technique is inadequate mixing of the injected bolus with blood prior to entry into the right ventricle. Since the calculation of ejection fraction is based on the assumption of complete mixing, this would lead to errors. In order to assess the effects of bolus injection rates and bolus duration on the calculation of right ventricular ejection fraction, multiple, rapid, sequential studies were performed using gold-195m at four bolus injection rates (10, 5, 2 and 1 ml/sec). Slowing the injection rate caused a significant increase in bolus duration, and a significant increase in the number of cardiac cycles available for analysis. Mean ejection fraction, however, was not significantly changed. There was good correlation between right ventricular ejection fraction at all injection rates when compared to 10 ml/sec, and no injection rate led to a consistent over or underestimate of right ventricular ejection fraction. There was no significant relationship between change in bolus duration and variation in ejection fraction. These data indicate that mixing is adequate for first-pass studies of right ventricular function using a rapid bolus. 相似文献
M Radice A Albertini D Alberti M R Castelli V Giudici M Gallazzi P Maroni R Roccaforte M Montanari P Giani 《Acta cardiologica》1987,42(1):49-58
Au-195m is a radio-isotope with an ultra-short half-life with which multiple sequential evaluations of ventricular function can be made. In order to evaluate the reliability and reproducibility of analyses of overall and regional ventricular function by radio-isotope ventriculography with Au-195m we studied 10 healthy volunteers and 12 patients with coronary artery disease. Each subject underwent 4 first-pass studies: 1 with Tc-99m and, 10 minutes later, 3 with Au-195m (2 basal studies separated by 3-5 minutes interval and, 10 minutes later, 1 after s.l. nitroglycerin administration). Regional wall motion was analyzed and ejection fraction and peak count rate were determined in each test. Our study showed that the ejection fraction obtained with Au-195m was reproducible (r = 0.98) and correlated well with the ejection fraction determined by using Tc-99m (r = 0.98). The values of the peak count rate obtained with Tc-99m were higher than those obtained with Au-195m. Due to the specially designed collimator and the technical characteristics of the gamma-camera we used, we were able to record sufficiently high count-rates to evaluate regional wall motion, and this analysis was also found to be reliable and reproducible. After s.l. nitroglycerin administration, normal volunteers showed a significant increase of ejection fraction in comparison with basal acquisitions (p less than 0.05), while a wide range of responses was observed in the group of patients with coronary artery disease. We conclude that radio-isotope ventriculography with Au-195m is reliable and reproducible and could be a valid method of monitoring rapid variations induced in overall and regional left ventricular function. 相似文献
D S Dymond J L Caplin W Flatman P Burnett S Banim R Spurrell 《British heart journal》1984,51(5):557-564
The evolutionary changes in left ventricular function induced by cold pressor stimulation were investigated at 90 second intervals by rapid sequential first pass radionuclide angiography using the short half life tracer gold 195m. The results in 12 subjects with normal coronary arteries were compared with those in 12 patients with coronary artery disease. Left ventricular ejection fraction fell significantly from resting values in both groups after 1 minute of cold pressor, but only in patients with coronary disease was the significant fall maintained at 2.5 and 4 minutes. In both groups, the maximum decrease in ejection fraction occurred after 1 minute, whereas the maximum rise in systolic blood pressure occurred after 2.5 minutes. New abnormalities of regional ventricular function developed in 10 normal subjects after 1 minute of cold, with a total of 12 new abnormal segments. Only two such segments were seen at the later stages of imaging. Twenty one new segments developed after 1 minute in the coronary disease group, and 13 segments remained abnormal after 4 minutes. Three patients, two of whom had left main stem stenoses, showed persistent abnormalities of ventricular function after 2 minutes of recovery from cold stimulation. Thus left ventricular function changes rapidly during a period of cold stimulation in both those without and those with coronary disease. When the cold pressor test is used with multiple gated equilibrium imaging, the timing of imaging may be crucial to the results and interpretation of the test. The discordance between functional changes and rise in blood pressure is further evidence that alterations in afterload are not solely responsible for cold induced abnormalities. 相似文献
K A Narahara I Mena J C Maublant M Brizendine C J Thompson J M Criley 《Catheterization and cardiovascular diagnosis》1984,10(4):395-401
Gold-195m has a halflife of 30.5 sec. Its ultrashort halflife and low radiation exposure (240 mrads to the kidney from a 20-mCi injection) make it an ideal agent for sequential first-transit studies of cardiac function. The reproducibility of ejection fraction and wall motion determinations were assessed from two gold-195m first-pass angiograms performed 3 min apart in 38 subjects. The accuracy of these evaluations was assessed by performing another first-transit study using technetium-99m. The correlation of the ejection fraction between the two gold-195m angiograms was 0.95 (standard error of the estimate (SEE) = 0.049) over an ejection fraction range of 20-78. The correlation of the ejection fraction using technetium-99m versus gold-195m was 0.95; SEE = 0.050. Only six minor discrepancies were noted when wall motion was evaluated in the gold-195m angiograms and compared with the technetium-99m study. We conclude that gold-195m can provide repeated, accurate, and reproducible ejection fraction and wall motion determinations with conventional imaging equipment at a substantially lower radiation exposure than with technetium-99m. 相似文献
LAHIRI A.; ZANELLI G. D.; O'HARA M. J.; BOWLES M. J.; JONES R. I.; CAVE A. P. D.; RAFTERY E. B. 《European heart journal》1986,7(6):493-500
The state of left ventricular function and myocardial perfusionare important determinants of prognosis in patients with coronaryartery disease and information on both can be valuable for planningindividual patient management. We have studied the feasibilityof simultaneous measurement of left ventricular ejection fractionwith ultra short-lived gold-195 m (half life 30.5 seconds) andmyocardial perfusion with thallium-201, at rest and after exercisewith a single-crystal gamma camera. The results with first-passradionuclide angiocardiography (RNA) using gold-195 m at restwere reproducible and agreed closely with the results obtainedusing technetium-99 m equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography(r = 0.93). Ejection fraction by firstpass gold-195 m RNA duringsemi-supine ergometric exercise decreased by >5% in 13 outof 18patients with coronary artery disease and stable angina.Simultaneous myocardial imaging with thallium-201 was abnormalin all patients. The change in regional wall motion abnormalityscore during exercise correlated with the change in myocardialperfusion (r = 0.71, P<0.01) and with the change in globalleft ventricular ejection fraction (r = 0.77, P<0.001). Thewidely differing energy levels and half-lives of gold-195 mand thallium-201 made it possible to separate clearly the imagesdue to each radionuclide. This study has demonstrated the feasibilityof simultaneous or sequential assessment of left ventricularfunction and myocardial perfusion during a single exercise test,a technique which can offer advantages in clinical evaluationof patients with coronary artery disease. 相似文献
Temporal evolution of changes in left ventricular function induced by cold pressor stimulation. An assessment with radionuclide angiography and gold 195m.

D S Dymond J L Caplin W Flatman P Burnett S Banim R Spurrell 《Heart (British Cardiac Society)》1984,51(5):557-564
The evolutionary changes in left ventricular function induced by cold pressor stimulation were investigated at 90 second intervals by rapid sequential first pass radionuclide angiography using the short half life tracer gold 195m. The results in 12 subjects with normal coronary arteries were compared with those in 12 patients with coronary artery disease. Left ventricular ejection fraction fell significantly from resting values in both groups after 1 minute of cold pressor, but only in patients with coronary disease was the significant fall maintained at 2.5 and 4 minutes. In both groups, the maximum decrease in ejection fraction occurred after 1 minute, whereas the maximum rise in systolic blood pressure occurred after 2.5 minutes. New abnormalities of regional ventricular function developed in 10 normal subjects after 1 minute of cold, with a total of 12 new abnormal segments. Only two such segments were seen at the later stages of imaging. Twenty one new segments developed after 1 minute in the coronary disease group, and 13 segments remained abnormal after 4 minutes. Three patients, two of whom had left main stem stenoses, showed persistent abnormalities of ventricular function after 2 minutes of recovery from cold stimulation. Thus left ventricular function changes rapidly during a period of cold stimulation in both those without and those with coronary disease. When the cold pressor test is used with multiple gated equilibrium imaging, the timing of imaging may be crucial to the results and interpretation of the test. The discordance between functional changes and rise in blood pressure is further evidence that alterations in afterload are not solely responsible for cold induced abnormalities. 相似文献
Frans J. Wackers Robert W. Giles Paul B. Hoffer Robert C. Lange Harvey J. Berger Barry L. Zaret Linda Pytlik Michael Plankey 《The American journal of cardiology》1982,50(1):89-94
The feasibility of performing rapid sequential first pass radionuclide angiocardiography using a new short-lived radiotracer, gold-195m (195mAu) half-life 30.5 seconds) was evaluated. This radionuclide emits a 262 keV gamma ray and is the daughter of mercury-195 (195mHg) (half-life 41.6 hours). The prototype tabletop generator produced 20 to 25 mCi of 195mAu in 2 ml of eluate (yield of 40 percent). The breakthrough of 195mHg in the eluate was 0.02 percent of the amount of 195mHg in the generator. The eluate contained 20 μCi of 195mHg per study, resulting in an estimated human radiation dose of 0.007 rad/study to the whole body and 0.34 rad/study to the kidney.Four dogs each had 15 to 20 sequential first pass studies performed with 195mHg at 3 to 10 minute intervals using a computerized multicrystal gamma camera. During the left ventricular phase, 160,000 to 190,000 counts/s were acquired. The end-diastolic left ventricular region of interest contained 3,000 to 6,000 counts (background- and decay-corrected). Multiple reproducible values for left ventricular ejection fraction were obtained during stable conditions. The mean (± standard deviation) interstudy variability was 4 ±2 percent. During infusion of isoproterenol, rapid increase of left ventricular ejection fraction was demonstrated. Excellent agreement was observed between studies performed with technetium-99m diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (99mTc-DTPA) and 195mAu. The mean jnterstudy difference was 4 ±3 percent. Thus, sufficiently high yield and dose are obtained from the generator for reliable high count rate first pass determination of left ventricular ejection fraction. This new short-lived radiotracer makes possible rapid sequential assessments of ventricular function at greatly reduced patient exposure to radiation. 相似文献
T D Miller C P Taliercio A R Zinsmeister R J Gibbons 《The American journal of cardiology》1990,65(20):1317-1321
Patients with 3-vessel coronary artery disease (CAD) and normal left ventricular (LV) function have a worse prognosis if they manifest ischemia during exercise testing. The present study determines if exercise radionuclide angiography can aid in the risk stratification of patients with 1- or 2-vessel CAD and impaired LV function (ejection fraction less than 50%). Sixty-five consecutive patients with these findings were followed for a median duration of 24 months (range 12 to 49). Eleven of the 65 patients (17%) had severely ischemic exercise radionuclide angiograms, defined as: a decrease in ejection fraction with exercise; greater than or equal to 1.0 mm of ST-segment depression; and peak exercise workload less than or equal to 600 kg-m/min. During follow-up 11 patients had initial significant cardiac events: 4 cardiac deaths, 1 cardiac arrest, 4 myocardial infarctions and 2 bypass or angioplasty procedures for unstable angina greater than or equal to 3 months after the exercise study. Four of 11 patients (36%) with severely ischemic exercise radionuclide angiograms had events, compared to 7 of 54 patients (13%) without ischemic radionuclide angiograms. Event-free survival at 18 months was 73% for patients with severe exercise ischemia versus 92% for those without ischemia (p less than 0.05). Univariate analysis showed that severe ischemia on radionuclide angiography was the only variable of several tested that significantly predicted future cardiac events (chi-square = 8.16, p less than 0.005). Among patients with 1- or 2-vessel CAD and impaired resting LV function, severe ischemia on exercise radionuclide angiography identifies a subgroup at high risk for future cardiac events. 相似文献
G V Heller S T Treves J A Parker L A Duke G M O'Brien R T Davis C Fitzgibbon A B Packard 《Journal of the American College of Cardiology》1986,7(6):1295-1302
Ultrashort-lived iridium-191m (Ir-191m, physical half-life = 5.0 seconds) has been used in angiocardiography, primarily in pediatric patients. A theoretical obstacle to more widespread use of Ir-191m is the belief that its physical half-life is too short to permit evaluation of left ventricular function in adult patients. To evaluate its usefulness in adults, first pass ejection fractions of the left and right ventricles determined with use of Ir-191m and technetium-99m (Tc-99m) were compared in 33 adult patients. An osmium-191m----iridium-191m (Os-191----Ir-191m) generator was employed to deliver doses of 150 to 250 mCi (5.5 to 9.2 GBq) of Ir-191m for intravenous injection. The whole body radiation absorbed dose with Ir-191m was 15 to 25 mrad. High quality angiocardiograms were obtained with both Tc-99m and Ir-191m. Total counts per image for the right ventricle were 51,000 +/- 8,000 (mean +/- SD) for Ir-191m and 30,000 +/- 8,000 for Tc-99m. The left ventricular counts were comparable for both radiotracers (25,000 +/- 7,000 for Ir-191m and 25,000 +/- 8,000 for Tc-99m). Right ventricular ejection fractions were similar: 44 +/- 8% for Ir-191m and 47 +/- 9% for Tc-99m. The correlation coefficient was 0.93 with a standard deviation of the regression of 3.1% ejection fraction units. The left ventricular ejection fractions were also similar: 45 +/- 14% for Ir-191m and 46 +/- 13% for Tc-99m. The left ventricular ejection fraction correlation coefficient was 0.96 with a standard deviation of the regression of 3.7%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Stephen K. Rerych Peter M. Scholz David C. Sabiston Robert H. Jones 《The American journal of cardiology》1980,45(2):244-252
Radionuclide angiocardiography provides accurate hemodynamic information during maximal exercise in erect subjects. Cardiac function was studied with this noninvasive technique in 12 male and 6 female college athletes before (BT) and after (AT) 6 months of swimming training. Measurements at rest and during maximal exercise of heart rate, left ventricular ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, cardiac output and total body blood volume were determined from first pass and equilibrium precordial counting techniques. The results were as follows:
Heart Rate (beats/ min) | Ejection Fraction (%) | End-Diastolic Volume (ml) | Cardiac Output (liters/ min) | Total Body Blood Volume (liter) | |
Rest | |||||
BT | |||||
AT | |||||
Exercise | |||||
BT | |||||
AT |