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B超与X线对中国人乳腺癌诊断价值的对照研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 比较X线摄影、B超及两者联合应用对中国人乳腺癌的诊断价值,为临床选择检查方法提供参考。方法 根据体检结果,把473例经病理证实的乳腺占位病人分为可触及肿块与未触及肿块两组,采用诊断性试验的方法分别比较两组中X线摄影、B超及两者联合应用(串联、并联)的诊断准确率。结果 可触及肿物组,灵敏度:并联>B超>X线>串联;特异度:串联>B超>X线>并联。未触及肿物组,灵敏度:并联>X线>B超>串联;特异度:串联>B超>X线,并联。B超、X线乳腺摄影及联合应用的灵敏度与特异度亦无明显差异,结果与病检高度一致。结论 B超应作为中国人乳腺癌诊断的首选检查,联合应用X线检查不能提高诊断效率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字乳腺断层合成X线成像(DBT)结合合成2D图像(SM)对乳腺微钙化的检出和诊断效能。方法:回顾性分析228例乳腺影像及病理资料。3名影像医师独立阅读DBT结合全视野数字化乳腺摄影(FFDM)、DBT结合SM、FFDM、SM 4种模式下影像资料,记录微钙化有无,根据BI-RADS 2013版对微钙化进行分类,分析不同密度乳腺类型中良、恶性微钙化的检出率及诊断效能。结果:不管在致密型乳腺或所有腺体类型乳腺中,4种阅片模式对微钙化检出敏感度的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),特异度均为100%。DBT结合SM与DBT结合FFDM对微钙化诊断敏感度、特异度及ROC曲线下面积的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);FFDM的敏感度高于SM,特异度低于SM,ROC曲线下面积高于SM,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:DBT结合SM与DBT结合FFDM对乳腺微钙化的检出、诊断效能相似。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of introducing and discontinuing an intervention designed to improve adherence with scheduled appointments in a pediatric allergy clinic. Five nonadherent and three adherent patients received reminders and incentives for keeping their scheduled appointments. Adherence with appointments increased for three of the five nonadherent children, who had an average increase of 13%, and adherent patients continued to keep appointments during the intervention condition. After 10 scheduled allergy clinic appointments had been kept, incentives were discontinued while reminders continued. Improvements in adherence were not maintained after incentives were discontinued and two children showed reductions in adherence to below-baseline levels. Incentive programs increase appointment keeping, but discontinuing incentives abruptly may result in the return of nonadherence, even when reminders are provided as a maintenance strategy. Future pediatric psychology research and practice should investigate both the benefits and limitations of strategies designed to improve adherence.  相似文献   

Mammography has been found significantly to impact mortality in women; however, compliance is still problematic. A theoretical model which combined Health Belief Model (HBM) constructs with stage of mammography adoption was used to investigate the effect of an individualized belief and/or informational intervention on mammography compliance. A control group and three intervention groups (belief, information, and belief and information) were used. A probability sample of 405 women ages 40–88 years without a prior history of breast cancer was randomly assigned to groups. Subjects in the intervention group received individually tailored messages to alter beliefs or provider information related to mammography screening. Women in the combined belief/information group were over two times more likely to have been compliant with mammography 1 year postintervention than those in the control. In addition, groups who received the belief intervention had significantly more women that went from a lower to a higher stage of mammography adoption.This work was supported by NCNR Grant R01 NR1843-05.  相似文献   

目的 探讨乳腺临床触诊阴性而钼靶X线提示泥沙样钙化病灶的病理组织学特点及临床意义.方法 对105例乳腺临床触诊阴性钼靶X线提示乳腺阳性病灶行定位切除活检,并对其中53例泥沙样钙化病灶行病理组织学分析,结合相应钼靶片结果探讨两者相关性.结果 105例中原位癌及浸润癌23例,非典型增生病变22例,良性病变60例;其中钼靶X线有泥沙样钙化53例,包括原位癌及浸润癌17例(32%)、非典型增生8例(15%)、良性病变28例(53%).泥沙样钙化病例占总病例数50.5%,其中原位癌及浸润癌占总原位癌及浸润癌73.9%.结论 泥沙样钙化在原位癌、浸润癌及良性病变中各有特点,表明钙化灶的不同特点与病变的不同性质有关.对那些钼靶--病理对照表现具原位癌、浸润癌倾向的泥沙样钙化病例应及时做定位活检.  相似文献   



This study investigated predictive factors of women's participation in organized mammography screening (OrgMS) and/or opportunistic mammography screening (OppMS) when the two screening modes coexist.


Questionnaires were sent to 6,000 women aged 51–74 years old invited to attend an OrgMS session between 2010 and 2011 in France. Data collected concerned the women's healthcare behaviour and their socioeconomic characteristics. Women without a personal or family history of breast cancer that could explain their participation in OppMS were retained in the generalized logits analysis.


The data of 1,202 women were analysed. Of these, 555 (46.2%) had attended OrgMS only, 105 (8.7%) OppMS only and 542 (45.1%) had performed both OrgMS and OppMS. Multivariable analyses showed that women who had regular gynaecological check-ups were more likely to perform OppMS only or both OrgMS and OppMS, OR 95% CI were 2.1 [1.1–3.9], 1.9 [1.4–2.6], respectively. Being employed also increased participation in OppMS only [OR: 2.1 (1.2–3.7)] or both OrgMS and OppMS [OR: 1.5 (1.1–2.05)].

Conclusion and practice implications

In countries where OrgMS and OppMS coexist, strategies involving gynaecologists, referring doctors or company doctors and the organization of healthcare services to promote adequate screening round may help to reduce the overuse of mammography.  相似文献   

目的利用精益管理理论,优化甲状腺穿刺预约流程。方法以2019年6月至2019年9月中日友好医院超声科行甲状腺穿刺预约的患者为研究对象。分定义、测量、分析、改进和控制5个阶段进行。随机纳入流程改进前50例患者为对照组,流程改进后50例患者为研究组,共收集100例患者,比较两组患者的预约流程总时间,预约流程总行走距离与往返次数,以及患者满意度。结果改进后患者预约流程总时间由(58. 6±31. 5) min降为(32. 5±12. 8) min,患者满意度评分由3. 3分升高至4. 3分;行走距离由(90~546) m变为(94~219) m,其中涉及超声科开检查申请单和缴费行走距离由(78~149) m降为7 m;总排队次数从3~7次降为1~2次。结论基于精益管理优化方法,可以优化穿刺患者预约诊流程,提高患者满意度,有利于医院整体资源更高效运行。  相似文献   

目的:研究全数字化乳腺摄影(FFDM)及数字乳腺断层摄影(DBT)对于钙化征象及其在乳腺疾病诊断效能的对比。 方法:收集福建医科大学附属第二医院2013年6月~2017年4月期间就诊的97例经FFDM及DBT检查发现有钙化征象,并具有病理结果的患者,根据乳腺影像报告和数据系统进行阅片诊断,同时计算出在FFDM及COMBO(DBT结合FFDM)两种摄片模式下的钙化分数。 结果:通过秩和检验分析两种方法下钙化分数存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。通过ROC曲线分析两种方法在乳腺疾病诊断效能发现,两者曲线下面积均大于0.5,具有诊断价值,FFDM与COMBO敏感度(95.7%)一致;COMBO特异性(92%)较FFDM特异性(76%)高。 结论:COMBO相对于FFDM能更好地观察钙化征象,提高诊断效能。  相似文献   

The present study examined compliance with the three recommended breast self-examination (BSE) positions over a 6-month follow-up period. An ongoing behavioral measure that provided information about the type of exam performed during each BSE occasion was employed. Results indicated that adherence to all three position types was obtained in only 40% of the exams. Forty-two percent of exams were comprised of only one position, with the supine position being the most frequently practiced exam type. Implications of these results with regard to BSE research and current breast cancer screening recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   


Decades of empirical research have demonstrated psychological and behavioural consequences of false-positive medical tests. To organise this literature and offer novel predictions, we propose a model of how false-positive mammography results affect return for subsequent mammography screening. We propose that false-positive mammography results alter how women think about themselves (e.g., increasing their perceived likelihood of getting breast cancer) and the screening test (e.g., believing mammography test results are less accurate). We further hypothesise that thoughts elicited by the false-positive experience will, in turn, affect future use of screening mammography. In addition, we discuss methodological considerations for statistical analyses of these mediational pathways and propose two classes of potential moderators. While our model focuses on mammography screening, it may be applicable to psychological and behavioural responses to other screening tests. The model is especially timely as false-positive medical test results are increasingly common, due to efforts to increase uptake of cancer screening, new technologies that improve existing tests’ ability to detect disease at the cost of increased false alarms, and growing numbers of new medical tests.  相似文献   

阮吟  石彦  宣玲 《解剖与临床》2014,(4):299-302
目的:评价高频彩色多普勒超声及钼靶X线检查对早期乳腺癌的诊断价值。方法回顾分析经手术病理证实的106例早期乳腺癌患者资料,术前均经高频彩色多普勒超声及钼靶X线检查,对单独使用和联合使用2种检查方法对早期乳腺癌的诊断准确率进行统计分析。结果高频彩色多普勒超声与钼靶X线检查对早期乳腺癌的诊断准确率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);高频彩色多普勒超声、钼靶X线检查对早期乳腺癌的诊断准确率均低于2种方法联合应用,差异均有统计学意义(P值均〈0.05)。结论高频彩色多普勒超声与钼靶X线均为筛查和诊断早期乳腺癌的主要手段,两者联合应用可提高早期乳腺癌的诊断率。  相似文献   

Galit W  Green MS  Lital KB 《Maturitas》2007,57(2):109-119
OBJECTIVE: The efficacy of population screening mammography for the age group of 50-74 years has been demonstrated. However, only limited data are available regarding women aged 75 and over, and recommendations for breast cancer screening in this age group vary in different countries. The aim of the current study is to review the evidence of the efficacy of breast cancer screening in women over the age of 74 years. METHODS: Studies published in English were retrieved by systematically searching MEDLINE (for papers published until August 2006), and by manually examining the references of the original articles and reviews retrieved. All studies that dealt with screening mammography over age 74 years were included. The studies were reviewed according to their outcomes and study design, focusing on breast cancer mortality and stage of breast cancer at diagnosis. RESULTS: Three studies focused on the relationship between breast cancer screening and mortality; in the 75-84 years age group, the risk of disease-specific mortality was approximately two-fold higher among women who did not perform screening mammography compared to women who did. Another four studies showed that women who underwent screening mammography had significantly smaller tumors and earlier disease stage at diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Regular mammography screening in older women may be associated with an earlier-stage disease and lower breast cancer mortality. These data support the use of screening mammography above age 75 years based on individual evaluations, rather than setting an upper age limit for breast cancer screening.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of two prompting interventions on promoting long-term compliance with breast self-examination (BSE). Subjects were 83 faculty and staff at a state university who volunteered to learn BSE at a 1-hr workshop. Following the workshop, subjects were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: phone-prompt group, mail-prompt group, or control group. Prompted subjects received BSE reminders twice a month for 7 months. Performance of BSE was assessed by an ongoing, indirect behavioral measure. Results indicated that the prompts, particularly those delivered by phone, were effective in encouraging initial performance of BSE. However, for all conditions, BSE decreased over the course of the study. The implications of these findings are discussed, and recommendations for future research are presented.  相似文献   

The reliability of stereotactic core biopsy in the diagnosis of malignant and premalignant breast lesions was assessed in comparison to excision biopsy in patients with non-palpable suspicious breast lesions detected in a mammography breast screening programme. Fifty-two cases of malignancy and nine of atypical ductal hyperplasia were diagnosed on the programme during the two year period July 1993 to June 1995; two patients did not have excision biopsy. Stereotactic core biopsies and representative sections from 59 excision specimens from the same patients were assessed ‘blind’ by one pathologist. All 51 cancers diagnosed on stereotactic core biopsy were confirmed to be malignant on excision biopsy. There was 96% concordance between stereotactic core biopsy and excision biopsy for the diagnosis of invasive or in situ cancer, and 78% concordance for the type of cancer. The stereotactic core biopsy and excision biopsy diagnoses were: invasive ductal carcinomas (39 on stereotactic core biopsy vs. 33 on excision biopsy), mucinous carcinomas (1 vs. 2), invasive lobular carcinomas (3 vs. 8), and in situ carcinomas (8 vs. 8), two of which had invasive cancer present only in the stereotactic core biopsy. Of the nine cases of atypical ductal hyperplasia diagnosed on stereotactic core biopsy, eight had an excision biopsy, six showed low nuclear grade in situ or invasive cancer, one had a 3mm focus of high grade invasive ductal cancer and one was atypical ductal hyperplasia. In the invasive ductal carcinoma group stereotactic core biopsy underestimated tumour grade: in nine cases (31%) the cancer at excision was of a higher grade. Stereotactic core biopsy is a reliable alternative to excision biopsy in the diagnosis of breast cancer, however, stereotactic core biopsy may underestimate tumour grade in invasive ductal carcinoma and may not differentiate between invasive ductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma. It is recommended that the diagnosis of atypical ductal hyperplasia on stereotactic core biopsy be followed by excision biopsy, as stereotactic core biopsy underestimates the presence of cancer in this group.  相似文献   

An indirect behavioral measure for measuring the frequency of breast self-examination (BSE) in the natural environment was developed and evaluated. BSE was performed using a lubricant (i.e., baby oil), and then a sheet of absorbant tissue was applied to the examined area. The tissue, which retained an oil stain, provided a trace measure of the exam. Results indicated that the measure remedied some of the weaknesses in verbal report, although for certain subjects it underestimated compliance.The intervention study served as partial fulfillment for the author's doctoral degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.  相似文献   

IntroductionWhile mammography notably contributes to earlier detection of breast cancer, it has its limitations, including a large number of false positive exams. Improved radiology education could potentially contribute to alleviating this issue. Toward this goal, in this paper we propose an algorithm for modeling of false positive error making among radiology trainees. Identifying troublesome locations for the trainees could focus their training and in turn improve their performance.MethodsThe algorithm proposed in this paper predicts locations that are likely to result in a false positive error for each trainee based on the previous annotations made by the trainee. The algorithm consists of three steps. First, the suspicious false positive locations are identified in mammograms by Difference of Gaussian filter and suspicious regions are segmented by computer vision-based segmentation algorithms. Second, 133 features are extracted for each suspicious region to describe its distinctive characteristics. Third, a random forest classifier is applied to predict the likelihood of the trainee making a false positive error using the extracted features. The random forest classifier is trained using previous annotations made by the trainee. We evaluated the algorithm using data from a reader study in which 3 experts and 10 trainees interpreted 100 mammographic cases.ResultsThe algorithm was able to identify locations where the trainee will commit a false positive error with accuracy higher than an algorithm that selects such locations randomly. Specifically, our algorithm found false positive locations with 40% accuracy when only 1 location was selected for all cases for each trainee and 12% accuracy when 10 locations were selected. The accuracies for randomly identified locations were both 0% for these two scenarios.ConclusionsIn this first study on the topic, we were able to build computer models that were able to find locations for which a trainee will make a false positive error in images that were not previously seen by the trainee. Presenting the trainees with such locations rather than randomly selected ones may improve their educational outcomes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the influence of annual mammography on pathology features of breast cancers in an invited population. We conducted a randomized trial of 53,890 invited and 106,971 control United Kingdom women who were recruited only from those aged 40 years, with central review of cancer histology. We compare the invasive cancer distribution for the categories of size, histological type, grade, and node status in subgroups of the invited population with that of controls. Among 1287 cancers identified in the total population through the end of December 1999, there are major differences among prevalence, incidence, interval, and lapsed-attender and nonattender subgroups for the distribution of cancer numbers in categories of chosen qualitative histological features. These reflect the biases known to affect a population exposed to screening. Comparing cancers from the unbiased group of the invited population with controls shows significant differences in distributions for size, grade, and node status but not histological type. Multivariate logistic regression shows significant reduction (odds ratio, 0.73; P = 0.043) in node-positive status for the unbiased group. We conclude that annual mammography from age 40 years significantly reduces size and positive-node status of invasive cancers in the invited population. The potential for phenotypic drift of grade emphasizes the relevance of screen detection of all grades at sizes smaller than 10 mm.  相似文献   

Despite its efficacy, screening mammography is not widely utilized due to various factors. The Health Belief Model (HBM) has previously been used as one conceptualization of relevant patient attitudes. No psychometrically validated measure of these variables has previously been utilized, however, nor have prospective studies of women all of whom have been referred by their physicians for mammography been reported. The research reported here addressed both of those issues. A psychometrically validated measure of the HBM variables, perceived susceptibility, barriers, and benefits, was used. along with age, education, ethnicity, and family breast cancer history to predict mammography utilization in a prospective study of hospital employees. Being white, perceiving fewer benefits of and barriers to mammography, and having a family history of breast cancer were predictive of noncompliance. The avoidant behavior of employees with a family history of breast cancer must be addressed in attempts to increase mammography utilization. In addition, results of the study imply the need for full discussion with women referred for mammography of all issues related to its use, both its benefits and possible barriers.  相似文献   



Improvements in mobile telecommunication technologies have enabled clinicians to collect patient-reported outcome (PRO) data more frequently, but there is as yet limited evidence regarding the frequency with which PRO data can be collected via smartphone applications (apps) in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.


The primary objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of an app for sleep disturbance-related data collection from breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. A secondary objective was to identify the variables associated with better compliance in order to identify the optimal subgroups to include in future studies of smartphone-based interventions.


Between March 2013 and July 2013, patients who planned to receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer at Asan Medical Center who had access to a smartphone app were enrolled just before the start of their chemotherapy and asked to self-report their sleep patterns, anxiety severity, and mood status via a smartphone app on a daily basis during the 90-day study period. Push notifications were sent to participants daily at 9 am and 7 pm. Data regarding the patients’ demographics, interval from enrollment to first self-report, baseline Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) score, and health-related quality of life score (as assessed using the EuroQol Five Dimensional [EQ5D-3L] questionnaire) were collected to ascertain the factors associated with compliance with the self-reporting process.


A total of 30 participants (mean age 45 years, SD 6; range 35-65 years) were analyzed in this study. In total, 2700 daily push notifications were sent to these 30 participants over the 90-day study period via their smartphones, resulting in the collection of 1215 self-reporting sleep-disturbance data items (overall compliance rate=45.0%, 1215/2700). The median value of individual patient-level reporting rates was 41.1% (range 6.7-95.6%). The longitudinal day-level compliance curve fell to 50.0% at day 34 and reached a nadir of 13.3% at day 90. The cumulative longitudinal compliance curve exhibited a steady decrease by about 50% at day 70 and continued to fall to 45% on day 90. Women without any form of employment exhibited the higher compliance rate. There was no association between any of the other patient characteristics (ie, demographics, and BDI and EQ5D-3L scores) and compliance. The mean individual patient-level reporting rate was higher for the subgroup with a 1-day lag time, defined as starting to self-report on the day immediately after enrollment, than for those with a lag of 2 or more days (51.6%, SD 24.0 and 29.6%, SD 25.3, respectively; P=.03).


The 90-day longitudinal collection of daily self-reporting sleep-disturbance data via a smartphone app was found to be feasible. Further research should focus on how to sustain compliance with this self-reporting for a longer time and select subpopulations with higher rates of compliance for mobile health care.  相似文献   

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