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内镜下放置鼻空肠管在危重病人的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的:总结危重病人内镜辅助下床边放置鼻空肠管的经验,探讨内镜置管的具体方法及其在危重病人中的应用.方法:1997年1月至2005年1月间共107例重症病人接受内镜辅助下放置鼻空肠管,观察置管的时间、成功率、并发症及留置时间.结果:置管时间为(12.3±7.8)min,成功率为98.1%,未发生置管相关并发症,置管后并发症发生率为2.8%(3/107).导管留置时间为(20.7±8.4)d.结论:内镜辅助放置鼻空肠管具有简单、快捷、安全,易于护理、病人痛苦小和易于耐受等优点,尤其适于危重病人使用.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Early postpyloric feeding is considered the accepted method of nutrition support in critically ill patients. Endoscopic and fluoroscopic techniques are associated with the highest percentage of successful placement. The purpose of this study was to compare endoscopic vs fluoroscopic placement of postpyloric feeding tubes in critically ill patients. METHODS: This is a randomized prospective clinical trial. Forty-three patients were randomized to receive feeding tubes by endoscopic or fluoroscopic technique. All procedures were performed at the bedside in the critical care unit. A soft small-bore nonweighted feeding tube was used in all cases. Successful placement was confirmed by either an abdominal x-ray for endoscopic technique or a fluoroscopic radiograph for fluoroscopic technique. RESULTS: Postpyloric feeding tubes were successfully placed in 41 of 43 patients (95%). The success rate using endoscopic technique was 96% (25 of 26), whereas the rate using fluoroscopy was 94% (16 of 17). The average time of successful placement was 15.2 +/- 2.9 (mean +/- SEM) minutes for endoscopic placement and 16.2 +/- 3.2 minutes for fluoroscopic placement, which was not statistically significant (p > .05). CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic and fluoroscopic placement of postpyloric feeding tubes can safely and accurately be performed at the bedside in critically ill patients. Our results showed no significant difference in the success rate or time of placement between endoscopic vs fluoroscopic placement of postpyloric feeding tubes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Erythromycin enhances gastric emptying and has been suggested to facilitate nasoenteric feeding tube placement in adults. Our primary objective was to evaluate the effect of erythromycin on the transpyloric passage of feeding tubes in critically ill children, and second, to evaluate the effect of erythromycin on the distal migration of duodenal feeding tubes. METHODS: Seventy-four children were randomly assigned to receive erythromycin lactobionate (10 mg/kg) IV or equal volume of saline placebo 60 minutes before passage of a flexible weighted tip feeding tube. Abdominal radiographs were obtained 4 hours later to assess tube placement. If the tube was proximal to the third part of the duodenum, two additional doses of erythromycin/placebo were administered 6 hours apart. Those receiving additional doses had repeat radiographs 14 to 18 hours after tube placement. RESULTS: The number of postpyloric feeding tubes was similar in the erythromycin and placebo treated groups 4 hours after tube insertion (23/37 vs 27/37, p = .5). Of those with prepyloric tubes at 4 hours, none in the erythromycin group and 3 in the placebo group had the tube migrate to the postpyloric position by 14 to 18 hours (p < .05). Of those with postpyloric tubes proximal to the third part of the duodenum at 4 hours, additional doses of erythromycin did not cause more tubes to advance further into the intestine than did placebo (p = .6). CONCLUSIONS: Erythromycin does not facilitate transpyloric passage of feeding tubes in critically ill children. The distal migration of duodenal tubes further into the small bowel is also not enhanced by erythromycin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spontaneous transpyloric migration of a simple nasojejunal tube (NJT) can be expected in only one-third of insertions. Guidance of the tube by radiologic or endoscopic maneuvers is usually required. We believed that locating a 5-mL balloon near the tip of an NJT on which natural peristalsis could act would improve the rate of spontaneous transpyloric migration and facilitate small bowel propagation. METHODS: Thirty healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to have an inflated or noninflated, ballooned NJT fashioned from a modified 9F Hickman line catheter inserted. The pH of aspirates was measured hourly and the final location of the tube assessed by gastrografin contrast abdominal x-ray (AXR) at the end of 6 hours, at which time the tube was removed. RESULTS: After 6 hours, spontaneous transpyloric migration occurred in 86.6% of the ballooned and 66.6% of the nonballooned tubes. The final disposition of the ballooned tubes was: stomach, 2 (13.3%); duodenum, 1 (6.7%); and small bowel, 12 (80%). The final disposition of the nonballooned tubes was: stomach, 5 (33%), NS; duodenum, 9 (60%), p < .05; and small bowel, 1 (6.7%), p < .05. CONCLUSIONS: Ballooned NJT have a higher rate of spontaneous transpyloric migration and are significantly more likely to achieve an optimal small bowel location.  相似文献   

目的:探讨床旁空肠营养管徒手置入技术在危重症病人肠内营养(EN)治疗中的安全性、有效性和实用性. 方法:鼻空肠管组病人采用美国CORPAK公司CORFLO导管置入行鼻空肠营养29例.鼻胃管组采用普通胃管置入行EN支持30例.观察鼻空肠管组置管成功率,置管时间和不良反应.对比观察两组病人血清清蛋白(ALB)、前清蛋白(PA)、血红蛋白(Hb)、APACHEⅡ评分、入住ICU时间、置管费用和ICU总费用等指标的变化,以及反流、腹胀、腹泻、应激性溃疡和吸入性肺炎等并发症的发生率. 结果:床旁经鼻空肠营养管徒手置入成功率为93.1%,置管时间为(19.3-6.8) min,无不良反应.鼻空肠管组病人营养指标和APACHEⅡ评分改善明显,且入住ICU时间、ICU总费用和并发症的发生率均低于对照组. 结论:床旁空肠营养管徒手置入技术在危重症病人EN支持治疗中,具有操作简单、安全、置管成功率高、并发症低、病人营养状况改善明显的优点.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We respectively compared the nutritional and clinical efficacies of eucaloric and hypocaloric enteral feedings in 40 critically ill, obese patients admitted to the trauma or surgical intensive care unit. METHODS: Adult patients, 18 to 69 years old, with weights greater than 125% of ideal body weight, normal renal and hepatic functions, and who received at least 7 d of enteral tube feeding were studied. Patients were stratified according to feeding group: eucaloric feeding (>or=20 kcal/kg of adjusted weight per day; n = 12) or hypocaloric feeding (<20 kcal/kg of adjusted weight per day; n = 28). The goal protein intake for both groups was approximately 2 g/kg of ideal body weight per day. Clinical events and nutrition data were recorded for 4 wk. RESULTS: Patients were similar according to sex, age, weight, body mass index, Second Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation score, Trauma score, and Injury Severity Score. The hypocaloric feeding group received significantly fewer calories than the eucaloric group (P相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In a blinded, prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial, we compared nitrogen balance (NB), nutritional indices, antioxidant catalysts, and outcome in critically ill children given an immune-enhancing formula (I) or conventional early enteral nutrition (C). METHODS: Fifty patients, 103 +/- 7 months old, with disorders prompting admission to the pediatric intensive care unit, including sepsis, respiratory failure, and severe head injury, were enrolled in the study. Within 12 h of admission, patients were randomized to receive I (n=25) or C (n=25). Caloric intake was aimed at meeting patient's predicted basal metabolic rate by day 2 and predicted energy expenditure by day 4, irrespective of group assignment. Outcome endpoints and complications were recorded; NB, transthyretin, retinol-binding protein, transferrin, zinc, copper, and metabolic indices were measured on days 1 and 5 and compared with clinical and nutritional characteristics within and between groups. RESULTS: Both diets achieved their initial targets of covering predicted basal metabolic rate by day 2 and predicted energy expenditure by day 4. Twenty four-hour NB became positive in 40% of patients in group C and occurred in 64% of patients in group I by day 5. Only in group I did the mean NB become positive by day 5 (0.07+/-0.07 g/kg versus -0.24+/-0.03 g/kg on day 1, P<0.001) compared with group C in which the mean NB remained negative (-0.06+/-0.04 g/kg versus -0.25+/-0.06 g/kg on day 1, P<0.001). By day 5, nutritional indices and antioxidant catalysts showed a higher increasing trend in group I compared with group C and higher osmolality (P<0.02), sodium (P<0.03), and urea (P<0.04). Diarrhea for group I (P<0.02) and gastric distention for group C (P<0.04) were the most frequently recorded complications. Mortality or length of stay did not differ between groups, but there was a trend for less gastric gram plus isolates (P<0.05) or for Candida species (P<0.04) and nosocomial infections in group I compared with group C. CONCLUSIONS: Although less well tolerated, immunonutrition is a feasible method of early enteral nutrition in the pediatric intensive care unit. It has a favorable effect on nutritional indices and antioxidant catalysts, but not on outcome hard endpoints. Although it poses a higher metabolic burden to the patient, it shows a trend to improve colonization and infection rates. Appropriate modifications for specific age populations might improve its tolerability and benefits among critically ill children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to compare the response received by a population-based breast cancer screening program, according to three different invitation strategies: letters sent by mail from the program (program group), letters sent by mail from the Primary Health Care Team (PHT group), and direct contact through a trained professional (direct contact group). METHODS: We used a cluster-randomized controlled trial with assignment to invitation group using home address. Nine hundred eighty-six women of Barcelona (Spain), ages 50 to 64 years, were invited to participate in the program. The main outcome used was the response rate after the first invitation. RESULTS: Five hundred sixty-four women accepted the invitation (57.2%). The highest response rate was achieved in the direct contact group (63.5%), followed by the PHT group (55.6%), the program group being the one that attained the lowest response rate (52.1%). The direct contact group had a higher probability of participating than the PHT group (RR = 1.14, P = 0.037) or the program group (RR = 1.22, P = 0.003). The response rate in the direct contact group was 72.1% when the letter was received by the subject herself. The increase in response occurred particularly among women of lower educational level. CONCLUSIONS: Inviting women to participate in a breast cancer screening program through direct contact by trained personnel increased participation rate compared with mailed-letter methods. The positive effect appeared restricted to women with lower educational levels.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to compare gastrointestinal tolerance to two enteral feeding protocols in critically ill patients. METHODS: A prospective, randomized controlled trial, that involved 96 consecutive patients expected to stay in the intensive care unit for > or =3 days and who had no contraindications to enteral feeding. The patients were randomized to either the current protocol (group I; gastric residual volume threshold, 150 mL, optional prokinetic) or proposed feeding protocol (group II; gastric residual volume threshold 250 mL, mandatory prokinetic). Gastrointestinal intolerance was recorded as episodes of high gastric residual volume, emesis, or diarrhea. The time to reach the goal rate of feeding and the percentage of nutritional requirements received during the study period were also recorded. RESULTS: Nineteen of 36 patients (19/36 = 0.53) in group I had one or more episodes of high gastric residual volume, compared with 10 of 44 patients (10/44 = 0.23) in group II (p < .005). There was no statistical difference between the two protocols with regards to emesis, diarrhea, or the total episodes of intolerance. The patients in group II reached their goal rates on average in 15 hours and received 76% of their nutritional requirements, compared with 22 hours and 70% in group I; however, these differences were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of enteral feeding intolerance was reduced by using a gastric residual volume of 250 mL along with the mandatory use of prokinetics. The study showed a trend of improved enteral nutrition provision and reduced the time to reach the goal rate in group II. These improvements support the adoption of the proposed feeding protocol for critically ill patients.  相似文献   

Informed consent has been indirectly studied only in settings that do not replicate the actual consent process. We designed a sham study and randomly allocated adult ambulatory patients to receive one of two consent forms: Consent A (n = 52) described a randomized trial of usual treatment vs a new medication that "may work twice as fast as the usual treatment"; or Consent B (n = 48) that described a randomized trial of a new medication that "may work half as fast as the usual treatment". Patients randomized to Consent A were more likely to consent than those randomized to Consent B (consent rate A = 67%, consent rate B = 42%, p less than 0.01). Among patients who cited quantitative information, the difference in consent rate was even more marked (95% vs 36%, p less than 0.001); patients who did not cite quantitative information had equivalent consent rates. Patients who perceived minimal or severe symptoms had lower consent rates than those with mid-range symptom scores (chi 2(2) = 8.35, p = 0.015). Patients who recognize quantitative information will use it to make informed consent decisions.  相似文献   

Optimal energy goals for adult, obese critically ill surgical patients are unclear. To date, there has been little data comparing feeding regimens for obese and non-obese critically ill surgical patients and the effect on outcomes. The objective was to compare the effect of hypoenergetic and euenergetic feeding goals in critically ill obese patients on outcomes, including infection, intensive care unit length of stay, and mortality. We hypothesized that hypoenergetic feeding of patients with premorbid obesity (body mass index ≥ 30 kg•m−2) during critical illness does not affect clinical outcomes. Post hoc analyses were performed on critically ill surgical patients enrolled in a randomized controlled trial. Patients were randomized to receive 25-30 kcal•kg−1•d−1 (105-126 kJ.kg−1•d−1, euenergetic) or 12.5-15 kcal•kg−1•d−1 (52-63 kJ.kg−1 •d−1, hypoenergetic), with equal protein allocation (1.5 g•kg−1•d−1). The effect of feeding regimen on outcomes in obese and nonobese patients were assessed. Of the 83 patients, 30 (36.1%) were obese (body mass index ≥ 30 kg•m−2). Average energy intake differed based on feeding regimen (hypoenergetic: 982±61 vs euenergetic: 1338±92 kcal•d−1, P = .02). Comparing obese and nonobese patients, there was no difference in the percentage acquiring an infection (66.7% [20/30] vs 77.4% [41/53], P = .29), intensive care unit length of stay (16.4±3.7 vs 14.3±0.9 days, P = .39), or mortality (10% [3/30] vs 7.6% [4/53], P = .7). Within the subset of obese patients, the percentage acquiring an infection (hypoenergetic: 78.9% [15/19] vs euenergetic: 45.5% [5/11], P = .11) was not affected by the feeding regimen. Within the subset of nonobese patients, there was a trend toward more infections in the euenergetic group (hypoenergetic: 63.6% [14/22] vs euenergetic: 87.1% [27/31], P = .05). Hypoenergetic feeding does not appear to affect clinical outcomes positively or negatively in critically ill patients with premorbid obesity.  相似文献   



To determine whether the placement of a post‐pyloric feeding tube (PPFT) can be taught safely and effectively to a critical care dietitian.


This is a prospective observational study conducted in an adult intensive care unit (ICU). The intervention consisted of 19 attempts at post‐pyloric intubation by the dietitian. The 10 ‘learning’ attempts were performed by the dietitian under the direction of an experienced (having completed in excess of 50 successful tube placements) user. A subsequent nine ‘consolidation’ attempts were performed under the responsibility of the intensive care consultant on duty. The primary outcome measures were success (i.e. tip of the PPFT being visible in or distal to the duodenum on X‐ray) and time (minutes) to PPFT placement. Patients were observed for adverse events per standard clinical practice.


A total of 19 post‐pyloric tube placements were attempted in 18 patients (52 (23–70) years, ICU admission diagnoses: trauma n = 4; respiratory failure n = 3; and burns, pancreatitis and renal failure n = 2 each). No adverse events occurred. Most (75%) patients were sedated, and mechanically ventilated. Prokinetics were used to assist tube placement in 11% (2/19) of attempts, both of which were successful. Placement of PPFT was successful in 58% (11/19) of attempts. Whilst training, the success rate was 40% (4/10) compared with 78% (7/9) once training was consolidated (P = 0.17). In the successful attempts, the mean time to placement was 11.0 minutes (3.9–27.1 minutes).


A dietitian can be trained to safely and successfully place PPFT in critically ill patients.  相似文献   

X线下放置鼻空肠营养管在危重症早期肠内营养中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:探讨X线下放置鼻空肠营养管,在危重症病人早期肠内营养中的临床应用价值.方法:在X线监视下,将带有金属导丝的营养管自鼻腔经胃、十二指肠,置入空肠,拔出导丝,注入造影剂,确认营养管前端已进入Treitz韧带后30 cm以远.结果:X线下可将营养管放置至Treitz韧带30 cm以远的空肠部位,置管成功率为100%,置管时间为10~40(平均20)min.置管后营养管在位良好,喂养过程顺利.结论:X线下放置鼻空肠营养管,是一种操作简便快捷、安全可靠的置管技术,为危重症病人早期肠内营养支持提供了一条更有效的营养途径.  相似文献   

Nutrition support is an important link in the chain of therapy for intensive care unit patients. The early institution of nutrition support significantly reduces the incidence of septic complications, reduces mortality, and shortens hospital stay. Unfortunately, impaired gastrointestinal function, particularly gastric atony, restricts the use of nasogastric enteral tube feeding, and the use of this route of administration in these patients can lead to regurgitation, aspiration, and the development of pneumonia. Postpyloric enteral feeding was heralded as a means of overcoming many of these problems. Overall, the results of controlled studies do not support a role of postpyloric duodenal feeding in reducing the incidence of aspiration pneumonia. As a consequence, post-ligament of Treitz nasojejunal enteral feeding is proposed as the technique of choice in these patients. Feeding tube design must incorporate a gastric aspiration port to overcome problems of gastroesophageal acid reflux, duodenogastric bile reflux, and increased gastric acid secretion, problems that occur during "downstream" jejunal feeding. Tube placement technique will need to be refined and patients will need to receive a predigested enteral diet. In postoperative surgical patients in the intensive care unit, there is also a need for a newly designed dual-purpose nasogastric tube capable initially of providing a means of undertaking gastric aspiration and decompression and subsequently a means of initiating nasogastric enteral feeding.  相似文献   

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