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对侧抑制对噪声暴露后的瞬态诱发耳声发射的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :了解对侧抑制对噪声暴露前后瞬态耳声发射 (TEOAE)的影响。方法 :观察对侧抑制 (6 0dBSPL宽带噪声 )对噪声暴露前后TEOAE反应幅值、波重复率、频带信噪比、频带重复率等指标的变化。结果 :短时噪声暴露后 ,TEOAE各指标的数值都有所下降 ,敏感地反映出噪声暴露对耳蜗功能的影响。对侧抑制在噪声暴露前可引起较小的下降 ,部分指标有显著性改变。暴露后 ,对侧抑制使TEOAE指标下降更明显。结论 :噪声暴露可对耳蜗功能状态产生明显影响 ,降低耳声发射的测值。对侧抑制对耳蜗进行负反馈调节 ,可明显提高TEOAE测试检出噪声暴露所引起改变的敏感度。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: During measurement of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs), acoustic stimulation of the contralateral ear reduces or suppresses TEOAE amplitude. This is thought to be due to the inhibitory control that the medial efferent auditory nerve exerts on outer hair cell (OHC) function. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cerebello-pontine angle (CPA) tumor on the medial efferent nerve pathways to both tumor and non-tumor ears by examining alterations in TEOAE amplitude that result from contralateral acoustic stimulation. DESIGN: Contralateral suppression of TEOAEs using broadband noise was measured preoperatively in 17 patients with unilateral CPA tumor and 17 normally hearing controls, matched for age and gender. RESULTS: The control ears demonstrated significantly more suppression than the tumor and non-tumor ears in the patient group. There was, however, no significant difference in suppression between the tumor and non-tumor ears, and the statistical correlation for suppression between them was high. There was no effect of gender, hearing threshold levels, or size and type of tumor on suppression, although there was an effect of age on suppression in both the control and patient groups where suppression reduced as age increased. Four of the 17 patients had TEOAEs, which were clearly present in the tumor ear despite substantial hearing loss, three of which had no measurable hearing. CONCLUSIONS: It is hypothesized that neural compression by CPA tumor disrupts the medial efferent nerve control mechanism to the OHCs of tumor ears. It also is hypothesized that neural compression reduces transmission of afferent nerve impulses from the tumor ear, which cross over to the medial olivo-cochlear complex and reduce the inhibitory control of OHC function in the non-tumor cochlea.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to present a Brazilian universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) program based on transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) and study the hearing impairment prevalence in this population. From September 1996 to August 1999, 4631 babies were born at the maternity ward of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein in Sao Paulo, Brazil and 4196 (90.6%) had a hearing screening test performed before discharge. The equipment ILO88, 'quickscreen' mode and the 2 stages protocol were used. From the 4196 babies tested, 4123 (98.2%) had a normal test and 73 (1.8%) failed at the first stage screening. The follow-up was performed in 60 (82%) of those 73 babies and 10 (2.3-1000 live births) had a confirmed hearing loss, three without hearing risk factors. The TEOAE UNHS program was a feasible and accurate method to detect hearing disorders at an early stage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: (1) To establish test performance measures for Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission testing of 6-year-old children in a school setting; (2) To investigate whether Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission testing provides a more accurate and effective alternative to a pure tone screening plus tympanometry protocol. METHODS: Pure tone screening, tympanometry and transient evoked otoacoustic emission data were collected from 940 subjects (1880 ears), with a mean age of 6.2 years. Subjects were tested in non-sound-treated rooms within 22 schools. Receiver operating characteristics curves along with specificity, sensitivity, accuracy and efficiency values were determined for a variety of transient evoked otoacoustic emission/pure tone screening/tympanometry comparisons. RESULTS: The Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission failure rate for the group was 20.3%. The failure rate for pure tone screening was found to be 8.9%, whilst 18.6% of subjects failed a protocol consisting of combined pure tone screening and tympanometry results. In essence, findings from the comparison of overall Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission pass/fail with overall pure tone screening pass/fail suggested that use of a modified Rhode Island Hearing Assessment Project criterion would result in a very high probability that a child with a pass result has normal hearing (true negative). However, the hit rate was only moderate. Selection of a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) criterion set at > or =1 dB appeared to provide the best test performance measures for the range of SNR values investigated. Test performance measures generally declined when tympanometry results were included, with the exception of lower false alarm rates and higher positive predictive values. The exclusion of low frequency data from the Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission SNR versus pure tone screening analysis resulted in improved performance measures. CONCLUSIONS: The present study poses several implications for the clinical implementation of Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission screening for entry level school children. Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission pass/fail criteria will require revision. The findings of the current investigation offer support to the possible replacement of pure tone screening with Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission testing for 6-year-old children. However, they do not suggest the replacement of the pure tone screening plus tympanometry battery.  相似文献   



Aim of this study was to investigate the possible role played by outer hair cells and cochlear efferent system functionality when tinnitus develops in normal hearing ears. A multiparametric approach was used, entailing recording and analysis of a set of otoacoustic emissions (OAEs): distortion product (DPOAEs), transient evoked (TEOAEs) and efferent-mediated TEOAE suppression in the presence of contralateral acoustic stimulation (CAS).


Fifty-four subjects with normal hearing sensitivity participated in the study. Twenty-three suffered from chronic subjective tinnitus whereas thirty-one did not have tinnitus and acted as control subjects. DPOAEs were measured with eliciting tones of frequency ratio 1.22 and intensity 65 and 55 dB SPL in the frequency range 0.5–8 kHz. TEOAEs were recorded with the ‘linear’ protocol using clicks at 60 dB peak SPL both in the absence and in the presence of CAS at two different intensities. DPOAE amplitude, TEOAE amplitude, and TEOAE suppression were analysed as relevant parameters.


Significantly reduced DPOAE amplitude in the frequency range 1.5–8 kHz, lower TEOAE amplitude, and slightly decreased TEOAE suppression were measured in tinnitus subjects compared to non-tinnitus controls. In particular, 74% of tinnitus subjects exhibited abnormal DPOAEs, 13% had abnormal TEOAEs, whereas abnormal TEOAE suppression was found in 9% of patients.


Overall, the present work revealed the presence of abnormal OAEs, in particular at higher frequencies, in tinnitus subjects with normal hearing sensitivity. A minor (i.e., sub-clinical) outer hair cell dysfunction, particularly in high-frequency cochlear regions, might thus be assumed in normal hearing tinnitus subjects. In order to better put in light the possible role played by outer hair cells in low-frequency cochlear regions, or by the cochlear efferent system, additional analyses would be needed.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to analyze the fine structure of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) and contralateral suppression effects in tinnitus subjects with normal hearing in order to assess whether a minor cochlear or efferent dysfunction, possibly limited in narrow cochlear regions, might play a role in tinnitus.


TEOAEs were recorded, both in the absence and in the presence of contralateral acoustic stimulation, in 23 tinnitus patients with normal hearing sensitivity and in 31 non-tinnitus control subjects. The broad-band TEOAE recordings were analyzed by using an innovative algorithm and separated into a set of 33 narrow-band frequency components, that represent the different cochlear contributions to the whole TEOAE response. In each frequency component, three different parameters were analyzed and compared between tinnitus and non-tinnitus subjects, i.e., reproducibility, latency, and the suppression effects induced by contralateral acoustic stimulation.


Significantly lower reproducibility was observed in the frequency components of the tinnitus subjects compared to the controls, whereas no significant differences in latency and in suppression effects were observed between tinnitus and non-tinnitus ears.


The analysis of the fine structure of TEOAEs revealed that the tinnitus subjects involved in this study might, possibly, have a minor dysfunction of the cochlear active mechanisms that resulted in frequency components with lower reproducibility. Conversely, the analysis of suppression effects in the narrow-band frequency components of TEOAE indicated that the subjects involved showed no relevant damage to the efferent regulatory mechanisms that control the cochlear activity, neither through the cochlea as a whole, nor in limited cochlear regions.  相似文献   

Contralateral suppression of transient otoacoustic emissions in 42 premature babies (84 ears; post-conceptional age [PCA] 30–36 weeks) was compared to that of 39 full-term babies (78 ears; PCA: 37–45 weeks). Eighteen healthy adults and ten young children (5–14 years old) were studied as controls. Risk factors for hearing loss were registered in both preterm and full-term groups. An ILO–92 otoacoustic emission recording system was used to deliver linear clicks to the ear examined and broadband noise to the contralateral ear in an alternating on and off mode.

Suppression in full-term babies was statistically higher than in preterms, whereas no differences existed between children and adults and children and full-terms. Peripheral auditory lateralization was evident in adults but was observed only as a trend in newborns. Only prematurity at the time of examination and aminoglycoside treatment for more than seven days had a negative impact on suppression.

The results support the conclusion that maturation of the efferent system takes place from 30 to 45 weeks PCA. The exact age at which this maturation is accomplished has not yet been clearly determined.  相似文献   

Contralateral suppression of transient otoacoustic emissions in 42 premature babies (84 ears; post-conceptional age [PCA] 30-36 weeks) was compared to that of 39 full-term babies (78 ears; PCA: 37-45 weeks). Eighteen healthy adults and ten young children (5-14 years old) were studied as controls. Risk factors for hearing loss were registered in both preterm and full-term groups. An ILO-92 otoacoustic emission recording system was used to deliver linear clicks to the ear examined and broadband noise to the contralateral ear in an alternating on and off mode. Suppression in full-term babies was statistically higher than in preterms, whereas no differences existed between children and adults and children and full-terms. Peripheral auditory lateralization was evident in adults but was observed only as a trend in newborns. Only prematurity at the time of examination and aminoglycoside treatment for more than seven days had a negative impact on suppression. The results support the conclusion that maturation of the efferent system takes place from 30 to 45 weeks PCA. The exact age at which this maturation is accomplished has not yet been clearly determined.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Nasal-noise masking audiometry was developed to assess the acoustic transfer function from the nasopharyngeal cavity to the middle ear via patulous eustachian tube (ET). STUDY DESIGN: Prospective. SETTING: Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS: Twenty-seven ears of 18 patients with patulous ET and 20 ears of 10 healthy subjects with no history of ear disease or complaints of aural symptoms. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Audiometric measurement was conducted with and without masking noise presented in the nasal cavity. RESULTS: The masking effect of nasally presented noise caused elevation of the threshold for the tone presented in the external auditory canal. This threshold elevation was significantly greater, particularly in the lower-frequency region, in ears with patulous ET and was decreased to the normal range after obstructive treatment of the patulous ET. CONCLUSION: Nasal-noise masking audiometry is a simple and effective way to identify patulous ET.  相似文献   

Using Ki-67, a monoclonal antibody, the proliferating capacity of 15 salivary gland tumours, including nine pleomorphic adenomas, four adenoid cystic carcinomas, one mucoepidermoid carcinoma and one acinic cell carcinoma was determined immunohistochemically, using normal salivary gland tissue as a control. The frequency of Ki-67 positive cells was 4.7 percent in the normal salivary gland and one percent in pleomorphic adenomas, whereas the average frequency in malignant tumours was 18.3 percent. Among adenoid cystic carcinomas, the frequency was related to the morphological type; the solid sub-type had the highest frequency of Ki-67-positive cells. As this sub-type is recognized as the most aggressive of these tumours, this technique has the potential of providing an early indication of the clinical behaviour of a tumour.  相似文献   

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