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Summary: The present study used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate the spatiotemporal profile of neurophysiological activity associated with recognition of recently encountered human faces in seventeen healthy right-handed adults. Activity sources modeled as instantaneous equivalent current dipoles were found in ventral occipito-temporal regions during the early stages of stimulus processing and in lateral temporal cortices during later stages. Hemispheric asymmetries in regional activity were restricted to ventral occipitotemporal areas. The magnitude of magnetic flux originating in these regions was greater in the right hemisphere during the first 350 ms post-stimulus onset. In addition, the duration of neurophysiological activity was greater in the right hemisphere after 600 ms post-stimulus onset. The results indicate right hemisphere predominance in the degree of engagement of neurophysiological processes involved in both the pre- and post-recognition phases of face processing. This research was supported in part by a grant from Epilepsy Foundation of America to D. Lee.  相似文献   

Published reports have shown that fresh plasma, but not cryoprecipitate-depleted plasma or fresh serum, inhibits T cell activation by phytohemagglutinin (PHA). We sought to determine if this pattern of inhibition also characterized T cell responses to mitogens differing from PHA with regard to the cell surface molecules utilized for signal transduction. The activation system included colchicine, which limits the cells to one round of division, masking stimulatory factors that enhance proliferation by boosting the number of divisions per culture period. A distinctive modulatory pattern characterized T cell responses to each of 4 mitogens tested (PHA, anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, desialyzed oxidized erythrocytes (DOE), pokeweed mitogen). Enhanced proliferative responses to anti-CD3 and DOE were observed in the presence of serum, and reflected an increased percentage of T cells expressing CD25. These findings suggest that concerns regarding a negative impact of plasma components on T cell responsiveness, when based on results from PHA-induced activations systems, may be unwarranted.  相似文献   

目的以视觉刺激为手段研究大脑对性心理的反应,在国内外均有报道。但是,以往少见针对刺激手段(图片或影片)的研究。本文试图发现图片和影片在作为刺激手段时有什么差别。方法以13例正常女性为样本,通过功能核磁共振比较其观看含有性内容的影片和图片时的大脑兴奋差异,使用FSL4.0数据分析软件统计确定有显著差异脑区。结果配对t检验的结果显示:①相较于涉性图片,观看涉性影片时颞叶皮质,小脑,丘脑,中脑,尾状核等处的兴奋性有所增强(z〉2.3,P〈0.05),差异最大的脑区在颞中回(NMI坐标:56,-24,-12);②观看涉性图片时,侧枕叶皮质的兴奋明显强于涉性影片(Z〉2.3,P〈0.05),并略呈左右对称分布。差异最大的脑区NMI坐标为42,-86,-4。结论本文认为,那些在兴奋程度上影片多于图片的大脑区域,应该与性信息的处理过程更加相关。而那些在兴奋程度上影片少于图片的大脑区域,应该与性信息的识别更加相关。该结果可能对理解性心理的调控有一定意义。  相似文献   

Following a baseline demographic survey, 87 pathologists interpreted 240 digital whole slide images of breast biopsy specimens representing a range of diagnostic categories from benign to atypia, ductal carcinoma in situ, and invasive cancer. A web-based viewer recorded pathologists’ behaviors while interpreting a subset of 60 randomly selected and randomly ordered slides. To characterize diagnostic search patterns, we used the viewport location, time stamp, and zoom level data to calculate four variables: average zoom level, maximum zoom level, zoom level variance, and scanning percentage. Two distinct search strategies were confirmed: scanning is characterized by panning at a constant zoom level, while drilling involves zooming in and out at various locations. Statistical analysis was applied to examine the associations of different visual interpretive strategies with pathologist characteristics, diagnostic accuracy, and efficiency. We found that females scanned more than males, and age was positively correlated with scanning percentage, while the facility size was negatively correlated. Throughout 60 cases, the scanning percentage and total interpretation time per slide decreased, and these two variables were positively correlated. The scanning percentage was not predictive of diagnostic accuracy. Increasing average zoom level, maximum zoom level, and zoom variance were correlated with over-interpretation.  相似文献   

Forty-five 9 to 14-year-old children with learning disabilitieswhose WISC Full Scale IQs fell within the 86–114 rangewere divided into 3 groups on the basis of their patterns ofreading, spelling, and arithmetic achievement. Group 1 was composedof children who were uiformly deficient in reading, spelling,and arithmetic; children in Group 2 were relatively adept atarithmetic as compared to their performance in reading and spelling;Group 3 was composed of children whose reading and spellingperformances were average or above, but whose arithmetic performancewas relatively deficient. The performances of these childrenwere compared on 13 dependent measures, including tests formotor. psychomotor, and tactile-perceptual abilities. Group3 was found to be generally deficient on the more complex, heterogenouspsychomotor measures and on a composite tactile-perceptual measure.The results are discussed with referrence to (a) the neuropsychologicalabilities which mey limit performance on calculation tasks,(b) problems with the exclusive use of the "level of performance"approach to the investigation of children with arithmetic disabilities,and (c) some remedial educational implications of the differentialpatterns of abilities and deficits exhibited by such children.  相似文献   

In this study the organization of information processing in a selective search task was examined by analyzing event-related potentials. This task consisted of searching for target letters in a relevant (attended) color. The ERPs revealed two different effects of attention: an early occipital negativity (+/- 150 ms) reflecting feature-specific attention, and a later, central N2b component (+/- 240 ms) reflecting covert orienting of attention. A later, prolonged negativity (search-related negativity) (+/- 300 ms), maximal at Cz, was related to controlled search to letters in the attended color. Detection of relevant targets resulted in a parietal P3b component. Depending on stimulus presentation conditions an earlier response to both attended and unattended targets was found: an N2 component (+/- 250 ms). In these same conditions, C'3-C'4 asymmetries (Corrected Motor Asymmetries--CMA) suggested motor activation at +/- 300 ms, in the same time range as search-related negativity. It was argued that N2 and CMA suggest the existence of a preattentive target detection system, operating in parallel with a slower serial attentive system, as reflected by N2b and search negativity.  相似文献   

Studies by several groups have suggested that HIV infection in vivo results in a BV-specific alteration of the TCR repertoire and that this might play a role in the pathogenesis of AIDS. Our earlier studies demonstrated tbat both a crude extract of HIV451 as well as purified gp160 from HIV451 could specifically activate, in vitro , T cells expressing a common set of TCRBV segments (TCRBV3, 12, 14, 15, and sometimes BV17 and 20) in individuals of disparate HLA type. Furthermore, purified gp120 from HIV451 was shown to have a similar ability to activate T cells, although with a slightly diiferent TCRBV-specific pattern. In order to determine whether gp120 from other HIV strains could similarly activate T cells in a TCRBV-specific pattern, PBMC from HIV seronegative individuals of disparate HLA type were stimulated with gp120 from three strains of HIV (451, IIIB, and MN). The authors found that gp120 from all three strains activate T cells bearing TCRBV2 and BV3 in nearly every individual. T cells expressing other BV segments are also activated, but this is more variable and appears to be unique to each individual. Furthermore, gp120451 and gp120 from HIVIIIB and HIVMNdiffer in their ability to activate T cells expressing these other TCRBV segments. These observations suggest that variation in the structure of gp120 and in the genetic and/or environmental background of the individual play an important role in determining which TCRBV segments are'triggered' by gp120. Furthermore, these observations may have important implications for the rate of disease progression in HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

Context:Athletic trainers have traditionally conceptualized rehabilitation programs in terms of 3 distinct physiologic phases; however, these phases appear to neglect athletes'' psychosocial responses to their injuries.Objective:To document injured athletes'' psychosocial responses during the different phases of injury rehabilitation.Design:Qualitative study.Setting:National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II university in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States.Results:Initially, athletes'' cognitive appraisals were predominately negative in nature, leading to negative emotions. These appraisals changed after diagnosis and when moving to the reaction-to-rehabilitation phase and the reaction-to-sport phase. During the reaction-to-rehabilitation phase, athletes reported mixed cognitive appraisals and identified frustration as the main emotional response. When returning to sport, athletes reflected on the lessons learned, yet they expressed some doubts related to their ability to return to play. These cognitive appraisals served as a precursor to the resulting emotional responses of nervousness and reinjury anxiety, as well as excitement. Throughout the various phases of rehabilitation, athletes reported seeking out social support: initially from significant others and then from their athletic trainers during the reaction-to-rehabilitation phase.Conclusions:The results appear to support the use of the integrated model of psychological response to sport injury and the rehabilitation process and the 3 phases of rehabilitation as a framework for understanding how physical and psychosocial factors may interact during sport-injury rehabilitation. Understanding this interaction may help athletic trainers provide better care to their injured athletes.Key Words: cognitive appraisals, emotional and behavioral responses, integrated model, sport psychology, rehabilitation stages

Key Points

  • Injured athletes'' cognitive appraisals and emotional and behavioral responses varied during the different phases of the injury-rehabilitation process.
  • Understanding how athletes'' psychosocial responses interact during the different phases of rehabilitation can help athletic trainers better understand how an athlete might react during the injury-rehabilitation process.
Athletic trainers (ATs) have traditionally conceptualized rehabilitation programs in terms of 3 distinct physiologic phases: acute injury phase, repair phase, and remodeling phase.1 According to Prentice and Arnheim,1 these phases, which are based on the 3 stages of the healing process, provide ATs with a potential blueprint for guiding treatment, using modalities, and implementing rehabilitation exercises. Although the use of these 3 stages has proven to be effective in facilitating injured athletes'' physical return to the field of play, athletes'' psychosocial responses to their injuries have not been considered. Indeed, evidence collected from ATs indicates that they appear to recognize the prevalence of psychosocial responses to athletic injuries, but their lack of education on how to appropriately deal with these responses limits their ability to properly incorporate athletes'' reactions into their treatment plans and thereby provide holistic care.2Recently Kamphoff et al3 suggested a variation of the phase-like approach to rehabilitation by integrating psychosocial components with physical characteristics of the healing process: reaction to injury, reaction to rehabilitation, and reaction to return to sport.3 The development of these phases, guided by the physical healing process, has the potential to increase ATs'' ability to provide holistic care to injured athletes. According to Kamphoff et al,3 use of this phased approach could help ATs develop and implement psychosocial strategies to address some of the psychosocial challenges athletes may encounter during the recovery process.Typically, injured athletes experience a range of psychosocial challenges, which may vary during the course of the recovery process. For example, Johnston and Carroll4 found that during the early stages of rehabilitation, athletes often exhibited frustration and depression due to their sudden lack of sport involvement. As they moved into the middle stages of their rehabilitation programs, some athletes experienced apathy and poor adherence (ie, doing too much or too little), which could be a result of lack of motivation to complete the required rehabilitation exercises or a sign of impatience and eagerness to return to sport. Tracey5 reported that injured athletes also experienced a variety of psychosocial challenges throughout the recovery process, including but not limited to decreased self-esteem, frustration, anger, and fear of injury. Kamphoff et al,3 in developing the phased approach, indicated that each of the stages in their phase-like approach is associated with specific psychosocial challenges. More specifically, during the reaction-to-injury phase, athletes often experience anxiety and negative cognitive appraisals. In the reaction-to-rehabilitation phase, injured athletes may be faced with motivational challenges. Finally, in the reaction-to-return-to-play phase, athletes may encounter self-confidence concerns and fears or anxiety about the possibility of reinjury. Sport-injury rehabilitation is clearly a dynamic and evolving process during which athletes'' psychosocial responses vary.Although Kamphoff et al3 suggested a shift toward approaching rehabilitation from both the physical and psychosocial perspectives, research in this area is still limited. However, the integrated model of response to the sport injury and rehabilitation process6 provides theoretical support to the phased approach, thus validating the importance of addressing athletes'' psychosocial responses for successful recovery. According to the integrated model,6 athletes can respond to their injuries in a variety of ways, and a number of preinjury factors (eg, personality, coping resources, and previous history of stressors) can influence not only injury occurrence but also subsequent reactions to injury. In short, the integrated model6 suggests that once injured, the athlete will often experience a range of thoughts, emotions, and feelings, which may have an effect on the athlete''s behavior and vice versa (eg, behaviors can affect emotions, and emotions can affect cognitions). Moreover, these responses are all influenced by a range of personal (eg, individual differences) and situational (eg, sports medicine team influences) factors.6The integrated model6 highlights the importance of being knowledgeable about injured athletes'' psychosocial responses to injury, yet this concept has been limited in application to the different phases of injury rehabilitation. Wiese-Bjornstal et al6 postulated that with the application of the integrated model across different phases of rehabilitation (as outlined by Kamphoff et al3), ATs could potentially be more cognizant of athletes'' psychosocial responses (ie, cognitive appraisals, emotional and behavioral responses) at each of these phases and be able to take the necessary steps to ensure successful recovery. Furthermore, understanding the theory underpinning psychosocial responses to injury may help ATs promote a more holistic approach in choosing appropriate psychosocial strategies to help athletes proceed through each phase and successfully back to the field of play. As a result, the aim of our study was to explore injured athletes'' psychosocial responses (cognitive appraisals, emotional and behavioral responses) to sport injury at the different phases of rehabilitation: reaction to injury, reaction to rehabilitation, and reaction to return to sport.3  相似文献   

In this article we summarize findings from our program of research (the Oregon Adolescent Depression Project) as they pertain to the suicidal behavior of older (14–18-year-old) adolescents. Specifically, we (a) present information regarding the epidemiology of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts (e.g., prevalence, incidence, onset age, methods, severity); (b) describe the psychosocial characteristics associated with past and future suicide attempts, in comparison to depression; (c) discuss issues relevant to assessment and screening, including our development of a new assessment instrument, the Life Attitudes Schedule; (d) share recommendations gained from our experience in providing treatment for depressed adolescents, approximately 40% of whom had made a suicide attempt; and (e) identify gaps in current knowledge for which more research is needed.  相似文献   

目的研究握力刺激强度与运动皮层激活程度的相关性。方法16例正常右利手受试者根据视觉刺激提示右手进行固定频率的三种不同握力运动,同时进行BOLD fMRI扫描,用spm5计算得到不同握力的脑激活区并比较差异。结果在三种不同握力运动中,对侧主运动区、对侧躯体感觉区、对侧辅助运动区(SMA)和对侧运动前区(PMC)明显激活;同侧激活区较小或者未见激活区;同侧小脑激活区较对侧明显激活。随着握力强度的增高,M1和S1激活强度、范围都提高;小脑激活程度有所降低。结论正常人手握力运动时脑皮质运动网络被激活,握力刺激强度与M1、S1的激活程度呈正相关。  相似文献   

Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in either the TSC1 or TSC2 genes and characterized by developmental brain abnormalities. We defined the spectrum of brain abnormalities in fetal TSC brain ranging from 23 to 38 gestational weeks. We hypothesized (i) prenatal activation of the target‐of‐rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) signaling pathway; and (ii) activation of inflammatory pathways in fetal brain lesions. Immunocytochemical analysis of cortical tubers, as well as subependymal lesions in all cases confirmed the cell‐associated activation of the TORC1 signaling pathway in both the cortical tubers and subependymal lesions (including a congenital subependymal giant cell astrocytoma) with expression of pS6, p4EBP1 and c‐myc proteins, as well as of p70 S6 kinase 1. The lesions contained macrophages and T‐lymphocytes; giant cells within the lesions expressed inflammatory response markers including major histocompatibility complex class I and II, Toll‐like receptors (TLR) 2 and 4 and receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). These observations indicate that brain malformations in TSC are likely a consequence of increased TORC1 activation during embryonic brain development. We also provide evidence supporting the possible immunogenicity of giant cells and the early activation of inflammatory pathways in TSC brain.  相似文献   

Despite more than a decade of empirical work on the role of genetic polymorphisms in the serotonin system on behavior, the details across levels of analysis are not well understood. We describe a mathematical model of the genetic control of presynaptic serotonergic function that is based on control theory, implemented using systems of differential equations, and focused on better characterizing pathways from genes to behavior. We present the results of model validation tests that include the comparison of simulation outcomes with empirical data on genetic effects on brain response to affective stimuli and on impulsivity. Patterns of simulated neural firing were consistent with recent findings of additive effects of serotonin transporter and tryptophan hydroxylase-2 polymorphisms on brain activation. In addition, simulated levels of cerebral spinal fluid 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (CSF 5-HIAA) were negatively correlated with Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (Version 11) Total scores in college students (r = −.22, p = .002, N = 187), which is consistent with the well-established negative correlation between CSF 5-HIAA and impulsivity. The results of the validation tests suggest that the model captures important aspects of the genetic control of presynaptic serotonergic function and behavior via brain activation. The proposed model can be: (1) extended to include other system components, neurotransmitter systems, behaviors and environmental influences; (2) used to generate testable hypotheses.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of single treatment with ladasten (50 mg/kg) on the content of effector kinases of the mitogen-activated cascade (ERK1/ERK2), pERK1/ERK2 activity (Thr202/Tyr204), and expression of genes for neurotrophic factors BDND and NGF in the striatum, hypothalamus, and hippocampus of rats.  相似文献   

A novel parametric model-based method was developed to quantify epicardial conduction patterns and velocity in an isolated Langendorff-perfused rabbit heart. The method incorporated geometric and anatomical features of the left and right ventricles into the analysis. Optical images of propagation were obtained using the voltage-sensitive dye DI-4-ANEPPS, and a high-speed digital camera. Activation maps were extracted from these images and interpolated onto a three-dimensional finite-element model of epicardial geometry and fiber structure. Activation time was expressed as a function of local parametric coordinates, and a conduction velocity vector field was computed from the gradient of the scalar field. Activation times measured using bipolar electrodes did not differ significantly from times measured using the optical mapping technique. The method was able to detect a 34% decrease in average fiber velocity and a 28% decrease in average cross-fiber velocity following the addition of 0.5 mM heptanol into the perfusate. The combination of optical mapping with a three-dimensional geometric model of the ventricles provides a new tool to quantify wave-front propagation relative to anatomy at a relatively high spatial resolution. © 2000 Biomedical Engineering Society. PAC00: 8719Nn, 8719Hh, 8719Ff, 8762+n, 8710+e  相似文献   

共情与真诚:对罗杰斯三个不同时代案例的内容分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:本研究运用内容分析的方法,对罗杰斯三个不同时代工作的案例进行分析,探究罗杰斯在其临床实践中,理论与实践的结合情况及在不同时期的发展变化.方法:本研究基于罗杰斯的心理治疗理论构建了一套编码系统,据此分析了个案中罗杰斯的反应方式,并予以汇总统计.结果:研究最终发现,罗杰斯的反应绝大多数(90%以上)直接展现了"共情、真诚、无条件积极关注"三大充分必要条件,其中共情和真实一致这两类反应更是达到了75%以上.结论:罗杰斯在临床实践中始终忠实于自己的理论和信念,而随着时间的流逝,其反应方式更加多元和平衡.  相似文献   

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