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In spite of the present move in health care into the computer age, there is increasing awareness that intuition is an important nursing management technique and that it is linked to success as a manager. Intuition is most effectively implemented by the self-confident manager with experience and expertise as a manager. Nevertheless, a novice manager who values and seeks intuition will find it a technique that will assist in the development of excellence as a manager. Managers who perceive themselves as having limited skills in intuition and yet are sensitive to the need for intuition can compensate for this deficiency by close association with a coworker who can provide intuitive perceptions and evaluations. For example, a head nurse who is primarily analytical may discuss assignment of nurses with an assistant who is highly intuitive. Managers who are able to compensate for intuitive deficiencies by surrounding themselves with competent and trusted subordinates who have intuitive qualities may be able to effectively use both analytic and nonanalytic managerial techniques.  相似文献   

目的:探讨将换位思考应用于护理管理工作中。方法:管理者从护士角度进行思考,了解护士的不同情况、需求,促进管理者和护士的良性互动。结果:捉高自身的工作效能,增强自身在下属中的威信,调动下属工作的积极性、主动性和创造性,从而带来最大的工作效益。  相似文献   

建立护理不良事件电子上报系统,明确事件定义、分类及分级标准,严格按要求进行事件上报、分析与审核,实施护士—护士长—护理部的扁平化管理及主动上报零惩罚策略,使护理人员主动上报护理不良事件,方便了管理者对不良事件的实时监控,有利于护理质量持续改进。  相似文献   

To regain some of the principles of personalized care that were part of the foundation of nursing, Carondelet St. Mary's Health Center in Tucson, AZ, instituted a nurse case manager program in 1985. The program assigns a nurse case manager to coordinate patient and family care from an array of nursing services. Its special characteristic is a focus on home care after discharge. The basis for the program is a belief in holistic care, beginning during the hospital stay and continuing after discharge. Because the psychosocial and spiritual impact of the illness might not be felt until the client returns home, the nurse case manager concentrates on preventing or alleviating distress through a program of care, education, and service. In 1988 the center was asked to apply its program to a high-risk adolescent obstetrical group enrolled in a local health maintenance organization. The challenges for the nurses included poor nutritional status, substance abuse, unemployment, low self-esteem, and other factors precipitated by the group's socioeconomic status. By direct intervention the nurses were able to set patterns for positive adult behavior, and by the end of the program most of the clients had made considerable changes toward more successful life-styles.  相似文献   

Clinic management teams comprising an administrative director, a head nurse, and a physician manager are interdisciplinary management units in an ambulatory care setting of a large teaching hospital. This article reviews the development of these integrative teams and the factors critical to their success.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: School nurses often provide direct health care to school-age children, and thus need a range of knowledge and skills to meet the needs of less healthy children, as well as healthy children. To meet this challenge in South Carolina, a statewide continuing education program with didactic and school-based clinical instruction was implemented to enhance the scope of school nurse practice. The physical, psychosocial, and environmental health dimensions of the school nurse's role improved significantly when the program ended at nine months and were maintained at 18 months follow-up. However, program management skills did not improve. Practice guidelines indicate continuing education can improve practice in areas under direct control of the school nurse. Focus on development of program management skills is called for in continuing education. Redefinition of this aspect is crucial to full development of the school nurse role and improved health for school-age children.  相似文献   

对护理人员实施人本管理的探讨   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
现代化管理实质就是对人的管理,而人本管理的理念和管理对策是渗透于医院的各项管理活动中的。我们尝试运用人本管理理论,以提高护士的思想素质和业务水平。通过激发护理人员的求知欲、扩大奖励的范围、适当增加年轻护士的工作压力、提供护士长自由发展的空间、实施动态管理和采用极富透明度的民主管理等举措,使护士思想素质大为提高。同时,从3个环节上保证其技术水平的不断提高。  相似文献   

P Eubanks 《Hospitals》1992,66(8):22-30
An important shift is taking place in the nursing area, where the old "head nurse" position is giving way to a new phenomenon--the nurse manager, an individual whose responsibility and authority are broader and more strategic. The nurse manager is becoming a key player in hospitals' efforts to satisfy patient needs, hold down costs and maximize efficiency; indeed, this "linchpin" manager is being given authority over budgeting, capital equipment expenditures, employee evaluations and patient care outcomes. But are the nurses now in hospitals up to the challenge? And are hospital executives prepared to make the human resources investment necessary to ensure the success of the new nurse managers?  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To assess health practitioners' views on the issue of hospital administration and explore possible conflicts. METHODS: Questionnaire-based, multi-stage cluster sampling technique was used as the design,in which 124 doctors, 154 certified nurses and 15 hospital managers participated. RESULTS: Only 39% of doctors and 51% of nurses were aware of the manager's basic degree and 70% of them considered it inadequate. Health sciences were chosen as the best basic degree for effective management by 65% of health practitioners. Moreover, 74% of doctors and 96% of nurses believed that an interdisciplinary board of directors, with the manager acting as a chairman could be the ideal administrative model. Even though this model was the current system in the interviewed hospitals, most health practitioners (87%) considered it ineffective. With regard to the acceptance of the manager as authority in the hospital, 76% of the doctors believed that there were related problems (47% considered the manager as an outsider to the health sector), whereas only 45% of the managers admitted such problems. Trainees showed a less tolerant attitude towards managerial administration in comparison to specialists. CONCLUSION: Most health professionals believe that hospital administration is ineffective. The interdisciplinary model, with a manager having both health sciences and economics degrees and exercising his/her role with flexibility and taking the widest consent of health professionals may improve the very low rates of acceptance and perceived efficacy. Trainees and nurses seem to often have different views, suggesting the importance of their participation in the administrative model.  相似文献   

Calmette is a national university hospital with 220 adult beds. It has emergency, surgical, medical and gynecology and obstetrics departments, along with a radiology unit, a laboratory for medical analyses, a central pharmacy and an outpatient clinic. This hospital has an unusual statute, with managerial autonomy and a system of cost recovery that currently provides 64% of the hospital's income. Since 1994, it has benefited from a French cooperation program. The French NGO, Médecins du Monde, has been present at Calmette since 1990, providing support for , the indigent sector of the medical department. The aim of the Medical Information System (SIM) is to develop a simple, reliable and reproducible system so that, for every action undertaken at the hospital (hospitalization, day hospital and outpatient clinic) the following pieces of information are recorded: 1) the disease; 2) the type of patient; 3) the type of management; 4) the means used to treat the patient; 5) the cost. Data are collected and analyzed using programs created with EPIINFO software (CDC, WHO), using the EPIGLUE module. In 1998, 10,814 admissions were recorded at Calmette Hospital, 7,811 (72.2%) of which were to the Emergency Department and 3,003 (27.2%) of which were direct admissions to other wards. We analyzed 10,603 (95%) computerized medical summaries (RMI). About 50% of beds were occupied in the maternity and gynecology ward whereas almost 90% of beds were occupied in the surgical and emergency wards. AIDS and tuberculosis were the conditions most frequently treated by the medical department, despite a marked increase in more specialized areas of medicine such as cardiology and diabetology. The surgical department reflected the concentration on emergency services of the hospital, with cranial traumatism the primary reason for admission for the hospital as a whole. The mean age of patients was 27 years for the maternity ward and 49 years for the medicine A ward. The mortality rate was about 5% for the medical wards (mainly due to AIDS) and almost 50% in the emergency department (cerebrovascular neurologic disease, cranial traumatism). The proportion of nonpaying patients was high (about 40% in terms of stays in hospital and about 50% of all days spent in hospital). The training of a Cambodian manager for the SIM is a key priority. The point of the SIM is to use the treated data it produces to improve management and decision-making. The data it produces should be used to define the profile of the patients treated, both from a medical point of view and in terms of their ability to pay. This is a fundamental step towards identifying activities that should receive priority as part of a development strategy for a structure evolving in a highly competitive environment. The SIM data are also invaluable for the short-term management of the hospital through the contribution they make to the development of effective analytical accounting, making it possible to evaluate costs and to adjust charges appropriately. Finally, the involvement of the SIM in the setting up and functioning of the Comité de Lutte Contre les Infections Nosocomiales (CLIN; the Hospital-Acquired Infections Committee) in 1999 to 2000 is not utopia, it is the logical continuation of improvements in the overall quality of care It involves, in particular, the training of nurses and head nurses, initiated by nurses acting as technical assistants in the French cooperation program. The definition of the role of the hygiene nurse and the selection of such a nurse from the trained head nurses are also part of this process.  相似文献   

目的 了解新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情期间援鄂一线护士心理压力源,为后续隔离病房的管理,制定适当心理减压措施提供参考.方法 采用质性研究中的现象学研究方法,对10名援鄂的不同年龄阶段护士通过面对面半结构式访谈,采用Colaizzi七步分析法对访谈资料进行分析...  相似文献   

The changes that have taken place in health care during the past few years have also created changes in our hospital safety programs. We can no longer address the safety issue as a dual function of a department manager. The safety management program plays an important role in the overall success of the quality of the facility. Safety is no longer a program that stands alone and oversees the fire safety program. To have a successful risk management and quality assurance program, safety management has to be included as an integral part.  相似文献   

医学的人文属性与医院管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨医学的人属性与医院管理模式的关系,阐述了医学的人社会科学属性,阐述了医院管理模式的三个转变,即:①从以治病为中心向以服务病人为中心的转变;②从技术设备主导型向医护人员主导型转变;③从科学管理模式向化管理模式转变。  相似文献   

浅谈护理组长在外科护士分层级管理的实践与效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴海玲  王秋琴 《现代医院》2011,11(4):120-122
目的探索在分层级管理中设立护理组长对外科护理质量及患者满意度的影响。方法通过护理组长岗位设置、选拔护理组长、制订护理组长的岗位职责、制定护理组长培训计划以及对护理组长进行考评的方法。结果设立护理组长后提高了患者满意度和护理质量,调动了护士的工作积极性,提高工作效率,体现了护士的价值。结论设立护理组长是护理分层级管理中提高护理质量的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的 评价影响护士职业获益感的主要因素。方法 检索PubMed、EBSCO、Embase、Ovid Medline、Science Direct、中国期刊全文数据库、维普数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库和万方等数据库,查找关于调查中国护士职业获益感影响因素的文献,按照纳入排除标准筛选文献、提取资料并评价纳入文献质量后,采用RevMan 5.3软件进行分析。结果 Meta分析共纳入21篇文献,包含7450名护理人员,最终提取11个职业获益感影响因素。主要影响因素与护士职业获益感的合并相关系数及95%CI依次为组织支持感0.61(0.44~0.77)、自我效能0.57(0.50~0.64)、领导管理支持0.57(0.26~0.87)、挑战性压力0.55(0.42~0.68)、医护合作0.52(0.36~0.68)。结论 组织支持感、自我效能、管理支持、挑战性压力、医护合作为护士职业获益感的主要影响因素。护理管理者应考虑护士自身以及医院管理各方面的因素,积极开发护士的职业获益感。  相似文献   

目的:采用互联网技术搭建ICU专业讯息交流平台,为护理管理者与护理人员之间的沟通交流提供便捷途径,提高护理管理效率。方法自2013年2月起在互联网中搭建一个ICU护理人员交流群,护理管理者将科室护士培训计划、人员排班信息、专业知识技能、质量督查反馈等定期在平台发布,经过为期3个月的运行后,采用自行设计的信息化护士交流平台使用满意度调查问卷对科室全体护士进行该平台应用效果的调研,了解护理人员对该平台应用的满意情况。结果97.7%的护士对信息化护士交流平台总体使用效果满意,其中交流效率高、互动性高、可及性强是排在前三位的优点。结论信息化护士交流平台是一个高效、便捷的管理手段,值得进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

One of the most difficult challenges a materiel manager can face is designing different programs to support materiel management services for specific clinical and ancillary areas of the hospital. While basic service standards for purchasing and logistic services should exist for all areas, a large part of how effective a materiel management department is depends on customized program development. In other words, fine tuning services to major customers, such as the Operating Room, can mean the difference between simply filling supply orders and aggressive cost control. This article reviews how Baystate Medical Center (Springfield, MA) maintains consistency in standardizing materiel services while adapting to the requirements of individual departments, such as Surgical Services.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes municipal management through managerial and manager practices in family health program offices in municipal health ministries and basic health clinics. Theoretically management and social relationship technologies are considered tools for the work carried out in the health care field, and they are also valuable instruments for change the micro-policy of the real work done in the health care domain. The methodological approach is qualitative and the research techniques used were the systematized direct observation as well as semi-structured interviews. The research subjects were the municipal health ministry managers, family health program coordinators and directors from four cities in the state of Maranh?o. The results have shown that management is based on a traditional managerial style, characterized by a hard bureaucratic core. However, there is a trend for change because in practice, there are already signs which indicate the establishment of accountability and more caring relationships with respect to users and their families.  相似文献   

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