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Introductionprepubertal testicular tumours are different from those that appear during adulthood. Traditionally, they were considered to be malignant, however benign testicular tumours are actually more frequent at this age.Materials and methodswe analysed our experience in the treatment of testicular tumours in children ≤ 13, with the intention of evaluating the use of partial orchiectomy. From 1984 to 2008, we diagnosed and treated 15 testicular tumours in children at our centre. We examined the therapeutic approach employed, underlining the possibility of testicular conservation in selected patients and we have analysed the results.Resultsthe clinical presentation in 80% of the cases was an increase in testicle size with palpable mass. We performed 4 radical orchiectomies (27%) and 11 tumourectomies (73%). All the benign lesions in the final pathological anatomy were treated with tumourectomy: four epidermoid cysts, one hemangioma, one lipoma, one fibrous hamartoma, one juvenile granulosa tumour and one splenogonadal fusion. We also successfully and conservatively treated two cases of teratoma. The cases that received radical treatment were a yolk sac tumour (Stage I), two mixed germ cell tumours and one gonadoblastoma.Conclusionsthere are more cases of benign testicular tumours than malignant tumours during puberty. In the event of a palpable testicular mass with negative tumour markers, conservative treatment by means of a tumourectomy may be considered. However, the lesion must be removed completely to prevent recurrence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report our experience of testicular and paratesticular tumours in children, as such tumours are rare, and historically yolk sac tumour has been described as the most common lesion in children, but recent reports suggest that benign testicular lesions might be more common. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We reviewed retrospectively the records of children treated for testicular tumours from 1998 to 2005. The patients' age, clinical presentation, diagnostic procedures, treatment methods, histopathological findings, and outcome were recorded. Patients aged>144 months and those with non-primary metastatic lesions were excluded. RESULTS: In all, 11 patients met our criteria, with a mean age of 37 months (range 9 days to 144 months). Pathological analysis revealed teratoma in four patients, yolk sac tumour in two, epidermoid cysts in two, extrarenal nephroblastomatosis in one, and paratesticular rhabdomyosarcomas in two. The most common clinical presentation was a painless testicular mass. Depending on the clinical presentation and pathology, scrotal ultrasonography, tumour markers (alpha-fetoprotein and beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin), and/or staging computed tomography (CT) were obtained in eight patients. All patients had a radical orchidectomy. Three patients had elevated tumour markers that normalized after orchidectomy. CT revealed extensive mediastinal adenopathy in one patient with rhabdomyosarcoma. Chemotherapy was administered to both patients with rhabdomyosarcoma. CONCLUSION: Although there were few patients, most of the lesions were benign tumours, with the most common histological subtype being teratoma. As both malignant and paratesticular lesions occurred at a significant frequency, we would continue to advocate an initial radical inguinal approach at which time testis-sparing could be considered if the preoperative evaluation was favourable, and frozen-section analysis at the time of surgery confirms a benign lesion.  相似文献   

Testicular and paratesticular tumours in children: 30 years' experience.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: Testicular or paratesticular tumours in children are rare, making it difficult to achieve the best management for these life-threatening diseases. The aim of this study is to review patients during a 30-year period with these tumours and assess clinical aspects to improve management. METHODS: The records of 68 patients from 1967 to 1996 were reviewed with respect to age at diagnosis, affected sites, presentation, clinical diagnosis, operation, pathology and prognosis. RESULTS: The most common presentation was a painless scrotal mass (84%). The most common testicular tumour was mature teratoma (n = 27) followed by yolk sac tumour (n = 17). Thirteen patients had paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma. Two teratocarcinomas, three leydig cell tumours, two sertoli cell tumours, one granulosa cell tumour, one fibroma, one gonadoblastoma, and one secondary tumour from acute myeloid leukaemia were found also. Testis-sparing surgery was performed in 21 of 33 patients with benign tumours (27 teratoma, three leydig cell tumours, two sertoli cell tumours, one fibroma), which caused no recurrence. Only two patients with rhabdomyosarcoma and one with mixed germ cell tumour died of their disease. CONCLUSION: Recent combined therapy with surgery and chemotherapy against primary testicular and paratesticular tumours has improved prognosis. Testis-sparing surgery should be considered for benign tumours.  相似文献   

Maldescent is known to increase the risk of cancer of the testis. However, the effect of orchiopexy on reducing tumour risk and altering tumour type or stage at diagnosis is not established. The authors review the records of patients with testicular tumours seen for seminoma (1958 to 1975) and nonseminoma (1958 to 1970). Of 646 patients, 53 (8.2%) had a history of testicular maldescent; in 42 (79%) the maldescent was unilateral and in 6 of these, the tumour developed in the normally descended testis. Twenty patients had successful orchiopexy at a median age of 14 years (range from 6 to 35 years). Tumours found in the 53 patients were seminoma (38 patients), teratoma (7 patients), embryonal carcinoma (6 patients), teratocarcinoma (1 patient) and choriocarcinoma (1 patient). Average age at the time of diagnosis of seminoma was 38 years and of nonseminoma 31 years. Average age was lower at the time of diagnosis of the tumour for those who had successful orchiopexy than for those who did not. Earlier stage nonseminomas were found in patients who had an orchiopexy. Twenty-five (66%) of the 38 seminomas occurred in testes located outside the scrotum, whereas only 6 (40%) of 15 nonseminomas occurred in a nonscotal position, suggesting that persistent maldescent favours seminoma over nonseminoma. In this retrospective review, no statement can be made about the effect of orchiopexy on tumour risk. However, this procedure appears to lead to an earlier diagnosis and may influence the type of tumour that subsequently develops.  相似文献   

Testicular germ cell tumours, owing to their variety in biological behaviour and morphological appearance, claim a place of their own in clinical oncology and tumour research. Much of the histogenesis has remained unexplained, as reflected by the different systems of pathological classification. This report sums up on basis of the literature, the current pathologic views on the question of testicular tumour genesis. Data obtained from immune histochemical examinations, animal experiments, ultrastructure studies, together with clinical observations, suggest that differentiation of the carcinomatous stem cells are apt to produce forms, transitional between seminomatous and non-seminomatous types of tumour. The possibility to set up a uniform, clinically appropriate nomenclature depends on the progress in histogenetic knowledge.  相似文献   

In view of the excellent results of multimodal therapy for nonseminoma testicular tumours, with chemotherapy and surgery, attempts have been made to reduce the side-effects of treatment in patients with a good prognosis, while maintaining efficacy. It is now generally accepted that surveillance after orchidectomy is suitable in patients with low-risk stage I disease. Nerve-sparing retroperitoneal lymph-node dissection as a primary treatment is a good alternative to primary chemotherapy in low-stage disease, i.e. high-risk stage I and stage IIa-b, enabling chemotherapy to be reduced by at least half, and decreasing the long-term side-effects of chemotherapy, especially cardiovascular, neuro-, nephro- and pulmonary toxicity. However, in patients with advanced disease and a poor prognosis, conventional chemotherapy is more likely to fail, and improving the treatment results by new schedules of chemotherapy (although more toxic) remains the main goal.  相似文献   

《Journal of pediatric surgery》2001,36(12):1796-1801
Purpose: The aim of this study was to present an updated picture of surgical management of pediatric testicular tumors based on our 30 years' experience, which consisted of one of the largest noncollected series treated in a single medical center. Methods: Records of children who were treated for testicular tumor in our unit from 1970 to 1999, inclusive, were reviewed retrospectively. Information recorded for each patient included age, sex, past medical history, clinical characteristics, diagnostic procedures, treatment methods, histopathologic findings, and outcome. Results: Fifty-one patients with a mean age of 3.8 ± 0.5 years were treated for testicular tumors. Of these, 35 (69%) had germ cell testis tumor (GCT) and 16 (31%) had non–germ cell testis tumor (NGCT). Endodermal sinus tumor and paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma were the dominant histologic subtypes in each group, respectively. The most common mode of presentation was painless scrotal mass. At initial presentation, retroperitoneal (n = 5), both retroperitoneal and lung (n = 2), and retroperitoneal and liver (n = 3) metastases were recorded in 10 (19%) patients. Initial operative procedures were radical inguinal orchiectomy (RIO) (n = 29), scrotal orchiectomy (SO; n = 9), bilateral RIO (n = 2), both RIO and unilateral retroperitoneal lymph node (RPLN) excision (n = 6), testis-sparing enucleation of the tumor (n = 5). SOs were performed elsewhere, and these patients underwent high ligation (n = 4) and both high ligation plus RPLN excision (n = 5) in our unit. Histopathologically, spermatic cord invasion and RPLN involvement were present in 10 patients. Scrotal recurrences were encountered in 2 patients who had scrotal orchiectomy initially. Retroperitoneal recurrences were noted in a patient presenting with stage I embryonal carcinoma and in 2 patients presenting with group IV paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma. The mean follow-up period was 89 ± 10 months. Four patients with stage IV embryonal carcinoma (n = 2) and group IV paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma (n = 2) died of progression of the disease. All remaining patients were alive and disease free at their last outpatient appointment. No significant difference was noted with regard to 5-year survival rates between (1) malignant GCT and paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma patients (91% v 80%) and (2) patients treated by RIO (88%), SO plus high ligation (87%), and RIO plus RPLN excision (80%). Five-year survival rates were 100% for stage I, II, III patients and 33.3% for stage IV and group IV patients presenting with malignant testicular tumors (P < .05). Conclusions: Childhood testicular tumors deserve special attention from the therapeutic point of the view. A solid scrotal mass should be considered malignant until proved otherwise. Any suspicion of the testicular tumor warrants an inguinal approach to prevent scrotal violation by the tumor. Current trends emphasize that testis-sparing surgery should be performed for benign lesions such as teratoma, leydig cell tumor, and epidermoid cyst based on frozen biopsy findings. Literature findings and our experience suggest that RIO is the accurate treatment for stage I malignant GCT and group I and IIa paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma. RPLN excision is not of benefit either as a staging or therapeutic procedure in stage I and group I and IIa diseases of these tumors. RPLN excision should be reserved for (1) malignant GCT patients who have persistent elevation of alpha-fetoprotein after orchiectomy in the presence of normal total body CT scan, and for patients presenting with stage II and III disease with definitive abnormality on CT scans, and (2) group IIb, IIc, and III paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma patients with radiologic evidence of retroperitoneal involvement on CT scans. High ligation should be done as a complementary procedure after SO to increase the survival rates. J Pediatr Surg 36:1796-1801. Copyright © 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company.  相似文献   

The observations of 40 children with testicle torsion have shown results of the surgical treatment to depend not only on duration of the postoperative period but also on the degree of torsion and anatomical peculiarities of the spermatic cord. The preserved during operation testicle where non-recognized irreversible lesions have already occurred due to torsion can in later period result in the appearance of antisperm antibodies and threat of a lesion of the contralateral testicle.  相似文献   

Six cases of testicular tumors in children are presented: 3 patients had teratoma, 1 embryonal carcinoma, 1 orchioblastoma, and 1 paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma. Three of the 6 patients presented with hydroceles. The treatment consisted of orchiectomy alone. All patients were alive and free of disease one and one-half to eight and one-half years after orchiectomy. It is suggested that orchiectomy alone is curative in most children with testicular tumors under the age of two years.  相似文献   

Although relatively rare, testicular neoplasms affect a significant number of young children each year. The most common tumor is embryonal carcinoma. With proper management, which includes orchiectomy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, survival rates as high as 80% can be expected for children with stage A disease. The use of adjunctive chemotherapy in early stages of embryonal carcinoma may reduce the failure rate even further. Salvage of more advanced cases is possible with the addition of chemotherapy and radiation. Similar results have been obtained in the treatment of other malignant tumors of childhood. Benign tumors of the testis are less frequent than malignant ones and present no special problems in management.
Résumé Les tumeurs du testicule sont relativement rares; mais elles s’observent assez fréquemment chez les jeunes enfants. La tumeur la plus fréquente est le carcinome embryonnaire. Si elle est bien traitée, par orchidectomie avec évidement ganglionnaire rétropéritonéal, on peut espérer jusqu’à 85% de survies chez les enfants avec tumeur au stade A. L’adjonction d’une chimiothérapie peut encore améliorer le pronostic pour les tumeurs au stade précoce. Pour les tumeurs au stade plus avancé, certaines guérisons sont encore possibles par adjonction de chimio- et de radiothérapie. Des résultats similaires ont été obtenus dans le traitement d’autres tumeurs malignes chez l’enfant. Les tumeurs bénignes du testicule sont plus rares que les tumeurs malignes; elles ne posent aucun problème spécial au point de vue thérapeutique.

A series of 10 microvascular autotransfers of impalpable intraabdominal testes has been reported. The viability rate was 60 percent as determined by growth and size of the transferred testis. Long-term endocrine and fertility studies are needed to determine the function of these gonads. The spermatic vasculature was unpredictable and showed many variations. Indications should be very carefully individualized.  相似文献   

Testicular tumors in prepubertal children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stanley A. Brosman M.D.   《Urology》1979,13(6):581-588
A clinical analysis was made of 556 prepubertal children with testis tumors. Germinal tumors comprised 76 per cent of this group, and the most common of these tumors was the yolk sac carcinoma. Although many appellations have been used to describe this tumor, experimental and clinical evidence support the use of this term. The over-all two-year survival was 72 per cent and was better in children less than two years of age. The tumor is distinctly different from the embryonal carcinoma of the adult. The role of lymphadenectomy needs to be reassessed in view of the low incidence of lymph node metastases and the propensity for pulmonary metastases. Chemotherapy appears to be of benefit. Tumor markers, particularly alpha-fetoprotein, may be of assistance in planning therapy.The other germinal tumor is the teratoma. This is a benign, nonmetastasizing disease in children and requires only orchiectomy.Nongerminal tumors comprised 24 per cent of tumors and require only orchiectomy. Sertoli cell tumors are rare, and there has been only one report of metastatic disease. Leydig cell tumors present with endocrine manifestations and are benign in children. They may be difficult to distinguish from tumors associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia.Rhabdomyosarcomas should be treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The over-all survival of 74 per cent for these patients indicates the benefits of aggressive therapy.  相似文献   

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