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All the medical knowledge of all time in one book, the universal and perfect manual for the Renaissance surgeon, and the man who wrote it. This paper depicts the life and works of Giovanni Andrea della Croce, a 16th Century physician and surgeon, who, endowed with true spirit of Renaissance humanism, wanted to teach and share all his medical knowledge through his opus magnum, titled “Universal Surgery Complete with All the Relevant Parts for the Optimum Surgeon”. An extraordinary book which truly represents a defining moment and a founding stone for traumatology, written by a lesser known historical personality, but nonetheless the Renaissance Master of Traumatology.  相似文献   

This book is a well-presented and data-rich compendium on theproblem of acquired cysts and kidney cancers that occur in failedend-stage kidneys. Its Japanese author, Dr Isao Ishikawa, isthe world's authority on this subject. This book shows his comprehensive  相似文献   



Epidemiological studies have identified important causal and prognostic factors for back pain, but these frequently only identify a proportion of the variance, and new factors add little to these models. Recently, interest has increased in studying diseases over the life course, stimulated by the 1997 book by Kuh and Ben-Shlomo, a move accompanied by important conceptual and methodological developments. This has resulted in improvements in the understanding of other conditions like cardiovascular and respiratory disease. This paper aims to examine how conceptual frameworks from life course epidemiology could enhance back pain research.  相似文献   

《科学引文索引》(SCI)是国际上最重要的文献检索系统之一,如今的WebofScience收录了9000余种国际性和地区性杂志和书刊,内容涉及自然科学、社会和人文科学领域。越来越多的中国期刊被SCI收录。文中简要介绍SCI及其选刊标准,并分析2002~2008年SCI收录期刊引用《中华男科学杂志》文献情况,为该刊扩大国际化办刊思路提供参考。  相似文献   

When compiling the Dictionary of the English Language, Johnson read and annotated over two hundred thousand passages from innumerable English authors of various disciplines across four centuries. Most of the literary anecdotes came from Shakespeare, Milton, Dryden and Pope. The medical and scientific anecdotes came from 31 scientists, physicians, pharmacologists and surgeons. This reflects Johnson's admiration for science and its benefit to the public. He told Boswell, 'Why Sir, if you have but one book with you upon a journey let it be a book of science. When you read through a book of entertainment, you know it, and it can do no more for you, but a book of science is inexhaustible'.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the book Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice and the Physiology of Digestion, originally published in 1833. The book held in the Cowlishaw Collection of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons is the Edinburgh edition of 1838, which contains a preface by Andrew Combe, MD. The paper explores several aspects of the BeaumontSt Martin story, from St Martin's original injury and the primary care undertaken by Dr William Beaumont, whose numerous studies of the actions and reactions of the stomach were made possible because St Martin was left with a permanent gastric fistula. While the debt we owe to Beaumont is often acknowledged, patients are not mere machines and surgeons must recognize that surgery also owes a debt to its patients; in this case, to Alexis St Martin for what he permitted by way of experiment.  相似文献   

评《WHO人类精液检查与处理实验室手册》(第5版)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cao XW  Lin K  Li CY  Yuan CW 《中华男科学杂志》2011,17(12):1059-1063
2010年《WHO人类精液检查与处理实验室手册》(第5版)修订出版。本文就其贡献、修改和缺憾进行了评述。遗憾缺乏中国的数据与资料。正常精子形态4%难以置信和应用。笔者认为:手册不能视为"圣经",WHO的参考值是一个重要的历史记录,但绝对不是终点,而是一个新起点。创建中国特色精液分析是男科学工作者不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   

This concise book of 23 chapters tells the story of advancesin anaesthetic knowledge and practice over 150 years since itsdemonstration in the Ether Dome in Massachusetts in 1846. Itis the story of the development of anaesthesia as a specialityin its own right. The book also shows how these developmentsin anaesthesia have allowed advances to be made in other specialitiessuch as cardiac surgery, intensive care, resuscitation, thetreatment of chronic pain, and the provision of pain reliefin obstetrics. Of the 23 chapters, 15 are written by M. K. Sykes, formerlyProfessor of Anaesthesia at Hammersmith and Oxford, and 8 areby J. P. Bunker, formerly Chair of  相似文献   

ZUCK  D. 《British journal of anaesthesia》1976,48(11):1103-1111
This paper gives an account of a book of lecture notes takenby a medical student who attended Simpson's course during 1848-9.The notes include an early account of the use of chloroformin midwifery, and describe the obstetric practice of the periodas taught by Simpson.  相似文献   

This book was written to provide a handbook to be carried byemergency physicians involved in caring for patients with neurologicalemergencies. In practice, the book is too large to be carriedin a pocket but it does provide a valuable resource for referencefor physicians in accident and emergency departments or intensivecare units. It is a multi-author book but is well edited, sothat the style is  相似文献   

This impressive, 1770-page book weighs in at 3.78 kg. The weightytome is the second edition of a text that seeks to provide anauthoritative, comprehensive book aimed at practising criticalcare physicians. The goal was to produce the acknowledged standardin critical care medicine. While I do not understand what thegoal of ‘acknowledged standard’ means in the contextof a textbook, this one certainly achieves  相似文献   

This book is designed as a companion to Wall and Melzack’scomprehensive Textbook of Pain. The layout is clear with a helpfulat-a-glance summary of contents on the inside front cover. Despitemultiple authors, the style is generally fairly consistent.The book is divided into three sections, with clear subdivisions,marked by  相似文献   

This is the second edition, updated in 2002, of a book firstpublished in 1999 by a British Consultant Nephrologist and aRegistered Nurse working as a ‘Clinical Education Manager’. The book is directed mainly at patients  相似文献   

This is the latest edition of this book which has been fullyrevised, rewritten, and updated. The book is divided into twomain sections. The first part deals mainly with what the authorscall medical management and the second part deals with specificsurgical procedures and their individual complications. Thevarious chapters are  相似文献   

This excellent book, now in its sixth edition, is very muchthe residents’ anaesthetic bible in the USA. Being theproduct of a single university teaching hospital, it does notsuffer from some of the editorial confusion seen in larger multi-authorbooks and yet, surprisingly, there is little cross-referencingbetween sections. It is not a book that one reads, cover tocover, while studying for an examination, but rather is a comprehensive‘white  相似文献   

This book is edited jointly by a psychologist and a physicianin the care of the elderly, with contributions from practitionersin the full range of specialties involved in the managementof pain in older adults, in both the acute and chronic settings.The recurrent message of the book is that aging and pain arenot  相似文献   

Carpue's An Account of Two Successful Operations caused the rebirth of plastic surgery in 1816 over 200 years after the first plastic surgery book was written by Tagliacozzi. Tagliacozzi's book was pirated with both authorized edition and unauthorized editions having been published in 1597. In his book, Carpue reviewed the literature including Tagliacozzi's work. Carpue had Charles Turner, engraver-in-ordinary to the King prepare his books illustrations. Comparing Turner's engraving with those in the original and pirated editions of Tagliacozzi's book shows that Turner duplicated the pirated edition. The author discovered a pirated edition at St. Bartholomew's Medical College Library in 1971 that was signed by Carpue and shows how by comparing the illustrations in it with those in Carpue's book that this was the working copy used by Turner. In 1819 Carpue gave this book to a "B. Turner Jr." who probably was Turner's teenage son who later became a surgeon. In 2011 the author discovered an authorized version of Tagliacozzi's book signed by Carpue at the Lilly Library in Indiana. These books are important links in the history of plastic surgery.  相似文献   

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