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目的:探讨 PDCA 循环法用于改进手术后肺炎统计管理的效果,以提高统计的准确性,使这项指标真实有效反映手术后并发症的发生情况。方法应用 SQL Server 2000收集2012年1月—2016年6月期间住院患者相关信息,利用 R语言工具统计每年手术后肺炎的发生率,采用 PDCA 循环改进手术后肺炎的统计方法,比较干预前后的差异。结果通过运用 PDCA 循环,查找分析手术后肺炎统计过程中的问题,发现某些非手术后肺炎的病例由于诊断填写及编码的问题,被误判为手术后肺炎,导致统计误差,通过采取改进措施,使误差率由35.80%下降为0,干预前后差异有统计学意义。结论PDCA 循环应用于手术后肺炎的统计管理,改进效果明显,提高手术后肺炎统计的准确性。  相似文献   

目的 分析某院120份首页主要诊断为肺炎的疾病编码情况,总结分析编码错误原因,从而提高肺炎编码质量,为国家三级公立医院绩效考核肺炎单病种管理准确监测数据奠定基础,更好顺应医保按病种分值付费方式(DIP)。方法 使用某院病案管理系统检索2021年1月1日—2022年8月31日主要诊断编码类目为肺炎J12-J18的病案共2257份,随机抽取其中120份,重新审核每份病案肺炎编码情况。结果 复核120份病案中,编码错误合计18份,编码错误率为15%。其中医师填写不规范,编码员随错13份;医师填写不规范,编码员修正后仍错误2份;医师填写正确,编码员编错3份。结论 肺炎的临床诊断书写习惯与ICD-10分类轴心不同,错误率高,通过加强临床医师ICD-10编码培训,规范临床医师使用诊断名称,加强编码员临床知识及专业知识的培训,建立三级编码质控模式,进而提高肺炎编码正确率。  相似文献   

浅谈ICD-9的使用对统计指标的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我院病案首页管理及统计报表工作于 1995年 11月开始采用电子计算机管理 ,但由于病案首页中诊断名称及主次诊断顺序排列不当 ,手术操作填写不准确、不规范等 ,仍然影响着统计指标及工作质量 ,主要存在问题如下 :一、临床医生在填写中存在的几个问题1 使用不规范的疾病名称 ,致使编码不准确。我院 1995年 11月开始使用电子计算机管理病案首页后 ,各类统计报表均由首页内容提供 ,所用软件中《国际疾病分类ICD 9》近一万一千余条疾病名称及编码字库 ,但仍有以不规范的疾病名称代替标准诊断名称 ,人为地造成了许多疑难及编码内无从查找的疾…  相似文献   

目的规范临床诊断名称,提高ICD-10编码准确率,满足医院管理、医疗保险付费等多方面需求。方法 以ICD-10为基础,建立临床诊断字典库。结果通过建立临床诊断字典库,进一步规范临床诊断名称,提高ICD-10编码准确率,优化编码人员的工作流程,保证了卫生统计信息的准确性。  相似文献   

目的规范临床诊断书写,为DRGs付费制度的实施做准备。方法建立临床诊断字典,临床医师通过电子病历系统从临床诊断字典中选择诊断名称。结果 95%以上的临床诊断名称均来自临床诊断名称字典,保证了临床诊断名称的规范性,同时能够直接与ICD-10编码对应。结论建立临床诊断字典能够规范临床诊断的书写,同时为提高临床诊断编码的准确性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

宁静 《现代医院》2009,9(7):149-150
目的提高"肺炎"诊断的ICD-10编码质量。方法浅析"肺炎"诊断的ICD-10编码存在的误码因素及提出对策。结果编码准确率提高。结论加强教育定期培训;提高编码人员综合素质能力;实施复核制度,是提高"肺炎"诊断编码的保障。  相似文献   

目的:引入国际通用的疾病分类编码ICD-10作为病残儿疾病分类标准,探索实现病残儿ICD-10疾病名称自动归类流程。方法:以"病残儿医学鉴定信息管理与决策分析系统"采集的四川省2004~2011年参加地市级医学鉴定的53632例病残儿对应的62225个疾病鉴定诊断为研究资料,通过构建ICD-10匹配编码库,将病残儿疾病编码匹配原则转化为具体规则,建立标准化的病残儿ICD-10疾病名称自动归类流程。结果:总结了病残儿鉴定诊断存在的书写和命名不规范问题,在已有的ICD和FAD编码库基础上,建立了可扩展的匹配编码库,经标准化的病残儿ICD-10疾病名称自动归类流程,病残儿疾病名称ICD-10总体匹配率达到96.58%。结论:借助标准化的病残儿ICD-10疾病名称自动归类流程,可节省病残儿疾病手工分类统计的工作量,实现疾病的智能化统计分析,为病残儿鉴定资料的合理利用及资源共享奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于诊断名称的疾病分类转换   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:为已录入计算机的病案首页自动转换出ICD-l0编码;方法:采用诊断名称的疾病分类集合映射通过计算机程序自动实现分类转换;结果:成功转换出l2年全部204656份首页中的诊断编码:结论:借助合理设计的计算机系统储存的诊断名称可以实现疾病分类编码转换。  相似文献   

目的 构建外科科室手术后肺炎风险评估定量指标体系,基于定量指标体系构建群体手术后肺炎风险评估模型。 方法 通过文献研究法初拟手术后肺炎发生后果严重程度定量评价指标体系,筛选和邀请国内15名医院感染、临床和护理专家,采用德尔菲法进行咨询,采取界值法进行指标筛选,层次分析法确定指标权重。基于风险矩阵构建群体手术后肺炎风险评估模型。 结果 两轮咨询专家积极系数为93.33%和100%,权威系数为0.842和0.891,协调系数为0.370和0.425。手术后肺炎发生后果严重程度指标体系包括机械通气时间延长、手术后肺炎预后、住院时间延长、医疗费用增加、呼吸机依赖、手术后肺炎病死率、手术后肺炎增加ICU接诊量。利用手术后肺炎发病率和发生后果严重程度指标体系构建风险矩阵。 结论 基于层次分析法和风险矩阵构建群体手术后肺炎风险评估模型,为实现医院感染风险定量化评估提供客观评价依据。  相似文献   

王湛涛  张强 《现代医院》2007,7(Z2):153-154
目的 探讨两组诊断名称近似(黑棘皮病与角化棘皮瘤等)疾病的医学编码.方法 对两组诊断名称近似的疾病从临床表现、病理等方面进行分析,从而做出正确编码.结果 诊断名称近似而非同一种疾病,编码时要正确区分.结论 在做疾病国际编码的工作中,经常会遇到许多近似的疾病名称,要依据医学基础知识,进行准确编码.  相似文献   

Pneumonia is an important cause of illness and death in England. To describe trends in pneumonia hospitalizations, we extracted information on all episodes of pneumonia that occurred from April 1997 through March 2005 recorded in the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) database by searching for International Classification of Diseases 10th revision codes J12-J18 in any diagnostic field. The age-standardized incidence of hospitalization with a primary diagnosis of pneumonia increased by 34% from 1.48 to 1.98 per 1,000 population between 1997-98 and 2004-05. The increase was more marked in older adults, in whom the mortality rate was also highest. The proportion of patients with recorded coexisting conditions (defined by using the Charlson Comorbidity Index score) increased over the study period. The rise in pneumonia hospital admissions was not fully explained by demographic change or increasing coexisting conditions. It may be attributable to other population factors, changes in HES coding, changes to health service organization, other biologic phenomenon, or a combination of these effects.  相似文献   

目的 实现诊断疾病名称和ICD-10(国际疾病分类)同步录入,既能确保编码的正确性又能准确无误地反映出病人病情的真实状态,同时提高ICD-10编码使用率.方法 将ICD码字典库嵌入医院信息系统中医生工作站的电子病历模块中,在病历首页设计一种分层录入模式,整个录入框由诊断主体、诊断前体和诊断补充构成.录入时,由诊断医生采用下拉框的方式,选择所需要的诊断名称和对应的ICD-10编码.结果 疾病诊断形成标准化,同步与ICD-10关联,符合国际标准的疾病诊断表述.打破传统模式,由医生完成诊断主体判断与操作,结果更准确.结论 实时、标准化的数据将极大提高病案数据的挖掘与利用,更好地为医、教、研及医院管理者服务.  相似文献   

目的:将高值耗材进行分类编码,达到分类科学、名称规范和编码统一3个目的。方法:以心血管介入耗材为例:①一级分类:68→医疗器械(国标规定);②二级分类:51→介入诊断和治疗用材料;③三级分类:XX→产品类别,可以从11→99表示,心血管介入耗材可分为15大类;④四级分类:XX→产品名称,每个产品可以从01→99表示,且每个产品编码后留有一定的空间,便于新产品的追加。结果:高值耗材分类编码的建立,实现植入耗材一物一码,通过编码实现耗材追踪,最终追溯到每一位使用患者。结论:通过对高值耗材的统一编码,实现对高值耗材从注册、生产、流通和使用的全生命周期监管。  相似文献   

目的 建立ICD-10自动编码和分类统计软件工具,快速实现医院就诊数据疾病诊断的ICD-10编码和分类统计,并对其适用性进行客观评价。方法 采用模块化思想,使用精确匹配和正则匹配相结合的方式进行编码分析和分类统计;采用某三甲医院2015年12月份的就诊数据,以其原始ICD编码为标准进行适用性评价。结果 该软件具有数据导入、编码匹配、分类统计等业务功能,字典管理、模板管理、权限管理等管理功能;导入数据耗时38 s,完成ICD-10编码耗时456 s,完成统计报表耗时61 s;ICD编码初始成功率为83.3%,编码符合率为90.9%,分类统计结果准确率为100%。结论 本研究建立的疾病诊断自动编码分析工具简便、快速、准确、可行,为提高空气污染人群就诊影响等研究数据质量提供有效支持。  相似文献   

目的:了解天津地区2008~2009年肺炎支原体(MP)肺炎的临床特征,总结治疗体会。方法:选择天津地区4 037例住院肺炎患儿,对患儿的发病季节、年龄、临床表现、肺外并发症进行统计。结果:4 037例中MP肺炎374例,发病率9.26%,5岁以上为主(67.38%),年长儿中,高热、干咳为主要临床表现,肺内炎性实变多见,且多合并病毒感染(39.57%)。1/4发生胸膜病变。肺外损害中,除皮疹、消化道症状,出现1例肾炎,最严重为3例噬血细胞淋巴细胞增殖综合征(HLH)。神经系统损害少见。结论:MP感染是社区获得性肺炎的主要致病原,除引起肺部病变,尚可引起肺外多脏器和组织的损害,应注意早期诊断和综合治疗。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the sensitivity of International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-CM) coding for detecting hospitalized community-acquired pneumonia and to assess possible determinants for misclassification. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Based on microbiological analysis data, 293 patients with a principal diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia at seven hospitals in the Netherlands were assigned to three categories (pneumococcal pneumonia, pneumonia with other organism, or pneumonia with no organism specified). For these patients, the assigned principal and secondary ICD-9-CM codes in the hospital discharge record were retrieved and the corresponding sensitivity was calculated. Furthermore, pneumonia-related patient characteristics were compared between correctly and incorrectly coded subjects. RESULTS: The overall sensitivity was 72.4% for the principal code and 79.5% for combined principal and secondary codes. For pneumococcal pneumonia (ICD-9-CM code 481) and pneumonia with specified organism (ICD-9-CM code 482-483), the sensitivities were 35% and 18.3%, respectively. Patient characteristics were not significantly different between correctly and incorrectly coded subjects except for duration of hospital stay, which correlated negatively with coding sensitivity (P=0.01). CONCLUSION: ICD-9-CM codes showed modest sensitivity for detecting community-acquired pneumonia in hospital administrative databases, leaving at least one quarter of pneumonia cases undetected. Sensitivity decreased with longer duration of hospital stay.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that objective comparisons can be made using accepted statistical techniques. We have also shown that you can apply tests which don't meet the basic assumptions and still obtain valid results, in most cases. This robustness of statistics tests is particularly helpful with the type of data and analysis that health information management professionals typically deal with, where exactness of the results is not crucial. You can perform a quick analysis using simple statistical tools and obtain a P value that is fairly close to what it would be if you selected the tests more stringently. The examples of inferential statistics in this article demonstrate how to select tests based on characteristics of the data and how to interpret the results. The kinds of statistical analysis that can be performed in health information management are numerous. Below are some other ideas on how to use inferential statistics in HIM practice. 1. Set up an ordinal scale to evaluate coding accuracy to evaluate coders: Score 1 means the correct code was assigned for the principal diagnosis and only minor errors in coding among secondary diagnoses. Score 2 means the correct code was assigned for the principal diagnosis, but there are omissions or major errors among secondary diagnoses. Score 3 means a minor error in coding the principal diagnosis and only minor errors in secondary diagnoses. Score 4 means a minor error in coding the principal diagnosis and major errors or omissions in secondary diagnoses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two patients, a woman aged 63 and a man aged 64 years, were admitted with pulmonary complaints and persistent infiltrative lung abnormalities as revealed in chest X-rays. Routine diagnostic analysis did not lead to a diagnosis. However, a pathological examination of biopsies acquired by means of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), revealed bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia (BOOP). In the first patient the BOOP manifested itself as a rapidly progressive disease with fever, pulmonary complaints and X-ray abnormalities. There was no response to standard antibiotic treatment. The other patient had suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for a considerable time and gradually developed BOOP. Both patients recovered following adequate therapy with high doses of oral corticosteroids. BOOP is a pathological-anatomical entity. It is a nonspecific excessive repair response to a variety of stimuli, such as infection, drugs, collagen vascular diseases, inflammatory disorders, transplantation, intoxication and irradiation. BOOP can also occur idiopathically. A high-resolution CT-scan is useful in distinguishing BOOP from interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and other interstitial lung diseases. An open lung biopsy is necessary for the diagnosis BOOP and is best performed by means of VATS. The treatment of BOOP consists of administering high doses of corticosteroids (prednisone 1 mg/kg/day) and if treated adequately, the prognosis is fairly good. Due to the extensive variety in aetiology, the specific diagnostic procedures and the good response to necessary treatment, BOOP should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with persistent infiltrative lung disease.  相似文献   

As part of a large clinical and epidemiological study of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), we examined the hospital case records of a sample (255) of the 1257 patients aged 0-20 years, recorded in Scottish Hospital In-Patient Statistics (SHIPS) for 1968-1983 as Crohn's disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC). The coded diagnosis was incorrect at the time of coding in 47 instances (18.4% of the sample), for the following reasons: clinical diagnosis wrong (24 cases); IBD correctly diagnosed but wrongly coded as CD for UC or UC for CD (seven cases): various other clerical or computer errors (15 cases). One case that did not meet standard diagnostic criteria for CD at the time of coding was shown to be correctly labelled when confirmatory pathological information became available. In view of the influence of such statistics on the social and clinical management of chronic illnesses such as IBD, and in view of the impact of analysis of these data on the provision of services and allocation of resources, it is suggested that some indication of the degree of confidence in the clinical diagnosis (possible, probable, definite) should be incorporated in the information submitted for coding and should be reflected in the derived data.  相似文献   

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