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自体颏骨、Bio-Oss骨粉、胶原膜联合修复牙槽裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究唇腭裂术后牙槽裂植骨修复的新方法。方法 21例牙槽裂患者,取自体颏骨松质骨并与骨替代材料Bio-Oss松质骨颗粒混合后植入牙槽裂术区,在植入骨表面覆盖Bio-Gide胶原膜。Bio-Oss松质骨起弥补颏骨取骨量不足、支撑牙槽裂宽度和高度的作用,胶原膜对植入骨组织及周围血凝块有良好屏障保护作用,通过3种材料的优势组合,共同促进牙槽裂术区骨组织的重建。结果 21例患者术后伤口均获一期愈合,口鼻瘘得以严密关闭。随访6个月~3年,重建牙槽突外形和功能Ⅰ级10例,Ⅱ级8例,Ⅲ级2例,Ⅳ级1例。20例术后顺利进行后续正畸或正颌手术治疗,1例需再次进行植骨手术。结论 自体颏骨松质骨、Bio-Oss松质骨颗粒、Bio-Gide胶原膜联合应用修复唇腭裂术后牙槽裂具有方便可行、骨生成潜能好、患者痛苦少、容易被接受的优点。  相似文献   

目的:分析进入青春期唇腭裂鼻翼畸形修复及牙槽突裂同期植入自固化磷酸钙人工骨(简称CPC)的可行性以及植入效果。方法:对16例同期行牙槽突裂植入CPC与鼻翼修复进行研究,术后随访的X线片进行效果客观评价。结果:随访3~12个月,效果均满意,X线片显示:CPC降解的同时,新骨形成。结论:对于错过植骨最佳时期进入青春期的患者,鼻翼畸形与牙槽突裂同时进行整复,能够保证牙槽突高度,牙弓连续性的恢复,鼻翼畸形的改善。同时能尽早消除畸形给患者带来的心理障碍,是一种较理想的整复方法。  相似文献   

目的:观察9~12岁单侧牙槽嵴裂具恒牙阻萌者,自体髂骨松质骨在口腔修复膜作用下在牙槽嵴裂植骨中的应用方法和效果。方法:对9例牙槽嵴裂患者,采用自体髂骨松质骨移植同期口腔修复膜覆盖修复,术后给予临床效果评价及分别于第1周、1月、3月、6月进行x线检查。结果:7例正常愈合,2例术后1周出现牙龈缘局部裂开,1周后黏膜自愈;随访6~12月,植骨效果满意。结论:自体髂骨与胶原膜联合应用于牙槽嵴裂植骨,方法简便、成骨快、效率高,为后续治疗提供了保障。  相似文献   

目的采用颗粒状β-磷酸三钙(β-TCP)修复牙槽嵴裂,观察其临床效果,探寻一种理想的可代替自体骨修复牙槽嵴裂的人工材料。方法将24例先天性牙槽嵴裂患者分成A、B两组,A组(10例)用自体骼骨松质骨修复牙槽嵴裂骨缺损,B组(14例)用颗粒状β-TCP修复牙槽嵴裂隙。术后7天观察两组患者伤口愈合情况,并于术前、术后4~6个月,采用锥形束CT(CBCT)及三维重建的方法观察牙槽嵴裂骨缺损新骨形成的情况,比较两种植骨材料的植骨效果。结果术后1周,A组1例患者出现感染症状,其余患者伤口均一期愈合,无感染、裂开及排异反应。术后4~6个月CBCT扫描及三维重建显示两种材料植入后均可形成新骨,与原裂隙两侧骨组织部分或完全连续。两种材料修复牙槽嵴裂骨缺损的临床成功率无显著差异。结论颗粒状人工材料β-TCP的成骨效果与自体骼骨骨松质无显著差异,可以代替自体骨修复牙槽嵴裂。  相似文献   

目的 采用颗粒状β-磷酸三钙(β-TCP)修复牙槽嵴裂,观察其临床效果,探寻一种理想的可代替自体骨修复牙槽嵴裂的人工材料.方法 将24例先天性牙槽嵴裂患者分成A、B两组,A组 (10例)用自体骼骨松质骨修复牙槽嵴裂骨缺损,B组 (14例)用颗粒状β-TCP修复牙槽嵴裂隙.术后7天观察两组患者伤口愈合情况,并于术前、术后4~6个月,采用锥形束CT(CBCT)及三维重建的方法观察牙槽嵴裂骨缺损新骨形成的情况,比较两种植骨材料的植骨效果.结果 术后1周,A组1例患者出现感染症状,其余患者伤口均一期愈合,无感染、裂开及排异反应.术后4~6个月CBCT扫描及三维重建显示两种材料植入后均可形成新骨,与原裂隙两侧骨组织部分或完全连续.两种材料修复牙槽嵴裂骨缺损的临床成功率无显著差异.结论 颗粒状人工材料β-TCP的成骨效果与自体骼骨骨松质无显著差异,可以代替自体骨修复牙槽嵴裂.  相似文献   

鼻翼软骨外侧脚悬吊术联合牙槽嵴植骨整复唇裂鼻畸形   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨单侧唇裂术后鼻畸形整复的有效方法及牙槽嵴裂植骨同期手术的效果。方法:通过经鼻小柱基底的“U”型切口行患侧鼻翼软骨外侧脚悬吊术联合牙槽嵴植骨,整复13例唇裂鼻畸形患者,观察近、远期效果。结果:13例创口全部一期愈合,随访12~38月,鼻翼软骨外侧脚悬吊术联合牙槽嵴植骨对唇裂鼻畸形患者的鼻尖、鼻翼、鼻孔及鼻小柱畸形矫治术后外形满意,同时矫治了鼻底畸形和牙槽嵴裂。结论:该术式对整复单侧唇裂术后鼻畸形是一种可靠的方法,可推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:观察Bio-Oss混合自体骨联合膜引导骨再生术应用于牙种植的临床疗效。方法:对临床21例骨量不足的患者Ⅰ期植入种植体,同时植入Bio-Oss与自体骨的混合物,表面覆盖Bio-Gide胶原膜。在术后十天,一月,三月,六月通过临床检查及X线检查评价临床疗效。结果:21例患者植骨区新骨形成良好,牙槽嵴的外形丰满,种植体无动度,均完成了上部修复。结论:Bio-Oss混合自体骨联合膜引导骨再生术应用于种植区骨量不足的患者可取得较好的疗效。  相似文献   

本文阐述了牙槽突裂植入骨的来源,认为自体骨如髂骨仍是最佳材料。有研究应用重组人骨形成蛋白、小牛骨粉及生物胶原膜、组织工程成骨材料修复牙槽突裂取得一定效果。术前适当的正畸治疗对于部分牙槽突裂患者相当重要,术后正畸也必不可少。影响牙槽突裂移植骨成活率的原因较多,包括适应证的选择、手术时机及手术技巧等。应用三维CT评价牙槽突裂植骨较以往的牙片可以获得更全面的信息。  相似文献   

Bio-Oss骨粉在上颌窦内提升同期牙种植术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价上颌窦内提升,Bio-Oss骨粉植入同期牙种植术修复单个上磨牙缺失的方法和效果.方法:对10例上颌第一磨牙缺失剩余牙槽嵴高度不足患者行上颌窦内提升,Bio-Oss骨粉植入同期牙种植术.随诊观察1年.结果:6个月后,x线片显示植入Bio-Oss骨粉均已改建形成新骨,种植体与Bio-Oss骨粉改建形成的新骨形成紧密的骨性结合.种植体植入6个月后行上端修复,修复后随诊1年均达到种植成功标准.结论:上颌窦内提升Bio-Oss骨粉植入同期牙种植术修复单个上后磨牙缺失,操作简单,效果肯定,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

目的探讨上颌中切牙缺失且无明显垂直骨高度缺失患者的美学种植手术的方案设计与术后临床效果研究。方法 25例上颌中切牙缺失的患者,植入ITI种植体34颗,骨量不足者,在缺损区植入Bio-Oss人工骨粉,覆盖Bio-Gide可吸收生物膜,植入后3~6个月完成上部结构修复,术后随访6~12个月。结果 25例患者共34颗种植体稳固无松动,患者无明显不适感,短期种植成功率100%。随访期间,1例患者唇侧牙龈退缩。临床效果满意率达96%。结论上颌中切牙缺失且牙槽嵴厚度不足时,可根据牙槽嵴宽度的情况,选择不同的手术术式,同时采用引导骨再生技术来恢复牙槽嵴的丰满度,保证种植成功率,满足患者的美学要求。  相似文献   

Cleft lip and palate (CL/P) is a frequent congenital malformation that manifests in several varieties including unilateral or bilateral and complete or incomplete. Alveolar cleft reconstruction remains controversial with regard to timing, graft materials, surgical techniques, and methods of evaluation. Many studies have been conducted addressing these points to develop an acceptable universal protocol for managing CL/P. The primary goal of alveolar cleft reconstruction in CL/P patients is to provide a bony bridge at the cleft site that allows maxillary arch continuity, oronasal fistula repair, eruption of the permanent dentition into the newly formed bone, enhances nasal symmetry through providing alar base support, orthodontic movement and placement of osseointegrated implants when indicated. Other goals include improving speech, improvement of periodontal conditions, establishing better oral hygiene, and limiting growth disturbances. In order to rehabilitate oral function in CL/P patients alveolar bone grafting is necessary. Secondary bone grafting is the most widely accepted method for treating alveolar clefts. Autogenous bone graft is the primary source for reconstructing alveolar cleft defects and is currently the preferred grafting material.  相似文献   

This study examined the characteristics and outcome of patients undergoing partial inferior turbinectomy during secondary alveolar bone grafting. Thirty-three of 55 patients with cleft lip and palate or cleft lip and alveolus who underwent secondary alveolar bone grafting concurrently received partial inferior turbinectomy to ensure that the height of the nasal floor was similar on the cleft side and non-affected side. At the time of surgery, patients who underwent turbinectomy were significantly older than those who did not undergo the procedure. The proportion of patients who underwent turbinectomy was significantly higher among patients with cleft lip and palate than among those with cleft lip and alveolus. These differences apparently reflected the developmental stage of the inferior turbinate and the relative severity of alveolar and palatal defects. In most patients who underwent partial inferior turbinectomy, postoperative X-ray films revealed excellent bone formation at the graft site. Our findings suggest that partial inferior turbinectomy during secondary alveolar bone grafting is a very useful procedure that facilitates dissection to the height of the nasal floor, reconstruction of the mucosal nasal floor, and formation of a sufficient bone bridge. It also promotes alveolar cleft closure, especially in patients with wide bone defects.  相似文献   

AimThis article describes four new methods as the last resort for reconstruction of the nasal floor in difficult-to-repair alveolar cleft patients, including bone suture technique, vascularized interpositional periosteal-connective tissue flap from the palate (VIP-CT flap), anteriorly based inferior turbinate flap, and skinless subcutaneous nasolabial flap, with emphasis on indications and limitations.MethodsIn a retrospective study, data were obtained from 214 patients referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Mashhad Dental School, Iran, for alveolar cleft bone grafting in 2004–2013. Eighteen patients had been treated using special techniques other than direct suturing for reconstruction of the nasal floor during alveolar cleft bone grafting.ResultsEighteen patients had been treated using these techniques as the last resort for nasal floor reconstruction; including bone suture technique (50%), inferior turbinate flap (33.3%), VIP-CT flap (11.2%) and nasolabial flap (5.5%). All the patients had a unilateral alveolar cleft, 72.2% of which were located on the left side and 44.5% of the patients were female.ConclusionNasal floor reconstruction in 8.4% of alveolar cleft patients needed special techniques and flaps.  相似文献   

The criterion standard of alveolar cleft repair is iliac crest bone graft before secondary canine eruption. Tooth eruption has never been shown to occur in synthetic bone substitute, and there is no ideal autologous bone graft for primary repair. This prospective study evaluated alveolar cleft grafting with a calcium substitute before primary canine eruption. Ten consecutive patients with complete cleft lip, palate, and unilateral alveolar cleft with reasonably aligned arches were grafted beginning in January 2003 to March 2007. Mean age at surgery was 10.4 months. Follow-up ranged from 3 to 7 years. Radiologic evaluation of alveolar ridge was performed at the age of 4.All 10 patients were operated on by the same surgeon using the same technique, that is, conservative elevation of nasal, oral, and anterior alveolar mucosal flaps around the cleft, closure of nasal and oral flaps, placement of 1 to 3 mL of calcium substitute paste or crystals in the pocket, and closure of the anterior alveolar mucosa. All 10 patients healed without complication. Clinical evaluation revealed a well-healed arch with primary canine growth in the area of the previous cleft. Adequate normal bone formation and often a descending secondary canine were radiologically confirmed. Calcium substitutes offer significant advantages over other biomaterials as well as autologous bone grafts particularly in the primary alveolar cleft reconstruction. Our study has shown for the first time that teeth can erupt through this material, which turns into a normal functioning bone in the alveolar ridge.  相似文献   

牙槽突裂植骨术后鼻外形的改变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:通过比较单侧牙槽突裂植骨手术前后鼻外形的变化,评价牙槽突裂植骨术在鼻畸形矫治中的作用。方法:通过人体学测量25例单侧牙槽突裂患者术前、术后即刻及随访6个月的外鼻形态,主要测量指标为健、患侧鼻孔宽度和高度,鼻翼基底宽度及两侧鼻翼基底连线与内眦连线的夹角,应用SPSS18.0软件包,对测得的数据进行配对t检验。结果:25例患者行牙槽突裂植骨手术后患侧鼻孔宽度为(11.61±2.18)mm,大于术前的(10.28±1.83)mm;高度为(4.52±1.19)mm,小于术前的(5.81±1.18)mm;患侧鼻翼基底均高于术前,与术前相比有显著差异(P〈0.01)。随访6个月后,虽形态有向术前回复的倾向,与术前相比仍有显著差异(P〈0.01)。结论:牙槽突裂植骨术后鼻翼基底的变化是植骨成功与否的一个重要指标,适量的超充填可弥补术后骨质吸收,为以后的鼻畸形整复提供一个对称的基底。牙槽突裂植骨后,鼻孔宽度和高度均有变化,故不主张在牙槽突裂植骨同期或之前行鼻畸形整复术。  相似文献   

不同年龄组牙槽嵴裂植骨术后牙槽嵴高度的临床观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:评价在不同年龄阶段髂骨松质骨移植修复牙槽嵴裂术后植入骨的变化情况。方法:根据牙槽嵴裂患者裂隙侧尖牙萌出情况,将其分为A、B两组,通过牙槽嵴裂植骨术后临床随访和拍摄X线,追踪观察植骨区牙槽嵴高度的变化。结果:尖牙萌出前植骨优于尖牙萌出后植骨,术后正畸可增高牙槽嵴的高度。结论:牙萌出可增高牙槽嵴裂患者植骨术后牙槽嵴的高度。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This case report describes the clinical and surgical management of a patient with a unilateral alveolar cleft and associated extremely atrophied totally edentulous maxilla. METHOD: Two zygomatic implants and four endosseous oral implants were placed under general anesthesia in a compromised maxilla to rehabilitate a 33-year-old patient with cleft lip and palate. The two specially designed zygomatic implants were utilized to avoid the need for bone grafting in the patient. The final prosthetic rehabilitation was an esthetic and functional maxillary overdenture prosthesis supported by implants. RESULTS: Preliminary results have shown how dental prostheses supported by endosseous implants in grafted alveolar cleft are a reliable possibility in the dental rehabilitation of this malformation. CONCLUSION: The use of zygomatic implants may be considered a reliable alternative to more resource-demanding techniques such as bone grafting in patients with cleft palate.  相似文献   

目的:探讨8岁以上单侧完全性腭裂患者同期腭裂修复与齿槽嵴裂植骨的可行性及植骨效果。方法:对38例同期腭裂修复与齿槽嵴裂植骨的腭裂患者作回顾性研究。患者年龄8~24岁,平均年龄为14.8岁。分析手术时间、术中出血、术后恢复和创口愈合情况。术后随访12月以上,对随访的X线片进行植骨效果的客观评价。结果:所有手术均顺利完成,平均手术时间比单纯改良兰氏腭裂修复手术多37min,没有明显增加术中出血量,患者  相似文献   

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