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PROBLEM: In human pregnancies, trophoblasts, in contrast to placental connective tissue and the fetus itself, come into direct contact with the maternal allorecognizing system at special sites. Villous syncytiotrophoblasts washed around by maternal blood lack HLA class I proteins, whereas extravillous trophoblasts, which deeply invade maternal uterine tissues, express high amounts of HLA-G and also HLA-C, the latter to a lesser degree, however. A subpopulation of extravillous trophoblasts, the endovascular trophoblast, enters maternal spiral artery lumen and, like syncytiotrophoblast, comes into direct contact with maternal blood. Less is known about HLA class I distribution on this endovascular trophoblast subpopulation. METHOD OF STUDY: A comparative immununohistochemical analysis was done on decidual cryo-sections containing trophoblast-invaded spiral arteries using different anti-HLA class I monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and a peroxidase-labeled streptavidinbiotin detection system. RESULTS: MAbs W6/32 (anti-HLA-A, -B, -C, -G), HCA2 (anti-HLA-A, -G) G233 and 87G (both anti-HLA-G) resulted in strong positivity on endovascular trophoblasts. L31 (anti-HLA-C) and HC10 (anti-HLA-B, -C) revealed clear positivity, whereas TU149 (anti-HLA-B, -C, some -A) produced a heterogeneous staining pattern, faintly positive on some endovascular trophoblastic cells and negative on others. MAb LA45 (anti-HLA-A, -B) did not bind to any endovascular trophoblast, neither did BFL.1 (anti-HLA-G) nor 16G1 (anti-HLA-G, soluble). CONCLUSION: This study shows that trophoblastic cells belonging to the endovascular subpopulation express considerable amounts of HLA-G and slightly less HLA-C.  相似文献   

The human trophoblast-derived JAR cell line, that does not express polymorphic HLA class I antigens even after IFN induction, can be stably transfected by genomic clones encoding the entire HLA-A2, -A3 and -B7 alpha-chain genes. The transfected genes were expressed at the cell surface in association with endogenous beta 2-microglobulin (shown by FCM analysis) as a single allelic product without reexpression of any endogenous class I gene (shown by 1D.IEF analysis). Furthermore, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, alone and synergistically, increase cell surface expression of transfected MHC class I/endogenous beta 2m heterodimers without induction of endogenous class I alpha-chain genes. These data show that the MHC class I-negative JAR human cell line might be used for transfections with the aim of establishing human cells expressing just one defined MHC class I allele for functional and regulatory studies. These findings are discussed in relation to the methylated status solely of endogenous class I alpha-chain genes in JAR cells and suggest that transfected class I genes are not regulated in the same fashion and, in particular, that constitutive and TNF/IFN inducible trans-acting regulatory factors able to bind to cis-promoter/enhancer sequences of class I DNA are likely to be present.  相似文献   

The expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I, class II, CD1a, and CD 83 in dendritic cells (DCs) after infection with human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) was examined. Whereas there was no significant change in the expression of CD1a, CD83, and MHC class II in infected DCs, MHC class I expression was downregulated after infection with HHV-6 variant A but not HHV-6B. The expression of HHV-6 immediate-early or early genes was required for the downregulation of MHC class I. The de novo synthesis of MHC class I was greatly suppressed by infection with HHV-6A in DCs, while its rate of degradation was only slightly elevated. These results suggest that HHV-6A may escape from the host immune system in DCs by causing the downregulation of MHC class I synthesis.  相似文献   

We studied the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class-II antigen in mast cells of rat thyroid glands. In the normal rat thyroid, mast cells express MHC class-II antigen. In BioBreeding Wistar (BB/W) rats, the strain of animals prone to develop spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis, the number of MHC class-II-positive mast cells was significantly higher than in normal rats (p less than 0.01). Furthermore, intrathyroidal mast cells in BB/W rats showed an increased MHC class-II expression before the appearance of circulating thyroid antibodies or the infiltration of tissue with mononuclear cells. These data suggest that mast cells in the rat thyroid gland may have a function as antigen-presenting cells.  相似文献   

Summary: The class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC class 1) presents 8–10 residue peptides to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Most of these antigenic peptides are generated during protein degradation in the cytoplasm and are then transported into the endoplasmic reticulum by the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), Several lines of evidence have indicated that the proteasome is the major proteolytic activity responsible for generation of antigenic peptides—probably most conclusive has been the finding that specific inhibitors of die proteasome block antigen presentation. However, other proteases (e.g. the signal peptidase) may also generate some epitopes, particularly those on certain MHC class I alleles. The proteasome is responsible for generating the precise C termini of many presented peptides, and appears to be the only activity in ceils that can make this cleavage. In contrast, aminopeptidases in the cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum can trim the N terminus of extended peptides to their proper size. Interestingly, the cellular content of proteases involved in the production and destruction of antigenic peptides is modified by inter-feron-γ (IFN-γ) treatment of cells, IFN-γ indicates the expression of three new proteasome β submits that are preferentially incorporated into new proteasomes and alter their pattern of peptidase activities. These changes are likely to enhance the yield of peptides with C termini appropriate for MHC binding and have been shown to enhance the presentation of at least some antigens. IFN-γ also upregulates leucine aminopeptidase, which should promote the removal of N-terminal flanking residues of antigenic peptides. Also, this cytokine downregulates the expression of a metallo-proteinase, thimet oligopeptidase that actively destroys many antigenic peptides. Thus, IFN-γ appears to increase the supply of peptides by stimulating their generation and decreasing their destruction. The specificity and content of these various proteases should determine the amount of peptides available for antigen presentation. Also, the efficiency with which a peptide is presented is determined by the protein's half life (e.g. its ubiquitination rate) and the sequences flanking antigenic peptides, which influence the rates of proteolytic cleavage and destruction.  相似文献   

Peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules are derived mainly from cytosolic oligopeptides generated by proteasomes during the degradation of intracellular proteins. Proteasomal cleavages generate the final C terminus of these epitopes. Although proteasomes may produce mature epitopes that are eight to ten residues in length, they more often generate N-extended precursors that are too long to bind to major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Such precursors are trimmed in the cytosol or in the endoplasmic reticulum by aminopeptidases that generate the N terminus of the presented epitope. Peptidases can also destroy epitopes by trimming peptides to below the size needed for presentation. In the cytosol, endopeptidases, especially thimet oligopeptidase, and aminopeptidases degrade many proteasomal products, thereby limiting the supply of many antigenic peptides. Thus, the extent of antigen presentation depends on the balance between several proteolytic processes that may generate or destroy epitopes.  相似文献   

There is controversy about the size of the major histocompatibility complex antigens of trophoblast cells from placenta. There are some reports that the heavy chains of these molecules are smaller (39-43 kd) than those of the classical class I antigens (45-46 kd), while there are others which show that both the light and the heavy forms of class I antigens occur in the trophoblast cells. In order to investigate this problem, we studied the classical class I antigen (RT1.Aa) and the pregnancy-associated class I antigen (Pa) of the rat from 125I-labeled basal trophoblast cells, isolated from the placenta of WF females pregnant by DA males, using very mild conditions. These antigens were compared with those of the syngeneic (DA x DA) trophoblast cells or paternal (DA) lymphocytes by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both the Aa and Pa antigens, precipitated from the two trophoblast preparations, showed a heavy chain of 46 kd associated with a 12 kd beta 2-microglobulin component, as did the same molecules precipitated from the lymphocytes. Heavy chains in the range of 39-43 kd could not be detected in any of the samples. The results suggest that the smaller molecular weight heavy chains are methodological artifacts and could arise from loss of a glycan(s) during isolation.  相似文献   

In rat strains expressing the a and other major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes, subpopulations of placental trophoblast cells synthesize the nonclassical class I Pa antigen in preference to the classical RT1.Aa antigen. In this study, a rat trophoblast cell line, R8RP.3, which was derived from midgestation placentas of PVG.R8 (RT1.Aa) rats, was shown to express class I antigens similarly to those of trophoblast cells in situ. Both unstimulated and IFN-gamma-exposed metabolically labeled R8RP.3 cells synthesized more Pa than RT1.Aa antigen. The reverse was true for labeled spleen cells from PVG.R8 rats. The R8RP.3 cells failed to stimulate allogeneic lymphocyte proliferation even when high levels of both classical and nonclassical class I MHC antigens were expressed on their membranes after incubation with IFN-gamma. These experiments thus supply the first evidence that the inductive phase of the immune response is not promoted by trophoblast cell class I MHC antigens, which could explain the failure of mothers to mount immune responses to class I MHC positive trophoblast cells.  相似文献   

A first map of the porcine major histocompatibility complex class I region   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract: A map of the SLA complex, or swine major histocompatibility complex (MHC), class I region was constructed by alignment of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) harboring MHC class I genes as well as anchor genes already mapped within the human MHC complex (HLA). Five YACs containing 9 anchor genes built a contig of about 1.0–1.2 Mb between the SLA class HI BAT1 locus and the olfactory receptor-like genes OLF42. Ten different SLA class I sequences, including putative allelic forms of published classical and non-classical SLA class I genes, were assigned to the 400-kb enclosing centromeric part of the contig. Three additional YACs comprising the OLF89 genes and two YACs containing the butyrophilin gene were located telomeric to the contig. Comparison between the human and porcine MHC complexes showed a perfect conserved order of anchor genes, whereas no orthologous relationships were found for the class I loci.  相似文献   

In healthy individuals, the non-classical MHC molecule HLA-G is only expressed on fetal trophoblast cells that invade the decidua during placentation. We show that a significant proportion of HLA-G at the surface of normal human trophoblast cells is present as a disulphide-linked homodimer of the conventional beta(2)m-associated HLA-I complex. HLA-G is a ligand for leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptors (LILR), which bind much more efficiently to dimeric HLA-G than to conventional HLA-I molecules. We find that a LILRB1-Fc fusion protein preferentially binds the dimeric form of HLA-G on trophoblast cells. We detect LILRB1 expression on decidual myelomonocytic cells; therefore, trophoblast HLA-G may modulate the function of these cells. Co-culture with HLA-G(+) cells does not inhibit monocyte-derived dendritic cell up-regulation of HLA-DR and costimulatory molecules on maturation, but did increase production of IL-6 and IL-10. Furthermore, proliferation of allogeneic lymphocytes was inhibited by HLA-G binding to LILRB1/2 on responding antigen-presenting cells (APC). As HLA-G is the only HLA-I molecule that forms beta(2)m-associated dimers with increased avidity for LILRB1, this interaction could represent a placental-specific signal to decidual APC. We suggest that the placenta is modulating maternal immune responses locally in the uterus through HLA-G, a trophoblast-specific, monomorphic signal present in almost every pregnancy. See accompanying commentary: (http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/eji.200737515).  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies, showing that cultured rat Schwann cells could be induced to express MHC class II molecules, raised the possibility that Schwann cells in living nerves might, under some conditions, express MHC class II molecules and take part in activation of T lymphocytes. In the present work, the ability of myelin- and non-myelin-forming Schwann cellsin vivo to express MHC class II molecules was investigated.Lymphokines or bacterial antigens were injected into the living sciatic nerve of adult rats. Examination of the nerves three days after injection of interferon- or six days after injection of either tumour necrosis factor, antigens from mycobacterium leprae or whole mycobacteria leprae, revealed strong MHC class II immunostaining on some myelin-forming Schwann cells in the vicinity of the injection site. Very few non-myelin-forming cells expressed MHC class II molecules. MHC class II positive mononuclear cells were present in the injected nerves and endothelial cells of capillaries expressed high levels of MHC class II antigens. Crushing the sciatic nerve without injection of factors also induced MHC class II molecules on a few Schwann cells.Thus rat Schwann cells can be induced to express MHC class II moleculesin vivo asin vitro. This strengthens the possibility that in living nerves Schwann cells are able to function as accessory cells in the initiation or augmentation of T cell-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   

An alternative endolysosomal pathway has recently been suggested for the processing of MHC-I-binding peptides, and peptide/MHC-I complexes have been demonstrated in this compartment. However, it remains unclear where in the antigen-presenting cells such peptides are processed, in the endolysosomes themselves or in the proteasomal complex. Here, we have investigated this using monoclonal antibodies specific for the immunodominant SIINFEKL/Kb complex (25-D1) or for the carbohydrate part of Db- or Kb-binding glycopeptides in combination with inhibitors for classical and endolysosomal MHC-I-processing pathways. Alternative processing was detected in both wt and TAP1(-/-) immature DC (iDC) as the expression of SIINFEKL/Kb complexes on the surface of OVA-treated cells in the presence of Brefeldin A (BFA) or lactacystin and their absence in the presence of the lysosomotropic amines ammonium chloride, chloroquine and methylamine. Internalized Db- and Kb-binding glycopeptides, detected with high specificity using an anti-galabiose (Gal2) monoclonal antibody, were found to appear on the cell surface of BFA-treated cells after intracellular MHC-I-binding. Peptide exchange in Kb was demonstrated as the gradual appearance of SIINFEKL/Kb complexes on BFA-treated cells which earlier had been saturated with another Kb-binding peptide. Our data support the presence of a fully functional endolysosomal processing pathway in iDC guided by the chaperone function of MHC-I molecules.  相似文献   

The presentation of antigenic peptides by class I major histocompatibility complex molecules plays a central role in the cellular immune response, since immune surveillance for detection of viral infections or malignant transformations is achieved by CD8+ T lymphocytes which inspect peptides, derived from intracellular proteins, bind to class I molecules on the surface of most cells. The transporter associated with antigen processing selectively translocates cytoplasmically derived peptides of appropriate sequence and length into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum where they associate with newly synthesized class I molecules. The translocated peptides are generated by multicatalytic and multisubunit proteasomes which degrade cytoplasmic proteins in a ATP-ubiquitin-dependent manner. This review discusses our current molecular understanding of class I antigen processing and presentation.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the intracellular protozoan parasite that causes Chagas' disease, interferes with the host immune response to establish a persistent infection. In this report, we demonstrate that macrophages infected with T. cruzi are unable to effectively present antigens to CD4 T cells. The interference is due to defective antigen-presenting cell (APC) function, as antigen-independent stimulation of the T cell in the presence of infected macrophages is not affected. The defect is distal to antigen processing and is not due to decreased major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II expression, decreased viability, defective peptide loading in the infected macrophages, nor absence of CD28 co-stimulation. There was a role for gp39:CD40 co-stimulation during antigen presentation to the T cells we studied, but the expression of CD40 on T. cruzi-infected macrophages was not decreased. Antigen-specific adhesion between macrophages and T cells was reduced by infection. Equivalent levels of the adhesion molecules lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 or very late antigen-4 are found on infected and uninfected APC, suggesting that reduced expression of these adhesion molecules was not responsible for the defect in antigen-specific adhesion. The defective T cell:macrophage adhesion may be due to the reduced expression of other adhesion molecules or other changes in the cell induced by infection. Interfering with MHC class II antigen presentation in infected macrophages may help T. cruzi to blunt the immune response by the host.  相似文献   

Although plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) respond to virus replication in a nonspecific way by producing large amounts of type I interferon, a rapid, direct function for pDCs in activating antiviral lymphocytes is less apparent. Here we show that pDCs were able to rapidly initiate antigen-specific antiviral CD8+ T cell responses. After being exposed to virus, pDCs efficiently and rapidly internalized exogenous viral antigens and then presented those antigens on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I to CD8+ T cells. Processing of exogenous antigen occurred in endocytic organelles and did not require transit of antigen to the cytosol. Intracellular stores of MHC class I partially localized together with the transferrin receptor and internalized transferrin in endosomes, which suggested that such recycling endosomes are sites for loading peptide onto MHC class I or for peptide transit. Our data demonstrate that pDCs use 'ready-made' stores of MHC class I to rapidly present exogenous antigen to CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

In autoimmune thyroid disease, thyroid epithelial cells (TEC) express major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules, potentially enabling them to present thyroid self-antigens to CD4-positive T cells. However, despite this, TEC may fail to present endogenous antigen as a result of limited processing or MHC class II loading capacity, or inadequate MHC class II levels. We addressed these issues using the cloned rat TEC line, Fischer rat thyroid cell line (FRTL5), which was transfected using an adenoviral expression vector that expressed ovalbumin (OVA) as an integral membrane protein. OVA-expressing FRTL5 cells very efficiently activated a panel of OVA-specific, class II-restricted T-cell hybridomas. This response was dependent on induction of MHC class II molecules by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and was blocked by anti-MHC class II antibodies. Poor responses were seen to exogenously added OVA or OVA peptides. These results provide the most direct evidence to date that TEC can form MHC class II-peptide complexes derived from self-antigen in sufficient quantities to activate T cells.  相似文献   

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