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We have previously reported that broad-spectrum serotonergic blockade increased the acute hypoxic ventilatory response in awake goats. The purpose of the present study was to examine the putative serotonin (5-HT) receptor subtype(s) that may have contributed to this response. Following the administration of the selective 5-HT(1A)-receptor agonist, 8-hydroxy-(2-di-n-propylamino) tetralin (8-OH DPAT, 0.1 mg x kg(-1)i.v.), there was an increase in normoxic expired minute ventilation (V(E)) that was due to an increased breathing frequency. V(E) increased during hypoxia but the change in V(E) (Delta V(E)) associated with hypoxic exposure was not different from the Delta V(E) of saline treated goats. The combination of 8-OH DPAT and a selective 5-HT(2A/2C) receptor antagonist, ketanserin (0.1 and 1.0 mg x kg(-1)i.v., respectively), also increased normoxic V(E) but did not alter the hypoxia induced Delta V(E). Both 8-OH DPAT alone and in combination with ketanserin attenuated the change in V(E) associated with sustained hypoxia but neither was able to attenuate the increased hypoxic ventilatory response that occurs following acclimatization. The augmented acute hypoxic ventilatory response that we previously reported does not appear to be mediated via the activation of the 5-HT(1A) receptor or through the combination of 5-HT(1A) activation and 5-HT(2A/2C) blockade. The results of this study further suggest that while 5-HT may modulate hypoxic ventilation it does not appear to be necessary for the development of ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia.  相似文献   

Acclimatization to hypoxia increases the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) in mammals. The literature on humans shows that several protocols can quantify this increase in HVR if isocapnia is maintained, regardless of the exact level of Pa(CO(2)). In rats, the isocapnic HVR also increases with chronic hypoxia and this cannot be explained by a non-specific effect of increased ventilatory drive on the HVR. Changes in arterial pH are predicted to increase the HVR during chronic hypoxia in rats but this has not been quantified. Limitations in determining mechanisms of change in the HVR from reflex experiments are discussed. Chronic hypoxia changes some, but not all, indices of ventilatory motor output that are useful for normalization between experiments on anesthetized rats. Finally, ducks also show time-dependent increases in ventilation during chronic hypoxia and birds provide a good experimental model to study reflex interactions. However, reflexes from intrapulmonary CO(2) chemoreceptors can complicate the measurement of changes in the isocapnic HVR during chronic hypoxia in birds.  相似文献   

Ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia is the time-dependent increase in ventilation that occurs with chronic exposure to hypoxia. Despite decades of research, the physiological mechanisms that increase the hypoxic ventilatory response during chronic hypoxia are not well understood. This review focuses on adaptations within the central nervous system (CNS) that increase the hypoxic ventilatory response. Although an increase in CNS responsiveness had been proposed many years ago, only recently has strong experimental evidence been provided for an increase in the CNS gain in the rat, which has proved to be a good model of VAH in humans. Within the CNS, several neuroanatomical sites could be involved as well as changes in various neurotransmitters, neuromodulators or signalling mechanisms within any of those sites. Lastly, adaptations within the CNS could involve both direct effects of decreased P(O(2)) and indirect effects of increased afferent nerve activity due to chronic stimulation of the peripheral arterial chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

The effects of the opiate antagonist naloxone (0.4 mg.kg-1, i.v.) on carotid chemoreceptor and ventilatory responses to graded steady-state levels of hypoxia and hypercapnia were investigated in two groups of cats: chronically normoxic and chronically hypoxic. The cats of the latter group were exposed to PIO2 of about 70 mm Hg at sea level for 3-4 weeks and showed an attenuated response to hypoxia. All cats were tested under alpha-chloralose anesthesia. Naloxone treatment did not increase appreciably carotid chemoreceptor activity or its responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in either cat group. Naloxone caused a small ventilatory stimulation in the chronically hypoxic cats, so that the attenuated response to hypoxia was not relieved. By contrast, the chemoreflex ventilatory response to hypoxia was stimulated by naloxone in the chronically normoxic cats. The findings that the depressed ventilatory chemoreflexes in the chronically hypoxic cat were not ameliorated by the opiate antagonist indicate that an increased elaboration of endogenous opiates does not underlie ventilatory adaptation to chronic hypoxia.  相似文献   

The carotid body (CB) perfusion model utilizes surgical vascular ligations to allow isolated blood supply to a single in situ CB in awake goats. The contralateral CB was excised. By use of an extracorporeal pump-oxygenator system the blood gas composition perfusing the CB can be controlled independently from that of the systemic arterial system including the brain. Using this model we compared the responses of systemically normoxic goats to CB hypercapnia and CB hypoxia. In 6 goats CB stimulation with hypercapnic-normoxic blood (mean PcbCO2 = 78 Torr, mean PcbO2 congruent to 100 Torr) produced acute hyperventilation (mean decrease in PaCO2 of 5.2 Torr, P less than 0.05) which remained constant over the 4-h perfusion period. Lack of a progressively increasing hyperventilation indicates that ventilatory acclimatization did not occur with hypercapnic CB perfusion. Hypoxic-normocapnic CB stimulation (mean PcbO2 = 40 Torr, mean PcbCO2 = 39 Torr) produced an acute mean decrease in PaCO2 of 5.5 Torr (P less than 0.05) in 6 additional goats. In contrast to CB hypercapnia, the acute hyperventilation induced by CB hypoxia was followed by a progressive time-dependent additional mean decrease in PaCO2 of 5.6 Torr (P less than 0.05) over a 4-h period (ventilatory acclimatization). These data are compatible with the concept of separate receptor mechanisms for hypercapnia and hypoxia in the CB and suggest that the early phase of ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia in goats may result from a time-dependent increase in CB afferent output.  相似文献   

《Respiration physiology》1998,111(1):25-32
Ventilatory acclimatization to sustained hypoxia (VASH) is the time-dependent increase in ventilation that occurs during prolonged exposure to hypoxia. We tested the hypothesis that carotid body (CB) dopaminergic mechanisms are down-regulated during VASH, which would allow CB afferent discharge and ventilation to increase beyond the initial response to hypoxia. Domperidone (DOM; 1.0 mg·kg−1) was administered intravenously to block CB dopamine (DA) receptors after VASH was complete in awake goats. DOM caused a significant augmentation of the ventilatory response to hypoxia in acclimatized goats, failing to support the hypothesis. We conclude that inhibitory CB dopaminergic function is not significantly reduced following prolonged hypoxia, and that down-regulation of CB dopaminergic mechanisms may not be involved in VASH in the goat.  相似文献   

《Respiration physiology》1995,99(2):215-224
Our objective was to test the hypothesis that diminishing sympathetic input to the carotid body (CB) during prolonged exposure to hypoxia results in increased CB afferent activity and increased ventilatory drive. Six awake goats were studied prior to and following sectioning of the efferent sympathetic input to the CB from the superior cervical ganglion. Ventilatory responses to acute and prolonged isocapnic hypoxia (PaO2 40 Torr) and drugs (norepinephrine and dopamine, 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 μg·kg−1·min−1) were collected prior to the denervation. One week and 3–4 weeks following the sympathetic denervation, the animals were restudied following the above protocol. Ventilation was significantly lower following sympathetic denervation in normoxia and during the hypoxic exposure. However, the response to acute hypoxia and the time-course of ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia was not altered by sympathetic denervation. All doses of norepinephrine and dopamine significantly inhibited V̇e in a dose-dependent manner. Sympathetic denervation did not significantly alter the response to the drug infusions. The sympathetic innervation to the CB does not appear to play a role in either the acute or prolonged ventilatory responses to hypoxia in the awake goat, but may affect overall ventilation.  相似文献   

《Respiration physiology》1996,103(2):157-164
The increase in pulmonary ventilation (V̇e) during the first minutes of hypoxia is not sustained as after several minutes V̇e decreases or “rolls-off” toward control levels. We hypothesized that intravenous infusion of theophylline, by blocking the central inhibitory effects on breathing of adenosine, would attenuate the hypoxic V̇e roll-off. Twelve unanesthetized adult goats were exposed for 20 min to a 12% O2-88% N2 gas mixture. In some studies, theophylline was infused intravenously (IV) for 20 min before and during the hypoxia. The highest infusion rate of 6.0–8.0 mg/min was sufficient to totally prevent the arterial hypertension and bradycardia that occurred with IV infusion of 4 mg·min−1 of adenosine. Nine of the 12 goats demonstrated V̇e roll-off without the theophylline infusion. In goats that demonstrated V̇e roll-off without theophylline, a significant (P < 0.05) V̇e roll-off was observed even at the highest theophylline infusion rate. We therefore conclude that the V̇e roll-off during hypoxia is not primarily or critically mediated by adenosine in awake, adult goats.  相似文献   

One of the most important factors in the acclimatization of lowlanders to high altitude is hyperventilation which helps to defend the alveolar PO2. However, how rapidly this occurs at very high altitude is poorly understood. Information can be obtained by comparing the alveolar gas values reported from the extended low pressure chamber studies, Operation Everest I and II, and the American medical research expedition to Everest (AMREE) of 1981. Rahn and Otis (1949) reported the alveolar PO2 and PCO2 values for non-acclimatized and well-acclimatized man on an O2-CO2 diagram, and pointed out that the Operation Everest I data fell approximately halfway between the two curves. The AMREE data agree well with the fully-acclimatized curve, and the Operation Everest II values are intermediate. The differences can be partly, though not wholly, attributed to the different periods of acclimatization. The conclusion is that 31 and 36 days are inadequate periods of acclimatization for altitudes over 8000 m, but that 77 days is sufficient. However, other factors are also involved.  相似文献   

Most studies oriented toward examining mechanisms increasing carotid body (CB) sensitivity to hypoxia during ventilatory acclimatization (VAH) have focussed on the role of known neuromodulators of CB function. Two general categories of the neuromodulatory agents studied most extensively could be considered: those thought to be primarily inhibitory to CB function: dopamine, norepinephrine, nitric oxide and those thought to be primarily excitatory: substance P, endothelin. There is evidence that these putative inhibitory agents are up-regulated in the first weeks of chronic hypoxia and that substance P is down-regulated. All these changes would favor a decrease in CB sensitivity to hypoxia. There are data suggesting that CB endothelin activity is up-regulated in rats subjected to chronic hypoxia, a direction suggesting increased CB sensitivity to hypoxia. Dopamine may have an excitatory as well as an inhibitory role on the CB, but there is not yet evidence to indicate that an excitatory role for DA exists in chronic hypoxia. Ion channel studies of type I CB cells suggest increased excitability after prolonged hypoxia. The role of excitatory CB nicotinic receptors and putative serotonin type 3 receptors should be examined further for their potential role in VAH. It is suggested that a balance of excitatory and inhibitory modulation is responsible for increased CB sensitivity to hypoxia during VAH.  相似文献   

Ventilatory acclimatization to high altitude is accompanied by increased hypoxic (HVR) and hypercapnic (HCVR) ventilatory responses which may reflect increased carotid body chemosensitivity. Dopamine is an inhibitory neuromodulator of the carotid body and its activity may be reduced by hypoxic exposure. To determine whether decreased dopaminergic activity could account for the increased chemosensitivity of acclimatization, we examined the response to peripheral dopamine receptor (D2) blockade with domperidone on HVR and HCVR in awake cats before and after exposure to simulated altitude of 14000 ft for 2 days. During anesthesia, we also examined the effects of domperidone on carotid body responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in acclimatized and low altitude cats. Two days' exposure to hypobaric hypoxia produced an increase in HVR and HCVR. Before acclimatization, domperidone augmented HVR and HCVR, but there was no effect after acclimatization. In anesthetized low altitude cats, domperidone increased carotid body responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia, but had no effect in acclimatized cats. These results indicate that decreased endogenous dopaminergic activity may contribute to increased ventilatory and chemoreceptor responsiveness to hypoxia and hypercapnia during hypoxic ventilatory acclimatization.  相似文献   

The levels and turnovers of NE, DA and 5HT were determined in whole brain, brain stem, cervical and thoracic spinal cord and carotid bodies (CB) of rats exposed to from 1 h to 7 days of hypobaric hypoxia (PB = 450 torr). Monoamine levels decreased only transiently upon acute exposure to hypoxia. Monoamine turnover in the CNS was estimated from the average of (a) monoamine buildup following inhibition of catabolism, and (b) monoamine breakdown following inhibition of synthesis. Hypoxic effects on CNS monoamine turnover showed that: (a) NE was not affected; (b) DA was not affected in acute hypoxia, but was reduced to about 40% of normoxia control after 1-7 days hypoxia; (c) 5HT fell 50-60% during acute hypoxia but returned to and was maintained at control over 1-7 days of hypoxia; (d) acute restoration of normoxia following acute hypoxia restored 5HT and DA to control or above and in the acclimatized animal acute normoxia increased DA and 5HT turnover to about 1.4 and 1.8 X control. In the CB, DA levels gradually increased to 4 X control after 7 days of hypoxia and further increased to 6 X control upon acute restoration of normoxia. Changes in the metabolism of both central 5HT and CB DA may be related to the mechanisms mediating ventilatory acclimatization to chronic hypoxia.  相似文献   

《Respiration physiology》1998,111(1):33-43
Ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH) is the time-dependent increase in ventilation that occurs during sustained exposure to hypoxia. The mechanism for VAH remains elusive. We sought to determine whether a deficiency in the availability of carotid body dopamine is the mechanism of increased ventilatory responsiveness to hypoxia during VAH in awake goats. This was based on the evidence that dopamine (DA) is primarily an inhibitory neuromodulator of carotid body (CB) function. The hypothesis was tested by intracarotid infusion of DA (5.0 μg kg−1 min−1) throughout VAH. VAH was not prevented by DA infusion, failing to support the hypothesis. We conclude that a deficiency in the availability of inhibitory DA release within the CB is probably not responsible for VAH. However, increased ventilatory responses to acute hypoxia after either prolonged DA infusion or hypoxia may have similar CB mechanisms.  相似文献   

《Respiration physiology》1996,103(1):57-66
Newborn animals exhibit a biphasic response to hypoxia, with ventilation increasing and then declining. Our purpose was to define if this response could be supported by the pontile and medullary respiratory centers. Spontaneously breathing and paralyzed and ventilated decerebrate or anesthetized, vagotomized rats were studied from birth to 13 days thereafter. Peak integrated phrenic activity, or tidal volume, and frequency initially increased and then declined after inspired oxygen was reduced from hyperoxic to hypoxic levels; most animals became apneic in hypoxia. Apnea occurred in a greater proportion of animals and more quickly with more severe hypoxia. Following sectioning of the carotid sinus nerves, ventilatory activity declined with a change from hyperoxia to normoxia. We conclude that the biphasic ventilatory response to hypoxia represents a balance between synaptically-induced augmentations and reductions of brainstem neuronal activities. The carotid chemoreceptors play a fundamental role in the augmentations, and reductions appear dependent upon actions of hypoxia upon brainstem mechanisms.  相似文献   

Central-peripheral chemoreceptor ventilatory interaction in awake goats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was designed to characterize the ventilatory interaction between central and carotid body (CB) chemoreceptor stimulation in awake goats undergoing selective CB perfusion. This model allowed us to expose central and CB chemoreceptors to separate blood gas conditions in an animal that is conscious and not systemically hypoxic. Systemic CO2 ventilatory response curves, performed by progressively increasing FICO2 in systemic hyperoxia, were completed in 7 goats during CB perfusion with hypercapnic-hypoxic blood and normocapnic-normoxic blood, and in 3 goats without CB perfusion. The slopes of the curves done with perfusion were not significantly different (P greater than 0.05) in CB hypercapnic hypoxia and CB normocapnic normoxia for VE, VT, f and VT/TI, and the coefficients of variation of slopes generated with and without perfusion were similar. Our data indicate there is addition of central and CB chemoreceptor input in respiratory control, and we conclude that the previously demonstrated stimulus interaction at the CB is the primary source of the hyperadditive hypercapnic-hypoxic ventilatory interaction in an animal unaffected by anesthetics or brain hypoxia.  相似文献   

Previously, we found resting metabolic rate increased at high altitude but the mechanism and consequences of this increase were unclear. We sought to test the role of beta-sympathetic activation for increasing metabolic rate and the contribution of an increase in metabolic rate to raising total ventilation at altitude. Following baseline studies at sea level, two groups of six healthy male subjects received either placebo or propranolol (80 mg/8 h) for 3 days prior to ascent to Pikes Peak (4300 m) where treatment was continued for 15 days. O2 consumption increased in placebo-treated subjects with a rise of 20 +/- 5% (X +/- SEM) on day 1 and no change 0 +/- 7% in propranolol-treated subjects (difference between groups, P less than 0.05). The increase in total ventilation upon ascent was 28 +/- 2% in the placebo group vs 9 +/- 7% in the propranolol group (P less than 0.05) and was correlated with metabolic rate in individual subjects. Decreasing end-tidal PCO2, taken as an index of ventilatory acclimatization, was similar in both groups. Thus, beta-sympathetic activation appears to increase metabolic rate upon ascent to high altitude and lead to a proportionate elevation in total ventilation but does not alter ventilatory acclimatization.  相似文献   

In order to explore the role of suprapontine mechanisms in the ventilatory features of acclimatization to high altitude (HAVA) a study was made of: (a) normal cats after 48 h of exposure to a simulated altitude of 5500 m; (b) those same acclimatized cats 6 h following mid-collicular decerebration; (c) decerebrate cats after 48 h of exposure to a simulated altitude of 5500 m; (d) decerebrate cats after 48 h of exposure to room air at sea level. In a pilot study in which high altitude exposure was maintained for 30 days it was determined that normal cats show all of the manifestations of HAVA after 48 h. These were: increase of VI over acute hypoxic value and a maintained hyperventilation with normoxic inhaled gas; increase of both VT and f, the latter predominantly due to shortened TE; increase of VT/TI. Following decerebration the ventilatory pattern of these cats reverted to the preoperative, acute hypoxic exposure characteristics. Decerebrate cats maintained under normoxic conditions for 48 h showed no changes that were statistically significant, but brief (20 min) hypoxic tests indicated an increase of ventilatory response at the end of the second day. Decerebrate cats maintained for 48 h in the hypoxic environment showed all of the main features of HAVA. We conclude that suprapontine mechanisms in the intact cat exert a facilitatory influence which supports the development of HAVA, but if the structures in which those mechanisms normally reside are chronically removed, a comparable mechanism in the ponto-medullary region is capable of assuming the same function.  相似文献   

The ventilatory responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia are reduced during sleep compared to wakefulness. However, sleep-related increases in upper airways' resistance could reduce these ventilatory responses independently of any change in the neural output to the respiratory pump muscles. It is therefore possible that respiratory chemosensitivity, per se, is unchanged by sleep. To investigate this, four healthy male subjects were mechanically ventilated to abolish spontaneous respiratory muscle activity. The response to transient isocapnic hypoxia was quantified from the magnitude of the electromyographic activity induced in the diaphragm and from the associated reduction in peak inspiratory pressure; these indicies of respiratory motor output will not be affected by any sleep-related changes in upper airways' resistance. In all individuals, the responses to hypoxia were markedly attenuated during sleep compared to wakefulness. These observations, assessing the 'neuromuscular' ventilatory response, are consistent with a sleep-related reduction in respiratory chemosensitivity that is independent of any changes that may be due to increases in upper airways' resistance.  相似文献   

We studied the putative role of endorphins in modulating hypoxic ventilatory responsiveness. In 12 healthy men, minute ventilation (VE)and mouth occlusion pressure (P0.1) responses to progressive isocapnic hypoxia were determined before and after the intravenous administration of the opioid antagonist naloxone (10 mg) or placebo. Plasma levels of beta-endorphin were measured before and after hypoxia. Naloxone did not affect the slopes or x-intercepts of the relationships between either VE or P0.1 and arterial O2 saturation. There was no correlation between the baseline plasma level of beta-endorphin and any measure of responsiveness to hypoxia. Plasma beta-endorphin levels were not affected by either short-term hypoxia or naloxone alone; however, when hypoxia followed naloxone administration, mean +/- SD beta-endorphin increased from 8.0 +/- 8.9 pg/ml to 20.2 +/- 16.6 pg/ml (p less than 0.005). We concluded that endogenous opioids do not have an important modulating influence on hypoxic ventilatory responsiveness in adult human volunteers.  相似文献   

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