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<正>痘痘是痤疮的俗称,痤疮是皮肤科常见的毛囊皮脂腺疾病,发病机制主要包括毛囊皮脂腺导管角化异常、皮脂腺分泌增多、痤疮丙酸杆菌感染等。在临床上,除了药物治疗、物理治疗痘痘外,良好的生活习惯也是控制痘痘复发、发展的重要因素。注意这些防痘痘控制体重研究表明,BMI指数与痤疮发病呈正相关,BMI≥24即为体重过重,需要控制。注:BMI=体重(千克)/身高2(米2)  相似文献   

痤疮,是一种毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性皮肤病,是发生于花季青少年的常见病,故又称为"青春痘",也称为"粉刺"。一、痤疮的发病机制痤疮是多种因素综合作用所致的毛囊、皮脂腺疾病。主要为性激素(主要是雄激素)对皮脂腺调控异常,皮脂分泌过多、毛囊口过度角化、痤疮丙酸杆菌增殖过度引起免疫反应而导致的炎症性改变。遗传及心理因素在痤疮的发病上也起到一定的作用。1、雄激素与皮脂腺功能亢进痤疮的发生,首先由皮脂腺功能亢进,皮脂分泌过多所致。然而,皮脂腺的功能受雄激素的控制与调节。雄激素具有促进皮脂腺细胞分裂、增殖和皮脂的生成、分泌作用。进入青春发育期后,在大脑的控制下,下丘脑下垂  相似文献   

痤疮是一种较为常见的慢性皮肤病,其发病段常常处于青春期。痤疮的发病原因有很大,但大都是因为雄性激素、皮脂腺的过剩分泌,从而使得毛囊和皮脂腺出现阻塞,大量的丙酸痤疮杆菌在毛囊周围滋生,从而出现了炎症反应。此外,痤疮的发病还与遗传和心理因素有着一定的关联。本文通过介绍痤疮的发病机理,系统的阐述了西医与中医中痤疮的治疗方法,给浅析中西医中痤疮的治疗方法提供了积极的参考意义。  相似文献   

叶云 《健康博览》2016,(12):30-31
正痘痘是所有爱美之人的公敌,坑坑洼洼的表面不止拉低颜值,更会让人心情变坏。如何对付这恼人的痘痘呢?让我们请浙江省中医院皮肤科姬程医师给你支招。什么是痘痘痤疮俗称痘痘、青春痘,是皮肤科的常见病,发生于毛囊皮脂腺,以黑头粉刺、白头粉刺、丘疹、脓疱和可能形成疤痕为特征,多发于头面部、颈部、前胸后背等皮脂腺丰富的部位。长痤疮的原因包括激素水平变化引起油脂分泌旺盛:毛囊口异常角化、脱屑引起毛囊堵塞:油脂分泌多、毛囊堵塞,为痤疮杆菌大量繁殖提供了良好条件。痤疮根据严重程度分为轻、中  相似文献   

面部生了痤疮怎么办陈大夫:我是一名20多岁的男青年,从去年开始我的面颈部长满了脓疮性痤疮,又大又密,用了许多中西医方法治疗,都收效甚微,我心中十分苦闷。请问陈大夫我的病该怎么治疗?在日常生活中该注意些什么?四川韦斌韦斌朋友:痤疮是青春期常见的一种慢性毛囊度脂腺炎病,好发于面都,有丘疹、粉刺、脓胞、结节、囊肿及瘢痕等多种损害。痤疮的发生是分种因素造成的,主要有以下几点:(1)青青期开始后,雄激素分泌增等,使皮脂腺活性增强。而痤疮患者的皮脂腺分泌就较正常人多。(2)痤疮患者皮脂腺毛囊导管角化过程增强,真…  相似文献   

<正>寻常痤疮是毛囊皮脂腺的一种疾病,常发于青少年,发病率高达85%以上,多发生于面部。其原因是多方面的,众所周知主要包括内分泌因素、毛囊皮脂腺导管角化异常、微生物感染、免疫等因素,青少年和成年人均会受到影响。临床表现包括皮脂溢出、粉刺、丘疹、脓疱、结节及囊肿,其中一些可能最终形成疤痕。痤疮可造成较大的经济负担和不同程度的心理困扰。  相似文献   

有些青年人来信谈到,因患青春痘严重影响容貌而感到非常苦恼,并为此不愿参加社交而感到孤独、心烦;不得已外出时,往往要把头发拉到面颊遮住患处。这种让青少年烦恼不堪的疾病究竟是如何发生及应该如何防治呢? 青春痘又称为粉刺、酒刺、暗疮,医学上称为寻常痤疮(筒称痤疮),它是一种毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性疾病。其病因与雄激素、皮脂腺和毛囊内微生物有密切关系。在青春发育期,雄激素分泌增多,引起皮脂腺合成和排泄皮脂增加,并能使毛囊上部角化增殖,造成毛孔堵塞,形成脂栓即粉刺。此时毛囊内存在的痤疮棒状杆菌等微生物可分解淤滞的皮脂,产生游离脂肪酸,后者可刺激毛囊皮脂腺产生炎症,使毛囊壁损  相似文献   

高金莲 《现代医院》2005,5(6):38-39
痤疮是一种毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性疾病,内分泌功能失调、遗传、饮食、胃肠功能障碍、月经、机械性刺激、化妆品等均可诱发本病。概括来说,痤疮发病主要原因有:青春发育期由于体内内分泌发生变化,雄激素水平升高,刺激皮脂腺分泌更多的皮脂;毛囊的角质细胞粘连性增生,而且脱落减少,皮脂分泌不畅;痤疮丙酸杆菌在有氧情况下不活动,一旦缺氧就会大量地繁殖,导致炎症细腻侵入,变成脓疱、结节;毛囊皮脂组织结构被破坏,这时即使痤疮治疗好了也还是会留下疤痕的。  相似文献   

一夜之间,脸上冒出许多青春痘,这是令青年人非常苦恼的事。青春痘,医学上称痤疮,多见于15~30岁的男女,主要发生在面部,尤其是前额、双颊、颌部,其次是胸、背及肩部。痤疮的发生是多种因素共同作用的结果,遗传、皮脂腺分泌旺盛、皮脂中游离脂肪酸过高、毛囊内寄生有痤疮丙酸菌等均可能是致病原因。男女在青春发育期,由于皮脂腺分泌旺盛而排出受阻,瘀积在毛囊内,使毛囊内的痤疮丙酸菌大量繁殖,并将皮脂分解为游离脂肪酸,后者刺激毛囊引起炎症。如听任细菌滋长不予治疗或不恰当地挤捏皮疹,痤疮可日趋严重,形成结节、囊肿,…  相似文献   

孙颖 《工企医刊》1996,9(4):156-157
痤疮是青春期常见的一种毛囊、皮脂腺慢性炎症性皮肤疾病。近年来,人们对痤疮的药物治疗进行了深入的临床研究,取得了一定的进展,现综述如下。  相似文献   

乳腺疾病监测系统及其运作的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
王欣  林红 《中国妇幼保健》1999,14(3):140-141
监测乳腺疾病的患病情况,为防治工作提供相关信息,利用乳腺疾病监测系统软件进行监测,并建立了区域性乳腺疾病监测网。对11457例的监测结果显示,乳腺疾病的患病率由高至低依次为乳腺增生症(22.40%),乳腺纤维腺瘤(2.50%),乳腺炎(0.68%),乳腺癌(0.15%),乳腺导管内瘤(0.14%)。认为建立乳腺疾病监测网能动态监测常见乳腺疾病的患病情况,为乳腺疾病的防治提供信息资料,为制定干预措施提供依据  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between accumulated copper in the digestive gland of Helix aspersa, after exposure to the fungicide copper oxychloride, and quantitative changes in the digestive gland cells of this snail. Snails were exposed to 80 and 240 microg g(-1) copper oxychloride for 6 weeks. Histological sections of digestive glands were analyzed by means of computer-assisted image analysis. Results indicate that copper is strongly accumulated in the digestive gland and that this organ is the main site of copper accumulation in the snail body. Also, as a result of copper accumulation in the digestive gland, measurable changes in epithelium cell height and area of this organ occur. In the case of cell height, these changes are dose-related. It is concluded that changes in digestive gland cells, as a result of copper oxychloride exposure, may possibly serve as biomarkers of exposure to this fungicide.  相似文献   

Marginal vitamin A deficiency is common and can result in a secondary iron (Fe) deficiency. A positive correlation between maternal Fe status and milk Fe was observed in lactating women supplemented with both vitamin A and Fe but not with Fe alone, suggesting effects of vitamin A on mammary gland Fe transport. We hypothesized that low vitamin A intake during lactation elicits differential effects on mammary gland and liver Fe transport and storage proteins, thus affecting milk Fe concentration but not maternal Fe status. We fed rats a control (CON, 4 RE/g) or a marginal vitamin A diet (AD, 0.4 RE/g) through midlactation. Effects on plasma, milk, liver and mammary gland Fe and vitamin A concentrations, and divalent metal transporter-1 (DMT1), ferroportin (FPN), ferritin (Ft), and transferrin receptor (TfR) expression were determined. Dams fed AD were not vitamin A or Fe deficient. Milk and liver vitamin A and Fe and mammary gland Fe concentrations were lower in rats fed AD compared with rats fed CON. Liver TfR expression was higher, whereas mammary gland TfR expression was lower in rats fed AD compared with rats fed CON. Liver Ft was unaffected, whereas mammary gland Ft was lower in rats fed AD compared with rats fed CON. Liver and mammary gland DMT1 and FPN protein levels were lower in rats fed AD compared with rats fed CON. Our results indicate that the mammary gland and liver respond differently to marginal vitamin A intake during lactation and that milk Fe is significantly decreased due to effects on mammary gland Fe transporters, putting the nursing offspring at risk for Fe deficiency.  相似文献   

涎石病指在腮腺、下颌下腺、舌下腺及小涎腺的腺体或导管内发生的结石;同时阻塞唾液分泌从而导致继发性涎腺炎症的一组病症,下颌下腺是发生涎腺结石最常见的部位。本文阐述下颌下腺解剖特点、结石形成机制、临床特点、各种检查方法及表现等方面,旨在提高对本病认识,为临床医师制定治疗方案提供有用的影像学信息。  相似文献   

目的 分析256层CT在心脏扫描过程中,轴扫与螺旋扫两种扫描模式对乳腺所造成的辐射剂量,从而寻找合理的扫描模式,以期降低CT在心脏疾病诊断中乳腺的受照剂量。方法 使用飞利浦256层CT,对布放好热释光剂量计的仿真人体模型进行两种模式的扫描,运用BR2000D热释光剂量读出器对受照后的剂量计进行测量,进而分析两种扫描模式下的乳腺剂量差异。结果 应用256层CT的轴扫,相对于256层CT的螺旋扫描,乳腺所受到的辐射剂量明显降低,差异显著。结论 在行256层CT心脏扫描中,应尽可能的采用256层轴扫模式,以减低CT对乳腺所造成的辐射剂量。  相似文献   

Johnson S  Bourges D  Wijburg O  Strugnell RA  Lew AM 《Vaccine》2006,24(27-28):5552-5558
The mucosal addressin cellular adhesion molecule 1 (MAdCAM) is expressed on the venules of the gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT); it is also expressed on the venules of the lobules of the mammary gland. We have previously found that MAdCAM-targeting using a rat anti-MAdCAM monoclonal Ab as both antigen and targeting moiety resulted in an enhanced local IgA gut response. We therefore surmised that such targeting may also enhance IgA responses in the mammary gland. We show that our model antigen localizes to the lobules of the mammary glands as well as the GALT, but not to the draining lymph nodes and that targeting MAdCAM results in secretory IgA responses in the milk. We provide evidence that this milk IgA Ab is of a secretory nature and is consistent with derivation from gut plasmablasts that have migrated to the mammary gland. Targeting MAdCAM may be a way for a novel vaccine strategy that affords protection to the mammary gland and the suckling neonate.  相似文献   

By cooling fresh suprarenal gland tissue immediately on removal from the animal, and by defatting, and mincing the same at low temperatures, and drying at 37°C. with the least loss of time, a preparation is obtained which in daily doses of 3 grm. per os, is effective in restoring a large measure of health to sufferers from Addison''s disease.It is essential that a potent extract of suprarenal cortex be available for (a) restoring the patient sufficiently to enable whole gland treatment to be instituted and (b) to treat any return of abdominal symptoms or circulatory collapse induced by intercurrent illness or failure to retain the whole gland through vomiting.It is desirable to increase the intake of sodium chloride to 10 to 15 grm. daily.Neither saline alone, nor cortical extract alone produces the same effective result as whole suprarenal gland prepared as above administered per os.Commercial preparations of whole suprarenal can be entirely without effect.Subcutaneous injection of adrenalin in a phase of weakness may have disastrous results.Trials, using the whole gland preparation on normal subjects, further establish the observations of Rowntree, that the gastric musculature is stimulated by injection of whole suprarenal gland. In certain cases, considerable elevation of blood-pressure may also result.  相似文献   

DNase I in rats is mainly expressed in the parotid gland and the small intestine and functions as a digestive enzyme. Male Wistar rats were deprived of food for 48 h, refed with nonpurified diet for 2 h and killed at 0, 0.33, 0.67, 1, 2, 6 or 12 h. The activity and mRNA of DNase I in the parotid gland and the small intestine were determined. We found that in rats that were not fed for 48 h there was accumulation of DNase I in the parotid gland but not in the small intestine. In the parotid gland, refeeding decreased DNase I activity (P < 0.05), perhaps due to an increase in secretion. The increase in DNase I mRNA probably resulted from the need for protein synthesis. However, in the small intestine, both the enzyme activity and the amount of mRNA were up-regulated by refeeding (P < 0.05). Exposing rats to food in a sealed transparent flask also caused a 2.5-fold increase in DNase I mRNA within 30 min in the parotid gland. These data suggested that the expression of rat parotid DNase I is up-regulated by feeding and that mastication is not essential for the regulation.  相似文献   

The viscous nature of alpaca semen limits its use in cryopreservation and other assisted reproductive technologies. The cause and source of this viscosity is unknown although it has been postulated, but never proven, that glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) secreted by the bulbourethral gland are responsible. The present study investigated the concentration and composition of GAGs in alpaca seminal plasma, testes, bulbourethral gland and prostate gland and compared them to those in the ram to determine the relationship between seminal plasma GAGs and viscosity and to identify the source of seminal plasma GAGs. Alpaca seminal plasma contained more GAGs than ram (P<0.001) and the predominant GAG, keratan sulfate, was correlated with viscosity (P=0.05, R(2)=0.2635). The alpaca bulbourethral gland contained most GAGs compared with prostate or testis (P<0.001). In the ram, the prostate contained most GAGs. These findings suggest that GAGs, particularly keratan sulfate, may be the cause of seminal plasma viscosity in alpacas, and that the seminal plasma GAGs originate from the bulbourethral gland.  相似文献   

目的:探讨E-钙粘蛋白和β-连环蛋白在涎腺腺癌中的表达程度。方法:收集20例原发于涎腺腺癌的石蜡标本,采用免疫组化方法(SP法)检测分析E-钙粘蛋白及β-连环蛋白在肿瘤细胞中的表达。结果:E-钙粘蛋白与β-连环蛋白在正常涎腺组织中有正常表达,而在涎腺腺癌中则是弱表达,甚至不表达,高分化腺癌组与中、低分化腺癌组之间有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:E-钙粘蛋白与β-连环蛋白在涎腺腺癌中存在异常表达,并与腺癌的病理分级有关,与肿瘤的侵袭、转移和复发有一定的关系。  相似文献   

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