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A best evidence topic in cardiac surgery was written according to a structured protocol. The question addressed was whether use of Recombinant Activated Factor VII could help haemostasis for intractable bleeding, and decrease blood or blood product requirements in patients undergoing cardiac surgery without excessive risk from thrombosis. Altogether 129 papers were identified using the reported search strategy of which 13 represented the best evidence on the topic. The author, journal, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes, results and study weaknesses were tabulated. We conclude that Factor VIIa has proven efficacy and safety in over 400,000 uses worldwide outside the cardiothoracic surgical arena, mostly in haemophiliacs. Results from this experience show a 1% risk of serious thrombotic complications. In the cardiothoracic literature, there have been more than 160 reports of its use for intractable bleeding and the serious complication rate is again around 1-2%. In addition, it has been found to be highly efficacious in 80-90% of cases with a single dose of 60-90 mug/kg, which can be repeated after 2-4 h. Thus, for patients with intractable bleeding post cardiac surgery refractory to conventional haemostatic interventions, Factor VIIa is recommended and its complication rates are low. 相似文献
Recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) is a relatively new pharmaceutical agent developed for use in patients with hemophilia in whom inhibitors to clotting factors VIII or IX have developed. Use of this drug has become common in recent years because of its efficacy and safety in patients with coagulation disorders as well as in patients who are at high risk for thromboembolism, even when other means of establishing hemostasis have failed. The use of rFVIIa in neurosurgery has lagged behind its use in other fields, although there is a growing body of literature on such uses. In this article the authors review the history and science of rFVIIa as well as dosing and safety information. Various uses pertinent to the neurosurgeon are reviewed, including the treatment of patients with coagulation disorders, those suffering trauma, and those with perioperative hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Based on their review of the uses of rFVIIa, the authors conclude that rFVIIa is a safe and effective agent with the potential to revolutionize the treatment of neurosurgical patients with hemorrhage. Cost is a major impediment to the widespread use of rFVIIa, and there is some evidence that its use in the neurosurgical population may be subject to higher risk than in other populations studied thus far. Although further study is needed to better delineate the safety and efficacy of the drug in many nonlicensed uses, it is clear that rFVIIa is an agent with tremendous promise. 相似文献
Zahid I Sharif S Routledge T Scarci M 《Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery》2011,12(3):480-486
A best evidence topic in thoracic surgery was written according to a structured protocol. The question addressed was whether lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) might be superior to medical treatment in the management of patients with severe emphysema. Overall 497 papers were found using the reported search, of which 12 represented the best evidence to answer the clinical question. The authors, journal, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes and results are tabulated. We conclude that LVRS produces superior patient outcomes compared to medical treatment in terms of exercise capacity, lung function, quality of life and long-term (>1 year postoperative) survival. A large proportion of the best evidence on this topic is based on analysis of the National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT). Seven studies compared LVRS to medical treatment alone (MTA) using data generated by the NETT trial. They found higher quality of life scores (45.3 vs. 27.5, P<0.001), improved maximum ventilation (32.8 vs. 29.6 l/min, P=0.001) and lower exacerbation rate per person-year (0.27 vs. 0.37%, P=0.0005) with LVRS than MTA. Mortality rates for LVRS were greater up to one year (P=0.01), equivalent by three years (P=0.15) and lower after four years (P=0.06) postoperative compared to MTA. Patients with upper-lobe-predominant disease and low exercise capacity (0.36 vs. 0.54, P=0.003) benefited the most from undergoing LVRS rather than MTA in terms of probability of death at five years compared to patients with non-upper-lobe disease (0.38 vs. 0.45, P=0.03) or upper-lobe-disease with high exercise capacity (0.33 vs. 0.38, P=0.32). Five studies compared LVRS to MTA using data independent from the NETT trial. They found greater six-minute walking distances (433 vs. 300 m, P<0.002), improved total lung capacity (18.8 vs. 7.9% predicted, P<0.02) and quality of life scores (47 vs. 23.2, P<0.05) with LVRS compared to MTA. Even though LVRS has a much greater cost per person over five years ($137,000 vs. $100,200, P<0.001), its improved lung function, greater exercise capacity and better quality of life scores make it a preferable treatment option to MTA, with particular indications for patients with upper-lobe-predominant disease and low exercise capacity. 相似文献
Scarci M Zahid I Billé A Routledge T 《Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery》2011,13(1):70-76
A best evidence topic in thoracic surgery was written according to a structured protocol. The question addressed was whether video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) is the best treatment for paediatric pleural empyema. Altogether 274 papers were found using the reported search, of which 15 represented the best evidence to answer the clinical question. The authors, journal, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes and results of these papers are tabulated. We conclude that early VATS (or thoracotomy if VATS not possible) leads to shorter hospitalisation. The duration of chest tube placement and antibiotic use is variable and does not correlate with treatment method. Patients who underwent primary operative therapy had a lower aggregate in-hospital mortality rate (0% vs. 3.3%), re-intervention rate (2.5% vs. 23.5%), length of stay (10.8 days vs. 20.0 days), duration of tube thoracostomy (4.4 days vs. 10.6 days), and duration of antibiotic therapy (12.8 days vs. 21.3 days), compared with patients who underwent non-operative therapy. Similar complication rates were observed for the two groups (5% vs. 5.6%). Moreover, median hospital charges for VATS were $36,320 [interquartile range (IQR), $24,814-$62,269]. The median pharmacy and radiological imaging charges were $5884 (IQR, $3142-$11,357) and $2875 (IQR, $1703-$4950), respectively, for VATS and tube drainage. Adjusting for propensity score matching, costs for primary VATS were equivalent to primary chest tube placement. Only one article found discordant results. Ninety-five children (52%) received antibiotics alone, and 87 (45%) underwent drainage procedures (21 chest tube alone, 57 VATS/thoracotomy, and eight chest tube followed by VATS/thoracotomy); only four received fibrinolytics. Mean (standard deviation) length of stay was significantly shorter in the antibiotics alone group, 7.0 (3.5) days vs. 11 (4.0) days. The strongest predictors of undergoing pleural drainage were admission to the intensive care unit and large effusion size (>1/2 thorax filled). 相似文献
《Cardiovascular surgery (London, England)》1996,4(3):335-337
The middle cerebral artery flow velocities were measured to test the hypothesis that transcranial Doppler is a useful technique for intraoperative monitoring in 50 consecutive carotid endarterectomies which were performed under local anaesthesia. The patients' neurological status was continuously monitored. The peak middle cerebral artery velocities were measured before clamping, during clamping and after restoration of flow, and again 24 h and 4 weeks later. Clamping produced a decrease in the velocity of the middle cerebral artery, from 97 to 45cm/s (P < 0.001). Neurological manifestations occurred in eight patients; one patient lost consciousness, and seven experienced transient focal deficits during the procedure. Another three (6%) developed minor strokes postoperatively. The velocity changes were similar in those who developed complications to those who did not. These results do not support the view that transcranial Doppler monitoring is helpful in deciding whether to use a shunt during carotid endarterectomy. Further data are needed to evaluate the importance of transcranial Doppler monitoring during carotid surgery. 相似文献
A best evidence topic in cardiac surgery was written according to a structured protocol. The question addressed was whether the use of topical tranexamic acid reduces the incidence of post-operative mediastinal bleeding. Altogether 511 papers were identified using the below mentioned search, of which only one paper presented the best evidence to answer the clinical question. The author, journal, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes, results, and study weaknesses of the paper are tabulated. We conclude that, only 1 RCT exists to answer this question, which demonstrated a clinically small benefit in favour of topical tranexamic acid in low risk patients. Further RCTs should be performed prior to any further use of topical tranexamic acid as a strategy to reduce post-operative bleeding. 相似文献
Aydoğdu E Yildirim S Aköz T 《Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries》2005,31(4):421-431
Malignancies in scars are generally known as Marjolin's ulcers. Between 1999 and 2004, 15 patients with Marjolin's ulcer were treated in our clinic. All lesions were secondary to burns of various causes. We perform a combined approach and aggressive surgery for treatment of Marjolin's ulcer; excision with safe margin, lymphatic dissection, postoperative radiotherapy, chemotherapy and amputation if needed. We think that the scar tissue acts as a barrier for the tumors, which will enlarge. We believe that, if we release this barrier like scar tissue, the virulent the spread of the tumor will be permitted. In this article, we consider whether or not surgical excision alone as recommended in the treatment of Marjolin's ulcers is adequate and effective. An aggressive combined approach is essential for treatment in early stages with high success rate. But there is no consensus for the treatment of advanced disease and results are generally unsuccessful. 相似文献
Davies EL Cochrane RA Stansfield K Sweetland HM Mansel RE 《Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland)》1999,8(5):285-288
Breast pain is a common condition affecting most women at some stage in their reproductive life. Mastalgia is resistant to treatment in 6% of cyclical and 26% non-cyclical patients. Surgery is not widely used to treat this condition and only considered in patients with severe mastalgia resistant to medication. The aims of this study were to audit the efficacy of surgery in severe treatment resistant mastalgia and to assess patient satisfaction following surgery. This is a retrospective review of the medical records of all patients seen in mastalgia clinic in the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff since 1973. A postal questionnaire was distributed to all patients who had undergone surgery. Results showed that of the 1054 patients seen in mastalgia clinic, 12 (1.2%) had undergone surgery. Surgery included 8 subcutaneous mastectomies with implants (3 bilateral, 5 unilateral), 1 bilateral simple mastectomy and 3 quadrantectomies (1 having a further simple mastectomy). The median duration of symptoms was 6.5 years (range 2-16 years). Five patients (50%) were pain free following surgery, 3 developed capsular contractures and 2 wound infections with dehiscence. Pain persisted in both patients undergoing quadrantectomy. We conclude that surgery for mastalgia should only be considered in a minority of patients. Patients should be informed of possible complications inherent of reconstructive surgery and warned that in 50% cases their pain will not be improved. 相似文献
Hall N Ade-Ajayi N Brewis C Roebuck DJ Kiely EM Drake DP Spitz L Pierro A 《Surgery》2003,133(3):238-242
BACKGROUND: Intralesional injection of OK-432 has been proposed as an effective treatment of lymphangioma. The aim of this study was to review our experience with OK-432 injection of lymphangioma and to identify factors associated with successful outcome. METHODS: We made a case note review of 19 children who received OK-432 injection. Median duration of follow-up was 17 months. RESULTS: Lesions were diagnosed antenatally in 4 children, at birth in 4 children, and between 1 month and 11 years in the remainder. Anatomic locations were head/neck in 14, axilla in 1, and multiple locations in 4. Median number of injections per child was 2 (range, 1 to 5). Disappearance of the lesion was achieved after OK-432 injection in 2 patients (11%) and a marked reduction in 5 (26%); all these lesions were in the head and neck. Lesions larger than 5 cm and those outside the head and neck region did not respond well to OK-432 injection. Fourteen children (74%) required surgical excision after injection. Complications of OK-432 injection included partial tracheal obstruction, fever, local inflammatory response, and abscess formation. CONCLUSIONS: OK-432 injection was effective in approximately one third of children with lymphangioma. Lesions outside the head and neck and those larger than 5 cm are unlikely to respond to this therapy. Injection of lymphangioma surrounding the airways may be hazardous. 相似文献
Januzzi JL 《Minerva anestesiologica》2011,77(3):334-341
Measurements of cardiac troponin (cTn) and natriuretic peptides can predict outcomes after cardiac surgery and may thus assist in decision making about diagnostic and therapeutic steps in this setting. Not every cardiac surgical procedure is associated with the same degree of cTn or natriuretic peptide elevation; the factors known to affect concentrations of these markers include the severity of preoperative coronary artery disease as well as presenting syndrome, while forms of cardioprotection and anesthesia may affect postoperative concentrations of biomarkers. Release of cTn appears to represent irreversibly damaged myocardium; however, clinicians are cautioned when measuring cTn in post-cardiac surgery venues not to assume an elevated concentration is equivalent to regional acute myocardial infarction; indeed, more often than not, excessive values of cTnT or cTnI more typically represent diffuse myocardial injury. Natriuretic peptide release may occur through both states of irreversible dysfunction as well as more reversible states, such as postoperative shock. Indeed, both cTn and natriuretic peptides are unequivocally prognostic for delayed recovery, intensive care unit utilization, as well as short- and longer-term mortalities following cardiac surgery. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Salmonella typhi infection continues to be a significant problem worldwide. Patients suffering from "typhoid" in endemic regions such as West Africa often present late in the course of the disease with symptoms of malnutrition and peritonitis. Clinical peritonitis in these patients is invariably associated with perforation of the terminal ileum and purulent peritonitis. Operative intervention and its success have not been well documented. The purpose of this article is to review the experience of 1 hospital in West Africa and the efficacy of operative management of perforated intestine from typhoid. METHODS: A retrospective review of all patients admitted between January and October of 2003 to the Carolyn Kempton Memorial Hospital in Togo, West Africa, with the diagnosis of typhoid. Demographic data including age, sex, number of perforations, and outcome were obtained. All patients were treated with ampicillin, gentamycin, and flagyl or chloramphenicol as the sole antibiotic therapy along with operative management. RESULTS: One hundred ninety-one patients with typhoid were admitted. One hundred twelve patients underwent laparotomy for perforation, 18 of whom died from persistent typhoid septicemia for a mortality rate of 16%. Reoperative management was used in some patients who did not respond immediately. CONCLUSIONS: Primary repair of typhoid perforation is a safe and effective treatment. Patients with persistent septicemia after laparotomy most likely have resistant Salmonella typhi infection. Availability of second-line antibiotic therapy in these third world countries would likely improve outcomes. Prospective studies on appropriate antibiotic therapy along with operative management in endemic areas are necessary until resources are available for preventative measures. 相似文献