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Lee ST  Chu K  Park JE  Lee K  Kang L  Kim SU  Kim M 《Neuroscience research》2005,52(3):243-249
An animal model induced by striatal quinolinic acid (QA) injection shows ongoing striatal degeneration mimicking Huntington's disease. To study the migratory ability and the neuroprotective effect of human neural stem cells (NSCs) in this model, we transplanted NSCs (5 x 10(6)) or saline intravenously at 7 days after unilateral QA injection. NSCs-group exhibited the reduced apomorphine-induced rotation and the reduced striatal atrophy compared to the control. PCR analysis for the human-specific ERV-3 gene supported an evidence of the engraftment of human NSCs in the rat brain. X-gal+ cells were found in and around the damaged striatum and migrated NSCs differentiated into neurons and glias. This result indicates that intravenously injected human NSCs can migrate into the striatal lesion, decrease the following striatal atrophy, and induce long-term functional improvement in a glutamate toxicity-induced striatal degeneration model.  相似文献   

Access to unlimited numbers of live human neurons derived from stem cells offers unique opportunities for in vitro modeling of neural development, disease-related cellular phenotypes, and drug testing and discovery. However, to develop informative cellular in vitro assays, it is important to consider the relevant in vivo environment of neural tissues. Biomimetic 3D scaffolds are tools to culture human neurons under defined mechanical and physico-chemical properties providing an interconnected porous structure that may potentially enable a higher or more complex organization than traditional two-dimensional monolayer conditions. It is known that even minor variations in the internal geometry and mechanical properties of 3D scaffolds can impact cell behavior including survival, growth, and cell fate choice. In this report, we describe the design and engineering of 3D synthetic polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based and biodegradable gelatin-based scaffolds generated by a free form fabrication technique with precise internal geometry and elastic stiffnesses. We show that human neurons, derived from human embryonic stem (hESC) cells, are able to adhere to these scaffolds and form organoid structures that extend in three dimensions as demonstrated by confocal and electron microscopy. Future refinements of scaffold structure, size and surface chemistries may facilitate long term experiments and designing clinically applicable bioassays.  相似文献   

目的探讨体外直接诱导HSF6人胚胎干细胞(humanem bryonic stem cells,hESCs)分化为神经细胞的方法。方法采用直接的方法,在1%血清培养条件下,顺序添加bFGF、RA和Forskolin,诱导HSF6人ESCs分化为神经细胞。结果细胞发生神经样形态学改变,免疫荧光细胞化学分析结果显示,分化细胞表达神经干细胞特异性标志分子——巢蛋白(nestin),以及神经元标志分子——β微管蛋白Ⅲ(neuron-specific class Ⅲ beta-tubulin,TuJ1)。实验组nestin阳性细胞数占(95.2±3.03)%,明显高于未添加诱导因子组的(31.6±4.93)%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论本研究直接诱导hESCs分化为神经细胞,减少了常规经胚胎体(embryoid body,EB)的诱导方法而产生其它胚层细胞的机会,为进一步探索hESCs源性神经细胞的功能,以及为细胞替代治疗提供高纯度的hESCs源性神经细胞奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Phosphorylation can reveal essential cell functions, such as cell differentiation, signal transduction, metabolic maintenance and cell division. The aim of this study was to investigate phosphorylated protein expression changes during neuronal lineage differentiation from hESCs. To measure the phosphorylated protein expression change during neuronal differentiation, we performed a comparative phosphoproteome analysis using 2-DE after MALDI-TOF MS and an MS/MS protein identification method, making a comparison between neural lineage differentiating cells and normal embryoid bodies (EBs) differentiated from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and profiling constituent phosphorylated proteins. Of 36 differentially expressed protein spots, 12 spots were shown to be up-regulated in differentiating neural cells. Specifically, the 7 up-regulated proteins of the 12 have potential roles in neuronal differentiation or neuronal damage recovery, including ACTB, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2B1 (hnRNP A2B1), heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L (hnRNP L), SET, chaperonin-containing TCP-1, vimentin and voltage-dependent anion channel protein 1 (VDAC1). These proteins are discussed further below.  相似文献   

Directing the differentiation of embryonic stem cells to neural stem cells.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are a potential source of neural derivatives that can be used in stem cell-based therapies designed to treat neurological disorders. The derivation of specific neuronal or glial cell types from ESCs invariably includes the production of neural stem cells (NSCs). We describe the basic mechanisms of neural induction during vertebrate embryogenesis and how this information helped formulate several protocols used to generate NSCs from ESCs. We highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and review what has been learned about the intermediate stages in the transition from ESC to NSC. Recent data describing how specific growth factors and signaling molecules regulate production of NSCs are described and a model synthesizing this information is presented.  相似文献   

背景:目前神经干细胞多由动物获得,不适合人类临床移植治疗。 目的:探索体外环境下人胚胎纹状体来源神经干细胞的培养方法,同时观察其生物学特性。 方法:取经水囊引产的孕8-16周人胚胎纹状体,体外用无血清DMEM培养基进行培养,待细胞形成神经球后进行传代,并应用含体积分数10%胎牛血清的DMEM/ F12培养液进行诱导分化。 结果与结论:体外培养的人胚胎纹状体来源神经干细胞生长迅速,表达神经干细胞标志物nestin。克隆形成实验显示细胞克隆形成率为6.0%-7.0%;BrdU掺入实验显示细胞增殖率为37.9%。免疫荧光染色显示经诱导分化的细胞表达神经元标志物Ⅲ型β微管蛋白、星形胶质细胞标志物胶质纤维酸性蛋白及神经干细胞标志物nestin,但不表达少突胶质细胞标志物髓鞘碱性蛋白。可见人胚胎纹状体来源神经干细胞在体外无血清条件下可保持其生物学特点,具有自我更新能力,经胎牛血清诱导后可向神经元及星形胶质细胞分化。  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) represent a promising source of tissues of different cell lineages because of their high degree of self-renewal and their unique ability to give rise to most somatic cell lineages. In this article, we report on a new approach to differentiate hESCs into neural stem cells that can be differentiated further into neuronal restricted cells. We have rapidly and efficiently differentiated hESCs into neural stem cells by presenting the cell adhesion molecule, E-cadherin, to undifferentiated hESCs via E-cadherin transfected fibroblast monolayers. The neural restricted progenitor cells rapidly express nestin and beta-III-tubulin, but not glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) during the 1-week E-cadherin induction phase, suggesting that E-cadherin promotes rapid neuronal differentiation. Further, these cells are able to achieve enhanced neuronal differentiation with the addition of exogenous growth factors. Cadherin-induced hESCs show a loss in Oct4 and nestin expression associated with positive staining for vimentin, neurofilament, and neural cell adhesion molecule. Moreover, blocking by functional E-cadherin antibody and failure of paracrine stimulation suggested that direct E-cadherin engagement is necessary to induce neural restriction. By providing hESCs with molecular cues to promote differentiation, we are able to utilize a specific cell-cell adhesion molecule, E-cadherin, to influence the nature and degree of neural specialization.  相似文献   

The ability to differentiate human ESCs (hESCs) to defined lineages in a totally controlled manner is fundamental to developing cell-based therapies and studying human developmental mechanisms. We report a novel, scaleable, and widely applicable system for deriving and propagating neural stem cells from hESCs without the use of animal products, proprietary formulations, or genetic manipulation. This system provides a definitive platform for studying human neural development and has potential therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells can be differentiated along different lineages, providing the possibility of a precise analysis of genes profiles associated with specific commitments. Subtractive gene expression profiling between differentiated and undifferentiated cells provides lists of potential actors in this commitment. This combines, however, genes that are specifically associated with development and others that are over expressed because of nonlineage-specific differentiation systems. As a way to establish gene profiles associated with the neural and/or to the mesodermal commitments of human embryonic stem cells more precisely, we have carried out a 2-step analysis. We first performed a subtractive analysis of gene profiles of each of these lineages as compared to the undifferentiated stage. Then, we extended the analysis by comparing the 2 sets of results with each other. This strategy has allowed us to eliminate large numbers of genes that were over expressed in both sets of results and to uniquely associate different gene networks with either the neural or the mesodermal commitments.  相似文献   

Small direct current (DC) electric fields (EFs) guide neurite growth and migration of rodent neural stem cells (NSCs). However, this could be species dependent. Therefore, it is critical to investigate how human NSCs (hNSCs) respond to EF before any possible clinical attempt. Aiming to characterize the EF-stimulated and guided migration of hNSCs, we derived hNSCs from a well-established human embryonic stem cell line H9. Small applied DC EFs, as low as 16 mV/mm, induced significant directional migration toward the cathode. Reversal of the field polarity reversed migration of hNSCs. The galvanotactic/electrotactic response was both time and voltage dependent. The migration directedness and distance to the cathode increased with the increase of field strength. (Rho-kinase) inhibitor Y27632 is used to enhance viability of stem cells and has previously been reported to inhibit EF-guided directional migration in induced pluripotent stem cells and neurons. However, its presence did not significantly affect the directionality of hNSC migration in an EF. Cytokine receptor [C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4)] is important for chemotaxis of NSCs in the brain. The blockage of CXCR4 did not affect the electrotaxis of hNSCs. We conclude that hNSCs respond to a small EF by directional migration. Applied EFs could potentially be further exploited to guide hNSCs to injured sites in the central nervous system to improve the outcome of various diseases.  相似文献   

Neurons and glia are important targets of human embryonic stem cell research promising a renewable source of these differentiated cells for biomedical research and regenerative medicine. Neurons and glia are derived, in vivo from the neuroepithelium of the neural tube. Concomitant to development along the anterior to posterior axis, gradients of morphogens across the dorsal and ventral axis of the neural tube establish positional codes that generate distinct progenitor domains and ultimately specify subtype identity. The neural rosette is the developmental signature of neuroprogenitors in cultures of differentiating embryonic stem cells; rosettes are radial arrangements of columnar cells that express many of the proteins expressed in neuroepithelial cells in the neural tube. In addition to similar morphology, neuroprogenitors within neural rosettes differentiate into the main classes of progeny of neuroepithelial cells in vivo: neurons, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes. Despite these similarities, important differences exist and the extent to which neural rosettes can model neurogenesis in vivo is not yet clear. Here, the authors review the recent studies on the development and differentiation of neural rosettes from human embryonic stem cells. The authors focus on efforts to generate motor neurons and oligodendrocytes in vitro as representative of the challenges to obtaining the progeny of a single progenitor domain with in vitro methods. Opportunities for further progress are discussed.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞具有全能性和无限增殖的能力 ,有望成为组织工程和细胞治疗的重要种子细胞来源。如何将胚胎干细胞向特定细胞诱导分化已成为重要的课题。目前已有将胚胎干细胞诱导分化为神经细胞 ,并将其应用于动物模型治疗的报道。这些工作对今后神经系统疾病和损伤的治疗意义重大  相似文献   

Lysophospholipids are signaling molecules that play broad and major roles within the nervous system during both early development and neural injury. We used neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) as an in vitro model to examine the specific effects of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) at various stages of neural development, from neural induction to mature neurons and glia. We report that LPA inhibits neurosphere formation and the differentiation of neural stem cells (NSC) toward neurons, without modifying NSC proliferation, apoptosis, or astrocytic differentiation. LPA acts through the activation of the Rho/ROCK and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathways to inhibit neuronal differentiation. This study is the first demonstration of a role for LPA signaling in neuronal differentiation of hESC. As LPA concentrations increase during inflammation, the inhibition of neuronal differentiation by LPA might contribute to the low level of neurogenesis observed following neurotrauma.  相似文献   

目的:研究肝细胞生长因子(HGF)诱导人胚胎干细胞(hESCs)定向分化为神经前体细胞(NPs)的作用。方法:诱导拟胚体(EBs)生成,随机将EBs分为正常对照组、G5 supplement组、HGF组和HGF+G5 supple-ment组,悬浮培养诱导7d,转移至多聚赖氨酸/层黏连蛋白(20mg/L)包被的24孔培养板中继续培养7-10d。免疫荧光染色鉴定NPs和体外分化能力,流式细胞仪检测各组巢蛋白(nestin)阳性细胞的比例,RT-PCR检测音猥因子(Shh)对NPs的脑区标记基因表达的影响。结果:HGF+G5可诱导hESCs定向分化为NPs,HGF+G5组的nestin阳性的NPs比例(87.3%±3.9%)显著高于其它组(P0.05),NPs具有分化成神经元、少突和星形胶质细胞的能力;HGF+G5诱导时间对于NPs的分化有影响,7d时nestin+细胞比例达到最大;Shh可使NPs表达腹侧化基因,后脑标记表达上调,而前脑标记表达下调。结论:含HGF和G5的无血清神经分化体系可有效诱导hESCs神经分化,是研究神经诱导的良好体系。  相似文献   

人类胚胎干细胞在疾病治疗方面的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
人类胚胎干细胞(hES细胞)对于疾病的治疗,尤其在器官移植和组织修复方面存在着广泛的应用前景。近来研究表明,虽然目前进行hES细胞的临床治疗为时尚早,但已获得令人瞩目的效果。本文就hES细胞在疾病治疗方面的进展以及存在的问题作一综述。  相似文献   

Nucleofection of human embryonic stem cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human embryonic stem (hES) cells provide an important tool for the study of human development, disease, and tissue regeneration. Technologies for efficient genetic modification are required to exploit hES cells fully for these applications. Here we present a customized protocol for the transfection of hES cells with the Nucleofector technology and compare its efficiency with conventional electroporation and lipofection. Cell survival and transfection efficiency were quantified using an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter construct. Our optimized nucleofection parameters yielded survival rates >70%. Under these conditions, 66% of the surviving cells showed transgene expression 24 h after nucleofection. Transfected cells maintained expression of the pluripotency- associated markers Tra-1-60, Tra-1-81, and Oct4 and could be expanded to stably transgene-expressing clones. The low quantities of hES cells and DNA required for nucleofection could make this method an attractive tool for miniaturized high throughput screening (HTS) applications.  相似文献   

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