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In this study, 16 patients (19 eyes) with nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in the acute stage (within 4 weeks) and resolving stage (after 12 weeks) were diagnosed by a series of complete ophthalmic examinations, including fundus examination, optical coherence tomography and fluorescein fundus angiography, and visual field defects were measured with standard automated perimetry. The contralateral uninvolved eyes were used as controls. The retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was determined by optical coherence tomography which showed that the mean retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness from temporal, superior, nasal and inferior quadrants were significantly higher for all measurements in the acute stage than the corresponding normal values. In comparison, the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness from each optic disc quadrant was found to be significantly lower when measured at the resolving stages, than in the control group. Statistical analysis on the correlation between optic disc nerve fiber layer thickness and visual defects demonstrated a positive correlation in the acute stage and a negative correlation in the resolving stage. Our experimental findings indicate that optical coherence tomography is a useful diagnostic method for nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy and can be used to evaluate the effect of treatment.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in excitation: inhibition imbalance, as well as a range of chronic neurological deficits. However, how TBI affects different interneurons, and how this relates to behavioral abnormalities, remains poorly understood. This study examined the effects of a mixed diffuse-focal model of TBI, the lateral fluid percussion injury (LFPI), on interneurons, 8 weeks post-TBI in rats. Brains were labeled with antibodies against calbindin, parvalbumin, calretinin, neuropeptide Y, and somatostatin, and the number of interneurons were assessed in the cortex and hippocampus following LFPI. LFPI caused a reduction in the numbers of interneurons mediating both perisomatic and dendritic inhibition in the somatosensory cortex. In hippocampus, there were heterogenous changes in the number of interneurons while motor cortex, showed no obvious loss in any of the subsets of interneurons after TBI. In parallel to the investigations of changes in the number of interneurons, we also investigated the long-term behavioral consequences of LFPI. Behaviorally, rats given an LFPI displayed transient reduction in performance in motor tasks and were significantly impaired in reversal learning in the water maze task post-TBI. We also report here progressive neurodegeneration in cortex and hippocampus indicated by Fluoro-Jade C in the different brain areas examined after injury. Our findings suggest differential vulnerability of inhibitory neurons to LFPI in the different brain areas examined after injury. These data will aid in evaluation of new treatments for TBI and help target specific neuronal subtypes as a function of injury time and type.  相似文献   

Stomatopods have an elaborate visual system served by a retina that is unique to this class of pancrustaceans. Its upper and lower eye hemispheres encode luminance and linear polarization while an equatorial band of photoreceptors termed the midband detects color, circularly polarized light and linear polarization in the ultraviolet. In common with many malacostracan crustaceans, stomatopods have stalked eyes, but they can move these independently within three degrees of rotational freedom. Both eyes separately use saccadic and scanning movements but they can also move in a coordinated fashion to track selected targets or maintain a forward eyestalk posture during swimming. Visual information is initially processed in the first two optic neuropils, the lamina and the medulla, where the eye's midband is represented by enlarged regions within each neuropil that contain populations of neurons, the axons of which are segregated from the neuropil regions subtending the hemispheres. Neuronal channels representing the midband extend from the medulla to the lobula where populations of putative inhibitory glutamic acid decarboxylase‐positive neurons and tyrosine hydroxylase‐positive neurons intrinsic to the lobula have specific associations with the midband. Here we investigate the organization of the midband representation in the medulla and the lobula in the context of their overall architecture. We discuss the implications of observed arrangements, in which midband inputs to the lobula send out collaterals that extend across the retinotopic mosaic pertaining to the hemispheres. This organization suggests an integrative design that diverges from the eumalacostracan ground pattern and, for the stomatopod, enables color and polarization information to be integrated with luminance information that presumably encodes shape and motion.  相似文献   

颅脑损伤伴视神经损伤86例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析颅脑损伤与视神经损伤的相关因素。方法对外伤性视神经病变86例临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果交通事故为最多致伤原因(53.4%),致伤部位以眼眶部间、直接受伤最为常见(54.7%,其中眉弓部直接致伤为25.6%);伤后无光感13例(13眼),有光感及以上73例(87眼)。6个月以上随访视力进步43例(50.0%)。颅脑损伤后有光感以上视力比无光感、伤后无昏迷比有昏迷视力恢复好。视力恢复还与是否有骨折和视觉诱发电位结果有关。结论颅脑损伤后有无昏迷、视力有无光感是影响视神经损伤预后的主要因素。视神经管断层摄影及视觉诱发电位检查是评价预后的有效指标。  相似文献   

Accumulating research suggests that children may be more vulnerable to poor long-term outcomes after traumatic brain injury (TBI) compared to adults. The neuroinflammatory response, known to contribute to neuropathology after TBI, appears to differ depending upon age-at-insult, although this response has not been well-characterized. Elevated levels of a key initiator of inflammation, high-mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1), have been associated with worsened outcomes after TBI in young patients. This study therefore aimed to characterize the acute time course of key mediators of the inflammatory cascade, including HMGB1, after pediatric and adult TBI. Male C57Bl/6 mice were subjected to severe controlled cortical impact or a sham control surgery, at either early adulthood (8–10 weeks) or a pediatric age (3 weeks). Cortical tissue was collected for Western blot detection of astrocyte and microglial activation (GFAP and CD68) and HMGB1 at 2 hr, 6 hr, 24 hr, 3 days, and 7 days postinjury, and serum was collected for enzyme-linked immunoassays to quantify peripheral HMGB1. An additional cohort of brains was harvested at 3 day postinjury for immunofluorescence staining. Results demonstrated a temporal profile of CD68, GFAP, and HMGB1 after TBI relative to sham, which differed between the adult and pediatric cohorts. An increase in peripheral HMGB1 was found in serum from pediatric TBI mice, which was not evident in adult serum. Together, these findings demonstrate that HMGB1 and the downstream cellular inflammatory response are influenced by age-at-insult, which may be an important consideration for treatment strategies aiming to ameliorate this response after TBI.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health concern affecting 2.8 million people per year in the United States, of whom about 1 million are children under 19 years old. Animal models of TBI have been developed and used in multiple ages of animals, but direct comparisons of adult and adolescent populations are rare. The current studies were undertaken to directly compare outcomes between adult and adolescent male mice, using a closed head, single-impact model of TBI. Six-week-old adolescent and 9-week-old adult male mice were subjected to mild–moderate TBI. Histological measures for neurodegeneration, gliosis, and microglial neuroinflammation, and behavioral tests of locomotion and memory were performed. Adolescent TBI mice have increased mortality (Χ2 = 20.72, p < 0.001) compared to adults. There is also evidence of hippocampal neurodegeneration in adolescents that is not present in adults. Hippocampal neurodegeneration correlates with histologic activation of microglia, but not with increased astrogliosis. Adults and adolescents have similar locomotion deficits after TBI that recover by 16 days postinjury. Adolescents have memory deficits as evidenced by impaired novel object recognition between 3–4 and 4–16 days postinjury (F1,26 = 5.23, p = 0.031) while adults do not. In conclusion, adults and adolescents within a close age range (6–9 weeks) respond to TBI differently. Adolescents are more severely affected by mortality, neurodegeneration, and inflammation in the hippocampus compared to adults. Adolescents, but not adults, have worse memory performance after TBI that lasts at least 16 days postinjury.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to evaluate a potentially useful animal model, Meriones shawi (M.sh)—developing metabolic X syndrome, diabetes and possessing a visual streak similar to human macula—in the study of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema (DME). Type 2 diabetes (T2D) was induced by high fat diet administration in M.sh. Body weights, blood glucose levels were monitored throughout the study. Diabetic retinal histopathology was evaluated 3 and 7 months after diabetes induction. Retinal thickness was measured, retinal cell types were labeled by immunohistochemistry and the number of stained elements were quantified. Apoptosis was determined with TUNEL assay. T2D induced progressive changes in retinal histology. A significant decrease of retinal thickness and glial reactivity was observed without an increase in apoptosis rate. Photoreceptor outer segment degeneration was evident, with a significant decrease in the number of all cones and M‐cone subtype, but—surprisingly—an increase in S‐cones. Damage of the pigment epithelium was also confirmed. A decrease in the number and labeling intensity of parvalbumin‐ and calretinin‐positive amacrine cells and a loss of ganglion cells was detected. Other cell types showed no evident alterations. No DME‐like condition was noticed even after 7 months. M.sh could be a useful model to study the evolution of diabetic retinal pathology and to identify the role of hypertension and dyslipidemia in the development of the reported alterations. Longer follow up would be needed to evaluate the potential use of the visual streak in modeling human macular diseases.  相似文献   

The midbrain is an important subcortical area involved in distinct functions such as multimodal integration, movement initiation, bottom‐up, and top‐down attention. Our group is particularly interested in cellular computation of multisensory integration. We focus on the visual part of the avian midbrain, the optic tectum (TeO, counterpart to mammalian superior colliculus). This area has a layered structure with the great advantage of distinct input and output regions. In chicken, the TeO is organized in 15 layers where visual input targets the superficial layers while auditory input terminates in deeper layers. One specific cell type, the Shepherd's crook neuron (SCN), extends dendrites in both input regions. The characteristic feature of these neurons is the axon origin at the apical dendrite. The molecular identity of this characteristic region and thus, the site of action potential generation are of particular importance to understand signal flow and cellular computation in this neuron. We present immunohistochemical data of structural proteins (NF200, Ankyrin G, and Myelin) and ion channels (Pan‐Nav, Nav1.6, and Kv3.1b). NF200 is strongly expressed in the axon. Ankyrin G is mainly expressed at the axon initial segment (AIS). Myelination starts after the AIS as well as the distribution of Nav channels on the axon. The subtype Nav1.6 has a high density in this region. Kv3.1b is restricted to the soma, the primary neurite and the axon branch. The distribution of functional molecules in SCNs provides insight into the information flow and the integration of sensory modalities in the TeO of the avian midbrain.  相似文献   

The mammalian retina encodes visual information in dim light using rod photoreceptors and a specialized circuit: rods→rod bipolar cells→AII amacrine cell. The AII amacrine cell uses sign-conserving electrical synapses to modulate ON cone bipolar cell terminals and sign-inverting chemical (glycinergic) synapses to modulate OFF cone cell bipolar terminals; these ON and OFF cone bipolar terminals then drive the output neurons, retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), following light increments and decrements, respectively. The AII amacrine cell also makes direct glycinergic synapses with certain RGCs, but it is not well established how many types receive this direct AII input. Here, we investigated functional AII amacrine→RGC synaptic connections in the retina of the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) by recording inhibitory currents from RGCs in the presence of ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR) antagonists. This condition isolates a specific pathway through the AII amacrine cell that does not require iGluRs: cone→ON cone bipolar cell→AII amacrine cell→RGC. These recordings show that AII amacrine cells make direct synapses with OFF Alpha, OFF Delta and a smaller OFF transient RGC type that co-stratifies with OFF Alpha cells. However, AII amacrine cells avoid making synapses with numerous RGC types that co-stratify with the connected RGCs. Selective AII connections ensure that a privileged minority of RGC types receives direct input from the night-vision pathway, independent from OFF bipolar cell activity. Furthermore, these results illustrate the specificity of retinal connections, which cannot be predicted solely by co-stratification of dendrites and axons within the inner plexiform layer.  相似文献   

Skin biopsies from patients with neuropathic pain often show changes in epidermal innervation, although it remains to be elucidated to what extent such changes can be linked to a particular subgroup of nerve fibers and how these changes are correlated with pain intensity. Here, we investigated to what extent behavioral signs of hyperalgesia are correlated with immunohistochemical changes of peptidergic and non‐peptidergic epidermal nerve fibers in a rat model of nerve injury‐induced pain. Rats subjected to unilateral partial ligation of the sciatic nerve developed significant mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia as tested by the withdrawal responses of the ipsilateral footpad to von Frey hairs and hotplate stimulation. At day 14, epidermal nerve fiber density and total epidermal nerve fiber length/mm2 were significantly and consistently reduced compared to the contralateral side, following testing and re‐testing by two blinded observers. The expression of calcitonin gene‐related peptide, a marker for peptidergic nerve fibers, was not significantly changed on the ipsilateral side. In contrast, the expression of the P2X3 receptor, a marker for non‐peptidergic nerve fibers, was not only significantly reduced but could also be correlated with behavioral hyperalgesia. When labeling both peptidergic and non‐peptidergic nerve fibers with the pan‐neuronal marker PGP9.5, the expression was significantly reduced, albeit without a significant correlation with behavioral hyperalgesia. In conjunction, our data suggest that the pathology of the P2X3 epidermal nerve fibers can be selectively linked to neuropathy, highlighting the possibility that it is the degeneration of these fibers that drives hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R) modulates synaptic activity and is widely distributed in brain areas such as the hippocampus, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and striatum, among others. CB1R is involved in processes such as memory, learning, motor coordination, and mood. Genetic deletion of CB1R causes behavioral alterations. In this work, we evaluated neuronal morphology and synaptic structure in the hippocampus of adult male CB1R knockout mice (CB1R−/−). Morphological changes in the CB1R−/− hippocampus evidenced a decrease in the expression of cytoskeletal proteins neurofilaments 160 KDa, neurofilaments 200 KDa, and microtubule-associated protein 2. CA1 neurons showed decreased arborization and changes in synaptic structure such as lower thickness of postsynaptic density and a reduction in synaptophysin levels. Results obtained in the present work provide evidence of the participation of CB1R in the establishment of neuronal structure and networks that could have an important role in neuronal plasticity. In addition, these changes observed in CB1R−/− could be correlated with behavioral alterations reported.  相似文献   

This study explored why lesioned retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons regenerate successfully in the zebrafish optic nerve despite the presence of Rtn4b, the homologue of the rat neurite growth inhibitor RTN4‐A/Nogo‐A. Rat Nogo‐A and zebrafish Rtn4b possess characteristic motifs (M1‐4) in the Nogo‐A‐specific region, which contains delta20, the most inhibitory region of rat Nogo‐A. To determine whether zebrafish M1‐4 is inhibitory as rat M1‐4 and Nogo‐A delta20, proteins were recombinantly expressed and used as substrates for zebrafish single cell RGCs, mouse hippocampal neurons and goldfish, zebrafish and chick retinal explants. When offered as homogenous substrates, neurites of hippocampal neurons and of zebrafish single cell RGCs were inhibited by zebrafish M1‐4, rat M1‐4, and Nogo‐A delta20. Neurite length increased when zebrafish single cell RGCs were treated with receptor‐type‐specific antagonists and, respectively, with morpholinos (MO) against S1PR2 and S1PR5a—which represent candidate zebrafish Nogo‐A receptors. In a stripe assay, however, where M1‐4 lanes alternate with polylysine‐(Plys)‐only lanes, RGC axons from goldfish, zebrafish, and chick retinal explants avoided rat M1‐4 but freely crossed zebrafish M1‐4 lanes—suggesting that zebrafish M1‐4 is growth permissive and less inhibitory than rat M1‐4. Moreover, immunostainings and dot blots of optic nerve and myelin showed that expression of Rtn4b is very low in tissue and myelin at 3–5 days after lesion when axons regenerate. Thus, Rtn4b seems to represent no major obstacle for axon regeneration in vivo because it is less inhibitory for RGC axons from retina explants, and because of its low abundance.  相似文献   

The prevalence of peripheral nerve injury has attracted increased attention. Allografting has been proposed as a potential treatment strategy for peripheral nerve injury. Moreover, cryopreservation may provide almost unlimited graft material. We investigated whether cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) could protect peripheral nerves during cryopreservation to promote regeneration postoperation. First, CIRP was highly expressed after pretreatment at 32°C. After 4 weeks of cryopreservation, the increased live cells, low Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and high nerve growth factor and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor levels in the 32°C group demonstrated high nerve graft viability. At 4 weeks postoperation, 32°C-Allo group demonstrated low plasma levels of interleukin-6 and interferon-gamma and a diminished cellular immune response. At 20 weeks postoperation, nerve regeneration in the 32°C-Allo group was similar to that in the fresh isograft group and superior to that in the 4°C-Allo and 15°C-Allo groups. Moreover, the compound muscle action potential and the motor nerve conduction velocity of the 32°C-Allo group were equal to those of the fresh isograft group. In conclusion, CIRP induction increased Schwann cell biological activity, inhibited cell apoptosis, reduced immune rejection, and promoted recipient nerve regeneration. Thus, CIRP could exert protective effects during nerve storage and stimulate regeneration in peripheral nerve reconstruction.  相似文献   

The accessory optic system (AOS) detects retinal image slip and reports it to the oculomotor system for reflexive image stabilization. Here, we characterize two Cre lines that permit genetic access to AOS circuits responding to vertical motion. The first (Pcdh9-Cre) labels only one of the four subtypes of ON direction-selective retinal ganglion cells (ON-DS RGCs), those preferring ventral retinal motion. Their axons diverge from the optic tract just behind the chiasm and selectively innervate the medial terminal nucleus (MTN) of the AOS. Unlike most RGC subtypes examined, they survive after optic nerve crush. The second Cre-driver line (Pdzk1ip1-Cre) labels postsynaptic neurons in the MTN. These project predominantly to the other major terminal nucleus of the AOS, the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT). We find that the transmembrane protein semaphorin 6A (Sema6A) is required for the formation of axonal projections from the MTN to the NOT, just as it is for the retinal innervation of the MTN. These new tools permit manipulation of specific circuits in the AOS and show that Sema6A is required for establishing AOS connections in multiple locations.  相似文献   

During retinal development, ribbon synapse assembly in the photoreceptors is a crucial step involving numerous molecules. While the developmental sequence of plexiform layers in human retina has been characterized, the molecular steps of synaptogenesis remain largely unknown. In the present study, we focused on the central rod-free region of primate retina, the fovea, to specifically investigate the development of cone photoreceptor ribbon synapses. Immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy were utilized to track the expression of photoreceptor transduction proteins and ribbon and synaptic markers in fetal human and Macaca retina. Although the inner plexiform layer appears earlier than the outer plexiform layer, synaptic proteins, and ribbons are first reliably recognized in cone pedicles. Markers first appear at fetal week 9. Both short (S) and medium/long (M/L) wavelength-selective cones express synaptic markers in the same temporal sequence; this is independent of opsin expression which takes place in S cones a month before M/L cones. The majority of ribbon markers, presynaptic vesicular release and postsynaptic neurotransduction-related machinery is present in both plexiform layers by fetal week 13. By contrast, two crucial components for cone to bipolar cell glutamatergic transmission, the metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 and voltage-dependent calcium channel α1.4, are not detected until fetal week 22 when bipolar cell invagination is present in the cone pedicle. These results suggest an intrinsically programmed but nonsynchronous expression of molecules in cone synaptic development. Moreover, functional ribbon synapses and active neurotransmission at foveal cone pedicles are possibly present as early as mid-gestation in human retina.  相似文献   

The neuroretina is protected by its own defense system, that is microglia and the complement system. Under normal physiological conditions, microglial activation is tightly regulated by the neurons although the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Using published single-cell RNA sequencing data sets, we found that immune regulatory molecules including CD200, CD47, CX3CL1, TGFβ, and complement inhibitor CD59a are expressed by various retinal neurons. Importantly, we found that photoreceptors express higher levels of CD47 and CD59a, which was further confirmed in cultured 661W cells, WERI-Rb1 cells, and microdissected photoreceptors from human eyes. The expression of CD59a mRNA in 661W cells was upregulated by TNFα and hypoxia, whereas LPS, hypoxia, and IL-4 upregulated CD47 mRNA expression in 661W cells. Immunofluorescence staining detected strong CD59a immunoreactivity in the outer nuclear layer, inner/outer segments, and discrete staining in ganglion cell layer (GCL), inner plexiform layer (IPL), and outer plexiform layer. The expression of CD59a in photoreceptors was increased in the detached retina, but decreased in retinas from experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU) mice. In EAU retina, CD59a was highly expressed by active immune cells. CD47 was detected in GCL, IPL, and inner nuclear layer and some photoreceptors. The expression of CD47 in photoreceptors was also increased in the detached retina but decreased in EAU retina. In a coculture system, 661W enhanced arginase-1 and reduced IL-6 mRNA expression in BV2 microglial cells. Our results suggest that photoreceptors express immune regulatory molecules and may have the potential to regulate immune activation in the outer retina/subretinal space under pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

Mitral cells are the major projection neurons of the olfactory bulb. They receive olfactory inputs, regulate information, and project their axons to the olfactory cortex. To understand output regulation of mitral cells better, we established a method to visualize individual projection neurons and quantitatively examined their synaptic distribution. Individual mitral cells were labeled by viral injection, reconstructed three dimensionally with light microscopy, and serial sectioned for electron microscopy. Synaptic distributions were analyzed in electron microscopically reconstructed cell bodies, two regions of secondary dendrites (near the somata and ~200 μm from the somata), and primary dendrites. The ratio of presynaptic sites (60%) and reciprocal synapses (60% presynaptic and 80% postsynaptic sites) were similar in each region. Characteristically, primary dendrite synapses were distributed mainly within the inner half of the external plexiform layer (EPL). For comparison, tufted cells were also examined, and the synaptic distribution in two secondary dendrite regions, which corresponded with mitral cells, was analyzed. The results showed that the ratio of reciprocal synapses (80% presynaptic and 90% postsynaptic sites) was greater than in mitral cells. The distribution of symmetrical synapses was also analyzed with synaptic and neuronal markers, such as parvalbumin, vesicular gamma‐aminobutyric acid transporter, and gephyrin. Parvalbumin‐expressing neurons tended to form synapses on secondary dendrites near the somata and were more uniformly distributed on primary dendrites of mitral cells. These results indicate that local mitral cell synaptic circuits are formed in accordance with their functional roles and restricted to the inner half of the EPL. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:1633–1648, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nerve endings with immunoreactivity for the P2X3 purinoreceptor (P2X3) in the rat tracheal mucosa were examined by immunohistochemistry of whole‐mount preparations with confocal scanning laser microscopy. P2X3 immunoreactivity was observed in ramified endings distributed in the whole length of the trachea. The myelinated parent axons of P2X3‐immunoreactive nerve endings ramified into several branches that extended two‐dimensionally in every direction at the interface between the epithelial layer and lamina propria. The axonal branches of P2X3‐immunoreactive endings branched off many twigs located just beneath the epithelium, and continued to intraepithelial axon terminals. The axon terminals of P2X3‐immunoreactive endings were beaded, rounded, or club‐like in shape and terminated between tracheal epithelial cells. Flat axon terminals sometimes partly ensheathed neuroendocrine cells with immunoreactivity for SNAP25 or CGRP. Some axons and axon terminals with P2X3 immunoreactivity were immunoreactive for P2X2, while some terminals were immunoreactive for vGLUT2. Furthermore, a retrograde tracing method using fast blue (FB) revealed that 88.4% of FB‐labeled cells with P2X3 immunoreactivity originated from the nodose ganglion. In conclusion, P2X3‐immunoreactive nerve endings in the rat tracheal mucosa have unique morphological characteristics, and these endings may be rapidly adapting receptors and/or irritant receptors that are activated by mucosal irritant stimuli.  相似文献   

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