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This article describes public trust in health care in three European countries. Public trust is a generalised attitude, influenced by people's experiences in contacts with representatives of institutions, in its turn influencing how people enter these contacts. In general, people in Germany have less trust in health care, while people in England and Wales have the highest trust levels. Cultural differences between the three countries could be an important source of differences. That makes public trust a less straightforward candidate for use as indicator of the future oriented dimension of user views in an international, comparative performance framework.  相似文献   

Vietnam is undertaking health financing reform with a view to achieve universal coverage of health insurance within the coming years. To date, around half of the population is covered with some type of health insurance or prepayment. This review applies a conceptual framework of health financing to provide a coherent assessment of the reforms to date with respect to a set of key policy objectives of health financing, including financial sustainability, efficiency in service provision, and equity in health financing. Based on the assessment, the review discusses the main implications of the reforms focusing on achievements and remaining challenges, the nature of the Vietnamese reforms in an international perspective, and the role of the government. The main lessons from the Vietnamese experiences, from which other reforming countries may draw, are the need for sustained resource mobilization, comprehensive reform involving all functions of the health financing system, and to adopt a long-term view of health insurance reform. Future analysis should include continued evaluation of the reforms in terms of impacts on key outcomes and the political dimensions of health reform.  相似文献   

This essay proposes a review of the issues of equity and reform in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of changes in recent decades, emphasizing the discussion of health systems reform. The economic, political, and social context prevailing in the critical 1970s extensively favored budget cuts for public expenditures, cost containment, changes in the health sector power structure, and health services reorganization from an 'economicist', pragmatic, and restrictive perspective. An inventory of the Latin American economic and social situation is markedly negative, and efforts to recover from the damage done in the 1980s were largely unsuccessful in the 1990s. The reforms implemented in some paradigmatic countries (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Argentina, and Brazil), in light of their specific characteristics, demonstrate the dissemination of a common agenda, adapted to the various national conditions. Some positive results of these processes were diluted in new problems caused by the reforms themselves, especially in countries with more radical adherence to the new reformist model; meanwhile, in the country where the public, universal system based on solidarity was most consolidated, the management changes have obtained the best results. However, overcoming inequalities is still a distant goal.  相似文献   

Public opinion can play an important role in shaping health policy alternatives and outcomes. However, little is known about how citizens in developing countries evaluate government performance in the health sector. Through a survey conducted in 2008 in twenty sub-Saharan African countries, we examined public priorities and perceptions of government efforts to improve health services. In sixteen of these countries, health was one of the top five priorities the public thought the government should address. A staggering proportion of citizens in most of the sampled countries reported having gone without medicines or medical treatment in the previous year, and going without health care was most strongly correlated with views on health services. By contrast, greater access to health care was associated with more positive impressions of government efforts to improve health services. Population health indicators, such as life expectancy and childhood mortality, were not correlated with citizens' evaluation of government efforts. Results suggest that improving access to health care will be a key factor in improving perceptions of government performance.  相似文献   

Across the developed world, governments face severe challenges in health care reform as demand rises and resource constraints grow more stringent. In the UK, the current government is devoting considerable resources to welfare state reform and (arguably) achieving real improvements in services such as the NHS and education. Despite this, the reforms remain highly controversial and there is considerable concern about lack of trust in the new welfare policies. A decline in trust may undermine the public acceptability of the reforms and threaten the ability of government to gain electoral support for them. Recent work in sociology, political science and psychology indicates that rational deliberative and non-rational valued-based or affective factors contribute to trust in institutions. At the same time, theoretical arguments suggest an increasing need for public trust. Trust facilitates the co-ordination of complex enterprises under conditions of uncertainty, especially valuable at a time when rising demand and intensifying pressures for spending constraint provide a continuing impetus for reform. One possibility is that policies designed within a rational actor framework may erode the non-rational aspects of trust, so that the service improves but trust in it declines, with consequences for the political sustainability of reformed health care systems. Risk research in health care has a good opportunity to consider issues of institutional trust and to build inter-disciplinary links in doing so.  相似文献   

This paper aims to clarify the global association of system factors with the attainment of health policy goals, through economic analyses of cross-country data. In the case of OECD (the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) data for 1990, the variation in total expenditure on health among 24 countries can be explained by various factors including Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Among these, the variables representing the level of public sector involvement through social protection or public-private mix within a health care system, such as the Public-to-Total Expenditure Ratio, Coverage Rate and Public Cost Sharing, are significantly negative when factors such as GDP are controlled. This suggests that countries attaining higher equity or accessibility are in a better position to gain higher cost-containment or macro-economic efficiency. The results of this study may be helpful for developing countries searching for a long-term health care system as well as for developed countries facing health care system reforms.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the prospects for managed market reforms in developing countries, stimulated by current reforms and policy debates in developed countries, and by perceptions of widespread public sector inefficiency in many countries. This review examines the prospects for such reforms in a developing country context, primarily by drawing on the arguments and evidence emerging from developed countries, with a specific focus on the provision of hospital services. The paper begins with a discussion of the current policy context of these reforms, and their main features. It argues that while current and proposed reforms vary in detail, most have in common the introduction of competition in the provision of health care, with the retention of a public monopoly of financing, and that this structure emerges from the dual goals of addressing current public sector inefficiencies while retaining the known equity and efficiency advantages of public health systems. The paper then explores the theoretical arguments and empirical evidence for and against these reforms, and examines their relevance for developing countries. Managed markets are argued to enhance both efficiency and equity. These arguments are analysed in terms of three distinct claims made by their proponents: that managed markets will promote increased provider competition, and hence, provider efficiency; that contractual relationships are more efficient than direct management; and that the benefits of managed markets will outweigh their costs. The analysis suggests that on all three issues, the theoretical arguments and empirical evidence remain ambiguous, and that this ambiguity is attributable in part to poor understanding of the behaviour of health sector agents within the market, and to the limited experience with these reforms. In the context of developing countries, the paper argues that most of the conditions required for successful implementation of these reforms are absent in all but a few, richer developing countries, and that the costs of these reforms, particularly in equity terms, are likely to pose substantial problems. Extensive managed market reforms are therefore unlikely to succeed, although limited introduction of particular elements of these reforms may be more successful. Developed country experience is useful in defining the conditions under which such limited reforms may succeed. There is an urgent need to evaluate the existing experience of different forms of contracting in developing countries, as well as to interpret emerging evidence from developed country reforms in the light of conditions in developing countries.  相似文献   

Singapore and Hong Kong, two high-income “Tiger economies” in Asia, were ranked as the top two most efficient health systems in the world. Despite remarkable similarities in history and socioeconomic development, both economies embraced rather different paths in health care reforms in the past decades, which reflect their respective sociopolitical dynamics. Rapidly ageing populations and the anxiety about future funding of health care have prompted them to embark on major health financing reforms in the recent three years. While Singapore has transitioned to universal health coverage with the implementation of MediShield Life (MSL), Hong Kong is about to introduce the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) to supplement its health care financing. Based on secondary materials including policy documents, press releases, and anecdotal reports, this essay compares these two recent reforms on their political context, drivers of reforms, and policy contents, and assesses their prospects in terms of coverage, financial protection, and major implementation challenges. The preliminary assessment suggests that while both programs are associated with certain drawbacks, those of the VHIS may be more fatal and warrant close attention. This essay concludes with a central caveat that underscores the pivotal role of the state in managing health care reforms.  相似文献   

In the Americas, health sector reforms are facing the challenge of strengthening the steering and leadership role of health authorities. An important part of that role consists of fulfilling the essential public health functions (EPHFs) that are incumbent on all levels of government. For that, it's crucial to improve public health practice, as well as the instruments used to assess the current state of public health practice and the areas where it needs to be strengthened. For that purpose, the Pan American Health Organization has started an initiative called "Public Health in the Americas," with the objective of defining and measuring EPHFs, as a way of improving public health practice and strengthening the leadership provided by health authorities at all levels of government. This article summarizes conceptual and methodological aspects of defining and measuring EPHFs. The article also analyzes the implications that measuring performance on these public health roles, responsibilities, and activities would have for improving public health practice in the Americas.  相似文献   

Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa – the countries known as BRICS – represent some of the world’s fastest growing large economies and nearly 40% of the world’s population. Over the last two decades, BRICS have undertaken health-system reforms to make progress towards universal health coverage. This paper discusses three key aspects of these reforms: the role of government in financing health; the underlying motivation behind the reforms; and the value of the lessons learnt for non-BRICS countries. Although national governments have played a prominent role in the reforms, private financing constitutes a major share of health spending in BRICS. There is a reliance on direct expenditures in China and India and a substantial presence of private insurance in Brazil and South Africa. The Brazilian health reforms resulted from a political movement that made health a constitutional right, whereas those in China, India, the Russian Federation and South Africa were an attempt to improve the performance of the public system and reduce inequities in access. The move towards universal health coverage has been slow. In China and India, the reforms have not adequately addressed the issue of out-of-pocket payments. Negotiations between national and subnational entities have often been challenging but Brazil has been able to achieve good coordination between federal and state entities via a constitutional delineation of responsibility. In the Russian Federation, poor coordination has led to the fragmented pooling and inefficient use of resources. In mixed health systems it is essential to harness both public and private sector resources.  相似文献   

The post-conflict or post-crisis period provides the opportunity for wide-ranging public sector reforms: donors fund rebuilding and reform efforts, social norms are in a state of flux, and the political climate may be conducive to change. This reform period presents favourable circumstances for the promotion of gender equity in multiple social arenas, including the health system. As part of a larger research project that explores whether and how gender equity considerations are taken into account in the reconstruction and reform of health systems in conflict-affected and post conflict countries, we undertook a narrative literature review based on the questions “How gender sensitive is the reconstruction and reform of health systems in post conflict countries, and what factors need to be taken into consideration to build a gender equitable health system?” We used the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) six building blocks as a framework for our analysis; these six building blocks are: 1) health service delivery/provision, 2) human resources, 3) health information systems, 4) health system financing, 5) medical products and technologies, and 6) leadership and governance.The limited literature on gender equity in health system reform in post conflict settings demonstrates that despite being an important political and social objective of the international community’s engagement in conflict-affected states, gender equity has not been fully integrated into post-conflict health system reform. Our review was therefore iterative in nature: To establish what factors need to be taken into consideration to build gender equitable health systems, we reviewed health system reforms in low and middle-income settings. We found that health systems literature does not sufficiently address the issue of gender equity. With this finding, we reflected on the key components of a gender-equitable health system that should be considered as part of health system reform in conflict-affected and post-conflict states. Given the benefits of gender equity for broader social and economic well-being, it is clearly in the interests of donors and policy makers to address this oversight in future health reform efforts.  相似文献   

通过系统整理和分析国内外关于公共卫生服务提供的公私合作模式的研究文献,阐述了公私合作模式的内涵、分类和国内外公共卫生服务公私合作的主要方式和实践应用,并阐明了公共卫生服务领域公私合作对减轻政府财政压力、推动卫生体制创新、促进政府职能转换、提高公共卫生服务效率、提高私立卫生机构综合竞争力及贫困人群服务公平性都有积极作用;指出了公私合作过程中存在合作双方缺乏信任、沟通不足、政府管理滞后、职能不强等影响服务效果的问题;建议建立公私部门信息共享机制、设计合理的风险分担机制、改进政府对公私合作的管理手段、强化政府主导作用等措施;启示我国在基本公共卫生服务公私合作供给过程中要强化政府职责、成立第三方组织对公私合作进行协调、沟通、监督和考核以及建立有效的公私合作机制。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: If public trust in health care is to be used as a performance indicator for health care systems, its measurement has to be sensitive to changes in the health care system. For this purpose, this study has monitored public trust in health care in The Netherlands over an eight-year period, from 1997 to 2004. The study expected to find a decrease in public trust, with a low point in 2002. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Since 1997, public trust in health care was measured through postal questionnaires to the "health care consumer panel". This panel consists of approximately 1500 households and forms a representative sample of the Dutch population. FINDINGS: Trust in health care and trust in hospitals did not show any significant trend. Trust in medical specialists displayed an upward trend. Trust in future health care, trust in five out of six dimensions of health care and trust in general practitioners actually did show a decrease. However, only for trust in macro level policies and trust in professional expertise this trend continued. For the remaining trust objects, after 1999 or 2000, an upward trend set in. RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS/LIMITATIONS: No support was found for our overall assumption. Explanations for the fact that trust did increase after 1999 or 2000 are difficult to find. On the basis of these findings the study questions whether the measure of public trust is sensitive enough to provide information on the performance of the health care system. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The aim of this research is to study public trust in health care on its abilities to be used as a performance indicator for health care systems.  相似文献   

A comprehensive Swedish public health policy was adopted by the Swedish Parliament, the Riksdag, in April 2003. It pushes health up on the political agenda and affords equity in health high priority. The first phase of implementation of the policy, 2003-5, is described in the 2005 Public Health Policy Report published by the Swedish National Institute of Public Health (SNIPH). For the purpose of investigating the implementation, SNIPH has monitored the development of 42 determinants and used reports from 22 central agencies and eight county administrative boards together with interviews with all Sweden's county councils (21) and a questionnaire sent out to all municipalities (290). The experiences from the implementation of the policy are that: the determinants approach - focusing on structural factors in society, people's living conditions and health behaviours that affect health - is in general well understood and emphasises the role of other sectors in public health; the use of indicators to follow up exposures to determinants is of key importance; the support to actors outside the health service is needed to identify their public health role; a continuous steering from the government and other political bodies is of vital importance; public health promotion on the regional level needs a higher level of co-ordination; municipalities need more skills development; Sweden has a new government that was elected in September 2006; the new government has retracted the former government's public health policy communication submitted to the Riksdag in the spring of 2006, but does not intend to change the public health policy.  相似文献   

Two recent developments have redirected the course of Public Health in Europe - the Public Health Mandate of the European Commission and the conceptualization of a New Public Health. For the transition, countries in South Eastern Europe, particularly Serbia, provide support to essential public health reforms in four areas: strategic management, public health information, public health legislation, and public health training and research. The roles of the Dubrovnik Pledge (2001) and the Stability Pact, which has international support, have been central.  相似文献   

Upstream healthy public policy: lessons from the battle of tobacco.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many consider public health and politics to be entirely separate worlds. Public health activities are generally well-motivated by public interest, perceived as value-free, scientific, and devoid of partisan preference. Politics, in contrast, can be viewed as a distasteful activity involving self-interested pressure groups, misuse of state power, and influence of money on national decisions. Public health and politics are inappropriate bedfellows if politics is reduced to party politics. Politics, of course, involves more than just party activities; it concerns the structure, distribution, and effects of power in society. Which groups pattern the social order? What are their sources of influence? How do they retain privileged status? What social effects result from the policies these groups shape? Viewed in this broader sense, politics is essential for effective public health and thus is the inescapable context of public health interventions. To disregard sociopolitical determinants of health is to relegate public health to prevention and promotion of individual risk behaviors. If public health is to be more successful in the 21st century, it must comprehend the magnitude of the forces against it and the strategies used to engineer its defeat. Public health interventions in the new millennium must be appropriate to their sociocultural context.  相似文献   

The Mexican health reform can be understood only in the context of neoliberal structural adjustment, and it reveals some of the basic characteristics of similar reforms in the Latin American region. The strategy to transform the predominantly public health care system into a market-driven system has been a complex process with a hidden agenda to avoid political resistance. The compulsory social security system is the key sector in opening health care to private insurance companies, health maintenance organizations, and hospital enterprises mainly from abroad. Despite the government's commitment to universal coverage, equity, efficiency, and quality, the empirical data analyzed in this article do not confirm compliance with these objectives. Although an alternative health policy that gradually grants the constitutional right to health would be feasible, the new democratically elected government will continue the previous regressive health reform.  相似文献   

The transition resulting from the break-up of the Soviet Union significantly affected the health care systems and population health status in the newly independent States. The available body of evidence suggests that contraction of public resources resulting from economic slowdown has led to the proliferation of out-of-pocket payments and private spending becoming a major source of finance to health service provision to the population. Emerging financial access barriers impede adequate utilization of health care services. Most transition countries embarked on reforming health systems and health care financing in order to tackle this problem. However, little evidence is available about the impact of these reforms on improved access and health outcomes. This paper aims to contribute to the assessment of the impact of health sector reforms in Georgia. It mainly focuses on changes in the patterns of health services utilization in rural areas of the country as a function of implemented changes in health care financing on a primary health care (PHC) level. Our findings are based on a household survey which was carried out during summer 2002. Conclusions derived from the findings could be of interest to policy makers in transitional countries. The paper argues that health financing reforms on the PHC level initiated by the Government of Georgia, aimed at decreasing financial access barriers for the population in the countryside, have rendered initial positive results and improved access to essential PHC services. However, to sustain and enhance this attainments the government should ensure equity, improve the targeting mechanisms for the poor and mobilize additional public and private funds for financing primary care in the country.  相似文献   

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