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Apheresis treatments, which involve the removal of a component of blood, generally require one access and one return line to continuously draw and return blood into the extracorporeal circuit. At our center, we prefer to use peripheral venous access to avoid central line-related complications, especially infection. Motivated by patient-centered care, the single-needle (SN) option for therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) offered on the Spectra Optia (Terumo BCT, Lakewood, CO) was evaluated. Five patients underwent procedures using both SN and dual-needle (DN) plasma exchange procedures using the Spectra Optia. TPE procedures ran a median of 51 (range:10-102) minutes longer using the SN-TPE option. Inlet flow rates, plasma removal efficiency, and incidence of citrate reactions were similar between SN- and DN-procedures. Patients reported great satisfaction with SN-TPE.  相似文献   

While therapeutic plasma exchanges (TPEs) performed with 5% albumin are considered safe, concerns regarding venous access and hypocalcemic toxicity remain. We reviewed the frequency of complications during TPEs performed with 5% albumin supplemented with calcium gluconate and potassium chloride for a 5 year period in our institution. Eighty-four adult patients (46 males and 38 females) underwent 581 plasma exchanges during the study period. The most common indications were myasthenia gravis (37%), acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (31%), and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (13%). All procedures used 2.2% ACD-A delivered at a calculated average rate of 0.26 mg/kg/min, which led to a mean dose of citrate per TPE of 2.18 +/- 0.48 g or 27.8 +/- 5.24 mg/kg of body weight. Venous access difficulties occurred in 85 procedures (14.6%), but most TPEs were completed successfully. Hypotension and citrate toxicity were seen in <5% of the TPEs and were mostly reversible. Only 17 exchanges (3%) had to be aborted because of the loss of venous access (n = 9), hypocalcemic toxicity (n = 3), hypotension (n = 2), panic attacks (n = 2), and one atypical reaction due to the interaction with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. Comparison between pre- and post-TPE potassium levels showed a statistically significant mean decrease of 7%, from 4.1 mequiv/l to 3.8 mequiv/l (P < 0.0001). We attribute the low rate of hypocalcemia to our practice of adding calcium and potassium to the replacement fluid and suggest that this method could become standard of care.  相似文献   

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is used for the treatment of a number of inflammatory conditions. Hemolysis due to passive transfer of blood group antibodies is a well recognized complication of IVIG therapy. Therapy is largely supportive and consists of blood product support and hemodialysis. We report the use of therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) as adjunct therapy for three patients with complications attributed to IVIG. Two patients had hemolysis attributed to IVIG; one patient was blood group A and the other blood group O. The third patient was an orthotopic heart transplant recipient with a type A donor heart, and anti‐A antibodies detected after infusion of IVIG for suspected antibody mediated rejection. Two patients had anti‐A titers available that decreased after initiation of plasma exchange. The blood group O patient with hemolysis had a gradual stabilization of hemoglobin and resolution of the positive DAT. TPE may be useful therapy for patients with severe hemolysis caused by IVIG or at risk for tissue damage by blood group antibodies. J. Clin. Apheresis 30:371–374, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Congenital factor XI (FXI) deficiency is associated with a variable bleeding phenotype. Recent reports have documented the use of therapeutic plasma exchange to rapidly and isovolumetrically increase FXI levels before invasive procedures in patients with congenital FXI deficiency. We report a case of acquired FXI deficiency in a pregnant woman with lupus. We proved that the inhibitor was an IgG, therefore potentially capable of crossing the placenta. While immune suppression eliminated detectable circulating inhibitor, the woman's FXI remained quite low. A multi‐disciplinary team was formed and therapeutic plasma exchange with 100% plasma replacement was performed when the patient went into labor, to acutely raise her FXI level and remove any potential non‐neutralizing inhibitor. The mother had a controllable level of bleeding during post‐TPE cesarean section; the baby had no bleeding and the baby's FXI levels were not overtly abnormal. Therapeutic plasma exchange in acquired FXI deficiency (or other acquired hemophilias) can both acutely isovolumetrically raise factor levels and remove any circulating inhibitor.  相似文献   

We retrospectively analyzed our 2-year experience with venous access for 363 therapeutic plasma exchanges in 46 patients with neurological disease, including acute Guillain-Barré syndrome (N = 20), myasthenia gravis (N = 17), and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (N = 9). Twenty-three patients (50%) completed the planned course of therapy using only peripheral venous access, and 28 central venous catheters were placed in the remaining 23 patients. Patients utilizing central venous access did not undergo a greater number of procedures, but they were more likely to have acute Guillain-Barré syndrome (P < 0.02) or to be hospitalized in a medical intensive care unit (P < 0.01). Three types of central catheters were used, and although our experience was predominantly with 1 type, differences were noted. Only 3% of procedures (3 of 96) done with a Quinton-Mahurkar catheter were associated with a catheter failure, compared to 27% (4 of 15, P < 0.01) with a Hickman catheter and 67% (2 of 3) with a triple-lumen catheter. Life-threatening complications occurred with 3 of 28 (11%) central catheters. To optimize the success of therapeutic plasma exchange using central access, it is critical that hemapheresis personnel advise each patient's primary physician regarding the type of central venous catheter required. Currently, we recommend use of a Quinton-Mahurkar or other dual-lumen hemodialysis catheter. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 分析治疗性血浆置换术(TPE)的临床应用效果和血浆使用情况.方法 对本院6年间的295例行TPE患者的治疗效果与血浆使用情况作回顾性分析.结果 1)基本情况:295名患者共作TPE 688次,(1~19)次/人,平均(2.26±2.13)次/人,治疗人数逐年增加,治疗数最多的病种为肝脏疾病,占总数的80.3%(237/295),其他包括肾脏疾病22例(7.5%)、药物和食物中毒14例(4.7%)、热射病4例(1%)、自身免疫性疾病12例(4.1%)、血栓性血小板减少性紫癜4例(1.0%)、HELLP综合征1例、格林-巴利综合征1例.2)置换液:以血浆(经滤白及病毒灭活处理)为主,297例688次TPE共用血浆1 523 380 mL,平均每次用量(2 184.62±395.59) mL.3)治疗情况:总体治疗有效率能2007年的30%上升至2012年65.9%;TPE不良反应率3.0%(21/688),主要为心血管反应4例、低钙血症5例、过敏11例.结论 随着TPE适应证和治疗范围的扩大,临床合理使用血浆能从量和质上保障TPE技术的展开,对于确保TPE安全、有效显得更为重要.  相似文献   

Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) has been demonstrated to be of significant clinical value in a number of diseases and conditions, with well‐established guidelines and recommendations. However, technical support in providing this procedure for pregnant patients is largely absent from these recommendations, leaving therapeutic apheresis practitioners without guidance to safely and adequately treat appropriate conditions in this important patient population. Here, we describe our experience in treating a 35‐year‐old pregnant patient with relapsing‐remitting multiple sclerosis with TPE. Additionally, we outline the principle considerations when developing her treatment plan, and we provide recommendations for apheresis practitioners when performing TPE in pregnant patients. J. Clin. Apheresis 32:191–195, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC) have been extensively used to restore hematopoiesis after myeloablative chemotherapy. While collection regimens designed for optimal mobilization of PBPC are becoming standardized, the ideal venous access option for collection remains unresolved. The purpose of this study was to determine if the venous access of patients could be accurately assessed and appropriate intervention, if necessary, electively undertaken prior to PBPC collection. In this prospective study, 95 consecutive patients about to undergo PBPC collection were evaluated at time of referral to determine the type of venous access necessary for adequate PBPC collection. There were three possible interventions: 1. No access device for patients determined to have an adequate antecubital vein for apheresis access. 2. Insertion of a double lumen Quinton PermCath for those patients with poor antecubital veins. 3. Insertion of a double lumen Hickman catheter for patients with adequate antecubital veins for apheresis but poor peripheral veins for chemotherapy administration. The blood and marrow transplant nurse coordinator evaluated the patients' veins. Of the 95 patients having 192 PBPC collections, 65 were collected using antecubital veins, 21 were collected from PermCaths, and 9 from Hickman catheters. All patients predicted to collect peripherally did so and achieved flow rates equivalent to the PermCath. No patient required urgent line placement at time of PBPC collection. There was no difference in the number of cells collected between the three groups. The result of this study strongly supports a policy of appropriate venous access based on patient vein assessment by experienced nurses. J. Clin. Apheresis 14:51–56, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present three cases of severely elevated plasma free hemoglobin (PFH) in pediatric patients on mechanical circulatory support devices at a tertiary pediatric care center. Due to severe levels of PFH in the setting of critical illness with the inability to pursue immediate mechanical device exchange, membrane filtration therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) was performed, which resulted in a lowering of PFH levels. However, long-term outcomes were heterogeneous across the cases. This case series reviews patient presentation, organ function before and after TPE, and the overall role of TPE as an effective treatment option to decrease severely elevated PFH levels. In doing so, we hope to add to what is known about the use of TPE for mechanical red cell hemolysis and provide guidance on its use in critically ill patients.  相似文献   

Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) has long been utilized to manage a variety of immune‐mediated diseases. The basic principle relies on removal of circulating pathogenic substances from the bloodstream. Methods of plasma separation include centrifuge (cTPE) and membrane (mTPE). Although mTPE has existed for a few decades, recent advances in developing highly permeable filters that are compatible with currently existing dialysis machines has opened a new frontier. Published data in the area of technical and clinical experience with mTPE is lacking. We report our single center experience of 998 inpatient mTPE treatments performed in 237 patients at a large tertiary care academic center. The most common treatment indication was neurologic. We found a very low incidence of patient‐reported complications. Filter clotting without the use of anticoagulation occurred in 7.7% of treatments. Laboratory parameters that significantly changed during the course of therapy included serum potassium, platelet count, and partial thromboplastin time. We found that mTPE can be safely and efficiently performed as an alternative to cTPE, and suggest an individualized approach when prescribing this therapy.  相似文献   

There has been an increase in the use of therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) in immune-mediated neurological disorders in recent years. However, accessibility and availability of TPE remains low and costly, especially for a country with limited healthcare funding like Malaysia. With expanding clinical indications in neurological disorders, and increasingly expensive conventional immunomodulatory treatment such as intravenous immunoglobulin and monoclonal antibodies, TPE remains an effective part of first or second-line treatment. In this article, we detailed the historical aspects of the use of TPE in neurological disorders in Malaysia over the last four decades and discussed the challenges behind the establishment of the first in-house neurology-driven TPE service in the country. Local TPE database from a national neurology centre in Kuala Lumpur over the past 20 years was analyzed. We observed a remarkable three folds increase in the use of TPE at our center over the past 10 years (total 131 TPE treatments) compared to a decade prior, with expanding clinical indications predominantly for central nervous system demyelinating disorders. Besides using membrane filtration method, centrifugal technique was adopted, providing new opportunities for other clinical beneficiaries such as a neurologist driven “in-house TPE unit”. However, there were real world challenges, especially having to provide services with limited funding, human resources, and space. In addition, much has to be done to improve accessibility, availability, and sustainability of TPE services at our center and nationwide. Nevertheless, even with limited resources and support, it is possible with concerted efforts to work within the confines of these limitations to establish a safe, successful, and sustainable TPE service.  相似文献   

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