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目的 了解伤口造口专科护士对开业护士认知及态度现状,探讨影响其认知的因素。方法 选取169名伤口造口专科护士作为研究对象,采用自行设计的伤口造口专科护士对开业护士认知及态度问卷进行在线调查。结果 伤口造口专科护士对开业护士认知得分为(67.03±14.10)分,多元线性回归分析显示文化程度和是否听说过开业护士是认知的影响因素;95.27%的伤口造口专科护士愿意成为开业护士;认为成为开业护士的最低学历、最低职称、最低工作年限要求分别是本科、中级、5~10年;52.07%认为国家政策导向是影响我国开业护士发展的首要因素;工作的开展急于需要完善相关法律法规、建立规范的开业护士准入制度、健全执业体系、形成中国特色的培养方案。结论 伤口造口专科护士对开业护士的态度积极,但认知有待提高,有必要提前进行相关知识渗透,及时出台政策法规,建立规范化准入制度、培养与执业体系是发展开业护士的有力保障。  相似文献   

In this report a new simple classification of epiphyseal-plate injuries with regard to therapy and prognosis is pointed out. The classification can be used for each epiphysis and will be demonstrated on the injuries of the distal lower leg. Type I: There is complete separation of the epiphysis from the metaphysis without and with a metaphyseal fragment. The prognosis for growth is excellent after conservative or operative treatment. Type II: The fracture which is intraarticular (epiphyseal fragment) and the fracture across the full thickness of the epiphyseal plate and through a portion of the metaphysis needs accurate reduction. The prognosis for growth is good only after open operation. Type III: This relatively uncommon injury results from a very severe crushing force applied through the epiphysis to one area of the epiphyseal plate. The prognosis in this type is decidedly poor. The need for regular follow-up observation in these cases is obvious. At the end the good results of 40 patients after epiphyseal-plate injuries of the distal lower leg are presented.  相似文献   

择期手术病人对麻醉认识程度的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对择期手术病人麻醉认知程度的流行病学调查。方法:设计了一份围术期调查表,在500例择期手术病人,调查了其对麻醉学科及麻醉医师的认识程度。结果:病人对麻醉及麻醉医师有一定程度的认识,但存在较大的个体差异,部分与病人的教育程度和居住区域有关。结论:加强围术期麻醉医师和病人的交流有利于提高病人对麻醉和麻醉医师的认识,提高学科水平和地位。  相似文献   

Patient care with noninvasive or minimally invasive methods is appealing for the patient. It has to be assessed in terms of validity to guarantee improvement of patient care. Urine cytology for the detection of tumour cells can be considered a valid method since its specificity and sensitivity is high when high-grade tumour cells are sought. High-grade tumour cells are considered the clinically most relevant finding in urine specimens. Fluorescent in situ hybridization of interphase nuclei on centromeric and gene loci has been optimized for urothelial carcinoma and increases the sensitivity of tumour findings. It also gives a valid chance to adapt the number of cystoscopies in the follow-up of bladder cancer patients more individually.  相似文献   

目的了解临床护理带教老师健康评估知识、态度、行为及健康评估培训状况,为进行临床护理带教老师健康评估能力相关培训提供依据。方法采用自行设计的护理人员健康评估知识、态度、行为调查问卷及健康评估培训情况调查表对85名临床护理带教老师进行调查。结果带教老师健康评估知识评分为(65.76±11.70)分;态度为(98.62±3.38)分,被调查者均认为护士对患者进行健康评估十分重要;行为评分为(87.64±11.12)分。不同学历、年龄、护龄、科室、职称带教老师健康评估知识得分比较,差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论临床带教老师健康评估知识和技能仍有欠缺,护理带教老师对开展健康评估培训有迫切需求,应改变观念,把提升健康评估能力作为护士的核心执业能力,并加强对带教老师的健康评估知识技能的培训。  相似文献   

We performed a prospective study on 421 patients subjected to routine general-, orthopaedic-, urologic-, gynecological and paediatric surgery to estimate the current incidences of nausea and vomiting during the first 24 hours after surgery.
The overall incidences of postoperative nausea or vomiting were 17% and 28%, respectively. Postoperative emetic symptoms were not related to age in adults. Women had more often emetic symptoms than men ( P <0.01). In general, opiate premedication was more frequently associated with postoperative nausea and vomiting than benzodiazepines ( P <0.01), but in otherwise comparable subgroups of patients undergoing major surgery, this difference was not confirmed. Balanced general anaesthesia caused more nausea (23%) and vomiting (53%) than face-mask anaesthesia (13% and 15%, respectively) or regional blocks (12% and 7%, respectively) ( P <0.001). There was a positive correlation between the duration of anaesthesia and the incidence of postoperative emetic symptoms ( P <0.001). The incidences of postoperative nausea and vomiting after abdominal surgery were 23% and 58% respectively. Corresponding figures for orthopaedic surgery were 25% and 34%, other kinds of extra-abdominal surgery 18% and 32% and for laparoscopy 21% and 25%. After minor gynecological-, urological-and paediatric surgery the incidences were less than 20%.
In conclusion female gender, balanced anaesthesia, lengthy duration of anaesthesia, and abdominal and orthopaedic operations appeared to be most frequently associated with postoperative emetic symptoms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A shortage of anesthesiologists is having a serious impact on Japanese medicine. The adoption of nurse anesthetists is currently a matter of debate among Japanese surgeons and anesthesiologists. To probe whether future nurse anesthetists exist in Japan, a questionnaire survey of nurses was carried out. METHODS: Anonymous questionnaires were sent to 99 acute-care nurses in our hospital. Inquiries included those on their backgrounds, the shortage of the anesthesiologists, and issues related to the nurse anesthetists. RESULTS: Eighty-four answers (85%) were obtained. Sixty-seven nurses (80%) were aware of the shortage of the anesthesiologists. Although only 19 (23%) had certain knowledge of nurse anesthetists before this survey, 71 (85%) were willing to become, or interested in nurse anesthetists. The majority (56%) described nurse anesthetists' job should be limited to endotracheal intubation, vascular catheter placement, and intravenous medication solely under the supervision of the anesthesiologists. Virtually all respondents claimed the qualifications of the nurse anesthetists should include both training in the acute care setting as certified nurses and training in anesthesia school. CONCLUSIONS: Our preliminary survey denotes that future nurse anesthetists exist in Japan.  相似文献   



Burden of death and disability resulting from lack of emergency medical system (EMS) and emergency care is very high in low and middle income countries (LMIC).  相似文献   

We report the case of a 27 year old man who presented a nodule in the ventral face of the penis, which increased in volume and turned painful during erection so a vascular lesion was suspected, later confirmed with a Doppler study. A complete excision of the lesion was carried out with local anaesthesia. The pathological specimen was informed as "angiolimphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia" in its intravascular form. This is the third communication of this kind of lesion in the penis but no other adopted the intravascular variant like the present case. We discuss about this exceptional entity and make review of the most relevant literature.  相似文献   

老年住院患者陪护预防跌倒知信行调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查老年住院患者陪护对预防跌倒的认知情况,以便有针对性地对陪护者实施护理对策,预防住院老年患者跌倒的发生。方法采用自行设计的老年住院患者陪护预防跌倒问卷,对100名老年住院患者的陪护者进行调查。结果陪护者对患者跌倒相关风险的认识为36.00%~65.00%;不同年龄、不同陪护角色、不同陪护时间的陪护者知识、态度和行为得分不同(P0.05,P0.01)。结论陪护人员对老年住院患者的预防跌倒认知上存在差异,护理人员应重视并加强老年住院患者陪护人员预防跌倒相关知识持续专业性的个体化教育,以减少老年患者跌倒的发生。  相似文献   

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