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Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology is an international professional academic periodical on oncology, being co-edited by China and Germany. The Journal, with the authors from around world, especially from China, is dominated in introducing the clinical experience of diagnosis and treatment as well as leading scientific research achievement in the tumor domain, in addition to report basic theory researches which help instruct the clinical practice of oncology and closely connect with the disciplin...  相似文献   

The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology is an international professional academic periodical on oncology, being co-edited by China and Germany. The Journal, with the authors from around world, especially from China, is dominated in introduc- ing the clinical experience of diagnosis and treatment as well as leading scientific research achievement in the tumor domain, in addition to report basic theory researches that help instruct the clinical practice of oncology and closely connect with the discipline.  相似文献   

《中德临床肿瘤学杂志》为中德合办的国际性肿瘤专业学术刊物。主要报道世界各国作者,特别是中国作者在肿瘤领域领先的科研成果和临床诊疗经验,以及对肿瘤临床有指导作用、且与肿瘤临床密切结合的基础理论研究。来稿全文以英语发表,国内外公开发行;双月刊,80页,大16开,彩色印刷,按国际惯例编排;统一刊号:ISSN 1610-1979(Paper) 1613-9089(Online)/CN 42-1654/R。  相似文献   

1.Arms and scopeChinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology is an international professional academic periodical on oncology, being co-edited by China and Germany. The Journal, with the authors from around world, especially from China, is dominated in introducing the clinical experience of diagnosis and treatment as well as leading scientific research achievement in the tumor domain, in addition to report basic theory researches that help instruct the clinical practice of oncology and closely connect with the discipline.  相似文献   

腹膜种植转移是恶性肿瘤三大转移途径之一,也是临床肿瘤学长期认识不足、诊治技术水平落后的"老、大、难"问题。近30年,腹膜种植转移外科整合诊治技术体系的建立、完善和推广,引领了肿瘤腹膜转移基础、转化和临床研究热潮,推动形成了腹膜肿瘤学学科雏形,填补了临床肿瘤学的空白。基于对腹膜转移肿瘤生物学规律、特点和机制的深入认识,腹膜肿瘤临床诊断学、治疗学核心技术体系初步建成并逐渐完善,诞生了高级别循证医学证据导向的"十大里程碑"事件。2012年,《中国肿瘤临床》首推"腹膜转移癌专栏",引领国内肿瘤学界着力研究腹膜癌诊治策略。8年来,在中国抗癌协会的大力支持下,我国腹膜肿瘤学专家协同努力,逐步完善了中国特色的腹膜癌综合诊疗技术体系,出版了国内首部腹膜癌专著,制定2项腹膜癌诊治专家共识,在学科理论形成、研究平台建设、临床实践指南等方面,全面引领了国内腹膜肿瘤学学科发展。今年再度推出"腹膜转移癌研究"专栏,系统介绍我国腹膜癌领域的最新成果,促进临床肿瘤学的发展,推动腹膜肿瘤学学科建设。   相似文献   

李雁 《中国肿瘤临床》2020,47(3):109-109
腹膜种植转移是恶性肿瘤三大转移途径之一,也是临床肿瘤学长期认识不足、诊治技术水平落后的“老、大、难”问题。近30年,腹膜种植转移外科整合诊治技术体系的建立、完善和推广,引领了肿瘤腹膜转移基础、转化和临床研究热潮,推动形成了腹膜肿瘤学学科雏形,填补了临床肿瘤学的空白。基于对腹膜转移肿瘤生物学规律、特点和机制的深入认识,腹膜肿瘤临床诊断学、治疗学核心技术体系初步建成并逐渐完善,诞生了高级别循证医学证据导向的“十大里程碑”事件。2012年,《中国肿瘤临床》首推“腹膜转移癌专栏”,引领国内肿瘤学界着力研究腹膜癌诊治策略。8年来,在中国抗癌协会的大力支持下,我国腹膜肿瘤学专家协同努力,逐步完善了中国特色的腹膜癌综合诊疗技术体系,出版了国内首部腹膜癌专著,制定2项腹膜癌诊治专家共识,在学科理论形成、研究平台建设、临床实践指南等方面,全面引领了国内腹膜肿瘤学学科发展。今年再度推出“腹膜转移癌研究”专栏,系统介绍我国腹膜癌领域的最新成果,促进临床肿瘤学的发展,推动腹膜肿瘤学学科建设。  相似文献   

胃癌是我国高发的恶性肿瘤之一,且多数患者诊断时已处于进展期,放疗是多学科诊疗的重要组成部分。《中国胃癌放疗指南》由来自代表国内胃癌治疗领先水平的22家医院的放疗科、外科、内科、影像科的35位专家共同编写完成。作为中国首部胃癌放疗指南,将为我国胃癌放射治疗及综合治疗提供重要依据和参考,其在临床实践中的不断完善和更新,将会造福广大胃癌患者并促进学科的发展。  相似文献   

目的了解2020年中国肿瘤药物临床试验的进展及上市肿瘤药物情况,探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)对肿瘤药物临床试验进展的影响。方法从中国国家食品药品监督管理总局药物临床试验登记与信息公示平台登记数据库和国产药品及进口药品数据查询系统提取2020年肿瘤药物临床试验、涉及试验药品及上市药物信息,与2019年进行比较分析,同时比较2020年国内制药企业和全球制药企业在试验范围、试验分期及药物类型、作用和机制等方面的差异。结果2020年共有722项肿瘤药物临床试验在中国注册,年增长率为52.3%,占同期全部药物临床试验的28.3%。其中由国内制药企业发起603项(83.5%),国际多中心试验105项(14.5%),Ⅰ期临床试验所占比例(44.5%)最高。722项肿瘤药物临床试验共涉及肿瘤药物458种,年增长率为36.7%。其中361种(85.8%)由国内制药企业开发,原研药是常见药物类型(77.1%),肿瘤治疗药物多见(92.8%)。作用机制方面以靶向药为主(76.6%),程序性死亡蛋白1(PD-1)和表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)是最常见的靶点。2020年共有17家制药企业的19种抗肿瘤新药或生物类似药在中国获准上市,其中10种来自国内制药企业。不论是肿瘤药物临床试验,还是上市药物,肺癌和乳腺癌均为最常见的适应证。在肿瘤药物临床试验申办方分布、试验范围分布和试验分期分布方面,以及试验药物申办方分布、药物类型分布、药物作用分布方面,2020年与2019年差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论疫情防控期间,中国肿瘤药物临床试验仍保持高水平增长。国内制药企业在2020年取得了一系列关键性成果,是推动中国肿瘤药物临床试验发展的中坚力量。  相似文献   

随着细胞生物学等学科的不断发展和深入,肿瘤学基础研究取得了一定进展,肿瘤学科申请项目数量及质量也逐渐提高。本文总结2019年度国家自然科学基金临床肿瘤学科面上项目、青年科学基金项目以及地区科学基金项目的申请与资助情况,并从不同角度深入分析面上项目的研究方向,针对临床肿瘤中非编码RNA、肿瘤免疫治疗、肿瘤微环境、肿瘤代谢等代表性研究方向,以及淋巴管新生、细胞焦亡及铁死亡、溶酶体及线粒体等研究前沿进行综述。  相似文献   

放射肿瘤学专业具有本科教学无相关课程、学习内容难、覆盖病种多、与内外科明显不同的特点。放射肿瘤学专业2014年被国家纳入住院医师规范化培训的科目。如何做好放射肿瘤学专业住院医师规范化培训是一个全新命题。依据自身特点,除了采用带教老师负责制,还创新使用指导导师负责制。从临床实践能力、临床思维能力、科研能力和教学能力等多方面对住院医师进行全方位、系统化、规范化的培训,并通过各项规范化的考核制度,保证住院医师的培训效果。本文同时对放射肿瘤学专业住院医师规范化培训中存在的问题及相应对策进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

目的通过统计分析《世界肿瘤杂志》刊载论文的关键词,揭示(《世界肿瘤杂志》研究热点及其发展变化,为(《世界肿瘤杂志》及肿瘤学的研究提供参考。方法从维普数据库中获取关键词,运用词频分析方法,分别经过建表、统计、汇总、整理后,归纳出了近7年来肿瘤学的研究热点及其变化轨迹。结果结论肿瘤作为肿瘤学领域的基础内容,是《世界肿瘤杂志》刊载论文经久的研究热点。化疗、手术治疗、胃肿瘤和肺肿瘤是《世界肿瘤杂志》刊载论文重要的研究热点。免疫组化和基因表达是《世界肿瘤杂志》刊载论文新的研究点,将会成为《世界肿瘤杂志》刊载论文的发展方向。  相似文献   

Journal of Neuro-Oncology - Most clinical trials in neurooncology are led by investigators primarily trained in neurology or medical oncology. While neurosurgeons are trained to be problem-solvers...  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the research status of radiation oncology in China through survey of literature in international radiation oncology journals and retrospectively compare the outputs of radiation oncology articles of the three major regions of China--Mainland (ML), Taiwan (TW) and Hong Kong (HK). Methods: Radiation oncology journals were selected from "oncology" and "radiology, nuclear & medical image" category from Science Citation Index Expand (SCIE). Articles from the ML, TW and HK were retrieved from MEDLINE. The number of total articles, clinical trials, case reports, impact factors (IF), institutions and articles published in each journals were conducted for quantity and quality comparisons. Results: A total 818 articles from 13 radiation oncology journals were searched, of which 427 are from ML, 259 from TW, and 132 from HK. Ninety-seven clinical trials and 5 case reports are reported in China. Accumulated IF of articles from ML (1,417.11) was much higher than that of TW (1,003.093) and HK (544.711), while the average IF of articles from ML is the lowest. Conclusions: The total number of articles from China especially ML increased significantly in the last decade. The number of articles published from the ML has exceeded those from TW and HK. However, the quality of articles from TW and HK is better than that from ML.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To design, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive educational Web site for medical oncology trainees. METHODS: The Web site was designed with three main areas (termed Journal Club, Key Papers, and Oncology Links) and compiled from articles presented at the Victorian Medical Oncology Trainees' Group journal club from the preceding 3 years. The Key Papers section was then reviewed by 30 academic medical oncologists. The site was advertised by mail and at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Oncology Group of Australia. Evaluation was by mail survey. RESULTS: The Web site, which may be accessed at www.vmotg.org, comprises more than 170 pages and 30,000 words of text. Journal club sessions are summarized with presented articles linked to abstracts from PubMed. Key Papers lists from five to 25 pivotal articles in each of 35 categories. Oncology Links is an extensive list of links in 10 categories including organizations, journals, and practice guidelines. Twenty-six of 45 trainees and 82 of 190 oncologists responded to the survey. Eighty-one percent of these trainees and 28% of oncologists have used the Web site. Ninety-six percent consider the Web site easy to use and "a useful medical oncology resource." All trainees rated the site good to excellent in terms of relevance and 94% considered the site beneficial to their education. CONCLUSION: The Web site www.vmotg.org is a relevant and useful educational resource for Australian medical oncology trainees and oncologists. As far as the authors are aware, this is the only educational site specifically for medical oncology trainees throughout the world. It may be a valuable oncology education resource for trainees in other countries, particularly those in isolated areas.  相似文献   

目的探讨《中华肿瘤杂志》2002至2005年发表论文被引用情况。方法依据中国生物医学期刊引文数据库(CMC I)提供的数据,采用文献计量学方法对《中华肿瘤杂志》载文被CMCI来源期刊引用的情况进行统计分析和评价。结果载文被引比例为50.48%,单篇平均被引次数为3.41次,单篇被引≥11次共22篇,单篇被引最高为46次;作者被引≥18次者共10人,被引作者群分布在我国的22个省、直辖市、自治区,北京、广东、上海三省市居于前列;论文被引≥18次的机构共14个;共有427种期刊引用该刊,其中引用该刊≥16次者共15种;该刊自引率为7.68%。结论《中华肿瘤杂志》载文质量较高,具有相对稳定的研究体系。该刊不仅是我国肿瘤科学研究领域最重要的信息源之一,也是我国医学领域的重要核心期刊。  相似文献   

Interventional oncology has great potential to be a good treatment modality in the field of oncology, because its procedures are minimally invasive and fairly quick. However, except for a few procedures such as percutaneous radiofrequency ablation and trans-catheter arterial chemo-embolization that have been recognized as standard treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma, most procedures have not been established as the standard treatment modality due to the limited number of clinical trials with compelling evidence. There are several common problems when performing clinical trials of interventional oncology. The first is that the outcomes of clinical trials are greatly influenced by the level of technical skill of the physicians. The second is that equipment and devices vary widely in countries and regions, and they also influence the outcomes. The third is that the methodology of clinical trials for techniques such as interventional oncology has not yet been established. The fourth is the difficulty of setting appropriate endpoints; quality of life is suitable for evaluating interventional oncology in palliative care, but it is not easy to set as the endpoint. The fifth is the difficulty of employing a blinded design, because the procedure cannot be performed without the physician's awareness. Despite such difficult situations, many multi-institutional clinical trials of interventional oncology have been carried out in Japan, with some challenging results. Establishing evidence is critical to making interventional oncology the standard treatment. Interventional radiologists should know the importance of clinical trials, and should move ahead in this direction in a step-by-step manner.  相似文献   

随着基于四类科学问题属性的分类评审的实施,国家自然科学基金委员会医学科学部临床肿瘤学科申请与资助项目也呈现出新的特点与趋势.本文总结了2020年度国家自然科学基金临床肿瘤学科面上项目、青年科学基金项目、地区科学基金项目的申请与资助概况,并按照四类科学问题属性、肿瘤靶器官类型、不同研究方向、2021年度启用的新学科代码体...  相似文献   

免疫治疗是近年来肿瘤治疗领域热门话题。无论是Keynote189研究还是Keynote407研究均证实在肺癌中免疫检查点抑制剂获益人群的无进展生存期显著延长。2012年《新英格兰医学杂志》发表的一篇文章中,免疫联合放疗产生放射远隔效应的个案报道引起肿瘤界强烈关注。2017年公布的Pacific研究结果将免疫治疗在非小细胞肺癌中的适应证从晚期扩展到了局部晚期。同年发表在《柳叶刀·肿瘤学》杂志上的Keynote001二次分析结果提示放疗可能会介导免疫记忆效应,但其产生机制、时间窗等问题目前尚不清楚。随着近年来PEMBRO-RT研究及我们团队多项工作的结果,放疗联合免疫治疗(iRT)的各种细节日渐成熟。在临床工作中iRT涉及肺癌的全程治疗,但不是大杂烩和乱炖,需进一步优化和梳理。本文就iRT的原理、临床实践的疗效以及对具体细节的探索进行讨论。  相似文献   

腹膜癌是癌症治疗历史上遗留的“老大难”问题,近40年来国际上致力于腹膜癌诊断治疗研究,取得了突破性进展,尤其是肿瘤细胞减灭术(cytoreductive surgery,CRS)加腹腔热灌注化疗(hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy,HIPEC)体系的形成和优化。近20年来,中国的腹膜癌研究进步迅速,在仪器设备研发、技术方案优化、人才队伍培养、学科组织建设等方面,均取得令人瞩目的成就,并快速融入腹膜肿瘤学国际联盟的国际化发展大格局。中国胃癌腹膜转移癌临床研究成果成为国际里程碑事件,C-HIPEC方案的推广实施,2021年国内主办第12届国际腹膜癌大会,都是该领域的突出成果,也使中国在腹膜癌诊治方面实现了从跟跑并跑到领跑的历史性转变。但是,与中国腹膜癌患者的巨大治疗需求相比,腹膜肿瘤学发展事业仍然任重而道远,需要全国肿瘤学家加倍努力,推动立足于国情的中国腹膜癌防治研究走向新高度。   相似文献   

腹膜癌是癌症治疗历史上遗留的“老大难”问题,近40年来国际上致力于腹膜癌诊断治疗研究,取得了突破性进展,尤其是肿瘤细胞减灭术(cytoreductive surgery,CRS)加腹腔热灌注化疗(hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy,HIPEC)体系的形成和优化。近20年来,中国的腹膜癌研究进步迅速,在仪器设备研发、技术方案优化、人才队伍培养、学科组织建设等方面,均取得令人瞩目的成就,并快速融入腹膜肿瘤学国际联盟的国际化发展大格局。中国胃癌腹膜转移癌临床研究成果成为国际里程碑事件,C-HIPEC方案的推广实施,2021年国内主办第12届国际腹膜癌大会,都是该领域的突出成果,也使中国在腹膜癌诊治方面实现了从跟跑并跑到领跑的历史性转变。但是,与中国腹膜癌患者的巨大治疗需求相比,腹膜肿瘤学发展事业仍然任重而道远,需要全国肿瘤学家加倍努力,推动立足于国情的中国腹膜癌防治研究走向新高度。   相似文献   

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