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Bartha AI Shen J Katz KH Mischel RE Yap KR Ivacko JA Andrews EM Ferriero DM Ment LR Silverstein FS 《Pediatric neurology》2007,37(2):85-90
Standardized approaches to the treatment of neonatal seizures remain undeveloped. We assessed the type and number of anticonvulsants selected, blood levels attained, and postdischarge anticonvulsant treatment of neonatal seizures among five neonatal intensive care units in the United States between 2000-2003. Almost all of the 480 neonates (94%) with seizures were treated, initially with phenobarbital (82%), lorazepam (9%), phenytoin (2%), other anticonvulsants (1%), or a combination of the first two drugs (6%). While the majority of neonates were treated with one drug (59%), the number of anticonvulsants varied (P<0.0001), as did the peak serum phenobarbital levels (P<0.0001). The majority (75%) of survivors received anticonvulsant treatment after discharge. These neonates were more likely to have had abnormal electroencephalography or brain imaging, or to have needed a second anticonvulsant, compared with neonates whose drug therapy was discontinued. Anticonvulsant therapy is used in the majority of neonates with seizures, mostly with phenobarbital, and treatment is continued beyond discharge. The observed wide therapeutic variability may reflect a lack of standardized diagnostic and treatment approaches, particularly for seizures refractory to initial phenobarbital therapy. Trials of anticonvulsants with long-term neurodevelopmental follow-up are needed to develop evidence-based treatment guidelines. 相似文献
Neonatal seizures: characteristics of EEG ictal activity in preterm and fullterm infants 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The neonatal EEG remains one of oldest, yet most valuable, diagnostic and prognostic tests in neonates. The goals of this study were to determine the relationships between the morphology, frequency, and distribution of ictal discharges in the neonatal EEG with age, EEG background activity, and etiology. A total of 156 ictal events were evaluated in 11 preterm (PT) and 25 fullterm (FT) infants. Most of the infants had severe abnormalities of background activity although ictal discharges occurred on both normal and abnormal backgrounds. There was a trend for a closer relationship between behavioral changes during the electroencephalographic seizure when the background activity was normal or moderately abnormal than when background activity was severely abnormal. In both PT and FT infants, the most common site of seizure origin was the temporal lobe. FT infants commonly had sharp waves, spikes, sharp and slow waves, and spike and slow waves at the onset of the ictus while rhythmic delta activity was most common in the PT infants. PT infants typically had a regional onset to the ictus whereas FT infants most frequently had a focal onset. Duration of the ictal events was similar in PT and FT infants and a change in morphology or frequency of the discharges was common during propagation of the ictal discharges in both age groups. There was not a clear relationship between onset, morphology, frequency, or propagation patterns and etiology in either the PT or FT infants. Our results demonstrate that while the type of ictal discharge is related to gestational age, there is a rich variety in the onset, morphology, and frequency of the ictal discharges in both PT and FT infants and that neonatal ictal patterns lack a close correlation with underlying pathology. 相似文献
Prognostic value of the electroencephalogram in term and preterm infants following neonatal seizures 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
J C Rowe G L Holmes J Hafford D Baboval S Robinson A Philipps T Rosenkrantz J Raye 《Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology》1985,60(3):183-196
There is controversy in the literature regarding the prognostic value of the EEG following neonatal seizures. This report reviews the results of a prospective study comparing EEG findings and outcome in 74 term and preterm infants following neonatal seizures. EEGs were evaluated for both background rhythms and epileptiform activity. Outcome was evaluated at an average age of 33 months. Background rhythms were highly correlated with outcome. Low voltage, electrocerebral inactivity and burst suppression EEGs were associated with poor outcomes while normal EEGs were associated with favorable outcomes. Slow, maturationally delayed and asymmetrical EEGs were associated with variable outcomes. The presence of epileptiform activity on the EEG was correlated with adverse outcomes but was not as highly significant as background rhythms. Electroencephalographic seizures, whether associated with clinical manifestations or not, were highly correlated with poor outcomes. The significance of these EEG findings was similar in both term and preterm infants. The study demonstrates that the EEG is predictive of outcome following neonatal seizures. 相似文献
Neonatal seizures: diagnosis and treatment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Neonatal seizures are a frequent problem encountered in neonatal nurseries, but their significance is controversial. Some investigators regard newborn seizures as simply epiphenomena and reflective of brain injury, whereas others note associated metabolic and physiologic aberrations suggesting that seizures per se are injurious to the central nervous system. The proper approach to the treatment of neonatal seizures depends on the etiology because treatment differs if seizures are of metabolic, toxic, or structural origin. Most studies reporting the efficacy of anticonvulsant agents neither define the seizure characteristics being treated nor use electroencephalographic documentation of seizure activity. The choice of anticonvulsants has been based on tradition rather than on the proven superiority of one agent over another. Although several anticonvulsants are available, phenobarbital remains the drug most frequently chosen as the initial agent in treatment. The important pharmacologic considerations of anticonvulsants include route of administration, ability to achieve therapeutically efficacious and predictable plasma levels rapidly, drug distribution, the availability and affinity of receptor sites, protein-binding characteristics, effects on brain growth, and cardiovascular toxicities. At the present time, critical questions remain regarding the effects of both seizures and anticonvulsants on the developing central nervous system. 相似文献
《Applied research in mental retardation》1982,3(3):265-278
This paper highlights the research literature on neonatal risk factors and explores the paradox that these factors present. Clinical and retrospective studies indicate that children who have developmental problems have had birth complications. On the other hand, birth complications do not predict developmental problems. Data from a longitudinal study of preterm infants are presented. A group of 59 preterm infants from English Speaking homes was assessed repeatedly from birth to age 5. A significant percentage of the children performed within the normal range or above, at each assessment period. Obstetrical and postnatal complications were not significantly related to developmental performance at any assessment period yet sickness was not to be dismissed as a risk factor. At age five, all of the children who performed poorly had experienced complications in the neonatal period. Responsive caregiving appeared to be an important factor in modifying and supporting cognitive development. 相似文献
Neonatal seizures and their treatment 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Neonatal seizures continue to present a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to paediatricians worldwide, and are a worrying sign for both parents and clinicians alike. The present review summarizes recent evidence regarding the diagnosis, aetiology and treatment of neonatal seizures. It is timely because there is new evidence that seizures are damaging to the neonatal brain, and because prolonged electroencephalographic recordings during treatment have provided information that challenges established treatment regimens. RECENT FINDINGS: Neonatal seizures can permanently disrupt neuronal development, induce synaptic reorganization, alter plasticity and "prime" the brain to increased damage from seizures later in life. Phenobarbitone remains the mainstay of treatment and is effective in about one-third of cases; babies who respond tend to have a smaller seizure burden and a relatively normal background electroencephalogram. Their prognosis is better than in those who require second-line treatments. Phenytoin and lignocaine (membrane stabilizing drugs) are probably more effective than any of the benzodiazepines as second line, but very few evaluation studies have been reported. Babies who require second-line treatments are more likely to have hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy, an abnormal background electroencephalogram and a large seizure burden, and have a worse prognosis than do those who respond to a single agent; most have significant disability at follow up. SUMMARY: The search for an effective antiepileptic regimen in the newborn must continue. Whether better control of neonatal seizures leads to a reduction in neurodisability in childhood cannot be determined until more effective treatments are found. Meanwhile, electroencephalography remains the most useful investigation for diagnosis and prognosis. 相似文献
Okumura A Hayakawa F Kato T Itomi K Maruyama K Kubota T Suzuki M Kidokoro H Watanabe K 《Brain & development》2008,30(4):261-268
The aim of this study is to clarify the characteristics of ictal EEG findings of neonatal seizures in preterm infants. Seizures associated with ictal EEG changes were recognized in nine infants with gestational age of less than 37 weeks. Propagation, migration, shifting, changes in morphology of ictal EEG discharges were evaluated. Seizure manifestation was divided into the following categories; motor seizure, apneic seizure, automatic seizure and seizure without clinical symptoms. The types of the seizures were motor seizures in five infants, apneic in two, automatic in one and those without clinical symptoms in five. All seizures were of focal onset. The foci of seizures were temporal in six infants, occipital in two, central in one, and frontal in one. The morphology of ictal discharges was low voltage spikes or sharp waves in six infants, spikes in two, theta waves in one and high-voltage spiky theta in one. The propagation of ictal discharges was focal in five infants and regional in five. The migration of ictal discharges was observed in two infants and a shift in two. There was no clear relation between seizure manifestation and ictal EEG foci, duration of seizures and morphology or propagation of ictal discharges. 相似文献
D M van Zeben-van der Aa S P Verloove-Vanhorick L den Ouden R Brand J H Ruys 《Neuropediatrics》1990,21(2):62-65
In a nationwide, prospective survey on very preterm and/or very low birthweight infants (less than 32 weeks of gestational age and/or less than 1500 g birthweight) we studied the outcome at the corrected age of two years of children with neonatal seizures. Of the 1338 infants, originally enrolled in the study, 72 had neonatal seizures; of these 44 died and 11 developed a major handicap. Using a multivariate statistical method, a significantly increased risk of death as well as handicap was found in infants with seizures compared to infants without seizures. Nevertheless, 16 of the 28 survivors with neonatal seizures were considered normal at the corrected age of two years. 相似文献
Protein C (PC) is a vitamin K-dependent serine protease which functions as the central regulatory protein with both anticoagulant and profibrinolytic properties. The PC levels in healthy term newborns are approximately one third of adult levels. Severely decreased levels of PC are seen in sick term and preterm infants. These neonates appear to have an increased incidence of thrombosis. Undetectable levels of PC are found in homozygous PC deficient infants with DIC and purpura fulminans symptoms. In this present study we report the composition and distribution of PC in term newborn and compare the results with adult values. Plasma was obtained from placental cord blood of 20 healthy term (38-42 weeks gestation) infants. PC was immunopurified, run on SDS-PAGE, and immuno-blotted. The composition of the PC molecule in neonatal plasma is identical to that seen in adults. Using densitometry to determine the distribution of the PC components, we observed a 2-fold increase in single chain PC in the neonate as compared to the adult. In the neonate, there was an inverse correlation between the level of total PC antigen and the amount of single chain. These findings suggest the possibility that the processing of PC may be developmentally influenced. 相似文献
Lidocaine response rate in aEEG‐confirmed neonatal seizures: Retrospective study of 413 full‐term and preterm infants

Lauren C. Weeke Mona C. Toet Linda G. M. van Rooij Floris Groenendaal Geraldine B. Boylan Ronit M. Pressler Lena Hellström‐Westas Marcel P. H. van den Broek Linda S. de Vries 《Epilepsia》2016,57(2):233-242
A G Nogen 《Clinical EEG》1984,15(3):133-139
Sixty-three infants with neonatal seizures were studied in terms of etiology, seizure type, electroencephalograms, and outcome. Twenty-nine percent were normal when followed for up to five years; twenty-nine percent were brain damaged, and twenty-five percent expired. In spite of improved obstetrical care, the occurrence of neonatal seizures may be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. 相似文献
Infants born preterm and/or with low birth weight may present a clinical condition of organic instability and usually face a long period of hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units, being exposed to biopsychosocial risk factors to their development due to decreased spontaneous movement and excessive sensory stimuli. This study assumes that there are relationships between the integration of sensory information of preterm infants, motor development and their subsequent effects.ObjectiveTo evaluate the sensory processing and motor development in preterm infants aged 4–6 months and compare performance data with their peers born at term.MethodThis was a cross-sectional and comparative study consisting of a group of preterm infants (n = 15) and a group of term infants (n = 15), assessed using the Test of Sensory Functions in Infants (TSFI) and the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS).ResultsThe results showed no significant association between motor performance on the AIMS scale (total score) and sensory processing in the TSFI (total score). However, all infants who scored abnormal in the total TSFI score, subdomain 1, and subdomain 5 presented motor performance at or below the 5th percentile on the AIMS scale.ConclusionSince all infants who presented definite alteration in tolerating tactile deep pressure and poor postural control are at risk of delayed gross motor development, there may be peculiarities not detected by the tests used that seem to establish some relationship between sensory processing and motor development. 相似文献
The cavum septi pellucidi in term and preterm newborn infants. 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
We reviewed cranial sonographic studies done on 108 normal newborn infants to determine the prevalence and variability in size of the cavum septi pellucidi (CSP). Infants were classified according to gestational age by 2-week intervals. At 24 weeks, only four normal scans were identified. Between 26 and 34 weeks, ten consecutive normal scans were used since all infants had a CSP. At 36, 38, and 40 weeks, all normal scans were counted in order to obtain a prevalence estimate. A CSP was seen in all normal infants below 36 weeks of gestational age. At 36, 38, and 40 weeks, only 69%, 54%, and 36%, respectively, had CSPs. There was no significant change in the width, depth, or area of the CSP with age, birth weight, or biparietal diameter. A CSP greater than 0.95 cm in width or greater than 0.81 cm in depth is outside the normal range and may represent anomalous development of the midline structures of the brain. 相似文献
Electroencephalography in infants with periventricular leukomalacia: prognostic features at preterm and term age 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Cystic periventricular leukomalacia represents the most severe white-matter lesion in preterm infants and its occurrence accounts for most cases of neurologic impairment in these subjects. Electroencephalographic (EEG) findings and their prognostic value in relation to motor and cognitive outcome were investigated in a group of preterm infants affected by different degrees of cystic periventricular leukomalacia. EEG recordings were carried out in the early postnatal period (first 2 weeks of life) on 24 infants and at term age on 29. In the early postnatal period, background EEG abnormalities ("dysmaturity") were significantly more apparent in affected infants than in a control group, and, among infants with cystic periventricular leukomalacia, this parameter related to the occurrence of cerebral palsy; moreover, at the same age, the incidence of abnormal EEG transients seemed to show a correlation with cognitive outcome. At term age, these latter abnormalities were significantly more apparent in neonates with cystic periventricular leukomalacia than in control subjects, but they did not show any prognostic value. In conclusion, these data indicate that, during the early postnatal period, the EEG is a useful diagnostic and prognostic tool for preterm infants with white-matter lesions, whereas at term age, the role of EEG tracings appears secondary. 相似文献
Electroclinical dissociation is a phenomenon in which the clinical component of a seizure occurs at times with or without an electrical correlate. The epidemiology of this observation was studied in a neonatal intensive care unit from July, 1983 to December, 1988. Infants demonstrating electroclinical dissociation were compared to those having exclusively electroclinical seizures. Sixteen percent of infants with electrographically-confirmed seizures and 19% of 243 analyzed seizures demonstrated electroclinical dissociation. The two groups revealed very few differences with respect to perinatal factors, etiology, and outcome. The subsequent electroencephalographic background was more disturbed in the electroclinical dissociation group, but did not correlate with clinical outcome. Extremity movements occurred at a statistically significant higher rate during electroclinical seizures. Electroclinical dissociation seizures arise from foci not consistently reflected in surface electrodes. 相似文献
《Brain & development》1996,18(1):1-28
Seizures are the most frequent neurological event in newborns (NBs), provoked often by noxae not apt to cause them in later life. This is because receptor families of excitatory amino acids (EAA) are overexpressed at this stage of brain ontogenesis, which is also why most neonatal seizures rapidly abate, even when neurological deficits persist. The brain's immaturities dictate distinct seizure phenotypes. A classification proposed in the late 1960s has been criticized, and a new one has been advocated, based on correlations between EEGs and behaviors, leading to a classification of seizures into ‘epileptic’ and ‘non-epileptic’. The taxonomic pitfalls of these classifications are discussed, and the notion advanced that many seizures fail to fulfil the criteria to label them as epileptic. While etiological factors have changed in time, the striking dichotomy in outcome has persisted. Many etiologies, often multifactorial, are unique in NBs, and they are discussed with reference to diagnosis and therapies. Four syndromes of NB seizures, accepted into the International Classification of the Epilepsies, are critically analyzed, some appearing to rest on fragile grounds.Controversies persist whether seizures per se are injurious to the immature brain. Clinical studies suggest that neither duration in days or length of seizure phenotypes correlates with outcomes, the most valid prognostic indices being offered by etiologies and by patterns of EEG polygraphy. However, because most seizures are symptomatic, it may be difficult to distinguish morbidity due to underlying pathology from that possibly added by seizures. Animal experiments suggested that they are injurious. The theory of energy failure, postulated to cause a cascade of events leading to inhibitions of DNA, proteins, lipids and disrupted neuronal proliferation, synaptogenesis, myelination, has largely been disproved. Brains of immature animals have been shown to have the oxidative machinery needed to fulfil energy demands, even during status convulsivus. They are also capable of using anaerobic metabolism and require less ATP when aerobic energy production ceases.Recent explanations for the injurious consequences of hypoxic ischemia and of prolonged convulsions postulate that neuronal damage occurs from excessive release of EAA which, by binding to their ligand-gated ionic receptors, cause a large influx of Ca2+, resulting in cell death. Because of the overabundance of EAA receptors in early ontogenesis, the excitotoxic hypothesis would appear attractive, but some observations militate against it. Among these is the dissociation found between the focal neurotoxicities induced by EAA injected into the brain and their absence following the concomitant convulsions. The latter are not blocked by pretreatment with EAA antagonists, while these prevent injuries caused by the injected EAA. There is no convincing evidence that excessive release of EAA occurs during NBs' seizures. Even if it does occur, it has been shown that immature neurons have a better capacity to self-protect from increased Ca2+ influx, and also that direct application of glutamate to immature neurons leads to significantly lower Ca2+ influx. These data raise doubts about the postulated excitotoxicity caused by NBs' seizures, being consistent with the fact that no one, so far, has observed neuronal damage from drug-induced convulsive states in NBs. Lack of overt neuronal injuries does not preclude that long-term subtle changes might be induced by noxae apt to provoke transient ictal events. Thus models developed in our laboratories demonstrate that long-term epileptogenicity results following postnatal O2 deprivation without evidence of neuronal injuries or of long-term behavioral or electrophysiological alteration. However, both age at which hypoxia occurs and specific proconvulsant methods used strictly determine whether increased epileptogenicity will occur. Difficulties in bridging the gaps between various experimental paradigms and between the latter with the clinical context are analyzed, and some ways to minimize them are indicated for future research. 相似文献
C M Craig MCF D N Lee PhD Y N Freer PhD I A Laing MD FRCPE 《Developmental medicine and child neurology》1999,41(9):616-624
As infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) have difficulty maintaining adequate levels of oxygenation during rest, it was decided to investigate how the additional respiratory demands associated with nutritive feeding disrupt their breathing rates. The sucking and breathing patterns of six (three male, three female) preterm infants (between 23 and 29 weeks gestational age at birth), classified as having BPD were individually compared with the patterns observed in 12 (six male, six female) healthy term (control) infants (> or = 38 weeks gestational age at birth) with no known respiratory ailments. All infants were recruited from the neonatal unit at Simpson's Maternity Pavilion, Edinburgh, Scotland. In general, the breathing patterns recorded for the infants with BPD during the pause periods of intermittent feeding lacked the striking regularity observed in the term infants. It was found that the severity of the BPD affected breathing rates by significantly reducing the duration and the regularity of a breath (P<0.05) while sucking during the intermittent phase of feeding. 相似文献