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The DNA forensic community always strives towards improvements in aspects such as sensitivity, robustness, and efficacy balanced with cost efficiency. Therefore our laboratory decided to study the feasibility of PCR amplification volume reduction using DNA entrapped in FTA? Classic Card and to bring cost savings to the laboratory. There were a few concerns the laboratory needed to address. First, the kinetics of the amplification reaction could be significantly altered. Second, an increase in sensitivity might affect interpretation due to increased stochastic effects even though they were pristine samples. Third, statics might cause FTA punches to jump out of its allocated well into another thus causing sample-to-sample contamination. Fourth, the size of the punches might be too small for visual inspection. Last, there would be a limit to the extent of volume reduction due to evaporation and the possible need of re-injection of samples for capillary electrophoresis. The laboratory had successfully optimized a reduced amplification volume of 10 μL for FTA samples.  相似文献   

The RapidHIT™ ID system produces GlobalFiler™ analysis results after a short operating time. This device is effective because it automatically extracts DNA from oral mucosal cells or from blood stains and saliva collected at a crime scene, with subsequent polymerase chain reaction performed to produce a DNA profile. Two types of dedicated cartridges are available for RapidHIT™ ID: the RapidHIT™ ID ACE GlobalFiler Express sample cartridge for oral cells and other samples and the RapidINTEL™ sample cartridge for minute samples, such as blood stains. Previously validated specimens include oral mucosa cells and blood stains left at crime scenes. There have been no reports of blood and nail clipping samples collected from the postmortem bodies at the time of death. This report summarizes the results of using the RapidHIT™ ID system by collecting a variety of actual forensic samples from postmortem bodies at different stages of decomposition, which were subsequently analyzed using these cartridges.  相似文献   

Probabilistic genotyping systems are able to analyse complex mixed DNA profiles and show good power to discriminate contributors from non-contributors. However, the abilities of the statistical analyses are still unavoidably bound by the quality of information being analysed. If a profile has a high number of contributors, or a contributor that is present in trace amounts, then the amount of information about those individuals in the DNA profile is limited. Recent work has shown the ability to gain better resolution of the genotypes of contributors to complex profiles using cell subsampling. This is the process of taking many sets of a limited number of cells and individually profiling each set. These ‘mini-mixtures’ can provide greater information about the genotypes of underlying contributors. In our work we take the resulting profiles from multiple subsamplings of complex DNA profiles in equal amounts and show how testing for, and then assuming, a common DNA donor can further improve the ability to resolve the genotypes of contributors. Using direct cell sub-sampling and statistical analysis software DBLR™, we were able to recover single source profiles of uploadable quality from five out of the six contributors of an equally proportioned mixture. Through the analysis of mixtures in this work we provide a template for carrying out common donor analysis for maximum effect.  相似文献   

Forensic scientists have used several approaches to obtain short tandem repeat (STR) profiles from compromised DNA samples, including supplementing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with enhancers and using procedures yielding reduced-length amplicons. For degraded DNA, the peak intensities of the alleles separated by electrophoresis generally decrease as the length of the allele increases. When the intensities of the alleles decrease below an established threshold, they are described as drop-outs, thus contributing to a partial STR profile. This work assesses the use of repair enzymes to improve the STR profiles from artificially degraded DNA. The commercial PreCR™ repair kit of DNA repair enzymes was tested on both purified DNA and native DNA in body fluids exposed to oxidizing agents, hydrolytic conditions, ultraviolet (UV) and ionizing radiation, and desiccation. The strategy was to restrict the level of DNA damage to that which yields partial STR profiles in order to test for allele restoration as opposed to simple allele enhancement. Two protocols were investigated for allele restoration: a sequential protocol using the manufacturer's repair procedure and a modified protocol reportedly designed for optimal STR analysis of forensic samples. Allele restoration was obtained with both protocols, but the peak height appeared to be higher for the modified protocol (determined by Mann–Kendall Trend Test). The success of the approach using the PreCR™ repair enzymes was sporadic; it led to allele restoration as well as allele drop-out. Additionally, allele restoration with the PreCR™ enzymes was compared with restoration by alternative, but commonly implemented approaches using Restorase™, PCRBoost™, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and the Minifiler™ STR system. The alternative methods were also successful in improving the STR profile, but their success also depended on the quality of the template encountered. Our results indicate the PreCR™ repair kit may be useful for restoring STR profiles from damaged DNA, but further work is required to develop a generalized approach.  相似文献   

The interpretation of DNA evidence can entail analysis of challenging STR typing results. Genotypes inferred from low quality or quantity specimens, or mixed DNA samples originating from multiple contributors, can result in weak or inconclusive match probabilities when a binary interpretation method and necessary thresholds (such as a stochastic threshold) are employed. Probabilistic genotyping approaches, such as fully continuous methods that incorporate empirically determined biological parameter models, enable usage of more of the profile information and reduce subjectivity in interpretation. As a result, software-based probabilistic analyses tend to produce more consistent and more informative results regarding potential contributors to DNA evidence. Studies to assess and internally validate the probabilistic genotyping software STRmix™ for casework usage at the Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory were conducted using lab-specific parameters and more than 300 single-source and mixed contributor profiles. Simulated forensic specimens, including constructed mixtures that included DNA from two to five donors across a broad range of template amounts and contributor proportions, were used to examine the sensitivity and specificity of the system via more than 60,000 tests comparing hundreds of known contributors and non-contributors to the specimens. Conditioned analyses, concurrent interpretation of amplification replicates, and application of an incorrect contributor number were also performed to further investigate software performance and probe the limitations of the system. In addition, the results from manual and probabilistic interpretation of both prepared and evidentiary mixtures were compared.The findings support that STRmix™ is sufficiently robust for implementation in forensic laboratories, offering numerous advantages over historical methods of DNA profile analysis and greater statistical power for the estimation of evidentiary weight, and can be used reliably in human identification testing. With few exceptions, likelihood ratio results reflected intuitively correct estimates of the weight of the genotype possibilities and known contributor genotypes. This comprehensive evaluation provides a model in accordance with SWGDAM recommendations for internal validation of a probabilistic genotyping system for DNA evidence interpretation  相似文献   

International Journal of Legal Medicine - The Republic of Azerbaijan is located in the southern Caucasus mountains, a region which is linguistically and ethnically diverse. We report allele...  相似文献   

The Ion Torrent ™ Genexus ™ Sequencer (Genexus) is a highly integrated instrument that can automate library construction, templating, and sequencing in a single-instrument run. By programing the ForeNGS Analysis Software (FNAS), we bridged the gap between sequencing and genotyping without manual intervention. FNAS can automatically transfer sequencing output files from Genexus, analyze the repeat and flanking regions aligned to the GRCh38 assembly, name the alleles according to the ISFG guidelines, and generate user-friendly interactive profiles. Genexus and FNAS can accomplish the fully automatic DNA-to-Profile workflow in forensics. Based on our experiences, the optimal assay parameters on Genexus were validated as follows: 24 cycles of target amplification for library construction; 40 μL of library and 400 bp of template size for templating; 852 flows of dNTPs by order of Ion samba HID2 for sequencing; and 750,000 reads per sample at minimum for 16 samples multiplexed on a lane. By developmental validations of the Precision ID Globalfiler ™ NGS STR Panel v2, Genexus presented competitive performance at the optimal assay parameters qualified to detect commonly used forensic STR markers. It could produce repeatable and reproducible results, and human profiles could be easily separated from nonhuman profiles. Additionally, Genexus was sensitive enough to detect samples with 100 pg of input DNA, and it was suitable for various types of case samples, especially for low copy number samples and degraded samples. Moreover, minor contributors could be detected between the 4:1 and 1:4 mixtures with an analysis threshold of 50 × . The Genexus workflow is a robust and labor-effective solution enabling forensic scientists to obtain NGS-STR profiles within a single day and with only the need to prepare DNA extracts, then set up Genexus, and finally interpret profiles on FNAS.  相似文献   

A developmental validation was performed to demonstrate reliability, reproducibility and robustness of the ANDE System with the FlexPlex assay, including an integrated Expert System, across a number of laboratories and buccal sample variations. Previously, the related DNAscan™/ANDE 4C Rapid DNA System using the PowerPlex®16 assay and integrated Expert System Software received NDIS approval in March 2016. The enhanced ANDE instrument, referred to as ANDE 6C, and the accompanying 6-dye, 27-locus STR assay, referred to as FlexPlex, have been developed to be compatible with all widely used global loci, including the expanded set of the CODIS core 20 loci.Six forensic and research laboratories participated in the FlexPlex Rapid DNA developmental validation experiments, testing a total of 2045 swabs, including those obtained from 1387 unique individuals. The goal of this extensive and comprehensive validation was to thoroughly evaluate and document the ANDE System and its internal Expert System to reliably genotype reference buccal swab samples in a manner compliant with the FBI’s Quality Assurance Standards and the NDIS Operational Procedures.The ANDE System, including automated Expert System analysis, generated reproducible and concordant results for buccal swabs when testing various instruments at different laboratories by a number of different operators. When testing a number of non-human DNAs, including oral bacteria, the ANDE System and FlexPlex assay demonstrated limited cross-reactivity. Potential PCR inhibitors were evaluated as part of the validation and no inhibition was detected. Reproducible and concordant profiles were generated from buccal swab samples collected with a limit of detection appropriate for buccal swab collections from arrestees. The precision and resolution of the System met industry standards for detection of microvariants and single base resolution.The integrated Expert System appropriately demonstrated the ability to correctly pass or fail profiles for CODIS upload without human review. During this comprehensive developmental validation, the ANDE System successfully interpreted over 2000 samples tested with over 99.99% concordant alleles. The data package described herein led to the ANDE System with the FlexPlex assay receiving NDIS approval in June 2018.  相似文献   

Prediction of eye and hair colour from DNA can be an important investigative tool in forensic cases if conventional DNA profiling fails to match DNA from any known suspects or cannot obtain a hit in a DNA database. The HIrisPlex model for simultaneous eye and hair colour predictions was developed for forensic usage. To genotype a DNA sample, massively parallel sequencing (MPS) has brought new possibilities to the analysis of forensic DNA samples. As part of an in-house validation, this study presents the genotyping and predictive performance of the HIrisPlex SNPs in a Norwegian study population, using Verogen’s ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep Kit on the MiSeq FGx system and the HIrisPlex webtool. DNA-profiles were successfully typed with DNA input down to 125 pg. In samples with DNA input < 125 pg, false homozygotes were observed with as many as 92 reads. Prediction accuracies in terms of AUC were high for red (0.97) and black (0.93) hair colours, as well as blue (0.85) and brown (0.94) eye colours. The AUCs for blond (0.72) and brown (0.70) hair colour were considerably lower. None of the individuals was predicted to have intermediate eye colour. Therefore, the error rates of the overall eye colour predictions were 37% with no predictive probability threshold (pmax) and 26% with a probability threshold of 0.7. We also observed that more than half of the incorrect predictions were for individuals carrying the rs12913832 GG genotype. For hair colour, 65% of the individuals were correctly predicted when using the highest probability category approach. The main error was observed for individuals with brown hair colour that were predicted to have blond hair. Utilising the prediction guide approach increased the correct predictions to 75%. Assessment of phenotype-genotype associations of eye colours using a quantitative eye colour score (PIE-score), revealed that rs12913832 AA individuals of Norwegian descent had statistically significantly higher PIE-score (less brown eye colour) than individuals of non-northern European descent. To our knowledge, this has not been reported in other studies. Our study suggests that careful assessment of the target population prior to the implementation of forensic DNA phenotyping to case work is beneficial.  相似文献   


Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technologies enable the simultaneous analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). MPS also enables the detection of alleles of the minor contributors in imbalanced DNA mixtures. In this study, 59 STRs (amelogenin, 27 autosomal STRs, 7 X-STRs, and 24 Y-STRs) and 94 identity-informative SNPs of 119 unrelated Taiwanese (50 men, 69 women) were sequenced using a commercial MPS kit. Forty-eight nondegraded and 44 highly degraded two-person artificial DNA mixtures with various minor to major ratios (1:9, 1:19, 1:29, 1:39, 1:79, and 1:99) were analyzed to examine the performance of this system for detecting the alleles of the minor contributors in DNA mixtures. Likelihood ratios based on continuous model were calculated using the EuroForMix for DNA mixture interpretation. The STR and SNP genotypes of these 119 Taiwanese were obtained. Several sequence variants of STRs were observed. Using EuroForMix software based on the sequence data of autosomal STRs and autosomal SNPs, 97.9% (47/48) and 97.7% (42/43) of minor donors were accurately inferred among the successfully analyzed nondegraded and degraded DNA mixtures, respectively. In conclusion, combined with EuroForMix software, this commercial kit is effective for assignment of the minor contributors in nondegraded and degraded DNA mixtures.


While capillary electrophoresis-based technologies have been the mainstay for human identity typing applications, there are limitations with this methodology’s resolution, scalability, and throughput. Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) offers the capability to multiplex multiple types of forensically-relevant markers and multiple samples together in one run all at an overall lower cost per nucleotide than traditional capillary electrophoresis-based methods; thus, addressing some of these limitations. MPS also is poised to expand forensic typing capabilities by providing new strategies for mixture deconvolution with the identification of intra-STR allele sequence variants and the potential to generate new types of investigative leads with an increase in the overall number and types of genetic markers being analyzed. The beta version of the Illumina ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit is a MPS library preparation method with a streamlined workflow that allows for targeted amplification and sequencing of 63 STRs and 95 identity SNPs, with the option to include an additional 56 ancestry SNPs and 22 phenotypic SNPs depending on the primer mix chosen for amplification, on the MiSeq desktop sequencer (Illumina). This study was divided into a series of experiments that evaluated reliability, sensitivity of detection, mixture analysis, concordance, and the ability to analyze challenged samples. Genotype accuracy, depth of coverage, and allele balance were used as informative metrics for the quality of the data produced. The ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit produced reliable, reproducible results and obtained full profiles with DNA input amounts of 1 ng. Data were found to be concordant with current capillary electrophoresis methods, and mixtures at a 1:19 ratio were resolved accurately. Data from the challenged samples showed concordant results with current DNA typing methods with markers in common and minimal allele drop out from the large number of markers typed on these samples. This set of experiments indicates the beta version of the ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit is a valid tool for forensic DNA typing and warrants full validation studies of this MPS technology.  相似文献   

International Journal of Legal Medicine - The recently developed probabilistic genotyping software package MaSTR™ (SoftGenetics LLC) was used to develop statistical weight estimates for a...  相似文献   

Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) applications in forensic science highlight the advantages of this technique compared to capillary electrophoresis (CE). The multiplexing of a wide range of genetic markers and access to the full amplicon sequence, allowing the detection of isoalleles, make it a very promising tool which could be applied to the most challenging casework DNA samples. However, the complexity of the manual library preparation protocol, potential DNA contamination and sample tracking issues are the main reasons why forensic scientists still hesitate to implement MPS analytical workflows in their laboratory. Here, we present the automation of all library preparation steps for up to 96 samples using the Verogen’s ForenSeq DNA Signature Preparation kit. This automated protocol, developed on a Hamilton ID STARlet robotic platform, is designed to allow the combined sequencing of rich and poor DNA samples thanks to a final step which adjusts normalized library pooling volume to guarantee a uniform depth of coverage across all samples. Our study includes tests of concordance, repeatability, reproducibility and sensitivity (1000 pg, 700 pg, 500 pg, 250 pg, 100 pg and 50 pg). Sequencing results obtained with the automated protocol were found to be concordant with previous validation studies using the manual protocol in terms of depth of coverage and allele coverage ratio. The results of this study will assist forensic laboratories seeking to acquire a plug and play solution to optimize the processing and analysis of casework samples with MPS.  相似文献   

Damage to the DNA molecule can occur through exposure to environmental conditions such as ultraviolet light, heat and humidity. Forensic samples are particularly prone to such damage due to their prolonged exposure after deposition at crime scenes or mass disasters. Current methods for typing such samples rely heavily on the intact DNA template, and can be adversely affected by damage that is present. Proposed solutions center around increased access to the smaller remaining fragments and/or increased sensitivity. However, all rely on the polymerase chain reaction to copy the starting material; the required polymerase can be impeded by certain types of damage such as dimer-formation after ultraviolet light exposure, resulting in stochastic effects that can complicate interpretation. In vitro repair of such damage offers the ability to generate high quality profiles using traditional methods without changes to the current amplification reagents or conditions. Typically, repair reactions required large quantities of starting material and a separate repair reaction. Forensic samples, however, usually consist of small quantities, and quality control measures necessitate laboratory procedures that minimize sample manipulation. Here, an optimized protocol for forensic application of the PreCR? Repair Mix to current typing methods is demonstrated for samples damaged by ultraviolet light exposure.  相似文献   



To evaluate the effect of image guided radiotherapy with stereotactic ultrasound BAT (B-mode acquisition and targeting system) on rectal toxicity in conformal radiotherapy of prostate cancer.

Patients and Methods

42 sequential patients with prostate cancer undergoing radiotherapy before and after the introduction of BAT were included. Planning computed tomography (CT) was performed with empty rectum and moderately filled bladder. The planning target volume (PTV) included the prostate and seminal vesicles with a safety margin of 1.5 cm in anterior and lateral direction. In posterior direction the anterior 1/3 of the rectum circumference were included. Total dose was 66 Gy and a boost of 4 Gy excluding the seminal vesicles. 22 patients (BAT group) were treated with daily stereotactic ultrasound positioning, for the other 20 patients (NoBAT group) an EPID (electronic portal imaging device) was performed once a week. Acute and late genito-urinary (GU) and rectal toxicity and PSA values were evaluated after 1.5, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The total median follow up of toxicity was 3 years in the BAT group and 4 years in the NoBAT group.


In the NoBAT group significant more rectal toxicity occurred, while in GU toxicity no difference was seen. Two patients in the NoBAT group showed late rectal toxicity grade 3, no toxicity > grade 2 occurred in the BAT group. There was no significant difference in PSA reduction between the groups.


Without BAT significant more acute and a trend to more late rectal toxicity was found. With regard to dose escalation this aspect is currently evaluated with a larger number of patients using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT).  相似文献   

RapidHIT™ System is a rapid DNA instrument that is capable of processing forensic samples from extraction through to capillary electrophoresis and profile generation within two hours. Evaluation of the RapidHIT™ 200 System was conducted to examine several key performance indicators of the instrument, including reproducibility, contamination, sensitivity, versatility and the possibility of sample re-extraction. Results indicated that the RapidHIT™ 200 System was capable of generating high quality DNA profiles which were comparable to those from the standard protocol comprising of Maxwell® 16 DNA IQ™ System, Identifiler® Plus and ABI 3500xL. No contamination was detected during the studies. Results also showed that the instrument was able to generate DNA profiles from samples containing lower amounts of DNA (0.5 μl of blood) albeit with more allele and locus dropouts when compared to the standard protocol. The ability to process blood swabs, blood-stained FTA punches, semen swabs, buccal swabs, product of conception (POC), bone marrow, fingernail clippings and cigarette butts at a good success rate indicated the robustness and versatility of the RapidHIT™ 200 System. Furthermore, additional alleles could be recovered via re-analysis of the failed samples using the standard protocol. In summary, our results showed that the RapidHIT™ 200 System was able to process casework samples for the purpose of providing rapid intelligence through DNA database searches and reference matching. Confirmative DNA results can be obtained through either concurrent processing of duplicate samples via standard protocol or re-extraction of samples retrieved from the RapidHIT™ sample cartridge.  相似文献   

We describe the developmental validation of the probabilistic genotyping software – STRmix™ NGS – developed for the interpretation of forensic DNA profiles containing autosomal STRs generated using next generation sequencing (NGS) also known as massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technologies. Developmental validation was carried out in accordance with the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) Guidelines for the Validation of Probabilistic Genotyping Systems and the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) recommendations and included sensitivity and specificity testing, accuracy, precision, and the interpretation of case-types samples. The results of developmental validation demonstrate the appropriateness of the software for the interpretation of profiles developed using NGS technology.  相似文献   

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