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Evaluation of antibodies reactive with Campylobacter jejuni in Egyptian diarrhea patients. 下载免费PDF全文
T F Ismail M O Wasfy B A Oyofo M M Mansour H M El-Berry A M Churilla S S Eldin L F Peruski Jr 《Clinical and Vaccine Immunology : CVI》1997,4(5):536-539
Serum and stool samples were collected from 128 individuals: 96 diarrhea patients and 32 apparently healthy controls. Stool specimens were cultured for enteric bacterial pathogens, while sera were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Campylobacter jejuni-reactive antibodies. Of 28 diarrhea patients who demonstrated C. jejuni-reactive antibodies (titers, > 100), 14 were culture positive for this organism. The 32 healthy controls showed significantly lower antibody titers (P < 0.05) with the exception of 10 subjects who were culture positive for C. jejuni and had reactive immunoglobulin M (IgM) (6 subjects) and IgG (7 subjects). IgA was not detected in those 10 individuals (asymptomatic). Avidity was expressed as the thiocyanate ion concentration required to inhibit 50% of the bound antibodies. The avidity was higher in symptomatic patients than asymptomatic healthy controls. IgG was less avid (0.92 M) compared to IgM (0.1 M) and IgA (1.1 M), with no correlation between antibody titer and avidity. However, the thiocyanate ion concentration required for the complete inhibition of IgG (5 M)-bound antibodies was higher than that of IgA (2 M) and IgM (3 M). This study also shows that C. jejuni antibodies were variably cross-reactive with Escherichia coli, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei, and Neisseria meningitidis in addition to Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter rectus. 相似文献
Titers of complement-fixing (CF) antibody to Campylobacter jejuni were demonstrated in 87 (36.7%) of 237 infants 6 to 15 months old in Jos, Nigeria. Of the total number of children examined, 81 had acute diarrhea and 27 of them (33.3%) were found to have CF antibodies in their serum. The remaining 156 children were asymptomatic, and 60 (38.4%) of them had CF antibodies. In the diarrheal group, 27 of 75 children 6 to 8 months old were CF antibody positive. There was no significant difference in the incidence of CF C. jejuni antibodies in the diarrheal and nondiarrheal infants (P greater than 0.05). Also, infants 9 to 15 months old had a higher incidence of CF antibodies (46.5%) than those 6 to 8 months of age (25%). The data suggest that the infants whose sera were CF antibody positive had had an exposure to C. jejuni. All 33 infants 6 to 8 months of age who had no diarrhea were CF antibody negative. 相似文献
To develop monoclonal reagents for antigenic analysis and serotyping of Campylobacter spp., hybridoma cell lines were produced by fusion of mouse myeloma cells and spleen cells from mice immunized with Formalin-treated Campylobacter jejuni organisms. An enzyme immunoassay was used for preliminary screening of the cell culture supernatants and ascites. Twenty-nine clones which reacted with the immunogen were obtained. Seven of these clones were positive in passive hemagglutination tests with sheep erythrocytes coated with boiled saline extract of whole bacteria; four of these reacted with the purified polysaccharide preparation and with the autoclaved saline extract, but not with lipopolysaccharide prepared from the immunogen strain. Two of the antipolysaccharide clones agglutinated live bacteria in slide tests. Four additional clones gave positive slide agglutination tests with live bacteria, but in tube testing no clones agglutinated Formalin-treated bacteria. No cross-reactions with unrelated bacteria were seen, but several clones reacted in the enzyme immunoassay with many of the 24 Campylobacter strains studied. The clone which gave the highest mean enzyme immunoassay values with Campylobacter coli and C. jejuni strains also reacted with Campylobacter fetus subsp. veneralis and C. fetus subsp. fetus strains. This clone also gave the highest enzyme immunoassay value with an acid glycine extract of the immunogen, which indicates the presence of common antigens in the extract. The results suggest that monoclonal antibodies may be used to devise serotyping schemes for Campylobacter spp. 相似文献
Identification of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli antigens with mucosal and systemic antibodies. 下载免费PDF全文
The development of a rapid and specific diagnostic assay for Campylobacter infections is important in determining the etiology of acute diarrhea in humans. Studies have shown that sonicated whole bacteria or partially purified antigens cross-reacted with antibodies against other closely related bacteria. To solve the problems of specificity, we identified specific antigens of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli for use in diagnostic assays. We investigated the responses of serum, urine, and intestinal lavage antibodies in infected (fed live bacteria) and parenterally immunized (intraperitoneal injection of sonicated whole bacteria with adjuvant) mice directed against C. jejuni or C. coli by Western blot (immunoblot) analysis. Antibody responses were examined weekly for up to 28 days. Fewer antigens were detected by urinary and intestinal lavage fluid immunoglobulin A (IgA) than serum IgG and IgM for both parenterally immunized and infected mice. Serum from parenterally immunized mice detected more antigens than that from infected mice. Two high-molecular-weight antigens (62,000 and 43,000) were predominantly detected by serum, urine, and intestinal lavage fluids of both parenterally immunized and infected mice. Serum antibodies from 28-day parenterally immunized mice detected one antigen specific to C. coli with a molecular weight of 38,000 and one antigen specific to C. jejuni with a molecular weight of 27,000. An immunodominant protein with a molecular weight of 31,000 common to both C. jejuni and C. coli was also recognized by serum antibodies from parenterally immunized mice. 相似文献
Interaction of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli with lectins and blood group antibodies. 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4 下载免费PDF全文
Lectins and blood group antibodies were used to probe the surface structures of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. Of the 29 strains tested, there were distinct reaction patterns. The lectin-reactive and blood group antibody-reactive sites on the bacterial surface were distinguishable from the heat-stable (lipopolysaccharide) antigenic determinants. The interactions were strain specific. The reactive sites were stable with respect to culture media and passage and may be useful as additional markers for strain characterization. 相似文献
Two fatal cases of Campylobacter jejuni septicaemia in patients with AIDS were characterised by severe HIV-related immunodeficiency, negative stool cultures and presentation during hospitalisation, developing a clinical picture of fulminant septic shock despite therapy with appropriate antibiotics. Campylobacter spp. are important opportunist pathogens in HIV disease and may cause a septicaemic illness in the absence of enteric disease. 相似文献
Occurrence of Campylobacter jejuni in pets living with human patients infected with C. jejuni 下载免费PDF全文
Damborg P Olsen KE Møller Nielsen E Guardabassi L 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2004,42(3):1363-1364
Campylobacter jejuni was recovered from four dogs (11%) and four cats (33%) living with Danish human patients infected with C. jejuni. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis revealed the occurrence of the same quinolone-resistant strain in a girl and her dog. C. jejuni isolates with closely related (>95% similarity) PFGE profiles occurred in humans and pets from different Danish counties. 相似文献
J D Abbott B Dale J Eldridge D M Jones E M Sutcliffe 《Journal of clinical pathology》1980,33(8):762-766
Antisera were prepared from strains of Campylobacter jejuni/coli isolated from patients in six outbreaks of enteritis. Bactericidal antibodies, and agglutinating antibodies to heat-labile and heat-stable antigens, were demonstrated. These reactions were used to type a number of strains isolated from patients in each outbreak, and to distinguish 'epidemic' from 'non-epidemic' strains. 相似文献
目的分析强直性脊柱炎患者的气道管理。方法对2004年1月至2014年12月在北京协和医院因强直性脊柱炎行骨科手术的171名患者的气道管理资料进行回顾性分析。结果 96.5%患者选择全麻手术。Macintosh喉镜和Glidescope喉镜声门暴露Cromack分级Ⅲ-Ⅳ级分别占9.6%和6.6%。90.9%的患者首次插管成功。9例患者需要更换插管工具,并有2例出现困难通气。5例患者选择椎管内麻醉,其中1例因效果不佳而改为全身麻醉。结论强直性脊柱炎患者由于脊柱和关节受累,属于困难气道高危,术前应充分评估和准备,选择最佳麻醉方案,减少并发症的发生。 相似文献
The aim of this study was to assess sensitivity and responsiveness of power Doppler ultrasound (PDUS) in detecting enthesitis for ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients compared to clinical examinations. Twenty AS patients initiating etanerceptunderwent clinical and PDUS examinations of six bilateral entheseal sites at baseline and after 1, 2 and 3 months of treatment. Clinical and PDUS examinations identified at least one entheseal lesion in nine (45%) and 19 (95%) patients, respectively. Furthermore, of 240 entheseal sites examined in these 20 patients, PDUS detected 123 entheseal lesions (51.3% of sites), compared with only 47 entheseal lesions (19.6%) detected by clinical examination (P < 0.05). The entheseal lesions found on PDUS were most commonly identified by calcification (33.3%), tendon edema (29.2%), abnormal blood flow (25.8%), a thickened tendon (22.1%), cortical irregularity (12.9%), bony erosions (9.6%) and bursitis at the tendon insertion to the bone cortex (7.1%). Improvements in clinical symptoms and laboratory parameters, and significant decreases in PDUS scores were observed following treatment with etanercept. Improvements in PDUS scores continued during follow-up in patients who entered remission following treatment. In conclusion, PDUS improve detection of structural and inflammatory abnormalities of the enthesis in AS compared to physical examination. In addition, PDUS may be useful inascertaining medications. 相似文献
E Pulchartová D Jílek V Král K Chramostová M Cech 《Ceskoslovenská epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie》1989,38(5):304-310
In 233 patients with acute diarrhoea in paired sera Campylobacter antibodies classes IgG and IgA were assessed by the ELISA method. As antigen the external membrane protein of the strain Campylobacter jejuni was used. Raised IgG levels (greater than 50 u.) and/or IgA (greater than 80 u.) were found in 15% of all examined patients. A quadruple increase of values in one or both classes was recorded in 12.4% of the patients. The incidence of antibodies against Campylobacter jejuni provides evidence that this infectious agent is frequent in this country. Antibodies class IgA suggest by their dynamics acute contact with the Campylobacter antigen. On the other hand, IgG antibodies are not of major importance in newly diagnosed disease. 相似文献
One hundred % of 66 patients with pelvospondylitis were found to have HL-A27, whereas the frequency of the antigen in 60 patients with sacroiliitis was 70 %. The difference in frequency of HL-A27 between the two patient groups is statistically highly significant. This implies that tissue typing could be of clinical importance for a prognostic evaluation of patients with sacroiliitis. Studies in families with several HL-A/MLC identical sibs indicated a relatively low penetrance of disease in those carrying the gene for increased susceptibility to development of AS. No association of AS to particular MLC alleles was found either in families or in several SD-2 identical AS patients. 相似文献
The HLA-B27 allele has been extensively studied due to its strong association with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). In order to identify B27 alleles in Chinese patients with AS from the Shanghai area, we joined the AHS#5 of the 12 IHW and total of 68 B27 positive patients and 7 B27 positive normal persons have been investigated using polymerase chain reaction and Dig-ddTUP labeled oligonucleotides. Three primer pairs, E403 and E90as, E91As and E136as, E91Bs and E18as, were used to amplify codons 40-90 of HLA-B related alleles, codon 91 to 136 of HLA-B*2701-B*2706 and B*2708 and codons 91-180 of B*2707. A total of 11 probes were used to distinguish 8 B*27 alleles from B*2701 to B*2708. 68 AS patients contain 69 B27 alleles because one patient is heterozygous B*2704/B*2705. A total of 4 alleles of B*27 were detected in the AS-patient group. B*2704 is the most common B*27 allele in both AS patients and controls with similar frequency, 76.8% and 71.4%, respectively. We found a high proportion of B*2705 in both AS patient (20.3%) and control (28.6%) groups. Although the control group is quite small we are still able to deduce that B*2704 and probably also B*2705 seem to be associated with AS in Shanghai area patients We also found one AS allele typed as B*2707. Interestingly, for the first time we detected B*2706 in an AS patient, which would argue against a protective effect of B*2706 on AS susceptibility in Shanghai Chinese. The conclusion from this study is that the distribution of B*27 alleles is not significantly different between AS patients and controls. Expanded numbers of AS patients and especially of healthy controls in different ethnic groups will be necessary to assess the contribution of different B27 subtypes to AS susceptibility. 相似文献
Eleven monoclonal antibodies raised against recombinant Campylobacter jejuni hippurate hydrolase were tested for binding to lysates from 19 C. jejuni strains, 12 other Campylobacter strains, and 21 non-Campylobacter strains. Several monoclonal antibodies bound to C. jejuni but not to other Campylobacter species and may be useful in a species-specific immunoassay. 相似文献
The authors describe the epidemic incidence of diseases caused by Campylobacter jejuni/coli. During the 5-week follow up period (June 1-July 1, 1988) a total of 74 subjects fell sick. In 31 instances the suspect factor of transmission was non-pasteurized cheese prepared from sheep's milk. In this group of patients a significant shift to higher age categories was noted, contrary to the other 43 diseases. It did not prove possible to isolate Campylobacter from cheese, smears from the cottage or from rectal swabs of the workers from the cottage. In an investigation focused on assessment of survival of Campylobacter jejuni/coli in sheep's milk and cheese long-term survival of the microorganism only in non-pasteurized milk was found. The authors assume that cheese becomes contaminated secondarily, by lack of adherence to hygienic rules. 相似文献
I-H Chen K L Yang A Lee H H Huang P Y Lin T D Lee 《European journal of immunogenetics》2002,29(5):435-438
The presence of HLA-B27 in patients affected with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) was well established prior to the advent of DNA typing of various genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in humans. However, molecular typing of the MHC genes revealed that B27 comprises a motley assortment of alleles, some of which are strongly positively associated with the disease and some of which are negatively associated with the disease. B*2706 was reported to have a negative association with AS in the Thai population and in Chinese Singaporeans. We report here our finding of an absence of B*2706 in 184 Taiwanese AS patients. 相似文献
Tan Huiling Ren Ruyu Zhang Junlong Huang Zhuochun Niu Qian Yang Bin 《Immunologic research》2022,70(1):23-32
Immunologic Research - Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a complex genetic disease characterized by axial skeletal inflammation. Available scientific evidence suggests that a relationship may exist... 相似文献