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Recent investigations suggest that a history of childhood sexual abuse may be associated with borderline personality disorder. This study compares a group of female adolescents diagnosed as borderline with a control group for history of physical and sexual abuse. History of both forms of abuse, particularly sexual, distinguishes the two groups. Results point to the impact of repeated trauma on character structure, cognitive functioning, and Axis II symptomatology.  相似文献   

Experiences of abuse and neglect were assessed in 24 adults diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder according to the Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Patients and in 18 depressed control subjects without borderline disorder. Significantly more of the borderline patients than depressed patients reported childhood sexual abuse, abuse by more than one person, and both sexual and physical abuse. There were no between-group differences for rates of neglect or physical abuse without sexual abuse. A stepwise logistic regression revealed that derealization, diagnostic group, and chronic dysphoria were the best predictors of childhood sexual abuse in this group of patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined whether women with a history of early-onset sexual abuse or those with late-onset sexual abuse were more likely to meet diagnostic criteria for both borderline personality disorder and complex posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). METHOD: The Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and the Trauma Assessment Package were administered to 65 women from three outpatient clinics in a metropolitan area. Thirty-eight subjects met criteria for early-onset abuse, while 27 subjects met criteria for late-onset abuse. RESULTS: The diagnoses of both borderline personality disorder and complex PTSD were significantly higher in women reporting early-onset abuse than in those with late-onset abuse. The trauma variables sexual abuse and paternal incest were significant predictors of both diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to those with comorbid diagnoses, some women with a history of childhood sexual abuse may be extricated from the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and subsumed under that of complex PTSD.  相似文献   

Children with borderline personality disorder are known to have a variety of school problems, including low achievement. Clinicians working with these youngsters have estimated that one third or more may be learning disabled; however, no empirical studies have confirmed these estimates. The author reports the results of a study of 56 hospitalized borderline children in which score profiles from academic and cognitive measures were cluster analyzed. She examines the incidence of independent learning disabilities as well as subgroup membership, and discusses implications for treatment.  相似文献   

Using the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents, Revised Version (DICA-C-R), the authors evaluated 19 children ages 7 to 14 who had recently been clinically diagnosed as borderline personality disorder by DSM-III-R criteria. The results reveal that 78.9% of these children reported significant traumatic experiences, with 36.8% fitting DICA-C-R criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder. These findings raise the possibility that a diagnosis of borderline personality in childhood can often represent posttraumatic stress disorder.  相似文献   

We examined the rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in women with borderline personality disorder (BPD) (using PDE and SCID-II) and substance abuse or dependence (SCID-I) (BPD-SUD) (N=82) compared with those with BPD-only (N=102), exploring mediators of this relationship. Participants were interviewed about STD history (gonorrhea, genital herpes, syphilis, trichomonas, human papillomavirus, and HIV), condom use, number of sexual partners, poverty, and prostitution. BPD-SUD appeared to be particularly at high risk for STDs, reporting significantly more STDs than BPD (F[1,172]=11.74, p=0.001, d=.27), particularly for gonorrhea, trichomonas, and human papillomavirus. The relationship between BPD-SUD and STDs is mediated by poverty, prostitution in the last year, recent unprotected sex with two or more partners, and >20 lifetime partners (z=-2.16 which is p=0.03), with prostitution alone making a significant contribution to this relationship (z=-2.49, p=0.01).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This paper reviews research on chronic suicidality among patients with borderline personality disorder. METHODS: MEDLINE and PsycINFO databases were searched for all English-language articles published between 1984 and 2000 containing the keywords "borderline personality disorder" and "suicide" or "suicidality." A total of 170 articles located through this search and additional key articles published before 1990 were reviewed. The most relevant articles were selected of review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: One in ten patients with borderline personality disorder completes suicide, but this outcome is not readily preventable and does not necessarily occur during the course of treatment. In outpatient psychotherapy, chronic suicidal behavior by patients with borderline personality disorder can be best understood as a way of communicating distress. Hospitalization is of unproven value in preventing suicide by these patients and can sometimes have negative effects. Clinicians' fear of potential litigation resulting from a completed suicide should not be the basis for admission. With no evidence that full hospitalization prevents suicide completion by patients with borderline personality, suicidal risk is not a contraindication for day hospital treatment.  相似文献   

The authors found that 12 (57%) of 21 consecutive male patients with borderline personality disorder who presented for psychiatric treatment at two distant geographic sites were homosexual. They then obtained the sexual histories of 80 patients who met standardized criteria for borderline disorder and found that 17 (21%) of these patients were homosexual, four (5%) were bisexual, and nine (11%) had diagnoses of paraphilias. Ten (53%) of the 19 men with borderline disorder were homosexual, compared with seven (11%) of the 61 women. Homosexuality was 10 times more common among the men and six times more common among the women with borderline personality disorder than in the general population or in a depressed control group.  相似文献   

The overlap in definition and presentation between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and borderline personality disorder (BPD) has raised questions about the relationship of these disorders. Are they separate disorders, variants of the same disorder, or comorbid conditions? The present study examined etiological variables and current functioning among two groups of outpatient women with a history of childhood sexual abuse: those with PTSD only (N = 45) and those with PTSD and BPD (N = 26). The groups did not differ in severity, frequency, or number of perpetrators of their childhood sexual abuse, or whether the perpetrator was a family member or not. The additional diagnosis of BPD was associated with earlier age of abuse onset and significantly higher rates of physical and verbal abuse by mother. Severity and frequency of PTSD symptoms were not affected by BPD diagnosis, suggesting that the personality disorder and PTSD are independent symptom constructs. The PTSD+BPD group scored higher on several other clinical measures including anger, dissociation, anxiety, and interpersonal problems. They did not differ in their frequency of use of mental health services but tended to be less compliant in their treatment. These and other findings are discussed, and implications for treatment are considered.  相似文献   

This study examined whether abnormal responses to neurobiological challenge tests in borderline personality disorder (BPD) are related to a history of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). We compared patients meeting BPD criteria (n=24), with and without histories of CSA, with normal controls (n=12) on the results of challenges with meta-chlorphenylpiperazine (m-CPP), pyridostigmine and clonidine. No differences were found between abused and non-abused patients with BPD. These results do not support the hypothesis that CSA is directly related to neurobiological abnormalities in BPD.  相似文献   

A number of recent reports have indicated that there is a high incidence of sexual abuse during childhood among patients with borderline personality disorder. Although these findings are important, a simple association between abuse and the disorder is an oversimplification. Community studies of the long term effects of abuse indicate that the parameters of abuse are crucial to the patient's outcome. In addition, correlations have been found between sexual abuse during childhood and factors related to the family environment. A multifactorial model of the etiology of borderline personality disorder is proposed in which biological vulnerability, psychological factors and social influences are considered along with their interactions.  相似文献   

Physical and sexual assault histories among psychiatric outpatients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a semistructured interview, the author obtained complete histories of experiences of being physically or sexually assaulted from 31 psychiatric outpatients. The majority (68%) of outpatients had experienced major physical and/or sexual assaults, and most assaults had not been revealed to the patients' prior therapists. Circumstances associated with the assaults, a comparison of outpatient and inpatient assault histories, and the relevance of the findings to clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are known to use nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) as a dysfunctional strategy to regulate intense emotions. The primary purpose of this study was to clarify the motives for NSSI along with their interrelations. We further investigated the variety of emotions preceding NSSI and possible effects of NSSI on these emotions. To this end, a structured self-rating questionnaire on NSSI was administered to 101 female BPD-patients exhibiting NSSI. Most patients reported multiple motives for NSSI. The motives were more likely to compound than to exclude one another. Negative reinforcement was almost always involved in NSSI, whereas positive reinforcement (e.g., "getting a kick") played an additional role among about half of the patients. NSSI was usually preceded by a large variety of negative feelings that were reported to clearly improve with NSSI. In conclusion, therapists should anticipate a multidimensional functional spectrum when exploring motives of NSSI.  相似文献   

The authors offer their theory that multiple personality represents a "special instance" of borderline personality disorder, that the introjects are composed of a representation of the self, a representation of the object, and an affective bond.  相似文献   

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