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The purpose of this paper is to present the experience at Emory University Hospital with the infected median sternotomy wound and to offer a treatment plan for those patients recalcitrant to the usual therapy of debridement and closed catheter irrigation with antimicrobial agents. When standard treatment fails, we proceed not only with the necessary thorough debridement to convert the wound to a relatively clean one but also concomitant closure by pectoralis major muscle flaps to completely obliterate dead space. Transposition flaps of rectus abdominus muscle or omentum are used when necessary to complete the closure. In the initial phase of this study, there were 3,239 patients who underwent open heart procedures through a median sternotomy approach in the years 1975 through 1978. In the 50 patients who had wound infections (1.54%), there were nine deaths. Three were thought to be unrelated to the sternal wound infection, four patients ruptured the ventricle or aorta, two patients died of generalized sepsis. Of these 50 patients, 22 responded to simple drainage; 28 had involvement of the mediastinum (0.86%). Of the 28 patients, 25 had debridement and closed mediastinal irrigation by catheter. Fourteen of these 25 did not respond. In these failing patients, 12 were treated by further debridement and closure by muscle flaps. Nine of these 12 were rescued. In the past nine months, an additional 1,052 patients had an open heart procedure. Of these, 11 had a median sternotomy infection. There have been no deaths in this latter group of patients, most of whom were treated by the muscle flap procedure. In addition to the improvement in mortality, morbidity has been reduced substantially. This procedure provides for a rational approach that we have found to permit salvage of a high percentage of patients who failed conventional closed irrigation techniques. 相似文献
目的 探讨双侧胸大肌内侧头转移术治疗心脏术后并发胸骨哆开的方法. 方法 2005年5月至2010年10月首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院收治21例心脏外科术后并发胸骨骨髓炎和纵隔感染的胸骨哆开患者,其中男13例,女8例;年龄为53~72 (64.5±7.8)岁.施行冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)19例,心瓣膜置换术2例.采用清创、剔除坏死胸骨、保留部分或全部拔除胸骨固定钢丝、游离双侧胸大肌内侧头使之形成肌瓣并拉至中线位置无张力缝合,完全覆盖胸骨,放置负压吸引引流管,适时拔除,皮肤间断缝合. 结果 21例患者胸大肌肌瓣全部成活,均于术后2周内出院;20例术后愈合顺利,1例拔除引流管后引流口形成窦道并感染,再次手术局部切除窦道后愈合.术后6个月随访,全组患者均胸骨固定,胸廓外形正常,无反常呼吸,未发现再发或迁延性感染. 结论 双侧胸大肌内侧头转移术是治疗心脏外科手术后并发难治性胸骨哆开的一种确切、有效的手术方式. 相似文献
Aggressive treatment of thoracic malignancy may be complicated by complex defects in the chest wall. These may be associated with serious complications such as chronic infection, respiratory or cardiac failure, or major haemorrhage. Closure of the defect and restoration of the integrity of the chest wall is important for both functional and cosmetic reasons. Local flaps are often used, but may be inadequate or unavailable. Reconstruction with free flaps is better in these cases, as this provides as much abundant well-vascularised tissue as is required. We present 12 patients treated successfully for complex chest wall defects using various forms of local and free flap reconstruction. There were five complications, three healed spontaneously and two required secondary procedures before they healed. 相似文献
Adequate soft tissue coverage is imperative after any interventions performed to maximize or preserve hand function. Although
this can most simply be achieved by primary closure or a skin graft if possible, often a vascularized flap will be preferable,
especially if a later secondary procedure is planned. Even moderately sized skin deficits of the upper extremity, and especially
if involving the hand itself, can be better covered using a free tissue transfer. Many reasonable options in this regard are
available. Muscle perforator flaps, as a relatively new variant of a fasciocutaneous flap, have unique attributes, including
availability, diversity, accessibility, large size, and lengthy vascular pedicle, and since no muscle need be included, donor
site function is preserved. As is shown here in a series of nine muscle perforator flaps in eight patients, these represent
yet another alternative that should be considered if selection of a free flap is indicated to maintain hand function. 相似文献
A 61-year-old man who had undergone aortocoronary bypass developed sternal osteomyelitis and mediastinitis which required sternal debridement and muscle flap interposition. Two years later the midline incision was used for an orthotopic heart transplantation. No major technical difficulties were encountered at the time of transplantation. 相似文献
下行性坏死性纵隔炎是由牙源性或颈部感染沿颈筋膜扩散侵及纵隔所致的急性纵隔炎,其临床特点为发病罕见、病情危重、进展迅速和病死率高,发病过程与颈、纵隔的解剖生理特点有密切的关系。早期诊断和有效的治疗可降低病死率,胸部CT检查是早期诊断该病的有效方法;早期、足量应用广谱抗生素,根据胸部CT分型采取个体化的及时切开引流、冲洗,彻底清除坏死组织是降低病死率的有效手段,必要时应会同各有关科室,如口腔、头颈外科、胸外科、重症监护、感染科等协同处理治疗;同时对易导致下行性坏死性纵隔炎发生和恶化的原有全身系统性疾病,如糖尿病以及体质不良者,应加以关注和治疗,以降低致死并发症的发生率,提高治疗效果。 相似文献
目的总结心脏术后复杂性纵隔感染的外科治疗经验,探讨最佳治疗策略。方法回顾性分析首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院心外科2006年6月至2012年12月期间,应用带蒂肌瓣转移填充及负压吸引一期重建治疗心脏直视术后复杂性纵隔感染18例的临床资料。其中男12例、女6例,平均年龄(65.5±8.2)岁。心脏手术与肌瓣重建时间间隔(12.5±5.8)d。彻底清创,拔除全部钢丝,游离双侧胸大肌瓣向中线牵拉,填充胸骨间隙并覆盖胸骨,无张力缝合肌瓣,纵隔及皮下置引流管负压吸引,关闭创口。胸骨缺损较大者,需游离一侧腹直肌瓣上提填充缺损,再按上述方法一期重建。结果1例患者术后早期死于纵隔感染复发,脓毒血症及多器官功能衰竭。17例患者术后过程顺利,创口一期愈合。重建术后住院时间(18.6±7.2)d,创口愈合时间(4.5±2.4)周。17例患者随访6个月以上未见纵隔感染复发,工作生活质量良好。结论带蒂肌瓣转移联合负压吸引一期重建治疗心脏术后复杂性纵隔感染效果确切,手术简单,易于推广。 相似文献
Background. Descending necrotizing mediastinitis requires an early and aggressive surgical approach to reduce the high morbidity and mortality associated with this disease. The clamshell incision has provided excellent exposure of the entire mediastinum and both pleural cavities and was assessed in patients suffering from descending necrotizing mediastinitis. Methods. Three patients with descending necrotizing mediastinitis and bilateral pleural empyema due to invasive streptococcal infections were operated on with this method. Radical debridement of the mediastinum and bilateral decortication was performed through a clamshell incision, including pericardiectomy in 2 patients. All patients received initially a high dose of antibiotic regimen, 2 had bilateral chest tube drainage, and 1 had mediastinal drainage and pleural debridement via cervical mediastinotomy and thoracoscopy, respectively. All these measures alone, however, failed to control the disease. Results. The clamshell incision offered an excellent exposure for bilateral decortication and debridement of the entire mediastinum including pericardiectomy. One patient, who was referred in critically ill condition, died of multiorgan failure in the postoperative period. The remaining 2 patients recovered without further interventions and without evidence of phrenic nerve palsy, sternum osteomyelitis, or sternal override. Conclusions. The clamshell approach offers an excellent exposure for a complete one-stage surgical treatment with mediastinal debridement and bilateral decortication in patients suffering from descending necrotizing mediastinitis in the absence of profound septic shock. 相似文献
Mediastinitis following congenital heart surgery is relatively uncommon but is usually seen in the setting of postoperative low cardiac output. Conservative treatment utilizing debridement and irrigation is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We report the successful application of the omental transfer technique in the treatment of mediastinitis in a 6 month old. 相似文献
BackgroundSoft tissue deficiency in total knee arthroplasty infection is a potentially devastating complication. Gastrocnemius muscle flaps can be used to address this problem. We aim at reporting survival rates of these reconstructions and identify risk factors for failure. MethodsA retrospective evaluation of all flaps performed at a single center between 2006 and 2019 was performed. Clinical and microbiological results were assessed in 43 cases after a median follow-up period of 53 months (25%-75% interquartile range 18-79). Function was assessed using the Oxford Knee Score. We analyzed the infection-free survival and identified risk factors using survival comparison and (non-)parametric testing. ResultsInfection-free survival was 71% at 2 years and 63% at 5 years. The rate of subsequent amputation was 16% with a mortality rate of 26% during follow-up. Four patients did not undergo reimplantation and 11 patients received an arthrodesis implant. There were no failures of the flap itself. The Charlson Comorbidity index was the only relevant risk factor for reinfection. Coagulase-negative staphylococci were most common organisms identified. Postoperative function was limited with a mean Oxford Knee Score of 20. ConclusionGastrocnemius flap coverage is a valid option for soft tissue reconstruction in periprosthetic infections to retain a functioning limb despite a high complication rate and the risk of subsequent amputation. 相似文献
The effect upon the survival of skin flaps of several drugs which affect the adrenergic system was studied in rats. In control animals 41% of the skin flaps had survived seven days after the operation. Reserpine (1 mg/kg) injected intraperioneally (i.p.) three days and one day before the flap operation increased the surviving flap area by 75% ( p<0.001) as compared to control rats injected with saline. I.p. injection of guanethidine (5 mg/kg) or bretylium (10 mg/kg) every 12 hours, starting 24 hours before surgery and continued for 5 consecutive days, also increased the surviving flap area (19 and 33% respectively p<0.001). The surviving flap area was unchanged when desipramine (5 mg/kg) was injected in the same way and was decreased by 15% ( p<0.05) following i.p. injection of the MAO inhibitor pheniprazine (5 mg/kg). Treatment with α-methyl-p-tyrosine (75 mg/kg), i.p. 30 min before surgery or 6-hydroxydopamine (50 mg/kg) i.v. 24 hours prior to surgery also increased the flap survival (56 and 49% increase in surviving flap area, respectively, p<0.001). The results demonstrated that the survival of skin flaps increased when the function of the adrenergic nervous system was inhibited. Enhanced sympathetic nervous activity slightly reduced or did not affect skin flap survival. 相似文献