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Mice infected intravenously with Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) are 100 to 1,000 times more sensitive to the lethal effects of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Since BCG infection results in macrophage activation and LPS may cause pathophysiological effects through interaction with this cell type, it was of interest to determine whether macrophages from BCG-infected animals were more susceptible to the toxic effects of LPS in vitro. When LPS-susceptible, C57BL/6 mice were infected with BCG, a significant reduction in the 50% lethal dose of LPS was first observed after 7 days and persisted for several weeks. Macrophages from these animals had greatly increased susceptibility to LPS in vitro, which correlated with the development of acquired cellular resistance as determined by their ability to inhibit the growth of Listeria monocytogenes. In contrast, BCG infection of C3H/HeJ mice, a strain resistant to LPS, did not alter the 50% lethal dose of LPS for these animals or increase the sensitivity of their peritoneal macrophages to LPS in vitro. These results indicate that susceptibility of BCG-infected mice to the lethal effects of LPS parallels the susceptibility of their macrophages in vitro; release of vasoactive substances from LPS-susceptible activated macrophages in vivo may be, in part, responsible for lethality.  相似文献   

A mouse model was used to study the genetic control of differential host response to pulmonary infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae. The A/J and C57BL/6 strains show differential response to intranasal infection with respect to their ability to clear pulmonary bacterial load and the extent of lung pathology developed by 2 weeks post infection. The genetic basis of this interstrain difference was studied by whole-genome scan in an informative [A/J x C57BL/6J] F2 cross using the pulmonary microbial load as a phenotypic readout of host response. We detected a highly significant linkage (LOD score=11.5) on chromosome 17 that overlaps with the major histocompatibility (MHC) locus. This quantitative trait locus (QTL) accounts for approximately 30% of the phenotypic variance with B6 alleles conferring susceptibility and inherited in a recessive fashion. Significant linkage was also detected to chromosome 5 in female mice, while chromosome 6 showed suggestive linkage in male mice, pointing to additional complexity in the genetic control of the difference in susceptibility observed in A/J and C57BL/6J.  相似文献   

Interactions between monocytes/macrophages and endothelial cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, and the adherence of monocytes to the arterial endothelium is one of the early events in atherogenesis. In the present study, peritoneal macrophages harvested from green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mice were used to analyze how Chlamydia pneumoniae infection affects the adherence of GFP-macrophages to mouse endothelial cells in vitro and to the aorta from normolipidemic and hyperlipidemic mice ex vivo. In vitro studies showed that C. pneumoniae-infected GFP-macrophages adhered better than uninfected macrophages to endothelial cells and GFP-macrophages adhered better to infected than uninfected endothelial cells. The ex vivo studies showed that C. pneumoniae-infected macrophages adhered better than uninfected macrophages to aortas from both normolipidemic and hyperlipidemic C57BL/6J mice and apolipoprotein E (ApoE)-deficient mice. In contrast, adherence of C. pneumoniae-infected macrophages to the aortas of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) knockout mice was not enhanced, suggesting that ICAM-1 is crucial for activation of the adherence of C. pneumoniae-infected macrophages to the endothelium. In conclusion, the present study defined a homing mechanism by which C. pneumoniae promotes the adherence of mononuclear phagocytes to the endothelium at the site of atherosclerotic lesion formation to promote the progression of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterial pathogen that is a major cause of blindness and infertility in diverse populations across the world. In an effort to model genetic complexities that are observed in human populations and to identify novel genes involved in susceptibility to C. trachomatis, we have adapted a murine model of systemic infection for use in genetic analysis. In this model, chlamydial colonization and replication is measured in the spleens of mice shortly after intravenous delivery of C. trachomatis L2. Here, we show that C57BL/6J and C3H/HeJ inbred mice are differentially susceptible to this systemic infection. Additionally, fibroblasts cultured from C57BL/6J and C3H/HeJ embryos are differentially permissive for chlamydial replication. We have taken advantage of this natural variation to map quantitative trait loci on Chromosomes 2, 3, and 11 that segregate with the bacterial load in F2 cross progeny during the acute phase of C. trachomatis infection in vivo. To validate our mapping results, we also generated mice that are congenic for a portion of Chromosome 11 from the susceptible parent. This congenic interval confers increased susceptibility to C. trachomatis, both in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that our screen identified at least one gene that is involved in cellular resistance to C. trachomatis replication.  相似文献   

Chlamydia psittaci is an obligate intracellular pathogen that causes abortion in both sheep and humans. The disease in sheep (but not humans) is characterized by a long-term persistent phase that appears to be under the control of interferon-gamma. However, nothing is known about cytokine induction that precedes the persistent phase in sheep. Primary alveolar lavage cells recovered from normal adult sheep were used to study cytokine production in the first 72 h of infection with C. psittaci. These cells were phenotypically characteristic of macrophages, being adherent, phagocytic, CD14+ and staining positive for non-specific esterase. In vitro infection of the macrophages with C. psittaci resulted in the release of IL-1beta, IL-8 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) as measured by ovine-specific ELISAs. Heat-treated chlamydiae (1 h at 65 degrees C) did not induce the release of IL-1beta, but the release of IL-8 was similar to that induced by untreated organisms. The cells from different sheep varied most notably in their patterns of GM-CSF release in response to heat-treated and untreated organisms.  相似文献   

Inbred strains of mice were infected intraperitoneally with Coccidioides immitis, and the mean lethal dose was determined after 28 days. DBA/2N mice had a mean lethal dose of greater than 10(5) arthroconidia, whereas BALB/cAnN, C57BL/6N, and C57L/J mice had a mean lethal dose of less than or equal to 10(3). Since both BALB/c and DBA/2 mice are the H-2d haplotype, resistance is not primarily determined by the major histocompatibility locus. Resistance was the dominant phenotype. The pattern of C. immitis-resistant strains does not correspond to the strain distribution of the lsh gene or to the pattern of resistance to Blastomyces dermatitidis or Cryptococcus neoformans. Both resistant and susceptible mice, however, could be successfully immunized with a killed spherule vaccine, and susceptible BALB/cAnN mice were protected from an otherwise lethal infection by prior immunization with an attenuated mutant of C. immitis. Despite the evidence that BALB/cAnN mice could respond to immunization, nonimmune mice did not control the later phase of intraabdominal infection as well as DBA/2N mice. Dissemination of C. immitis to the lung occurred frequently in BALB/cAnN but not in DBA/2N mice. This suggests that BALB/cAnN mice cannot mount an effective immune response to C. immitis during the course of infection.  相似文献   

Interaction of Chlamydia psittaci with mouse peritoneal macrophages.   总被引:3,自引:24,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
L-cell-grown Chlamydia psittaci elementary bodies (EB) were rapidly phagocytized by mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro. However, the intracellular fate of chlamydiae in macrophages appeared to be dependent on the multiplicity of infection (MOI), i.e., the EB-to-macrophage ratio, and the treatment of the EB. At an MOI of 1:1 or less, survival is maximal, and growth and multiplication of live, untreated chlamydiae did occur. In contrast, at a high MOI (100:1), survival of chlamydiae is reduced, as confirmed by release of 3H-labeled nucleic acid into the supernatant. At the high MOI, macrophage damage occurred that resulted in significant release of the lactic dehydrogenase, beginning 2 h postinfection. This immediated macrophage cytotoxicity as abolished by pretreatment of EB with heat (5 min at 56 degrees C) and was reduced about 50% by coating EB with homologous antibody. Pretreatment of the chlamydia with heat or opsonizing antibody provides increased uptake of EB by macrophages but may contribute to increased destruction of these obligate intracellular pathogens in professional phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

The toxicity of Chlamydia trachomatis was studied with mouse peritoneal macrophage culture. Inoculation of 30 inclusion-forming units of trachoma B/TW-5/OT organisms and 250 inclusion-forming units of lymphogranuloma venereum L2/434/Bu organisms per cell caused immediated toxicity, with the killing of 40 to 90% of the macrophages within 6 h after inoculation. Inhibition of phagocytosis by adsorption at 0 degrees C or by NaF pretreatment of macrophages prevented the toxicity, indicating that chlamydiae must be phagocytized to induce toxicity. Infectivity and toxicity could be dissociated, since ultraviolet-inactivated chlamydiae were still toxic. However, the toxicity was destroyed by heating the organisms at 56 degrees C for 10 min. Tetracycline, and antichlamydial drug, did not prevent toxicity, indicating that multiplication of the organisms was not required to induce toxicity. Toxicity was not prevented by treatment of macrophages with hydrocortisone. The toxicity of trachoma TW-5 was reduced by the rabbit immune serum of trachoma TW-5 but not by the rabbit immune serum of psittacosis meningopneumonitis.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Vaginally infected Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats are more susceptible to adverse pregnancy outcomes than Wistar (WIS) rats. We postulated that SD rats have enhanced hematogenous spread of Mycoplasma pulmonis to fetal tissues. METHOD OF STUDY: WIS and SD dams were infected intravenously with 10(7), 10(6), and 10(5) colony-forming units of M. pulmonis at gestation day 14. Dams and six randomly selected fetuses were cultured at days 15, 16, 17, and 18 of gestation. RESULTS: In the high-dose group, 100% of fetuses were colonized regardless of rat strain. Significantly higher numbers of M. pulmonis were isolated from placenta (low dose, P < 0.0001; medium dose, P < 0.024; high dose, P < 0.0001), amniotic fluid (low dose, P < 0.003; medium dose, P < 0.017), and fetuses (low dose, P < 0.0011) of SD rats. Spread of M. pulmonis to the amniotic fluid and fetus occurred 1 day earlier in SD rats. CONCLUSIONS: The difference in susceptibility between the two rat strains cannot be explained by hematogenous spread alone. The relative resistance to adverse pregnancy outcomes in WIS rats may be a function of a more robust innate immune system. These rat strains may represent an animal model to address host resistance factors to intrauterine infection.  相似文献   

Noninfectious reticulate bodies of Chlamydia psittaci are readily phagocytized by thioglycolate-elicited mouse peritoneal macrophages in monolayer culture. The internalized reticulate bodies are rapidly destroyed as indicated by a 60 to 70% decrease in trichloroacetic acid-precipitable radioisotopic counts in the macrophage pellet by 10 h and a concomitant increase of the trichloroacetic acid-soluble radiolabeled chlamydial nucleic acid in the cytoplasm. This intracellular destruction of reticulate bodies in macrophages is independent of the multiplicity of infection. Reticulate bodies at a high multiplicity of infection, up to 1,000:1, are also incapable of inducing immediate cytotoxicity in macrophages as evidenced by the lack of early release of the host cell-soluble cytoplasmic enzyme lactic dehydrogenase. Thus, it appears that the virulence factors for (i) initiation or maintenance of intracellular survival via circumvention of phagolysosome formation and (ii) host cell damage are either missing or not expressed by the RB form of this bacterium.  相似文献   

Chlamydia pneumoniae is an intracellular bacterium which commonly causes respiratory infections. Chronic infections have been associated with atherosclerosis and the organism has been detected in macrophages in the disease lesions. Growth of chlamydiae in different epithelial cell lines is restricted by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), a monocyte activator produced by T cells. We have studied the influence of IFN-gamma on the growth and infectivity of C. pneumoniae in HL-cells and human monocyte-derived macrophages. Low concentrations of the cytokine significantly restricted the growth and productivity of C. pneumoniae in epithelial cells in vitro. In macrophages, however, no effect on the growth of the bacteria in infected cells was found, but high doses clearly restricted the production of infectious progeny. The results suggest that IFN-gamma participates in the resistance to C. pneumoniae. The bacterium is, however, still capable of infecting macrophages that are important in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and it may thus participate in the inflammatory process associated with the disease.  相似文献   

Human bronchoalveolar macrophages from normal individuals function poorly as accessory cells for the presentation of common recall antigens. In sarcoidosis, alveolar macrophages (AM) are reported to be effective accessory cells for the presentation of such antigens. In this study normal and sarcoid AM were compared with blood monocytes for their ability to act as accessory cells in presenting tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) and streptokinase-streptodornase (SKSD) to autologous T lymphocytes, or to form spontaneous, antigen- or mitogen-induced clusters with the T cells. When compared to autologous monocytes, normal AM failed to present the two recall antigens effectively. Likewise normal AM formed very few clusters with T lymphocytes when compared to monocytes, even in the presence of antigens or the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). In contrast, sarcoid AM presented both antigens as effectively, and were equally effective as monocytes in forming clusters with T lymphocytes, spontaneously and in further response to antigen or mitogen. The results suggest that in sarcoidosis enhanced accessory cell function and enhanced cluster formation may be related features of bronchoalveolar macrophage populations.  相似文献   

Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common respiratory pathogen. Recent studies have demonstrated the presence of C. pneumoniae in coronary and aortic atherosclerotic lesions. To study the role of C. pneumoniae in atherosclerosis, we investigated the susceptibilities of three different cells of the human vascular wall to infection with C. pneumoniae AR-39. These cell types were endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and macrophages derived from peripheral blood monocytes. Infection was assessed by using a direct fluorescent antibody to assess inclusion counts. Duplicate cell samples were harvested 3 days postinfection and were passed in HL cells, a susceptible human epithelial cell line, to determine if infectious organisms were produced. Endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and macrophages were capable of supporting C. pneumoniae growth in vitro. These results showed that three different cell types known to be important in atherogenesis are susceptible to infection with C. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

Infection of peritoneal macrophages from C3H/HeN and C3H/HeJ mice with Salmonella typhimurium or S. enteritidis induced extensive phosphorylation in a set of proteins with molecular masses of 85, 72, 35, 30, and 23 kDa, which were different from those induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide. The phosphorylated proteins of 35, 30, and 23 kDa (pp35, pp30, and pp23, respectively) originated from the infecting bacteria, because living bacteria could induce these phosphorylated proteins themselves, and no induction of the proteins occurred in macrophages after phagocytosis of heat-killed or UV-irradiated organisms. When the infected macrophages were disrupted and separated into bacterial and macrophage debris fractions, pp85 and pp72 remained in the macrophage debris fraction, with none in the bacterial fraction. Induction of pp85 and pp72 in infected macrophages was inhibited in the presence of chloramphenicol but not cytochalasin D, suggesting that bacterial growth in the macrophages is necessary for induction of both proteins. Neither of these proteins could be detected in macrophages infected with Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, or Listeria monocytogenes. These results support the view that phosphorylation of the 85- and 72-kDa proteins occurs in the macrophages during the early phases of the interaction between Salmonella organisms and macrophages. The functions of specific proteins remain to be clarified.  相似文献   


A crucial step in the infection process of grazing ruminants by gastro-intestinal nematodes is the exsheathment of the infective third-stage larva following ingestion. Recently, heat shock was shown to play an important role in the carbon dioxide (CO2)–dependent exsheathment response in Haemonchus contortus. The current in vitro study set out to evaluate the role of heat shock in other abomasal species. In rumen fluid, all species tested exsheathed rapidly and efficiently in response to heat shock and CO2. This response was significantly higher compared to slow temperature changes, supporting the hypothesis that heat shock plays an important role in vivo. However, in artificial buffer, the effect of heat shock was species-dependent. For H. contortus and Ostertagia leptospicularis, the response in artificial buffer was similar to rumen fluid. In contrast, Ostertagia ostertagi and Teladorsagia circumcincta exsheathment was significantly lower and/or slower in artificial buffer, and there was no benefit of heat shock. For these two species, it appears that there are co-factors in the rumen fluid, in addition to heat shock and CO2, contributing to exsheathment. Overall, the data indicate that there are significant differences between abomasal species in their response to exsheathment triggers.


Individuals with struvite uroliths are susceptible to recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI), sepsis, and renal disease. Unfortunately, little is known about the host-specific factors that predispose to this disease. In order to develop a rodent model that can address this problem, we inoculated female Fischer 344 (F344), Lewis (LEW), Sprague-Dawley (SD), and Wistar (WIS) rats with a host-adapted strain of Ureaplasma parvum. Animals were necropsied at 2 weeks postinoculation; 100% of F344, 42% of SD, 10% of LEW, and 10% of WIS rats remained infected. Severe bladder lesions and struvite calculi were seen in 64% of F344 rats; in other rat strains, bladder lesions were mild or absent. F344 rats with struvite uroliths had the highest urinary levels of proinflammatory cytokines, such as GRO/KC, interleukin-1alpha (IL-1alpha), and IL-1beta. F344 rats without struvite stones at necropsy had milder bladder lesions and significantly lower urinary levels of proinflammatory cytokines but a more prominent inflammatory response than did other rat strains. Based on our results, struvite stone formation is linked to a robust inflammatory response that does not resolve UTI but instead promotes damage to surrounding tissues.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B did not inhibit ingestion of Chlamydia psittaci by either mouse fibroblasts (L cells) or mouse peritoneal macrophages in concentrations that produced distinctive morphological changes and inhibited phagocytosis of polystyrene latex beads and Escherichia coli K-12.  相似文献   

《Microbial pathogenesis》1994,16(3):229-233
The genetic control of mouse susceptibility to Chlamydia psittaci was investigated after intravenous inoculation of 2 × 105 plaque-forming units (pfu). Splenic counts 6 days after inoculation gave the level of susceptibility. Results from inoculation of mice from H-2 congenic strains with three different genetic backgrounds (B10, BALB and C3H) suggested that both the non-H-2 genes and the genes of H-2 complex or those closely associated with it, were responsible for the observed differences in the innate capacity of various inbred lines of mice to control bacterial load in their infected organs following a challenge with C. psittaci.  相似文献   

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