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流媒体技术应用于远程教育中,以其分段传送的流式传输技术为远程学习者提供实时交互的视频、音频、动画等,促进远程教育中的在线个性化学习。本文重点介绍了流媒体技术在远程教育中的应用形式——流媒体课件的设计与制作。  相似文献   

穆梅赞  刘渊 《新疆医学》2014,(4):124-125
<正>新疆是多个少数民族共同聚居的地区,专业技术水平以及医疗服务的功能和对继续医学教育的自我需求及主动意识上都有较大差异。远程教育是以学习者为主体,以计算机技术、多媒体技术、通讯技术和Lnternet网络等高新技术为主要教学手段和传播媒体,运用图像、文字、动画、音频和视频相结合的一种新型交互式网络教育方式。开展远程教育特别是精神医学远程教育,充分利用和发挥教育资源的作用,加快精神医学发展步伐有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

目前,远程教育的研究主要集中在基于Web方式下的远程教育和实时交互性远程教育两个领域中。基于Web方式下,教学内容主要是以课件的形式存放在Web服务器中,供学生们随时随地的自主学习;而实时交互性的远程教育主要是利用计算机网络技术与流媒体技术,构建一种分布式的虚拟教室。在这两种方式的远程教育中,实时交互性远程教学要求利用视频会议系统传输视频和音频,同时对学生们的学习时间、地点都有要求,基于Web的远程教育,由于对系统的配置无特殊要求,并且在Internet上可以让学生随时随地访问进行自主学习,因而得到了较为广泛的应用。但目前传统的基于Web的远程教育教学系统还存在一些不足之处:①系统缺乏交互性。系统一般多以呈现教学材料为主,缺乏交互手段;②系统缺乏智能性。对不同认知水平的学生和不同教学内容一般采用相同的教学方式与镱略.不能因材施教:  相似文献   

学习中心作为远程教育院校在各地区建设的学生学习支持服务体系的基层组织机构,承担着招生、学籍、教学教务和学生管理等工作,在远程教学实施过程中扮演重要角色。远程教育的服务性理念为远程教育质量和可持续发展提供保障。远程学习决不能等同于基于资源的自主学习,远程教育也决不能简单地止于为学习者提供学习材料,而是要树立服务意识,强化服务行为,使远程教育质量不断提升翻。  相似文献   

远程教育作为一种新兴的教育模式发展迅速,随着计算机网络及其相关技术的发展,交互性、实用性更强的实时远程教育系统应运而生,本文介绍了多媒体远程教育领域目前在国内外的发展现状,并指出了目前我国远程教育与西方发达国家相比,在开出的课程种类、课程内容、课程质量以及实时性等交互方面都还有一定的差距。尤其在实时远程教育系统方面存在着较大问题,本文提出了建立在集中式结构CSCW系统与多媒体通讯的基础上的远程教育模式,以及在校园网络中的具体实现。  相似文献   

远程教育是以计算机技术、网络技术、多媒体技术和Intemet通信技术为硬件基础,以多媒体课件为软件基础展开的。与传统课堂教育相比,远程教育营造了一种更加“物化”、“虚拟化”的学习环境:计算机代替了教师,Email、BBS等通信手段和通信方式代替了面对面的交流。面对“人化”到“物化”的转变,学习者难免会产生一系列的不适应,如精力无法集中,信息迷航,情绪低下,情感缺失等。这种状况引起了教育家、心理学家,尤其是教育技术专家的警惕,  相似文献   

关于现代教育技术与远程教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简述了现代教育技术与远程教育的关系 ,并从现代教育技术为远程教育所提供的先进教育手段与技术保障、构建新型的教学模式、营造有利于学生自主学习的学习环境、提供有效的学习支助服务等方面 ,论述了现代教育技术在促进远程教育发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

信息技术的迅猛发展,已经引起社会的深刻变革,信息时代的到来,迫切要求我们的教育进行变革。现代远程教育以信息交流快、内容丰富、交互性强等特点作为一种新的教育模式,是未来教育的发展方向,在教学中如何利用多媒体技术、网络技术、信息高速公路等实现远程教育,成为摆在教育工作面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

浅谈利用因特网进行远程医学教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对我国当前基层医疗服务中出现的一些问题作了简要分析,并提出利用因特网的远程教育对发展基层继续医学教育的一些思路。  相似文献   

本文介绍了军队健康远程教育软件开发的主要内容和流程。并对建立计算机军队健康远程教育的开发与应用进行了初步探讨。认为利用计算机远程教育技术辅助开展军事健康教育的教学和普及健康知识对提高部队官兵自我保健、自我防护,保持战斗力等都有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

Over 50 million people in the United States (about 20% of the population) live in rural areas, but only 9% of the nation's physicians practice in rural communities. It is difficult to recruit and retain rural health care practitioners, partly because of issues relating to professional isolation. New and enhanced telecommunications links between community and academic hospitals show promise for reducing this isolation and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities for rural health care providers. This paper will explore some of the issues involved in using interactive video (telemedicine) networks to transmit continuing medical education programming from an academic center to multiple rural hospitals. Data from a recent University of Iowa survey of the state's health educators will be presented as one approach to assessing the health care marketplace for the deployment of tele-education services.  相似文献   

伴随互联网的发展,国外远程医学教育已经发展到一定水平,国内比较滞后。国内农村医疗条件较差,乡镇卫生院医护人员再提高机会较少,基于此现状,本文主要进行面向农村开展利用远程医学教育的调查研究,对在农村地区利用远程医学教育学习中心促进农村医疗发展的可行性及其相关问题进行了探讨,并就学习中心的有效运行提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

针对国内农村医疗卫生现状,分析了面向农村开展远程医学教育的可行性和利用医学院校建设远程医学教育中心的优势,调研了农村远程教育需求,并根据国内农村医疗条件差、农村医务人员再提高机会少等,提出了如何有效运行远程医学教育中心的建议。  相似文献   

关于中国医学教育改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分层次培养医学应用性、拔尖创新型医学人才,逐步建立及完善中国特定职业及专业医学高层次适用性人才,建立健全全科医学教育体系,扩展社区服务,形成以人为本的医疗保健体系,加强和健全农村和边远地区的医疗人才培养体系四方面对中国医学教育改革进行一些探讨,旨在为中国的新一轮医学教育体制改革和医疗体制改革提供参考。  相似文献   

This community-based study examines health care seeking strategies with respect to types of practitioners consulted by disabled persons in rural Bangladesh. A primary health care specialist collected the data through household surveys. The study found that 81% of the disabled people had sought some forms of care from various health practitioners. Unqualified practitioners were found to be strongly involved (96%) in providing health care in this area. Persons with learning difficulties, speech difficulties, fits and strange behavior were more likely to seek treatment from unqualified practitioners. Mean delay and cost of treatment were significantly higher among the qualified practitioners than the unqualified practitioners. Visits to universally free public or government health care facilities were characterized as frustrating, inconvenient, time-consuming and less rewarding for disabilities by 34% of the disabled people. Further examination of the plurality of providers and practitioners in rural Bangladesh is warranted to see how best they can be used or re-trained to respond to the health care needs of disabled persons.  相似文献   

调查显示,各国都曾发生过针对医务人员的暴力事件,这表明医疗场所暴力事件是国际现象.通过回顾美国社会工作场所中的暴力事件,发现针对健康服务从业人员的事件占有较大比例.提出预防和解决暴力的方案:学会识别暴力将近的信号;为培训及教育项目、危机管理和监督方案提供充足的资源;进行工作场所分析;增加医疗保健系统的可及性和可负担性,使医疗保健系统"以患者为中心"和"对患者友好";培养医疗服务提供者的风险意识.  相似文献   

Rural residents often have poorer health than their urban counterparts. Many factors, including the availability of rural health care providers, contribute to their poorer health status. The Arkansas Southern Rural Access Program offers innovative strategies for improving health care in rural areas of the state including assisting with recruitment and retention, developing rural health networks, nurturing rural health leaders, and facilitating the availability of development capital to enhance the rural health care infrastructure. This paper describes the program, its components and successes, as well as how these resources can be accessed by health care providers around the state.  相似文献   

目的:旨在为解决农村卫生人力资源短缺问题提供新思路。方法:本文通过分析新农合背景下我国农村卫生人力资源面临的问题,提出构建服务农村卫生医疗为宗旨卫生行业低龄老年志愿者组织“仁爱夕阳”的意义、可行性与运行模式。结果:“仁爱夕阳”是的新社会组织,通过政府购买的方式为农村基层提供卫生服务,可以继续发挥卫生行业老年人的知识与技能优势,进一步提高医疗服务质量。结论:构建以农村卫生服务为主旨“仁爱夕阳”新社会组织为新农合人力资源问题的解决提供参考。  相似文献   

Health care preferences in a country town   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: To identify the preferences of rural Australians for health care services and to relate their attitudes towards health care services in general and preventive health care services in particular to their sociodemographic characteristics and their degree of geographic access to available services. DESIGN: Both an interview and a delivery-and-collection questionnaire survey were conducted. The method of paired comparisons was used to determine the structure of preferences for a set of health care services. SETTING: The study area comprised the small rural settlement of Nyngan, and the surrounding farming lands in the Bogan Shire, New South Wales. PARTICIPANTS: A random sample of 20% of residents was surveyed in October 1989. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: In the absence of any studies on the attitudes of rural Australians towards health care services, no a priori hypotheses were formulated. Both the rank order of preferences and a preference interval showing the "distance" between the preferences were calculated. RESULTS: The results show the overwhelming importance attributed to curative medical services compared to those oriented to preventive health care. In particular, the services provided by the doctor are indisputably the most highly valued of all health care services. The attitudes of rural residents to particular preventive services varied, with those services most relevant to immediate needs being the ones most highly valued. CONCLUSIONS: The felt need for health care among country people centres on the adequate provision of doctors and hospitals; preventive services which address the longer-term health care needs of country people may best be provided by closely integrating them with curative medical services.  相似文献   

Physician gender can affect the numbers of future rural health care providers since female physicians are less likely to enter rural practice, but the proportion of female U.S. medical students is increasing. This survey study of rural West Virginia physicians who were trained in the U.S. obtained information on demographics and prior practice intent, working time, practice characteristics, and satisfaction with practice and community for female vs. male physicians. Female physicians were more likely to report pre-existing intent to work in underserved areas and having higher proportions of Medicaid and uninsured patients, but fewer work hours and on-call services and less likelihood of providing hospital services. Initiatives to help address the shortage of rural providers could include residency program and community initiatives to address work flexibility and personal and spouse concerns for female physicians.  相似文献   

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