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This study examined the effects of pre-exercise food on different glycemic indexes (GI) on exercise metabolism and endurance running capacity. 9 subjects performed 3 exercise trials on different days 15 min after ingesting: lentils, (LGI), potatoes, (HGI), and placebo. Each subject ingested an equal amount of each food (1 g/kg body mass) and ran on a level treadmill for 5 min at 60%, 45 min at 70% and then at 80% of VO (2max) until exhaustion. Serum glucose concentrations were higher ( P<0.01) 15 min after the HGI trial compared to the LGI and placebo trials. In addition, serum glucose levels were higher ( P<0.05) during the LGI trial at the time of exhaustion compared to the HGI and placebo trials. Plasma insulin levels, 15 min after ingestion, were higher ( P<0.001) in the HGI trial as compared to the LGI and placebo trials. Exercise time was longer during the LGI trial ( P<0.05) compared to the placebo, but the time to exhaustion in the HGI condition did not differ from the placebo (LGI: 90.0 ± 7.9; HGI: 81.8 ± 5; placebo: 73.0 ± 6.4 min). These results suggest that lentils, the LGI food, ingested 15 min before prolonged exercise maintained euglycemia during exercise and enhanced endurance running capacity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution on endurance capacity during prolonged intermittent running. METHODS: Nine subjects (eight men and one woman) ran to exhaustion on a motorised treadmill on two occasions separated by at least 10 days. After an overnight fast, they performed repeated 15 second bouts of fast running (at 80% Vo2MAX for the first 60 minutes, at 85% Vo2MAX from 60 to 100 minutes of exercise, and finally at 90% Vo2MAX from 100 minutes of exercise until exhaustion), separated by 10 seconds of slow running (at 45% Vo2MAX). On each occasion they drank either a water placebo (P) or a 6.9% carbohydrate-electrolyte (CHO) solution immediately before the run (3 ml/kg body mass) and every 20 minutes thereafter (2 ml/kg body mass). RESULTS: Performance times were not different between the two trials (112.5 (23.3) and 110.2 (21.4) min for the P and CHO trials respectively; mean (SD)). Blood glucose concentration was higher in the CHO trial only at 40 minutes of exercise (4.5 (0.6) v 3.9 (0.3) mmol/1 for the CHO and P trials respectively; p < 0.05), but there was no difference in the total carbohydrate oxidation rates between trials. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that drinking a 6.9% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution during repeated bouts of submaximal intermittent high intensity running does not delay the onset of fatigue.


This study examined the effect of ingesting different amounts of carbohydrate (CHO) during 4 h recovery (REC) from prolonged running, on subsequent endurance running capacity when subjects were fully rehydrated. Nine men ran at 70% VO2max on a treadmill for 90 min (T1), followed by the REC and a run to exhaustion at the same speed (T2) on two occasions. Thirty minutes into REC, subjects ingested 50 g of CHO from a 6.5% CHO-electrolyte solution (CE) on both occasions. Thereafter, subjects ingested either the same CE or a placebo (PL) every 30 min for the first 3 h of REC. The total volume ingested was equal to 150% of the body mass lost during T1 which achieved rehydration during REC in both trials. Higher blood glucose and serum insulin concentrations (P<0.05) were observed during REC in the CE trial. Nevertheless, similar run times were achieved during T2 in both trials (CE: 56.9+/-8.1 min and PL: 65.4+/-7.8 min) (+/- S.E.M) (NS). Therefore, these results suggest that ingestion of 50 g of CHO immediately after prolonged exercise, and rehydration with a placebo solution, results in a similar endurance capacity, after a 4 h recovery, as ingesting 3 times more CHO (approximately 167 g CHO) over the same period.  相似文献   

Drinking a concentrated glucose solution less than 1 h before the start of prolonged submaximal exercise has been reported to reduce endurance capacity during cycling. The purpose of this study was to re-examine the influence of pre-exercise ingestion of a concentrated glucose solution on endurance running capacity. Nine recreational runners (five men and four women) ran to exhaustion on a level treadmill, at speeds equivalent to 70% VO2max, on two occasions separated by at least 1 week. The runners ingested either a solution containing 75 g of glucose in 300 ml of water (G trial), or 300 ml of sweetened water (P trial) 30 min before each trial. As a consequence, the blood glucose concentrations were 55% higher at the beginning of the G trial compared with those recorded for the P trial (G trial, mean(s.e.) blood glucose = 6.3(0.7) mmol l-1 versus P trial, mean(s.e.) blood glucose = 4.1(0.3) mmol l-1; P < 0.01). Nevertheless, there were no differences in the running times to exhaustion between the two trials (G trial, mean(s.e.) 133.79(11.0) min versus P trial, mean(s.e.) 121.16(8.1) min). The results of this study show that ingesting a 25% glucose solution 30 min before exercise does not reduce the endurance capacity of recreational runners when the exercise intensity is equivalent to 70% VO2max.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the ability of the critical velocity (CV) and the endurance index (EI) to assess endurance performance during intermittent exercise. Thirteen subjects performed two intermittent runs: 15-s runs intersected with 15 s of passive recovery (15/15) and 30-s runs with 30-s rest (30/30). Runs were performed until exhaustion at three intensities (100, 95 and 90 % of the speed reached at the end of the 30 - 15 intermittent fitness test, V (IFT)) to calculate i) CV from the slope of the linear relationship between the total covered distance and exhaustion time (ET) (iCV); ii) anaerobic distance capacity from the Y-intercept of the distance/duration relationship (iADC); and iii) EI from the relationship between the fraction of V (IFT) at which the runs were performed and the log-transformed ET (iEI). Anaerobic capacity was indirectly assessed by the final velocity achieved during the Maximal Anaerobic Running Test (VMART). ET was longer for 15/15 than for 30/30 runs at similar intensities. iCV (15/15) and iCV (30/30) were not influenced by changes in ET and were highly dependent on V (IFT). Neither iADC (15/15) nor iADC (30/30) were related to VMART. In contrast, iEI (15/15) was higher than iEI (30/30), and corresponded with the higher ET. In conclusion, only iEI estimated endurance capacity during repeated intermittent running.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess whether ventilatory anaerobic threshold (T vent) reflected endurance capacity (EC) in sports medical control. Fifteen subjects performed two cycle ergometer tests. The first was a maximal exercise test, which consisted of increasing the load 20 W/min until exhaustion. During this test, the gas exchange anaerobic threshold was determined and VO2 max was measured. The second was an endurance exercise test, which consisted of asking the subject to work, as long as possible, a load representing 80% of his maximal aerobic power. During this test, we measured endurance time (ET). The statistical analysis showed the lack of relationship between VO2 max and ET and the linear correlations between VO2 T vent ml/min/kg and ET min (r = 0.521, P less than 0.05), VO2 T vent l/min and ET min (r = 0.524, P less than 0.05), and T vent % VO2 max and ET (r = 0.738, P less than 0.01). These results establish that ventilatory anaerobic threshold actually reflects endurance capacity. This relation can be explained referring to the muscle energetic metabolism during exercise. Therefore, T vent should be determined systematically in addition to VO2 max during maximal exercise tests to better evaluate physical fitness.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effects of sucrose or caffeine ingestion on metabolic responses to prolonged exercise and on performance of a finishing spurt after the prolonged exercise, seven male physical education students performed four sets of 30 min running (62%-67% VO2 max) followed by progressive exhaustive running on a treadmill. Before each set, they took 350 ml solution containing either sucrose 23.8 g (97.5 kcal), caffeine 200 mg, or a placebo. The duration of the exhaustive running after sucrose, caffeine, or placebo ingestion was not significantly different. Exhaustion would possibly be attained not by depletion of muscle glycogen but by a decrease in the capacity of muscle cells to produce high tension for anaerobic metabolism. Total energy and energy from carbohydrate combusted during four sets of running were estimated at 1255 kcal and 810 kcal in the sucrose trial, 1271 kcal and 624 kcal in the caffeine trial, and 1248 kcal and 649 kcal in the placebo trial. Judging from the figures above, glycogen sparing during prolonged running seemed to be attained by sucrose ingestion but not by caffeine ingestion. The latter finding would be caused by lower intensity and a larger amount of ingested caffeine. In conclusion, performance of progressive exhaustive running following endurance running for 2 h could not be improved either by sucrose or caffeine ingestion. Glycogen sparing in the muscle, however, was suggested by sucrose ingestion but not by caffeine ingestion.  相似文献   

Nine mild to moderate asthmatic adults (three males, six females) and six non-asthmatics (one male, five females) underwent endurance running training three times per week for five weeks, at self selected running speeds on a motorized treadmill. After training, the asthmatic group had a significantly higher maximum oxygen uptake, significantly lower blood lactate and heart rate in submaximal running, and significantly reduced time to complete a two mile treadmill run, partly attributable to the ability to exercise at a higher % VO2 max after training. These training induced changes of the asthmatic group were generally of a greater magnitude than those shown by the non-asthmatic group. Although seven of the nine asthmatics did show a reduction in the post-exercise fall in FEV1 after the five week training period, this was not statistically significant for the asthmatic group as a whole. The results of this study therefore suggest that endurance running training can improve the aerobic fitness of asthmatic adults, and may reduce the severity of exercise-induced asthma.  相似文献   

Effects of endurance training and long distance running on blood viscosity.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of endurance training on blood viscosity was studied by comparing blood rheological properties in control subjects (untrained) and endurance trained subjects. The effect of running on blood viscosity was studied in the 33 endurance trained subjects before and after a 48-km mountain race (Sandia Wilderness Crossing Research Run). Runners started at an altitude of 1700 m, ran 26 km to 3300 m, then descended 22 km to finish at 1900 m. Venous blood viscosity (eta b) and plasma viscosity (eta p) were measured at 37 degrees C at shear rates of 11.25, 22.5, 45, 90, and 225.s-1, using a cone-plate viscometer. Endurance trained subjects had significantly higher pre-race blood viscosity at 11.25 and 22.5.s-1 than control subjects but similar plasma viscosity and hematocrits. Following the race, there was no significant change in mean hematocrit, but eta b increased significantly at all shear rates except 225.s-1. Plasma viscosity at 225.s-1 increased significantly from 1.44 to 1.53 cP following the run. Since eta b did not increase, an increase in red cell deformability is inferred. The mechanism of the increase in eta b at lower shear rates in runners is due in part to the higher plasma viscosity. An additional mechanism at lower shear rates is in an increase in red cell aggregation. Increased plasma fibrinogen was measured in six of six resting subjects taken from 1600 m to 3300 m and is speculated to be the mechanism of enhanced aggregation and deformability in the runners.  相似文献   

Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is known to decrease muscle strength and power but its effect on endurance performance is unclear. Thirty moderately trained adult runners (24 men and six women) were randomly assigned to EIMD or control. The EIMD group jumped 100 times from a 35 cm bench, while controls did not perform any muscle-damaging exercise. Before and 48 h after treatment, subjects were tested on markers of EIMD, steady-state cardiorespiratory, metabolic and perceptual responses during a constant speed submaximal run; distance ran in 30 min on a treadmill. There were significant changes in muscle soreness, creatine kinase, and knee extensors strength (P<0.01). This EIMD significantly reduced self-paced time trial performance by 4% (P<0.01) because subjects reduced running speed (P=0.02), with no change in perceived exertion (P=0.31). No significant alterations in running economy and other physiological responses to submaximal running were found. However, there was a trend (P=0.08) for increased perceived exertion, which was correlated with decreased time trial performance (P<0.01). In conclusion, EIMD has a significant impact on endurance running performance in humans, and this effect seems to be mediated by alterations in the sense of effort.  相似文献   

ObjectivesCompare the effects of ice slurry ingestion at low and normal doses on endurance capacity and exertional heat stress-induced gastrointestinal perturbations.DesignRandomised, cross-over design.MethodsTwelve physically active males completed four treadmill running trials, ingesting ice slurry (ICE) or ambient drink (AMB) at 2 g·kg−1 (Normal; N) or 1 g·kg−1 (Low; L) doses every 15-min during exercise and 8 g·kg−1 (N) or 4 g·kg−1 (L) pre- and post-exercise. Pre-, during and post-exercise serum intestinal fatty-acid binding protein ([I-FABP]) and lipopolysaccharide ([LPS]) concentrations were determined.ResultsPre-exercise gastrointestinal temperature (Tgi) was lower in L + ICE than L + AMB (p < 0.05), N + ICE than N + AMB (p < 0.001) and N + ICE than L + ICE (p < 0.001). Higher rate of Tgi rise (p < 0.05) and lower estimated sweat rate (p < 0.001) were observed in N + ICE than N + AMB. Rate of Tgi rise was similar at low dose (p = 0.113) despite a lower estimated sweat rate in L + ICE than L + AMB (p < 0.01). Time-to-exhaustion was longer in L + ICE than L + AMB (p < 0.05), but similar between N + ICE and N + AMB (p = 0.142) and L + ICE and N + ICE (p = 0.766). [I-FABP] and [LPS] were similar (p > 0.05).ConclusionsL + ICE elicited a lower heat dissipation compensatory effect with similar endurance capacity as N + ICE. Ice slurry conferred no protection against exertional heat stress-induced gastrointestinal perturbations.  相似文献   

The effect of long endurance running on natural killer cells in marathoners   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ten experienced marathoners were exercised 3 h in the laboratory. Blood samples were collected at 0 h baseline, 1 h exercise, and 5 min, 1.5 h, 6 h, and 21 h recovery and were analyzed for total number of lymphocytes expressing membrane antigens found on natural killer (NK) cells. NK activity was also measured. Four of the seven subpopulations of lymphocytes studied, Leu-11+19+, Leu-11+19-, Leu-11+7-, and Leu-19+11-, showed significant within-subject effects over time, using repeated measures ANOVA. Simple contrasts with baseline values showed that, at 1.5 h and 21 h recovery, total number of lymphocytes bearing three different combinations of NK markers, Leu-11+19+, Leu-11+19-, and Leu-11+7-, were significantly decreased when compared with baseline values. At 1.5 h recovery, NK activity was significantly decreased below baseline levels for four of the six effector NK cell/target K562 myelogenous leukemia cell (E:T) ratios tested. At 6 h recovery, NK activity was still decreased significantly with the 12.5:1 and 3:1 E:T ratios. By 21 h recovery, NK activity did not differ significantly from baseline levels. Cortisol levels at 5 min post-exercise were negatively correlated with NK activity at 1.5 h recovery (r = -0.62, P = 0.05, 50:1 E:T ratio; r = -0.66, P = 0.04, 25:1 E:T ratio). Further research is needed to elucidate the effect these changes have on host immunosurveillance and immunoresponsiveness in vivo.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop regression equations that would sufficiently predict the endurance running performance (ERP) of middle-aged and older runners (n = 55, 43-79 years). Among many independent variables which were selected as possible predictors of the ERP, oxygen uptake corresponding to the lactate threshold (VO2@LT), or age was found to be the single best predictor. Some variables representing training habits correlated significantly but only moderately with the ERP. Linear multiple regression equations developed in this study were: V5km = 4.203 + 0.054X1 - 0.028X2 (r = 0.87) V5km = 4.436 + 0.045X1 - 0.033X2 + 0.005X3 (r = 0.89) V10km = 4.252 + 0.042X1 - 0.026X2 (r = 0.79) V10km = 4.371 + 0.037X1 - 0.031X2 + 0.005X3 (r = 0.82) VM = 3.207 + 0.048X1 - 0.022X2 (r = 0.91) VM = 3.707 + 0.038X1 - 0.031X2 + 0.005X3 (r = 0.93) where V5km, V10km and VM are the mean running velocity at 5 km, 10 km and marathon races, respectively, and X1 = VO2@LT (ml kg-1 min-1), X2 = age (year), and X3 = average running duration per workout (min). We suggest that the ERP of middle-aged and older runners can be predicted from a linear combination of VO2@LT and age or a combination of these variables plus average running duration per workout.  相似文献   

The effect of forced liquid (L) or solid (S) carbohydrate (CHO)-rich feedings on plasma glucose, insulin, and glycogenesis after glycogen depletion was investigated. The relationship between glycogen restoration and maximal physical working capacity (MPWC) was studied as well. Eight males performed two experiments, with 2 weeks interval, on a bicycle ergometer. In each experiment, MPWC was determined in a graded test, which was immediately followed by interval work until exhaustion. After exercise cessation (EC), the subjects started to consume a standardized amount of concentrated L or CHO-rich food. Insulin and glucose concentration in blood were determined. Muscle glycogen was determined before, immediately after, 5 h after, and 22 h after EC. MPWC was determined again 22 h after EC. Four subjects performed a third experiment, in which solid food consumption was left ad libitum (AL). A rapid glycogen repletion was found 5 h after EC, i.e., from 72 +/- 40 to 198 +/- 38 mmol/kg in the S, and from 69 +/- 39 to 192 +/- 40 mmol/kg in the L experiment. The higher plasma glucose and insulin levels (P less than 0.05) during the 5 h after EC in the S experiments did not elicit a difference in glycogen repletion. Glycogen synthesis rate in the AL experiment was lower (P less than 0.05) than in the L and S experiments. Glycogen restoration in the L and S experiments was complete 22 h after depletion. However, despite repletion of glycogen, MPWC was decreased (P less than 0.05) in both experiments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

王环宇  吕利  王磊 《武警医学》2012,23(6):497-498,501
目的探讨低血糖指数膳食对肾移植术后早期糖代谢异常患者干预效应。方法分析2009-01至2011-02100例肾移植术后早期患者糖代谢异常发生率,将糖代谢异常患者随机分为2组,每组27例,对照组自由膳食,干预组低血糖指数(glycemic index,GI)膳食,营养干预30 d,观察干预前后空腹血糖(fasting blood glucose,FPG)和餐后2 h血糖(2 h plasmaglucose,2 h PG)的变化情况。结果肾移植患者术后糖代谢异常发生率为54%,发生时间为术后15~180 d,前3个月发生率为44%。干预30 d后,干预组FPG和2 h PG恢复正常,与干预前比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论低GI膳食可以积极控制肾移植术后早期患者糖代谢异常。  相似文献   

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