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目的探讨长段复杂性后尿道狭窄治疗新方法。方法采用分期前尿道代后尿道成形术治疗3例复杂性后尿道长段狭窄(6.5—10.0cm)患者。第一期行阴茎转位尿道端端吻合术,术后3—6个月行二期阴茎伸直、尿道会阴造口术,6个月后行第三期前尿道成形术(Johanson Ⅱ期尿道成形术)。结果例1术后排尿通畅,膀胱尿道造影检查示尿道通畅,双侧输尿管返流近消失,最大尿流率18.8ml/s,随访2年,最大尿流率18ml/s,无剩余尿。例2术后排尿通畅,最大尿流率19.5ml/s,无剩余尿,尿道扩张可顺利通过22F尿道探子。例3经会阴一耻骨联合径路行第一期阴茎转位尿道端端吻合术、尿道直肠瘘、尿道会阴瘘切除、修补术,术后尿道直肠瘘及尿道会阴瘘治愈,但因耻骨联合切口感染致吻合口狭窄,有待进一步治疗。结论分期前尿道代后尿道加前尿道重建方法是治疗男性长段复杂性尿道狭窄的有效方法。  相似文献   

Staged buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty has emerged as a reliable procedure for difficult anterior urethral strictures not amenable to one-stage graft or flap reconstruction. It has primarily been used for strictures and/or fistulae occurring after previous surgery for hypospadias or those related to lichen sclerosus (LS). Success rates in these patient populations have improved when compared to earlier techniques. However, prior studies have demonstrated a number of patients requiring more than two procedures to complete the reconstruction, as well as some who have been content with their voiding pattern after the first operation and therefore elected to forego second stage tubularization. In this setting, we have reviewed the surgical technique and summarized previously published work. There may be an opportunity to complete more of these repairs in two operations using additional oral mucosa at the time of tubularization.  相似文献   

End-to-end anastomotic urethroplasty (EEA) for traumatic bulbar urethral stricture has excellent long-term success rate. We encountered a patient with obliterative bulbar stricture and persistent phlegmon in perineum resulting from straddle injury. Phlegmon-excision and EEA was performed, which ended up in recurrence. Thorough excision of recurrent nodules & scar with stage-I urethroplasty was performed using 'scrotal shutter flap'. Histopathology of phlegmon of first surgery and nodules & urethral margins of second revealed amyloidosis. Stage-II urethroplasty was performed 3-months later after which he is well at 24 months follow-up. This is the first case of perineal-urethral amyloid associated with trauma. Etiology is elusive.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We reviewed our experience with anastomotic urethroplasty for anterior urethral stricture. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A chart review revealed 168 patients 6 to 82 years old (mean age 38) with at least 6 months of followup (mean 70, range 6 to 291) after anastomotic urethroplasty. RESULTS: Average stricture length was 1.7 cm. Of the 168 patients stricture recurred in 8 (5%) but was managed by direct vision internal urethrotomy or a single dilation in 5, while repeat urethroplasty was required in 3 (2%). In these 3 cases extenuating circumstances included patient dislodgment of the catheter with attempts to replace it that disrupted repair, a history of urethrocutaneous fistula and periurethral abscess, and previous irradiation complicating the stricture in 1 each. Other complications were uncommon, such as transient thigh pain or numbness in 3 patients (2%), small wound dehiscence in 2 (1%), and scrotal hematoma, erectile dysfunction and self-limited pulmonary edema in 1 (less than 1%) each. CONCLUSIONS: Anastomotic urethroplasty for anterior stricture has a high success rate of 95%. It is technically straightforward and complications are uncommon. Cure by anastomotic urethroplasty should be strongly favored over long-term management by direct vision internal urethrotomy or dilation.  相似文献   

Dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty for repair of bulbar urethral stricture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PURPOSE: We report the early outcome of dorsal full-thickness penile skin grafts in the repair of bulbar urethral stricture. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During 27 months 29 men with a mean age of 43 years (range 10 to 81) underwent dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty. Followup included retrograde urethrogram at 3 weeks, 3 months and 12 to 18 months, and thereafter when needed. Urinary flow was recorded as subjectively reported by the patients. RESULTS: The technique was used only for bulbar urethral strictures. A total of 23 patients (79%) had undergone previous direct vision urethrotomy and/or open surgery. Dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty was used alone in 12 patients (41%), and was performed with partial stricture excision and ventral strip anastomosis in 13 (45%). In another 4 patients (14%) the procedure was combined with an Orandi flap because the stricture extended significantly into the penile urethra. Penile skin grafts were used in 27 patients (93%), whereas buccal mucosa was harvested in 2. Mean graft length was 6 cm. (range 3 to 9), and width ranged between 1.5 and 3 cm. Outcome was favorable in 28 patients (97%) for a median followup of 19 months (range 10 to 37). One patient had symptomatic proximal stricture recurrence and 3 had radiographic evidence of caliber decrease of the repair but with no impact on urinary flow. CONCLUSIONS: Dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty is a versatile procedure which may be combined with stricture excision and ventral strip anastomosis or an Orandi flap. Conceptually the technique offers the advantages of spread fixation of the graft on a fixed well vascularized surface, which may improve graft neovascularization, reduce graft shrinkage and avoid sacculation. Although the early outcome is promising, dorsal onlay graft urethroplasty has yet to stand the test of time.  相似文献   

Seven patients with complete rupture of the membranous urethra secondary to trauma were treated by internal optical urethrotomy (OU). All underwent initial suprapubic catheter drainage. The diagnosis of complete urethral rupture was confirmed by ascending and descending urethrograms and subsequent urethroscopy. OU was performed 3 weeks to 8 years following injury. Although all patients required further OUs for recurrent strictures, all can pass urine satisfactorily. Two patients have slight stress incontinence. This technique is a viable alternative to more conventional procedures for this condition.  相似文献   

Buccal mucosa urethroplasty for the treatment of bulbar urethral strictures   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
PURPOSE: We report the results of urethroplasty with a free graft of buccal mucosa as a dorsal onlay for the treatment of bulbar urethral strictures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Since June 1994, 30 patients with bulbar urethral strictures have been treated with buccal mucosa urethroplasty. Urethroplasty was performed with a free graft of buccal mucosa using a ventral onlay in the first 7 patients and a dorsal onlay in 23. Dorsal urethrotomy was performed with a Sachse urethrotome after the bulbar urethra was separated from the corpora. The buccal mucosa onlay was sutured to the urethra and corpora cavernosa to ensure a patent urethra. RESULTS: At 20-month followup (range 3 to 50) the success rate was 96% (29 of 30 patients). Urethral stricture recurred in only 1 of 7 patients in the ventral onlay and none of 23 in the dorsal onlay group. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary results of urethroplasty for bulbar urethral strictures with a dorsal onlay graft of buccal mucosa are excellent. Longer followup is needed to evaluate definitive results.  相似文献   

目的分析尿道狭窄患者行尿道端端吻合术(excision and primary anastomotic urethroplasty,EPA)后狭窄复发的危险因素。方法回顾性分析2017年1月至2018年12月上海交通大学附属第六人民医院收治的209例尿道狭窄患者的临床资料。年龄42.1(5~78)岁。肥胖(体质指数>28 kg/m2)25例(12.0%)。既往有糖尿病史12例(5.7%),术前3个月吸烟史103例(49.3%)。术前未行尿道扩张127例(60.8%),尿道扩张1~2次42例(20.1%),尿道扩张≥3次40例(19.1%)。术前有尿道内切开术史56例(26.8%)。术前无尿道成形术史157例(75.1%),尿道成形术1次38例(18.2%),尿道成形术≥2次14例(6.7%)。术前行膀胱造瘘201例(96.2%),未行膀胱造瘘8例(3.8%)。后尿道狭窄183例,球部尿道狭窄26例。狭窄时间35.1(1~360)个月。狭窄段长度(3.19±0.65)cm。病因为外伤190例,医源性损伤12例,炎性狭窄2例,其他5例。患者均行EPA治疗,69例(33.0%)术中行耻骨下缘切除。术后复发标准:拔除导尿管后出现排尿困难,经尿道镜或尿道造影检查提示手术部位尿道狭窄。对可能导致狭窄复发的因素采用Cox比例风险回归模型进行单因素和多因素分析。结果本组209例术后随访18.8(3~32)个月。31例(14.8%)出现狭窄复发,复发时间(5.3±5.6)个月。单因素分析结果显示,狭窄时间(HR=1.007,P<0.001),狭窄段长度(HR=5.334,P<0.001),尿道内切开术史(HR=2.901,P=0.003),尿道扩张≥3次(HR=6.214,P<0.001),尿道成形术1次、≥2次(HR=4.175,P=0.001、HR=9.885,P<0.001),术前3个月吸烟史(HR=2.605,P=0.016),膀胱造瘘(HR=0.231,P=0.006),耻骨下缘切除(HR=6.603,P<0.001)与狭窄复发有相关性。多因素分析结果显示狭窄段长度(HR=4.911,P<0.001),尿道成形术1次、≥2次(HR=2.387,P=0.045、HR=3.688,P=0.015),术前3个月吸烟史(HR=2.730,P=0.030)是狭窄复发的独立危险因素。结论EPA术后尿道狭窄复发多集中在术后6个月内,患者尿道狭段窄长度、尿道成形术史、术前3个月吸烟史是狭窄复发的独立危险因素。  相似文献   

Study Type – Therapy (case series) Level of Evidence 4 What’s known on the subject? and What does the study add? In spite of several suggestions that have been published recently, there is no standard procedure for therapy of recurrent female urethral stricture disease. Most of the published procedures are characterized by the time‐consuming use of an oral mucosal graft. In the current study we present an effective and simple new technique for reconstruction of strictured female urethra, using a free labium minus graft.


? To report our experience with a new and simple method of urethral repair with a volar onlay of free labium minus graft. Strictures of the female urethra are rare, and it is well accepted that the therapeutic options of dilation and urethrotomy are not lasting solutions as a result of their high recurrence rates. However, there is no consensus regarding the best way to reconstruct the female urethra in the case of stricture disease.


? Four consecutive female patients with a long lasting history of recurrent urethral strictures underwent open urethroplasty with a volar situated free split thickness epidermal graft from the labium minus. ? The surgical technique is described and a short‐term follow‐up is presented.


? Operating time was 40–140 min (mean 105 min), and the graft measured between 2 × 1.5 cm and 3 × 2.5 cm. Follow‐up time was 11–19 months. Maximum urinary flow rate could be improved from a baseline of 9.4–11.2 mL/s (preoperatively, after intermittent use of dilation) to 19–23 mL/s. ? Postvoid residual urine volume was 0–50 mL preoperatively and no postvoid residual urine volume postoperatively. ? Urinary catheters were removed after 21 days. Urinary stress incontinence did not occur postoperatively. No complications related to the graft donor site were found.


? The reported data concerning a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of recurrent female urethral stricture show that a volar onlay urethroplasty represents a feasible, safe and simple surgical method. ? Larger series with long‐term follow‐up are needed for further evaluation.  相似文献   

目的:观察在前尿道狭窄患者中留置前尿道支架管的临床疗效。方法:选取2005年1月至2008年5月在本院住院治疗及进行门诊尿道扩张的患者共38例作为治疗组,并将同期在本院采取尿道扩张器扩张的患者38例纳入对照组,通过最大尿流率(Qmax)及扩张次数等指标对两组的临床疗效进行对比分析。结果:尿流率检测表明留置支架管后所有患者的Qmax均较术前明显增加,对拔管后6个月随访结果进行分析,治疗组Qmax>15ml/s的患者显著多于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:采用前尿道内留置支架管治疗前尿道狭窄不但显著减少扩张次数,减轻患者的经济负担,也显著改善患者的生活质量,前尿道狭窄患者中留置前尿道内支架管不失为临床上一种较好的治疗手段,并取得了良好的预期效果,简单易行,效果确切,值得推广。  相似文献   

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