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The purpose of the present study was to examine the reproducibility of laboratory-based 40-km cycle time-trial performance on a stationary wind-trainer. Each week, for three consecutive weeks, and on different days, forty-three highly trained male cyclists (x +/- SD; age = 25 +/- 6 y; mass = 75 +/- 7 kg; peak oxygen uptake [VO (2)peak] = 64.8 +/- 5.2 ml x kg (-1) x min (-1)) performed: 1) a VO (2)peak test, and 2) a 40-km time-trial on their own racing bicycle mounted to a stationary wind-trainer (Cateye - Cyclosimulator). Data from all tests were compared using a one-way analysis of variance. Performance on the second and third 40-km time-trials were highly related (r = 0.96; p < 0.001), not significantly different (57 : 21 +/- 2 : 57 vs. 57 : 12 +/- 3 : 14 min:s), and displayed a low coefficient of variation (CV) = 0.9 +/- 0.7 %. Although the first 40-km time-trial (58 : 43 +/- 3 : 17 min:s) was not significantly different from the second and third tests (p = 0.06), inclusion of the first test in the assessment of reliability increased within-subject CV to 3.0 +/- 2.9 %. 40-km time-trial speed (km x h (-1)) was significantly (p < 0.001) related to peak power output (W; r = 0.75), VO (2)peak (l x min (-1); r = 0.53), and the second ventilatory turnpoint (l x min (-1); r = 0.68) measured during the progressive exercise tests. These data demonstrate that the assessment of 40-km cycle time-trial performance in well-trained endurance cyclists on a stationary wind-trainer is reproducible, provided the athletes perform a familiarization trial.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis investigation measured the reproducibility and discriminant validity of the Posterior Shoulder Endurance Test (PSET) on painful and non-painful populations.DesignReliability and validity study.SettingLaboratory setting.ParticipantsThirty subjects (male = 11; female = 19).Main outcome measuresTime to failure (TTF) was the primary outcome measure to determine reliability of the PSET. Discriminant validity identified with receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves utilized TTF separately in men and women since they used different loads.ResultsThere were 25/30 subjects (painful = 12; non-painful = 13) tested a second time. ICC, SEM, and MDC90 ranged respectively from 0.77, 13.1 s, 30.6 s in the painful group to 0.85, 7.3 s, 17 s in the non-painful group. The male ROC curve AUC was 0.833 with 47 s resulting in the best combination of sensitivity = 0.833, and specificity = 0.80. The female ROC curve AUC was 0.633 with 46 s resulting in the best combination of sensitivity = 0.600 and specificity = 0.889 at 46 s.ConclusionThe PSET is a reliable way to measure shoulder girdle muscular endurance. These data suggest that the PSET discriminates painful and non-painful individuals better in men compared to women.  相似文献   

The application of proton (1H) magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) allows for noninvasive, localized analyses of brain biochemistry; however, minimal work has been devoted to the evaluation of 1H MRSI reproducibility. This study examined the reproducibility of 1H MRSI from five normal subjects on two occasions, separated by 10 days. Reproducibility of the MR signal was evaluated in the context of automated shimming, automated processing, and accurate subject repositioning. Reliability measures for physicochemical indices (choline moieties, creatine, N-acetylaspartate, and myo-inositol) were moderately concordant across repeat studies. Gain variation and repositioning results were excellent. It has been concluded that 1H MRSI reproducibility is adequate for serial studies of brain metabolism.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of articular cartilage that may be associated with a loss of glycosaminoglycans. Quantitative sodium magnetic resonance imaging is highly specific to glycosaminoglycan content and could be used to assess the biochemical degradation of cartilage in early osteoarthritis. However, the reproducibility and repeatability of this technique are not well documented. The aim of this study is to test the reproducibility and repeatability of sodium quantification in cartilage in vivo using intraday and interday acquisitions at 3 T and 7 T, with a radial 3D sequence, with and without fluid suppression. Fluid suppression was obtained by adiabatic inversion recovery (IR WURST) and is expected to improve the sensitivity of the method to glycosaminoglycan content. The root mean square of coefficients of variation are all in the range of 7.5-13.6%. No significant intermagnet, intersequence, intraday, and interday differences in the coefficients of variation were observed. Sodium quantification using IR WURST gave values closer to those reported in the literature for healthy cartilage (220-310 mM) than radial 3D. In conclusion, IR WURST was more accurate in context of sodium measurement, with a reproducibility and repeatability comparable to other compositional magnetic resonance imaging techniques of cartilage.  相似文献   



To investigate the short‐term reproducibility of black‐blood dynamic contrast‐enhanced (DCE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in atherosclerotic rabbits to evaluate the potential of this technique to be a reliable readout of plaque progression and/or regression upon therapeutic intervention.

Materials and Methods:

Atherosclerotic rabbits were imaged at baseline and 24 hours later with DCE‐MRI on a 1.5T MRI system. DCE‐MRI images were analyzed by calculating the area under the signal intensity versus time curve (AUC). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to evaluate interscan, intraobserver, and interobserver reproducibility. In addition, the test–retest coefficient of variation (CoV) was evaluated.


Statistical analyses showed excellent interscan, intraobserver, and interobserver agreement. All ICCs were greater than 0.75, P < 0.01 indicating excellent agreement between measurements.


Experimental results show good interscan and excellent intra‐ and interobserver reproducibility, suggesting that DCE‐MRI could be used in preclinical settings as a read‐out for novel therapeutic interventions for atherosclerosis. This preliminary work encourages investigating the reproducibility of DCE‐MRI also in clinical settings, where it could be used for monitoring high‐risk patients and in longitudinal clinical drug trials. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2010;32:191–198. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate intra- and interscanner in vivo reproducibility of brain metabolite quantification using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (1H-MRSI) (PRESS localization, TE = 30 msec, voxel volume = 2.3 mL) and the linear combination model (LCModel). MATERIALS and METHODS: One subject had a total of nine scans on three occasions at a single site, and three subjects had single scans at two sites. Coefficients of variation (CVs) were estimated using different statistical models applied to intra- and interscanner data; therefore, only qualitative comparisons may be made between results. RESULTS: CV (intra-/interscanner) for metabolite quantifications were choline, 12.3%/10.1%; creatine, 9.9%/10.6%; glutamate + glutamine, 15.8%/13.6%; myo-inositol, 18.5%/14.7%; and N-acetyl-aspartate + N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate, 6.1%/7.0%. Overall, total intra- and intersubject variability was greater than intra- and interscanner variability. CONCLUSION: When quantifying metabolic concentrations using the methods employed in this study, biological factors contribute a greater proportion to measurement variability than measurement errors. Using this technique, intra- and intersite measurement errors are of the same order.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate physiological parameters as a control tool for the monitoring of training in a group of elite cyclists during one season of training. METHODS: The study is divided into two periods (winter or 'volume' mesocycle and spring or 'intensity' mesocycle) between the tests that they carried out in the laboratory, consisting of a ramp test to exhaustion (work load increases 25 W X min(-1)) and a maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) test on a cycle ergometer. Macronutrients and hematological variables were recorded during the test periods as were the volume and the intensity of training sessions during the whole period of the study. RESULTS: The physiological data were similar to those previously reported for professional cyclists (approximately 450 Watts, approximately 78 mL x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and the values for the MLSS also agree with previous studies (approximately 250 Watts). Subjects improved the first ventilatory threshold (VT(1)) (approximately 52% to approximately 60% VO(2max)) and the second ventilatory threshold (VT(2)) (approximately 82% to approximately 87% VO(2max)) after the first period of training even though its low intensity focused on the performance of VT(1) (77% training in 'zone 1', under VT(1)). The MLSS improved after the first period (approximately 225 to approximately 250 Watts) and remained high in the second (approximately 255 Watts). High levels of creatine kinase (approximately 230 U x L(-1)) and urea (37 mg x L(-1)) were found, also a decrease in hemoglobin values (approximately 15.4 to approximately 14.7g x dL(-1)). CONCLUSION: The high level reached by the subjects after the first period of training suggests that two effort tests could be enough to plan training. On the other hand, the decrease in some red blood cell and nutrition parameters suggests that there should be greater control over them during the season.  相似文献   



To evaluate the reproducibility of multicomponent quantitative T2 (QT2) measurements, in particular the myelin water fraction (MWF), to determine the sensitivity of this method for monitoring myelin changes in longitudinal studies and to provide a basis for correctly powering such studies.

Materials and Methods:

The de facto standard 32‐echo spin–echo imaging sequence was used throughout, and data were analyzed using regularized non‐negative least squares (NNLS) to produce T2 distributions. Three studies were conducted in healthy subjects. First, two acquisition protocols were compared in 10 subjects. Second, variability of QT2 was evaluated over same‐day scan–rescan experiments in 6 subjects. Finally, variability was quantified in a longitudinal study of 5 subjects.


A within‐subject coefficient of variation (CoV) of 12% (range 4–25%) was observed for the MWF in brain white matter (WM) regions of interest (ROIs). The geometric mean T2 was more stable, with a longitudinal CoV of 4% (range 1–6%). The choice of the geometry and repetition time of the acquisition protocol influenced the estimates of the MWF and T2 values. The choice of integration range for the short‐T2 component had a significant effect on MWF estimates, but not on reproducibility.


The reproducibility of QT2 measurements using existing methods is moderate and the method can be used in longitudinal studies, with careful consideration of the methodologic variability and an appropriate group size. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2010; 32:60–68. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



To assess the reproducibility of relaxivity‐ and susceptibility‐based dynamic contrast‐enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the benign and malignant prostate gland and to correlate the kinetic parameters obtained.

Materials and Methods:

Twenty patients with prostate cancer underwent paired scans before and after androgen deprivation therapy. Quantitative parametric maps for T1‐ and T2*‐weighted parameters were calculated (Ktrans, kep,ve, IAUC60, rBV, rBF, and R2*). The reproducibility of and correlation between each parameter were determined using standard methods at both timepoints.


T1‐derived parameters are more reproducible than T2*‐weighted measures, both becoming more variable following androgen deprivation (variance coefficients for prostate Ktrans and rBF increased from 13.9%–15.8% and 42.5%–90.8%, respectively). Tumor R2* reproducibility improved after androgen ablation (23.3%–11.8%). IAUC60 correlated strongly with Ktrans, ve, and kep (all P < 0.001). R2* did not correlate with other parameters.


This study is the first to document the variability and repeatability of T1‐ and T2*‐weighted dynamic MRI and intrinsic susceptibility‐weighted MRI for the various regions of the human prostate gland before and after androgen deprivation. These data provide a valuable source of reference for groups that plan to use dynamic contrast‐enhanced MRI or intrinsic susceptibility‐weighted MRI for the assessment of treatment response in the benign or malignant prostate. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2010;32:155–164. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate a fast clinical protocol to enable diffusion tensor imaging of the human forearm and assess the reproducibility of six diffusion tensor imaging parameters, i.e., the tensor eigenvalues (λ1, λ2, and λ3), mean diffusivity, fractional anisotropy, and ellipsoid eccentricity. The right forearms of 10 healthy volunteers were scanned twice, with a 1‐week interval. Reproducibility of the diffusion tensor imaging parameters was interpreted using Bland‐Altman plots, coefficient of repeatability, repeatability index, and the intraclass correlation coefficient. Analysis was done for three regions of interest: the whole muscle volume, flexor digitorum profundus, and extensor digitorum. The Bland‐Altman analysis showed that there is good agreement between the two measurements. Based on the intraclass correlation coefficients, agreement was substantial (0.59 < intraclass correlation coefficient < 0.92) for all six parameters of the whole muscle volume and flexor digitorum profundus but only fair (0.18 < intraclass correlation coefficient < 0.64) for the extensor digitorum. Using a 7 min 40 sec scan protocol, which was well tolerated by the volunteers, the reproducibility of diffusion tensor imaging parameters was demonstrated. However, repeatability varies, depending on the region of interest and diffusion tensor imaging parameters. This should be taken into account when a longitudinal study is designed. Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The reproducibility of T1, T2, and proton density, measured in phantoms and the human brain was evaluated by proton imaging techniques. The sequence used to derive T1 and density values was a multiple-saturation recovery which consists of four pairs of 90 degrees pulses, followed by a 180 degrees phase reversal pulse, generating four T1-weighted images. T2 was derived from a multiple-echo sequence, generating four T2-weighted images. The data were analyzed by fitting the pixel intensities to the respective equations by means of nonlinear multiparameter least-squares analysis. Short-term reproducibility between four consecutive scans was evaluated to be 1-4% depending on location with a phantom covering the entire span of physiologic T1 and T2 values. A second phantom containing a series of identical samples served to study the dependence of the apparent T1 and T2 on position, both radially and axially, with respect to magnet isocenter. Reproducibility across the field of view was found to be better than 7% (T1 and T2). This phantom was further used to evaluate effects of long-term reproducibility, which at each location varied from 5-14% (T1) and 2-10% (T2). Finally, interinstrument reproducibility, tested by means of the same protocol on three different instruments, all operating at the same magnetic field and using largely identical hardware for each location, was found to be 1-14% (T1) and 2-10% (T2). The positional dependence of the apparent relaxation times appears to be systematic and may be due to variations in the effective field, caused by magnet and rf inhomogeneity. Finally, brain tissue relaxation and spin-density data were determined using the same protocol in 37 scans performed on 27 normal volunteers. The tissues analyzed were putamen, thalamus, caudate nucleus, centrum semiovale, internal capsule, and corpus callosum. Excellent accordance was further obtained between left and right hemispheres.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of heat stress on physiological responses and exercise performance in elite road cyclists. Eleven members of the Australian National Road Cycling Squad completed two 30 min cycling time-trials in an environmental chamber set at either 32 degrees C, (HT) or 23 degrees C (NT) with a relative humidity of 60% in each circumstance. The trials were separated by two days, with six subjects performing HT first. Power output was 6.5% lower (P<0.05) during HT compared with NT. Mean skin temperature and sweat rate were higher (P<0.05) in HT compared with NT. In contrast, rectal temperature was remarkably similar throughout each trial. During the first 10 min of exercise in HT when power output was not different between trials, blood lactate was higher (P<0.05), and blood pH lower (P<0.05). In contrast, during the last 10 min of exercise when power output was reduced (P<0.05), blood lactate was lower (P<0.05), and pH higher (P<0.05), in HT. These data indicate that heat stress is associated with a reduced power output during self-paced exercise in highly trained men. This decrease in performance appears to be associated with factors associated with body temperature rather than metabolic capacity.  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine the intra- and interobserver reliability in grading disc and muscle parameters using low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Material and Methods: MRI scans of 100 subjects representative of the general population were evaluated blindly by two radiologists. Criteria for grading lumbar discs were based on the spinal nomenclature of the Combined Task Force and the literature. Consensus in rating was achieved by evaluating 50 MRI examinations in tandem. The remaining 50 examinations were evaluated independently by the observers to determine interobserver agreement and re-evaluated by one of the observers to determine intra-observer agreement.

Results: Intra- and interobserver agreement was substantial when grading changes in the lumbar discs. Interobserver agreement was fair to moderate in grading the lumbar muscles, whereas intra-observer agreement was almost perfect.

Conclusion: Convincing reliability was found in the evaluation of disc- and muscle-related MRI variables.  相似文献   

Cellular immunity was measured under resting conditions in 29 highly trained male racing cyclists during a period of low training intensity (winter), and in 15 untrained people. Fifteen of the cyclists were reexamined during a period of high training intensity (summer) together with 10 of the untrained people. Data on lymphocyte subpopulations, natural killer cell activity and lymphocyte proliferative responses were obtained. Changes in any of these immune parameters from low to high training seasons did not differ significantly between the trained and untrained people. The natural killer cell activity was significantly higher in the cyclists, both during the period of low training intensity (39.2±11.6% vs 30.9±6.4%) and during the period of high training intensity (55.2±18.4% vs 33.6±20.3%). Leucocyte, lymphocyte and neutrophil concentrations did not differ between the two groups. The blood mononuclear cell (BMNC) subsets, including CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ and CD16+ cells, and the BMNC proliferative responses following stimulation with either interleukin 2, purified derivative of tuberculin or phytohaemagghitinin did not differ significantly between the groups.  相似文献   



To examine both inter‐visit and intra‐visit reproducibility of a MR arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion technique in native and transplanted kidneys over a broad range of renal function.

Materials and Methods:

Renal perfusion exams were performed at 1.5 T in a total of 24 subjects: 10 with native and 14 with transplanted kidneys. Using a flow‐sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) ASL scheme, 32 control/tag pairs were acquired and processed using a single‐compartment model. Two FAIR‐ASL MR exams were performed at least 24 h apart on all the subjects to assess inter‐visit reproducibility. ASL perfusion measurements were also repeated back‐to‐back within one scanning session in 8 native subjects and in 12 transplant subjects to assess intra‐visit reproducibility. Intra‐class correlations (ICCs) and coefficients of variation (CVs) were calculated as metrics of reproducibility.


Intra‐visit ICCs ranged from 0.96 to 0.98 while CVs ranged from 4.8 to 6.0%. Inter‐visit measurements demonstrated slightly more variation with ICCs from 0.89 to 0.94 and CVs from 7.6 to 13.1%. Medullary perfusion demonstrated greater variability compared with cortical blood flow: intra‐visit ICCs from 0.72 to 0.78 and CVs from 16.7 to 26.7%, inter‐visit ICCs from 0.13 to 0.63 and CVs from 19.8 to 37%.


This study indicates that a FAIR‐ASL perfusion technique is reproducible in the cortex of native and transplanted kidneys over a broad range in renal function. In contrast, perfusion measurements in the medulla demonstrated moderate to poor reproducibility for intra‐visit and inter‐visit measures respectively. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011;33:1414–1421. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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