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Muscle twitches elicited with electrical stimulation (ES) during epidural insertion may indicate epidural needle location. We examined the potential application of ES at 5 mA as a continuous method of monitoring the response to epidural needle advancement in a porcine model. Five 20-kg pigs were used in this study. A needle with a stimulating current of 5 mA was inserted at 20 separate levels in each pig. The needle was advanced until a muscle twitch was observed without loss-of-resistance (LOR). The needle position was then assessed using LOR. At the end of the experiment, an autopsy was performed to assess the spinal cord for injury. A total of 100 needle insertions were performed in the 5 pigs. The threshold current in the epidural space was 3.6 +/- 0.6 mA. In 59 of the needle insertions, LOR was not obtained at the depth at which a muscle twitch was initially observed. However, after advancing these 59 needles another 1-2 mm, LOR was obtained. In the other 41 insertions, LOR was observed without further advancement of the needle. Autopsies indicated there were no dural punctures or spinal cord damage in any of the pigs. These observations suggest that ES can be used to signal that the epidural needle is in or approaching the epidural space. However, the high false positive predictive value (59%) makes it impractical and unreliable to detect the precise entry of a needle into the epidural space in pigs.  相似文献   

Background: The purpose of this study was to determine systematically the highest minimal stimulation current threshold for regional anaesthesia in pigs. Methods: In an established pig model for regional anaesthesia, needle placements applying electric nerve stimulation were performed. The primary outcome was the frequency of close needle to nerve placements as assessed by resin injectates and subsequent anatomical evaluation. Following a statistical model (continual reassessment method), the applied output currents were selected to limit the necessary number of punctures, while providing guidance towards the highest output current range. Results: Altogether 186 punctures were performed in 11 pigs. Within the range of 0.3–1.4 mA, no distant needle to nerve placement was found. In the range of 1.5–4.1 mA, 43 distant needle to nerve placements occurred. The range of 1.2–1.4 mA was the highest interval that resulted in a close needle to nerve placement rate of ≥95%. Conclusions: In the range of 0.3–1.4 mA, all resin deposition was found to be adjacent to nerve epineurium. The application of minimal current intensities up to 1.4 mA does not obviously lead to a reduction of epineural injectate contacts in pigs. These findings suggest that stimulation current thresholds up to 1.4 mA result in equivalent needle tip localisation in pigs.  相似文献   

S J Lewis  L G Lenke  B Raynor  J Long  K H Bridwell  A Padberg 《Spine》2001,26(22):2485-9; discussion 2490
STUDY DESIGN: A porcine model of thoracic pedicle screw insertion was used to determine the effect of screw position on triggered electromyographic response. OBJECTIVE: To develop a model of intraoperative detection of misplaced thoracic pedicle screws. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Triggered electromyographic stimulation has been a valuable aid in determining appropriate placement of lumbar pedicle screws. The use of pedicle screws is increasing in the thoracic spine. Misplaced thoracic pedicle screws may have significant implications if the spinal cord is injured. This study was an attempt to determine whether the established lumbar model can be used for thoracic pedicle screws. METHODS: Five 120- to 150-lb domestic pigs had 85 pedicle screws placed bilaterally in the thoracic spine at each level from T6 to T15. Screws were inserted entirely in the pedicle (Group A). After removal of the medial pedicle wall, the screws were reinserted in the pedicle with no neural contact (Group B). The screws were then placed with purposeful contact with the neural elements (Group C). The screws were stimulated, eliciting an electromyographic response in the intercostal muscles for each instrumented level. The type of response noted was classified as either primary (response from appropriate nerve root), secondary (response at different root) or no response (response at different root, no response at appropriate root). RESULTS: Two hundred fifty responses were recorded. A primary response was noted in 72% of recordings. There was a relatively consistent decrease in the triggered electromyographic response from Group A (mean 4.15 +/- 1.80 mA) to Group C (mean 3.02 +/- 2.53 mA) screws (P = 0.0003). There was little difference in the response obtained from Group A to Group B (mean 4.37 +/- 2.48 mA) screws (P > 0.05). When a primary response was recorded, the mean threshold electromyographic response recorded was significantly lower than recordings with secondary and no response recordings (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Even though there was a consistent decrease between the A and C screws that was more definitively separated when a primary response was elicited, it was not possible to determine a cutoff trigger electromyographic level that would consistently differentiate intraosseous from epidural pedicle screw placement. Furthermore, this method could not differentiate screws clearly in the pedicle from screws with medial pedicle wall breakthrough. A more direct method of spinal cord monitoring must be established to provide the surgeon with early warning of the potential of neural injury in the placement of thoracic pedicle screws.  相似文献   

Effective conduction of electricity through a catheter is essential for the success of the epidural stimulation test. In this in vitro study we examined the electrical conductivity of single and multiport epidural catheters (with and without embedded metal elements) after being primed with normal saline. Seven different types of 19-gauge catheters (n = 5), either single-port or multiport catheters, with or without embedded metal elements, were studied. The proximal end of each epidural catheter was connected to the cathode of a nerve stimulator via an electrode adapter. The catheter, primed with normal saline, was placed at the bottom of a syringe filled with 5 different volumes of saline (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mL) and attached to an electrode adapter. The voltage of the peripheral nerve stimulator was measured using an oscilloscope. The electrical resistance between the proximal and distal end of the catheter was calculated using Ohm's Law. In catheters without metal elements the electrical resistances were too high to be measured. In catheters that had metal elements, the mean electrical resistances of the same catheter design (single-port or multiport) were similar. However, the electrical resistances of the multiport metal reinforced epidural catheters were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than the single-port metal coil reinforced epidural catheters. The volume of saline in the syringe had no impact on the measured electrical resistances. This study suggests that multiport metal reinforced epidural catheters have low electrical resistances and, thus, are a reasonable alternative to single-port catheters for transmitting sufficient current for performing the epidural stimulation test. On the other hand, epidural catheters without metal elements (single-port or multiport) are not suitable for performing the stimulation test.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Electrical stimulation can be used to verify the location of epidural catheters. With the traditional technique, the latter must be primed with saline to allow for electrical conduction: any air lock will, thus, hinder the flow of current. Therefore, we set out to explore an alternative mode of stimulation by use of a catheter containing a removable stylet. This study examines the reliability of this new technique. METHODS: In 71 patients undergoing surgery, a thoracic epidural catheter was inserted preoperatively. Loss of resistance was used to identify the epidural space. The TheraCath was introduced 5 cm into the space and connected to a neurostimulator via a 2-headed alligator clip. The intensity, pulse width, and level of myotomal contractions were recorded upon stimulation of the epidural space. A bolus of lidocaine was then injected and the patient assessed for sensory block to ice. RESULTS: The failure rate in proper epidural catheter placement was 8.5%. Epidural stimulation yielded a mean threshold of 1.90 +/- 1.80 nanocoulombs. A total of 37 catheters produced a unilateral muscular response; however, block to ice was bilateral. When compared with the ice test, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of epidural stimulation with the TheraCath were 92%, 83%, 98%, and 50%, respectively. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the TheraCath, because of the removable stylet, provides effective electrostimulation of the epidural space. Its use was simple and devoid of complications. Nonetheless, further studies are required before implementing its routine use in clinical settings.  相似文献   



Using electrical epidural stimulation, a current of 1 to 10 mA is required to confirm the presence of the tip of an epidural catheter in the epidural space. The purpose of this study was to examine the hypothesis that the threshold current required to elicit a motor response in the intrathecal space is significantly lower than that in the epidural space in a porcine model.


Four 20-kg pigs were used in this experiment. Eighteen gauge, insulated, Tuohy needles were advanced into the epidural space using the loss of resistance technique at five different spinal levels in each pig. When the epidural space was entered, an electrical current was applied to the needle and increased progressively until a motor response was elicited. The needle was then further advanced until cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was observed or until the needle had been advanced a maximum of 1 cm. At this point, the current was reapplied and increased until motor activity was evident.


A total of 20 needles were inserted in four pigs. The current required to produce a motor response in the epidural space was 3.45 ± 0.73 mA (mean ± SD). The current required to produce a motor response in the intrathecal space (entry confirmed by the presence of CSF) was 0.38 ± 0.19 mA (mean ± SD). Two needles were advanced 1 cm without obtaining CSF but the current thresholds were similar to those obtained when CSF was evident (0.4 mA and 0.3 mA, respectively).


The threshold current of an insulated needle required to elicit a motor response in the intrathecal space, was significantly (P < 0.01) lower than that in the epidural space in a porcine model.  相似文献   

The potency of ORG 9426, a new nondepolarising muscle relaxant, has been estimated using two different modes of nerve stimulation in patients anaesthetised with thiopentone, nitrous oxide-oxygen and intravenous fentanyl. The force of contraction of adductor pollicis was measured following a single twitch (ST) at 0.1 Hz or a train-of-four (TOF) mode of stimulation at 2 Hz every ten seconds. Dose-response curves were constructed using a single-dose method. The ED50, ED90 and ED95 were 147,272 and 305 micrograms.kg-1 respectively using the ST mode and 125,230 and 257 micrograms.kg-1 using the TOF mode of stimulation. The ED50S were not significantly different but the differences between ED90S and ED95S were significant (P less than 0.05) indicating greater sensitivity of the neuromuscular junction using TOF stimulation. The results of this study suggest that the information obtained by single-twitch stimulation is not the same as that obtained from the first response of the TOF stimulation, suggesting apparently increased sensitivity (and apparently greater potency) with the TOF mode of stimulation. Org 9426 appears to be a drug with relatively low potency.  相似文献   

During normothermic cardiac arrest, a combination of active compression-decompression (ACD) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with the inspiratory threshold valve (ITV) significantly improves vital organ blood flow, but this technique has not been studied during hypothermic cardiac arrest. Accordingly, we evaluated the hemodynamic effects of ACD + ITV CPR before, and after, the administration of vasopressin in a porcine model of hypothermic cardiac arrest. Pigs were surface-cooled until their body core temperature was 26 degrees C. After 10 min of untreated ventricular fibrillation, 14 animals were randomly assigned to either ACD CPR with the ITV (n = 7) or to standard (STD) CPR (n = 7). After 8 min of CPR, all animals received 0.4 U/kg vasopressin IV, and CPR was maintained for an additional 10 min in each group; defibrillation was attempted after 28 min of cardiac arrest, including 18 min of CPR. Before the administration of vasopressin, mean +/- SEM common carotid blood flow was significantly higher in the ACD + ITV group compared with STD CPR (67 +/- 13 versus 26 +/- 5 mL/min, respectively; P < 0.025). After vasopressin was given at minute 8 during CPR, mean +/- SEM coronary perfusion pressure was significantly higher in the ACD + ITV group, but did not increase in the STD group (29 +/- 3 versus 15 +/- 2 mm Hg, and 25 +/- 1 versus 14 +/- 1 mm Hg at minute 12 and 18, respectively; P < 0.001); mean +/- SEM common carotid blood flow remained higher at respective time points (33 +/- 8 versus 10 +/- 3 mL/min, and 31 +/- 7 versus 7 +/- 3 mL/min, respectively; P < 0.01). Without active rewarming, spontaneous circulation was restored and maintained for 1 h in three of seven animals in the ACD + ITV group versus none of seven animals in the STD CPR group (not significant). During hypothermic cardiac arrest, ACD CPR with the ITV improved common carotid blood flow compared with STD CPR alone. Moreover, after the administration of vasopressin, coronary perfusion pressure was significantly higher during ACD + ITV CPR, but not during STD CPR. IMPLICATIONS: New strategies are needed to improve the efficiency of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in hypothermic cardiac arrest. Active compression-decompression CPR with the inspiratory threshold valve improved carotid blood flow (and coronary perfusion pressure with vasopressin) compared with standard CPR.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of the present study was to determine if colonic endoluminal mucosal oxygen saturation, as determined by reflectance pulse oximetry, is an appropriate method to monitor colonic ischemia produced by a gradual partial constriction of the aorta in a porcine experimental model. METHODS: Piglets were anesthetized and mechanically ventilated. A Nellcor RS-10 reflectance pulse oximeter probe was attached to a Foley balloon catheter and passed transanally to record the oxygen saturation of the sigmoid colonic mucosa. For comparison, a tonometry catheter was introduced into the sigmoid colon. Hypoperfusion shock was induced by partial gradual constriction of the aorta. The same measurements but no intervention was performed in the control group. RESULTS: During one-third reduction of the aortic blood flow, the plethysmographic signal disappeared suddenly and the sigmoid colonic mucosa oxygen saturation (ScO2) measurements showed zero in seven out of the eight pigs. During two-thirds flow reduction, no plethysmographic signals were observed in any of the piglets. During the reperfusion period, ScO2 measurements with a good plethysmographic signal were obtained immediately after complete release of the aortic constriction in all pigs. Significantly decreased intramucosal pH and increased difference between the arterial and regional PCO2 (PCO2 gap) were observed during two-thirds blood flow reduction. CONCLUSION: In contrast to the results of previous investigations, the sigmoid colonic pulse oximetry was not useful because the method proved to be overly sensitive and non-linear in relation to regional blood flow.  相似文献   

More accurate segmental and sagittal positioning of the epidural catheter tip is required for the success of continuous epidural analgesia, spinal cord monitoring, and percutaneous epidural spinal cord stimulation. We examined the usefulness of an electrical stimulation test for verifying the proper placement of the epidural catheter tip at the predicted site in the posterior epidural space by using a locally developed epidural catheter with electrodes at its tip. The test included the observation of segmental bilateral muscle twitches and the patient's report of feeling in the region stimulated by moving the epidural catheter electrode back and forth and changing the direction of the bevel of the Tuohy needle. The success rate of midline placement at the required spinal segment was significantly more frequent (99%; P < 0.001) in the group (n = 289) receiving the electrical stimulation test compared with the group (n = 277) not receiving the test (success rate 57%). The results indicate the usefulness of this method. We concluded that the electrical stimulation test is effective for verifying the proper placement of the catheter electrode tip. IMPLICATIONS: Ideally the epidural catheter tip should be positioned in the posterior epidural space near the midline. We concluded that the electrical stimulation test is effective for verifying the proper placement of the catheter electrode tip.  相似文献   



Continuous thoracic epidural analgesia is a valuable and common technique for analgesia but involves risk to the spinal cord. There is significant pediatric experience safely placing thoracic epidurals via a caudal approach. The use of a stimulating catheter offers the advantage of real-time confirmation of appropriate catheter placement. We hypothesize that the tip of a stimulating epidural catheter can be reliably advanced to the thoracic epidural space with lumbar insertion in a porcine model.


This prospective experimental porcine study evaluated the feasibility of placing the tip of a stimulating epidural catheter to a predefined thoracic epidural location after percutaneous lumbar epidural access in six live pigs. After the lumbar epidural space was accessed, a stimulating epidural catheter was advanced until the targeted thoracic myotome was stimulated. The final position of the catheter in relation to the targeted location was determined by fluoroscopy. All animals were euthanized at the end of the experiment, necropsy and spinal cord histology were then performed to assess the extent of spinal cord damage.


In all animals the epidural catheter tip could be accurately advanced to the targeted thoracic myotome. Gross subdural bleeding occurred in three of the six animals and deep spinal damage was observed in two of the six animals. In one animal, the catheter was placed in the subarachnoid space.


Accurate access to the thoracic epidural space is possible via a lumbar approach using a stimulating epidural catheter. Based on gross and histopathological examination, this technique resulted in frequent complications, including subdural hemorrhage, deep spinal cord damage, and subarachnoid catheter placement.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In this report we describe the in vivo evaluation of a device and ventriculocoronary artery bypass procedure that creates a permanent transmyocardial channel between the left ventricle and a coronary artery. METHODS: The transmyocardial device, an L-shaped titanium tube with a meshed distal tip and an exterior polyester cuff, was implanted from the base of the left ventricle to the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery in 11 healthy juvenile domestic pigs using a beating-heart approach. Flow rates were measured at implant. Patency was assessed at explant for surviving animals at 2 (n = 3) and 4 weeks (n = 4). RESULTS: Flow through the transmyocardial device after implantation was 74% of base line. Forward flow occurred during systole. Luminal patency was 100% at 2 weeks and 75% at 4 weeks. Histologic analysis showed little to no intimal proliferation at the coronary interface. CONCLUSIONS: This short-duration study shows promise for perfusing ischemic myocardium with systolic flow. The transmyocardial titanium conduit and treated coronary artery patency was good at 2 and 4 weeks and warrants further studies.  相似文献   

Background: The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility, efficacy, and safety of laparoscopic left lateral lobe resection, using radiofrequency ablation (RFA) with internally cooled tip electrodes, in a porcine model. Methods: Eight domestic pigs underwent left lateral hepatic lobectomy. RFA was the sole hemostatic method applied throughout the entire operation. After 0, 7, 30, or 120 days the animals were killed in order to study the macroscopic and microscopic findings on the liver edge. Results: An average of 90 min was enough for the entire operation. No signs of blood loss or infection were observed up to 4 months postoperatively. There was no mortality either during or after surgery. The pathology of the liver revealed the three zone lesions. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that laparoscopic left lateral lobectomy using RFA is technically feasible hi the porcine model and is proved to be highly effective and safe hemostatic method  相似文献   

Pancreatic segmental autotransplantation in the pig has been considered an attractive model to study several aspects of pancreas transplantation because of the absence of rejections related to the immune system. However, the frequent presence of anatomical variations in the vascular supply of the left pancreatic segment in the pig makes this model difficult, impairing the access for vascular flushing and revascularization in pancreatic autotransplantation. We assessed pancreatic vascular anatomy of 71 Landrace pigs: group I (G1, n = 32) transplanted after direct reconstruction of the hepatic flow; and group II (G2, n = 39) transplanted after hepatic-celiac arterial reconstruction (HECAR) with an iliac vascular graft between the celiac trunk and the hepatic artery. HTK (histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate; Custodiol) and UW (University of Wisconsin; Viaspan) solutions were used. In total, 23 technically successfully transplanted animals (HTK = 15; UW = 8) after 24 h of cold storage were studied. Reconstruction time was longer in G2 than in G1 (p = .04). Thrombosis of the reconstructed hepatic artery occurred more in G1 than in G2 (45% vs. 8%, respectively, p = .013). Pancreatic arterial thrombosis was noticed in 10 animals in G1 (32%) and in 2 in G2 (5%) (p = .026). Ninety-four percent of pancreas grafts were suitable for cold storage study in G2 versus 45% for G1 (p < .001). No differences were noticed in K values, weight of transplanted grafts, preoperative and 24 h postoperative glycemia, for both preservation solutions. Segmental pancreatic autotransplantation can be successfully performed for cold preservation studies. A high percentage of pancreas useable for transplantation can be achieved using hepato-celiac arterial reconstruction. HTK solution is suitable for flushing and 24 h of preservation for pancreatic grafts in the porcine model.  相似文献   

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