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The neurosecretory bag cell neurons of the mollusk, Aplysia, control egg-laying behavior in the animal. In these cells, elevation of cAMP greatly enhances the height and width of action potentials. A similar enhancement of action potentials is seen during the bag cell afterdischarge, a 30 min period of repetitive activity that may be triggered by peptides from the reproductive tract or by brief extracellular stimulation. The enhancement of action potentials during an afterdischarge is well correlated with the observed elevations of cAMP. In the present study, we have examined the effects of forskolin (an activator of adenylate cyclase) and theophylline (a phosphodiesterase inhibitor) on the delayed outward currents that are likely to control repolarization of the action potential. Isolated bag cell neurons, maintained in primary culture, were studied with a whole-cell patch clamp technique. High intracellular concentrations of EGTA were used to block potassium current activated by calcium entry. Analysis of the remaining voltage-dependent delayed outward current revealed two major components, which could be separated on the basis of their different kinetic properties. Both currents (IK1 and IK2) were carried by potassium. IK1, which did not inactivate during 100 msec depolarizations, was reduced in amplitude by application of forskolin and theophylline. Ik2, a current defined by its faster kinetic properties, partially inactivated during 100 msec depolarizations. This inactivation was markedly speeded by application of forskolin and theophylline. It is suggested that such changes in outward current in response to cAMP could explain the enhancement of spike width seen during an afterdischarge in vivo.  相似文献   

Following brief stimulation of an afferent pathway, the bag cell neurons of Aplysia undergo a dramatic change in excitability, resulting in a prolonged discharge of spontaneous action potentials. During the discharge, the action potentials of the bag cell neurons become enhanced in height and width. The afterdischarge triggers release of neuroactive peptides that initiate egg-laying behavior in this animal. Evidence suggests that changes in excitability of the bag cell neurons may be mediated by activation of protein kinase C (PKC) and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAMP-PK). PKC activators, such as the phorbol ester TPA (12-O-tetradecanoyl-13-phorbol acetate), enhance the amplitude of action potentials in isolated bag cell neurons in cell culture. These agents act by unmasking a previously covert species of voltage-dependent calcium channel resulting in an increase in calcium current. In the accompanying paper (Conn et al., 1989), we showed that H-7, a protein kinase inhibitor, inhibits the effect of TPA, and is a selective inhibitor of PKC relative to cAMP-PK in these cells. We now report that another PKC inhibitor, sphinganine, also inhibits the effect of TPA on action potential height and calcium current in cultured bag cell neurons, and that N-acetylsphinganine, an inactive sphinganine analog, fails to inhibit the effects of PKC activators. Although both H-7 and sphinganine prevent the effects of TPA when added prior to TPA addition, neither compound reverses the effects of TPA when added after the action potentials have already become enhanced by TPA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate and invertebrate central nervous systems, including those of molluscs. The effects of extracellularly applied urotensin peptides (urotensin I (UI) and urotensin II (UII)) on the GABA-induced Cl- current recorded from identified neurons (R9 and R12) of Aplysia kurodai were investigated using voltage-clamp and pressure ejection techniques. Focal application of 100 nM UI and UII potentiated the GABA-induced Cl- current without affecting the resting membrane conductance and holding current. The increase was completely reversible. The GABA-induced Cl- current also was potentiated by bath-applied UI and UII (5-10 nM). The potentiating effects of UI and UII on the GABA-induced Cl- current were concentration-dependent and completely reversible. These results suggest that neurotensin peptides may decrease neuronal excitability by potentiating the GABA(A) receptor-mediated Cl- current in the neurons of mammalian and invertebrate central nervous systems.  相似文献   

The characteristics that distinguish the different neuronal cell types of an organism are believed to be primarily determined by unique patterns of cellular gene expression. The identification of cell-type specific molecules should therefore provide a good basis for understanding the biology of specific neuron types. In this paper, we describe the isolation of cDNA clones corresponding to mRNA uniquely expressed by Purkinje cells in mature mouse cerebellum. Three cDNA clones were selected from a library of normal mouse cerebellar cDNA by virtue of their failure to hybridize to mRNA sequences from the cerebella of Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mice. The cDNA clones were shown by in situ and Northern hybridization to correspond with mRNA present in Purkinje cells but absent or at low levels in other cell types of the cerebellum. By sequence analysis, clone PCD29 was determined to encode the calcium-binding protein calbindin-D28K. Clones PCD5 and PCD6 encode previously undescribed proteins of 99 and greater than 500 amino acids, respectively. All 3 PCD clones hybridized to mouse mRNA from sources other than cerebellum; clone PCD5 was found to have the most restricted expression, as it hybridized only to mRNA from cerebellum and eye. To define potential correlations between the PCD clones and mutations in the mouse genome known to affect Purkinje cells, clones PCD5, PCD6, and PCD29 were localized to mouse chromosomes 8, 6, and 4, respectively.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides in the cerebral cortex have previously been identified in non-pyramidal neurons only. By comparing the location of chromogranin A (CgA), a soluble protein of large dense-core synaptic vesicles, with that of SMI-32, neuropeptide Y (NPY), parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin (CaBP) using double label immunohistochemistry, we demonstrate that CgA is present in pyramidal neurons as well as in serveral subtypes of non-pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

The bag cell neurons of Aplysia californica synthesize and store large amounts of peptides derived from the egg-laying-hormone (ELH) neuropeptide precursor. Different sets of peptides derived from the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of the prohormone possess unique biological activities, and are packaged in distinct sets of secretory granules. We report here quantitative measurements of the amounts of the peptide products stored in and released from the bag cell neurons using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and amino acid composition analysis. These studies demonstrate that both the autocrine acting bag cell peptides (BCPs) and ELH are released coincident with electrical activity in the bag cell cluster. The composition of the released peptide mixture is similar to that stored in the bag cells. ELH and other carboxy-terminal derived peptides are most often present at 5-fold greater levels than the BCPs. These results provide further insight into the use of multiple chemical messengers by the bag cell neurons.  相似文献   

Although the identity, projection patterns, and functions of serotonergic neurons in juvenile and adult Aplysiaare relatively well understood, little is known about the development of these cells. We have used light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry to investigate the genesis, differentiation, identity, and fate of the serotonergic cells in the embryonic, larval, and metamorphic stages of the life cycle of Aplysia. The results indicate that the first serotonergic cells emerge at midembryogenesis and that a total of five cells makes up the entire serotonergic system by hatching. These cells are part of a newly discovered ganglion in Aplysia, called the apical ganglion. This serotonergic system of five cells remains essentially intact throughout larval development. The apical ganglion, together with its serotonergic cells, is resorbed at metamorphosis. A distinct set of serotonergic cells, which begins to emerge by the end of the larval period, is rapidly elaborated during the metamorphic and early juvenile periods to form the adult serotonergic system. These results support the view that the larval and adult forms of the Aplysia nervous system consist of entirely distinct sets of serotonergic cells, each adapted to the stage-specific morphological and behavioral characteristics of the animal. J. Comp. Neurol. 386:477-490, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide synthesis was determined for individual identified ventral-cluster neurons in the buccal ganglia of Aplysia. Each of these cells was shown to be a motor neuron that innervates buccal muscles that generate biting and swallowing movements during feeding. Individual neurons were identified by a battery of physiological criteria and stained with intracellular injection of a vital dye, and the ganglia were incubated in 35S-methionine. Peptide synthesis was determined by measuring labeled peptides in extracts from individually dissected neuronal cell bodies analyzed by HPLC. Previously characterized peptides found to be synthesized included buccalin, FMRFamide, myomodulin, and the 2 small cardioactive peptides (SCPs). Each of these neuropeptides has been shown to modulate buccal muscle responses to motor neuron stimulation. Two other peptides were found to be synthesized in individual motor neurons. One peptide, which was consistently observed in neurons that also synthesized myomodulin, is likely to be the recently sequenced myomodulin B. The other peptide was observed in a subset of the neurons that synthesize FMRFamide. While identified motor neurons consistently synthesized the same peptide(s), neurons that innervate the same muscle often express different peptides. Neurons that synthesized the SCPs also contained SCP-like activity, as determined by snail heart bioassay. Our results indicate that every identified motor neuron synthesizes a subset of these methionine-containing peptides, and that several neurons consistently synthesize peptides that are likely to be processed from multiple precursors.  相似文献   

We have investigated long-lasting enhancement of signaling effectiveness in the tail sensory neurons of Aplysia using both intracellular and extracellular stimulation. The pairing of high frequency homosynaptic activation with heterosynaptic modulation produced significantly greater enhancement of monosynaptic connections to identified motor neurons than did homosynaptic activity, heterosynaptic modulation, or test stimuli alone. Enhancement of the monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potential produced by pairing persisted for at least 4 hr, and the kinetics of decay of this potentiation indicated a time constant of about 5 hr. Although unpaired stimulation produced much weaker enhancement, both homosynaptic activity and heterosynaptic modulation alone produced enhancement lasting more than 90 min. The results are consistent with the possibility that intrinsic electrical activity can amplify the modulatory effects of a paired extrinsic chemical signal to produce long-term changes in synaptic strength. Paired stimulation also produced a relative enhancement of the excitability of the sensory neuron soma as judged by changes in action potential threshold. The lack of generalized changes in the postsynaptic cell and the observation of pairing-induced long-term changes in action potential threshold in the presynaptic cell soma suggest that long-term enhancement produced by pairing has a presynaptic locus in this system. Since pairing-specific enhancement can encode associations between sensory and motivational events in these cells, this form of plasticity may function as a form of associative memory. Similarities between long-term paired enhancement in this system and associative long-term potentiation in other systems suggest that activity-dependent neuromodulation might be involved in cellular memory in other systems as well.  相似文献   

Marder E  Richards KS 《Brain research》1999,848(1-2):35-44
The stomatogastric ganglion (STG) of adult lobsters and crabs receives dense aminergic and peptidergic projections. The neuropeptides are found in sensory neurons and in descending interneurons that modulate the output of the rhythmic central pattern generating networks in the STG. We describe the presence of these peptidergic projections in the adult Homarus americanus, and the effects of some of these neuropeptides on the motor patterns of the adult STG. We describe the developmental acquisition of these neuropeptides during embryonic and larval times and demonstrate that the immature STG networks are already sensitive to a variety of neuromodulators.  相似文献   

Calcium dependence of A-currents in perfused Aplysia neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D Junge 《Brain research》1985,346(2):294-300
Transient outward currents were studied in neurons in the visceral ganglion of Aplysia californica, using intracellular perfusion and voltage-clamp techniques. The early outward currents in response to depolarizations from holding potentials near -90 mV were activated in the range -60 to -20 mV, below the threshold for the delayed outward current. Resting inactivation of the early outward currents was removed by prehyperpolarizations in the range -130 to -70 mV. A-currents produced in this manner were blocked by external application of CoCl2 and augmented by increasing external Ca-concentration. They were also blocked by treatment with 4-aminopyridine. The currents were reduced by treatment with verapamil hydrochloride, further suggesting a role for calcium in the current-generating mechanism. A model with a fourth-power activation process and first-power inactivation process could fit the early outward currents reasonably well. The effect of application of Ca-free, cobalt-containing solution was modeled as a decrease in peak conductance and an increase in the time constants of activation and inactivation.  相似文献   

An Aplysia Trk-like receptor (ApTrkl) was previously shown to be involved in cell wide long-term facilitation (LTF) and activation of ERK when serotonin (5-HT) is applied to the cell soma. The current study investigated the regulation of ApTrkl by overexpressing the receptor and several variants in Aplysia sensory neuron cultures. Kinase activity-dependent constitutive activation of ApTrkl was observed mainly on the plasma membrane. These studies revealed two modes of receptor internalization: (1) kinase activity-dependent internalization and (2) 5-HT-dependent, kinase activity-independent internalization. Both modes of internalization were ligand independent, and the action of 5-HT was mediated through G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). On the other hand, methiothepin, an inverse agonist of 5-HT GPCRs activated endogenous ApTrkl to the same extent as 5-HT, suggesting a transactivation mechanism due to a novel coupling of GPCRs to receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) activation that is also activated through inverse agonist binding. The neuropeptide sensorin could transiently activate ApTrkl but was not required for 5-HT-induced ApTrkl activation.  相似文献   

Many neurons are now known to undergo dramatic morphological or biochemical changes long after they have completed differentiation and maturation. The ability of fully mature neurons to alter their transmitter phenotype has been amply demonstrated in culture, but direct in vivo data on single neurons have been difficult to obtain. Here we show that a set of 4 individually identified neurosecretory neurons in the moth Manduca sexta, previously demonstrated to contain the peptide hormone bursicon, also stain with a monoclonal antibody directed against 2 insect cardioacceleratory peptides (CAPs). These lateral cells exhibit CAP-like immunoreactivity in larvae but not in pupae or adults, in contrast to other CAP-containing neurons which are strongly immunoreactive in all postembryonic stages. Biochemical analyses using high-pressure liquid chromatography confirm that the lateral neurons in larvae contain CAP2, one of the CAPs. CAP measurements of cell clusters containing these cells indicate high levels only in caterpillars. When the same neurosecretory cells are individually dissected and assayed for CAP bioactivity, high CAP levels are again found in larvae, whereas the same neurons in pupae show no such CAP bioactivity. Simultaneous determinations of both bursicon and CAP levels in single lateral cells indicate that these cells express high levels of CAP activity and low amounts of bursicon in larvae yet are solely bursicon-containing in pupae and adults. Thus, by demonstrating that these cells alter their secretory profile in vivo during metamorphosis, our results confirm the notion that functionally mature neurons are capable of altering their transmitter expression after the completion of embryonic development.  相似文献   

The bag cell peptides (α-, β-, and γ-BCP) are secreted by the neuroendocrine bag cells of Aplysia, and provide feedback modulation of bag cell excitability and cAMP levels. We report here that if 200–500 mM NaCL is included in the assay buffer, the BCPs alter adenylate cyclase activity in a manner consistent with their effects on cAMP levels in intact bag cells. Specifically, β-BCP and the related peptide A from the atrial gland stimulate the enzyme, while the effects of α-BCP(1–7) and γ-BCP are temperature dependent, stimulating at 30°C and inhibiting at 15°C. Both stimulation and inhibition require GTP, suggesting mediation by Gs and Gi. The ionic requirements of stimulation and inhibition differ: C is necessary to support stimulation, but not inhibition. Moreover, pertussis toxin blocks inhibition, but does not affect stimulation. These results suggest that the temperature-sensitive mechanism lies upstream from the G-protein in the signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The ionic mechanism of the effect of extracellularly ejected calcitonin (CT) on the membrane of identified neurons R9 and R10 of Aplysia was investigated with voltage-clamp, micropressure ejection, and ion substitution techniques. Micropressure-ejected CT caused a marked hyperpolarization in the unclamped neuron. Heat-inactivated CT was without effect. Clamping the same neuron at its resting potential level (?60mV) and re-ejecting CT with the same dose produced a slow outward current (Io(CT), 30–40 sec in duration, 4–6 nA in amplitude) associated with a decrease in input membrane conductance. Io (CT) was decreased by depolarization and increased by hyperpolarization. The extrapolated reversal potential of Io was approximately +10mV. Io (CT) was sensitive to changes in the external Na+ concentration but not to changes in K+, Ca2+, and CI? concentrations. Micropressure-ejected forskolin produced a slow outward current, which, like the current to CT, was associated with a decrease in input membrane conductance, and was sensitive to changes in the external Na+ concentration. Io (CT) was prolonged by bath-applied isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX) but was not affected by I-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (OAG) and calphostin C. Neither superfusion of the neuron with nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) nor superfusion with indomethacin caused any changes in Io(CT). These results suggest that extracellular CT can induce a slow outward current associated with a decrease in Na+ conductance, mediated by a receptor-controlled increase in intracellular cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neurons from the abdominal ganglion of the mollusc Aplysia californica regenerate neurite processes in dissociated cell culture. Both the nature of neurite outgrowth and the morphology of the cells are influenced by the presence of adult Aplysia hemolymph in the growth medium and the presence of a portion of a cell's original axonal process. Aplysia hemolymph enhances cell survival, the initiation of neurite outgrowth from multiple sites on the cell body surface, the linear growth of the processes, and the amount of branching by those processes. Hemolymph also decreases the diameter of the outgrowing neurite fascicles and the diameter of the individual neurites within the fascicles. The presence of a cell's original axon reduces the time required for the initiation of neurite outgrowth and restricts the formation of multipolar processes. In addition, the presence of an initial axonal segment is essential for neurite regeneration from large adult neurons.  相似文献   

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