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In this study the ultraviolet (UV) transmission of split skin exposed to UVB radiation and of non-exposed skin was compared in the 280-390 nm wavelength range and quantified. In addition, the correlation between the increase in the minimal erythema dose (MED) associated with a defined exposure to UVB and the ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) calculated from the transmission data was investigated. The study population consisted of 12 patients. Two pieces of split skin of the same thickness (0.3 mm) were taken from the right thigh of each patient. One specimen was removed from an area of non-exposed healthy skin and the other from an area which had been exposed to UVB radiation for a period of 12 days in which the initial dose of 1/3 MED was raised by 1/3 MED every 4 days. The split skin specimens were stretched over a special frame; subsequently, the UV transmission was determined with a spectrophotometer. The mean values obtained for UV transmission were all significantly below the initial data for non-exposed split skin. In the UV range of 280--390 nm, the transmission measured in the exposed specimens was 49.1% of the value measured in the non-exposed split skin (P<0.05). The corresponding values for the UVA range (315--390 nm) and the UVB range (280--315 nm) were 50.1% and 29.5%, respectively (P<0.05), based on the initial transmission data obtained from non-exposed skin. The clinical determination of MED after 12 days of exposure to UVB yielded mean values that were 3.2 times the initial values. Moreover, the mean UPFs calculated from the transmission data measured at the end of the 12-day exposure period were also about three times the initial values. The present study has thus established a significant correlation between the clinical MED values and the UPFs calculated from the transmission data measured following exposure to UVB.  相似文献   

The important factors for UV sensitivity in humans are considered to be the skin pigmentation and the epidermal thickness. In this study on 73 Caucasians (age 20–85 years), we investigated in UV unexposed buttock skin the relationship between the UV sensitivity and constitutive skin pigmentation and thickness of the stratum corneum and the cellular part of the epidermis, in 34 normal people and in 39 skin cancer patients (20 patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma and 19 patients with basal cell carcinoma of the skin). Skin pigmentation was measured by skin reflectance spectroscopy, and UV sensitivity by phototest with a solar simulator. Thicknesses of the stratum corneum and the cellular part of the epidermis were determined by light microscopic evaluation of skin biopsies from the phototest areas. We found that epidermal thickness was independent of skin type and was not correlated to constitutive skin pigmentation. Thickness of the stratum corneum was statistically not different in normal persons and in skin cancer patients (P=0.4l) and was independent of gender (P=0.61) and age (P=0.56), while thickness of the cellular epidermis decreased with age (P<0.01). Stratum corneum thickness was found to be of minor importance for the constitutive UV sensitivity (accounting for on average 11% of the total photoprotection), which was mainly determined by the constitutive skin pigmentation (goodness-of-fit for correlation r=0.83). A theoretical model for the relationship of UV dose to induction of clinical erythema grade and skin pigmentation and thickness of the stratum corneum was developed. Objective measurements of skin pigmentation in UV unexposed skin by skin reflectance spectroscopy in Caucasians, normal people and people with cutaneous malignant melanoma and basal cell carcinoma of the skin predicts the constitutive UV sensitivity with a high degree of precision.  相似文献   

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a tradional folk remedy that is used for the topical treatment of superficial wounds, scars and burns. A characteristic metabolite of St. John's wort is the photodynamic active plant pigment hypericin. It is known that hypericin may cause a severe photodermatitis called hypericism when higher amounts of St. John's wort are ingested orally. To date, no reports on the photosensitizing capacity of topical application of St. John's wort are available. Here, we investigated the effects of Hypericum oil (hypericin 110 microg/mL) and Hypericum ointment (hypericin 30 microg/mL) on skin sensitivity to solar simulated radiation. Sixteen volunteers of the skin types II and III were tested on their volar forearms with solar simulated radiation for photosensitizing effects of Hypericum oil (n=8) and Hypericum ointment (n=8). The minimal erythema dose (MED) was determined by visual assessment, and skin erythema was evaluated photometrically. With the visual erythema score, no change of the MED could be detected after application of either Hypericum oil or Hypericum ointment (P>0.05). With the more sensitive photometric measurement, an increase of the erythema-index after treatment with the Hypericum oil could be detected (P< or =0.01). The results do not provide evidence for a severe phototoxic potential of Hypericum oil and Hypericum ointment, detectable by the clinically relevant visual erythema score. However, the trend towards increased photosensitivity detected with the more sensitive photometric measurement could become relevant in fair-skinned individuals, in diseased skin or after extended solar irradiation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Cumulative exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) increases the risk of developing skin cancer, particularly squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. Thus, the need for protection from the sun is widely advocated, but consumers generally associate such protection with the occasional extreme exposure and tend to ignore the risk of long-term exposure. In fact, a sun exposure model predicts that over a lifetime, a person will receive tens of thousands of minimal erythema doses worth of UVR through normal, daily, incidental exposure. The cumulative effect of casual sun exposure over the years underscores the need for everyday basic UVR protection in which even low level (SPF 4–10) sunscreens are shown to offer significant benefit. Analysis shows that daily protection can reduce lifetime exposure by 50% or more.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIM: Increased pigmentation and thickening of the epidermis are the most important photoprotective skin reactions induced by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The present study was designed to find out what changes are induced by regular use of commercial sunbeds twice weekly over a period of 6 weeks. METHODS: The parameters analysed were skin pigmentation measured by chromametry, minimal erythema dose (MED) as a parameter of light sensitivity, epidermal thickening as determined by histology, induction of keratinocyte apoptosis as determined by TUNEL staining and antioxidant metabolism as measured by changes of cis- and trans-urocanic acid (UCA) content of the skin. RESULTS: As expected, chromametry confirmed the clinically obvious increased skin pigmentation. However, no increase in MED was observed. In addition, neither epidermal thickening nor sunburn cells were seen. Significant detectable changes in proportion of the UCA isomer content of the UV-exposed skin were seen. The total UCA and cis-UCA content increased significantly between nearly all points of measurement. The amount of trans-UCA first decreased, then increased significantly between the different time points. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that sunbed-induced tanning is non-protective, which has to be addressed for persons looking for this effect before planning a stay in a sunny climate. However, sunbed-induced tanning may influence immunological reactions.  相似文献   

中国城市女性人群皮肤类型调查及相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:调查中国女性群体的皮肤光型或日光反应性分型。方法:按照Fitzpatrick分型概念设计问卷,采用引导性答卷和自主性答卷两种方式进行调查;然后利用标准日光模拟器测定受试者的最小红斑量(MED)和最小持续黑化量(MPPD),比较分析这些参数在不同皮肤类型之间的变化。结果:接受调查的404名城市女性在引导性调查和自主性调查中.Ⅲ型皮肤分别占71.1%和74.3%,Ⅱ型分别占14.7%和25.6%,Ⅳ分别占14.2%和1.0%。未见Ⅰ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ型皮肤。上述皮肤类型和所测定的MED值和MPPD值有较好的对应变化关系,即从Ⅱ型到Ⅳ型皮肤,MED值逐渐增加,而MPPD值逐渐减小,在不同皮肤类型之间差异有显著性。结论:在所调查的中国女性人群中皮肤类型以Ⅲ型为主,其次是Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型。皮肤类型和所测的MED、MPPD值有良好的相关性。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Apart from sunscreen lotions, clothing provides protection from acute and chronic sun damage. Therefore, it is very important to know the ultraviolet (UV) protection factor (UPF) of textiles, in particular of lightweight summer clothing. Usually, the UPF of a textile is determined by spectrophotometric assessment of the UV transmission (in vitro method). OBJECTIVES: To compare the relationship between in vitro tests and in vivo tests of UPF using solar simulators for determination of the minimal erythema dose (MED), applied to 30 different summer textiles. METHODS: Thirty summer textiles were spectrophotometrically assessed, and UPFs were calculated with respect to the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) erythemal action spectrum.1 Based on the in vitro UPFs 'on skin' and 'off skin', in vivo testing was performed using a solar simulator for the determination of the MEDunprotected and MEDprotected. RESULTS: The UPFs obtained from in vivo 'on skin' testing were significantly (r = 0.95; P < 0.001) lower than the predicted in vitro UPFs. This disparity was also confirmed by chromometric assessment of the MED testing; the erythemal responses measured after textile protection were significantly (P < 0.001) higher than those obtained without protection. However, the in vivo 'off skin' UPFs did not significantly (r = 0.98; P > 0.05) differ from the in vitro UPFs; comparison of the chromometrically assessed erythemal responses was also insignificant (P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The different correlation between in vitro and in vivo measurements of the UPF may be due to the optical-geometrical properties of textiles and the different amount of direct and diffuse radiation passing through the spaces between the yarns. As spectrophotometric measurements of a textile may generally yield lower UPFs than those obtained under average field conditions, the in vitro test method provides 'safe' UPF values representing a 'worst-case scenario'. In contrast to in vitro testing, in vivo methods are much more expensive and time-consuming. Thus, with respect to practicality, spectrophotometric measurements seem to be most suitable for the evaluation of UV protection of textiles.  相似文献   

Background/aims: Narrow-band reflectance spectrophotometer is one of the objective and quantitative devices for measuring the skin colors. There has been some controversy concerning the relationship between the objectively measured skin color and cutaneous responsiveness to ultraviolet radiation, including minimal erythema dose (MED). The aims of this study were to compare the color of Korean brown skin with that of Caucasians by objective measurement with the narrow-band reflectance spectrophotometer, and to determine whether the skin color has any correlation with MED in Koreans, and demonstrate differences in this correlation according to the anatomical sites. Methods: With narrow-band reflectance spectrometer, skin colors were measured at 17 body sites of 20 healthy Korean male volunteers after measuring MED for the same subjects. Results: The constitutional skin color, as measured by the melanin index of the nonexposed sites, showed a statistically significant correlation with MED values, whereas the facultative skin color did not. The Korean brown skin showed higher melanin index and lower erythema index compared with that of Caucasians. Conclusions: We confirmed significant differences in the correlation between MED and melanin indices, depending on the anatomic sites. This suggests that selection from various sites, even among the nonexposed sites, is quite important and deserves further evaluation.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the relationships between epidermal thickness, age, skin pigmentation and UV sensitivity in sun-exposed skin and skin not exposed to the sun in healthy people without skin cancer or skin diseases. Methods: Phototesting with a xenon arc solar simulator was performed in 137 healthy Caucasians in buttock skin un-exposed to UV (27 children, 34 young adults and 32 older adults) and in skin of the back exposed to UV (44 young adults). The pigmentation of the phototest sites was measured objectively by a skin reflectance spectrometer before phototesting. Thickness of the stratum corneum and the cellular epidermis were measured in skin biopsies from the phototest sites. All measurements were performed in the winter and spring months. Results: Stratum corneum and cellular epidermis were thinner at the back than at the buttocks (P<0.01). Thickness of the stratum corneum at the back or the buttocks was not related to the degree of skin pigmentation (P=0.62 and P=0.20, respectively). Thickness of the stratum corneum at the buttocks was unaffected by gender (P=0.42) and age (P=0.83) whereas cellular epidermis decreased with age (P<0.01) and was thinner in females than in males (P<0.01). In spite of the higher pigmentation at the back than at the buttocks, the minimal erythema dose (MED) was lower at the back than at the buttocks (x=2.7 and x=2.2 SED's, respectively; P=0.04). Given the same degree of skin pigmentation, there was no difference in the MED in buttock skin in children, young adults and older adults un-exposed to UV (P= 0.61). Prediction of the MED in un-exposed buttock skin and in exposed skin of the back by a theoretical model based on an exponential function of the measured skin pigmentation was found to provide good estimates of the MED determined by phototest. Conclusion: Skin pigmentation at un-exposed buttock skin can reliably predict the constitutive UV sensitivity in healthy Caucasian children and adults and is recommended in surveys where phototesting cannot be performed.  相似文献   

Background: The absorption spectrum of human skin provides a basis for the estimation of the possible photobiological impact of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The optical properties of human skin in the UV spectral range have so far mainly been measured ex vivo due to a lack of an appropriate in vivo technique and the change of optical properties during the course of adaptation to higher UV doses has hardly been addressed. Methods: We have determined the absorption spectra of human skin in vivo in the wavelength range from 290 to 341 nm in 3 nm steps using laser optoacoustics. In this technique, optical properties are derived from the pressure profile generated by absorbed light energy in the sample. Spectra from the volar and dorsal aspects of the forearm of 20 subjects were compared, i.e. sites with native and various facultative pigmentation. Results: UV adaptation shows as an increase in absorption coefficients over the entire measured UV range and especially in short‐range UVB. Subject groups with high vs. low UV exposure can be discriminated by analyzing the difference absorption spectra between dorsal and volar aspects of the forearm. No dependence on the subject's phototype was seen in the degree of adaptation. Conclusion: The difference between native and facultative pigmentation may be explained by the absorption properties of the two prime chromophores responsible for adaptation to higher UV exposure: melanin and keratin. Stronger pigmentation, i.e. a higher melanin concentration, is found as an increase of absorption coefficients over the entire UVA‐II/UVB range. The thickening of the horny layer and accordingly, a higher influence of keratin on the absorption spectra is prominent especially in the UVB region.  相似文献   

We have developed a photodensitometry method to evaluate the intensity of cutaneous erythema objectively. The method measures the optical density of photographic slides of cutaneous erythema. It combines techniques used commonly but separately by investigators: diffuse transmittance spectroscopy (which is a variant of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy) and photography. We have used this method to study photosensitivity in 22 volunteers who received increasing doses of ultraviolet radiation to the back. Our work confirms the usefulness of an important parameter in photobiology: the regression slope of the curve representing the erythema index, a function of the logarithm of the dose applied.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet B (UVB) treatment is most often performed according to a fixed schedule, not necessarily considering important variables such as UV intensity, type of UVB source and skin pigmentation. These variables can rather easily be taken into consideration by the right choice of dosing unit. The advantage of going from dosing in time to Joule to standard erythema dose or to minimal erythema dose is considered. The size of most variables may be diminished considerably. Following these guidelines, it is possible to increase the efficacy of UVB phototherapy without increasing the risk of unintentional burning.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine the relationship between various measures of constitutive skin pigmentation and erythema caused by solar-simulated UV (ssUV), 290 and 310 nm UV. METHODS: Skin pigmentation was assessed clinically by skin typing as well as objectively by measurement of the melanin index (MI) by reflectance spectroscopy. Subjects having Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV were exposed to graded doses of ssUV and either narrowband 310 nm (n=70) or 290 nm (n=69) UV, and assessed 24 h after exposure. Minimal erythema dose (MED) was assessed visually as the lowest dose that caused minimally perceptible erythema. Susceptibility to further development of erythema with higher exposure doses was measured by the gradient of erythema dose-response curves. This was determined by linear regression using reflectance spectrometry data beyond the MED. RESULTS: Although there was considerable variation within each skin type, MI and ssUV MED increased with increasing Fitzpatrick skin type. MI correlated with ssUV MED and 310 nm UV MED, but not 290 nm UV MED. There was also a significant negative correlation between MI and erythema dose-response gradients caused by ssUV, 310 and 290 nm UV. CONCLUSION: Melanin situated near the basal epidermis may not protect from the initial development of threshold erythema caused by 290 nm UV because it penetrates poorly past the stratum corneum and is not well absorbed by melanin in vivo compared with 310 nm UV. Higher erythemal 290 nm UV doses may reach basal epidermal melanin, which may then afford protection against further 290 nm UV erythema.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Clothing is an important product for sunburn protection and skin cancer prevention. The moisture content of a fabric, which can increase during its wearing, may decrease the fabric's capability of protecting the skin from solar UV radiation, that is, lower its UPF (ultraviolet protection factor). Due to limited data about the effect of fabric wetness on UPF, this study was undertaken to investigate the following: (a) the effect of saturating a variety of fabrics with tap water and with salt water on fabric UPF and (b) whether wetted-fabric UPF values reflect only the fact that the fabric is wet during testing or the fact that the skin is hydrated and the fabric is wet. METHODS: For objective a, 69 summer fabrics were spectrophotometrically (in vitro) assessed when "dry" and when saturated with tap and salt water. In vitro UPFs, percent UVA transmission and percent UVB transmission values were calculated from the transmission data. For objective b, 100% cotton and 100% polyester fabrics were tested in vivo to determine in vivo UPF values. The minimal erythema dose (MED) was determined for each of the 12 subjects on unprotected "dry" skin and on "hydrated" unprotected skin. MEDprotected was determined when the subject's skin was covered with "dry" and with saturated fabric. In vivo UPFs were calculated using this data. Student's paired t-tests were used to determine the effect of wetting. RESULTS: With one exception, in vitro UPF values were the same when the fabrics were saturated with tap water and when they were saturated with salt water. However, saturating the fabrics with water had different effects on the UPF, UVA transmission, and UVB transmission values. For linen, viscose and polyester fabrics, UPF significantly increased. For the cotton fabrics and the polyester + TiO2 fabrics, UPF significantly decreased. For the modal + TiO2 fabrics and the polyester crepe + TiO2 fabrics, UPF significantly increased. From the in vivo testing, the MED of the "hydrated unprotected" skin was not different than the MED of "dry unprotected skin." Values obtained from subtracting dry-fabric in vivo UPF values from dry-fabric in vitro values and subtracting wet-fabric in vivo UPF values from wet-fabric in vitro values are not different. CONCLUSION: Fabrics do not need to be tested when saturated with tap and with salt water. Testing fabrics wet and dry should be done, as the effect of saturating fabric on UPF value varies. Fortunately, UPF values for wetted fabrics reveal only the effect of increased moisture content in the fabric and have nothing to do with wetting of the skin by the fabric.  相似文献   

Artificial UV irradiation of murine skin is a frequently used method for testing photosensitivity, study carcinogenesis and photoprotective effects of different compounds. However, doses of UV radiation and mouse strains used in experiments vary greatly. The genetic background of mice may influence the photosensitivity as melanin content, pigmentation and hair cycle parameters are dissimilar. Doses of UV are often expressed in relation to the minimal erythema dose (MED) that was not necessarily determined for the given strain. We set out to standardize the method of measuring photosensitivity in three commonly used mouse strains, C57BL/6N, Balb/c and SKH‐1. We found that MED may not be determined for some strains as erythema development in mice with diverse genotypes differs greatly. We measured the oedema response in vivo and ex vivo by using OCT. Given the strain‐specific variability of erythema, we introduced Clinically Relevant Dose (CRD) as a new term to replace MED in experiments, to describe the lowest dose that triggers a perceptible skin reaction in mice. Not only the CRD but the proportion of erythema and oedema were different in strains examined. C57BL/6N mice display skin reactions at the lowest UVB dose, while SKH‐1 hairless mice show changes, mostly oedema, after higher doses of UVB. The cellular composition and skin thickness were examined by histopathology. IL‐1beta and IL‐6 levels in skin correlated with the increasing doses of UVB. Despite the variations in the degree of erythema and oedema, no major differences in cytokine expressions were seen among various strains of mice.  相似文献   

Background  Narrow‐band ultraviolet B (NB‐UVB) phototherapy is a widely used treatment. Psoralen‐UVA photochemotherapy (PUVA) increases skin cancer risk and some animal studies have raised the possibility of an increased risk with NB‐UVB. The risk of skin cancer in humans following treatment with NB‐UVB is unknown. Objectives  This current analysis forms part of an ongoing study ultimately aiming to define the long‐term carcinogenic risk of NB‐UVB treatment in humans. Methods  Details of all patients receiving NB‐UVB treatment until 31/12/2002 in Tayside, Scotland, were accessed from a treatment database and linked to the Scottish Cancer Registry. Indirect standardization was used to compare skin cancer incidence in the study population with age and sex matched cancer registry data for the Tayside population. We also assessed the effect of NB‐UVB exposure treatment numbers on the risk of developing skin cancer. Results  Of 4690 records reviewed, 4665 were suitable for analysis with 3886 records linked with the cancer registry and 3867 followed‐up for at least 6 months before 31/12/02 (the date at which cancer registration was deemed to be complete). The median number of NB‐UVB treatments was 29 with 352 patients receiving ≥ 100 treatments. The study gave 24 753 person‐years of follow up. First skin cancers recorded in study patients were 27 basal cell carcinomas (BCC), seven squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and six melanomas. No association was found between NB‐UVB exposure alone (without PUVA) and any skin cancer. For NB‐UVB and PUVA treated patients there was an association with BCC, with 27 BCCs found compared with 14·1 expected in the matched population. Conclusion  We found no significant association between NB‐UVB treatment and BCC, SCC or melanoma. There was a small increase in BCCs amongst those also treated with PUVA. These reassuring results do not demonstrate the early increase in skin cancers that was found associated with PUVA treatment. However, cautious interpretation is required as the cohort contained relatively few patients who had a high treatment number and because the slow evolution of skin cancers may result in a delayed incidence peak. Ongoing risk assessment is therefore essential.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been shown to be responsible for different biological effects on human skin, including the initiation of photocarcinogenesis. Both UVB and UVA have been described as mutagenic, but the processes by which they alter the DNA are different. Although cells can repair DNA damage, some deleterious mutations nevertheless appear and can promote cancer. The risk of photocarcinogenesis is acknowledged and the frequency of photogenodermatosis is increasing. In order to evaluate the protection efficacy of a high sun protection factor (SPF) mineral sunscreen against UVB- and UVA-induced genomic alterations, we have followed two approaches. First, we have tested the sunscreen for its ability to decrease the unscheduled DNA synthesis response in vitro in human fibroblasts, as an indirect measure of UVB-induced lesions (0.005 and 0.01 J/cm2), and second, we have verified its ability to reduce the in situ end-labelling intensity in human skin as a direct measure of UVA-induced single-strand breaks (10 J/cm2). Microscopic analysis clearly demonstrated the protective effect of the sunscreen against UVB and UVA. A dose-dependent effect of mineral sunscreens was observed. There was also a relationship between the SPF and genomic protection. By limiting the accumulation of UV-induced lesions on DNA, this mineral sunscreen could limit the mutation frequency.  相似文献   

Background: Fitzpatrick skin type (FST I–IV) is a subjective expression of ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity based on erythema and tanning reactivity after a single exposure. Pigment protection factor (PPF) is an objective measurement of skin sensitivity in all skin types after a single exposure. Methods: The aim was to compare FST and PPF with clinically determined minimal erythema dose (MED) and minimal melanogenesis dose (MMD) in 84 persons with skin types I–V both after single and multiple exposures (one, four, five, six, or 12) to buttock and back skin. Results: FST was better correlated to MED than to MMD, and FST correlated better to constitutive than to facultative pigmented areas after multiple exposures rather than to a single exposure. PPF was generally much better correlated to MED and MMD than FST especially after a single exposure and multiple exposures with steady‐state pigmentation. Multiple regression analyses showed that MED was the only significant, or most important determinator, of both FST and PPF. The correlation coefficient was highly significant for PPF (r2=82). Conclusions: PPF is a better predictor of the individual UV sensitivity (linear relation) than FST (only 4 grades) and PPF can substitute FST.  相似文献   

No clinical studies have been published documenting the development of pigmentation following the use of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended exposures from a tanning bed. Panelists were exposed three times weekly for eight weeks (24 exposures) using the FDA recommended exposure schedule. The initial tan was noted after only six exposures and quantitatively increased through the remainder of the study.  相似文献   

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