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张孝清  王斌 《中国药理学报》1999,20(10):893-896
AIM: To study the effects of TMB-8 on [Ca2+]i elevation induced by neurotransmitters in dissociated brain cells. METHODS: The brain cell suspension was made using a gentle trituration for 1 min with a polished pipette. The changes of [Ca2+]i were detected by the fluorescent indicator, Fura 2-AM. RESULTS: In the presence of extracellular Ca2+ 1.3 mmol.L-1, sodium glutamate (Glu), histamine (His), and serotonin (5-HT) markedly increased the [Ca2+]i which were reduced by TMB-8 30 mumol.L-1. TMB-8 3 mumol.L-1 produced inhibitory effects on the increase of [Ca2+]i by His and 5-HT in a Ca(2+)-free Hanks' solution. The increase of [Ca2+]i by His and 5-HT was reduced to control level by TMB-8 10 mumol.L-1. CONCLUSION: TMB-8 inhibited the [Ca2+]i elevation induced by Glu, 5-HT, and His in brain cells.  相似文献   

目的:观察甲基黄酮醇胺(MFA)对胎鼠脑细胞内游离钙浓度在静息以及激动剂存在时的作用。方法:用钙离子荧光染料Fura 2-AM负载后,测定分离的胎鼠脑细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca~(2 )]_i)及其变化。结果:在含钙1.3mmoL·L~(-1)的Hanks’液中,[Ca~(2 )]_i为197±20nmol·L~(-1)(n=44)。MFA0.15mmol·L~(-1)对静息脑细胞内钙浓度无明显影响。在细胞外钙1.3mmol·L~(-1)条件下,MFA(0.03—0.3 mmoL·L~(-1))浓度依赖性地抑制高钾去极化导致的[Ca~(2 )]_i升高,IC_(50)为0.14(95%可信限:0.05—0.42)mmoL·L~(-1)。在较高浓度时,MFA(0.15—0.3mmoL·L~(-1))也可抑制谷氨酸兴奋所引起的[Ca~(2 )]_i,IC_(50)为0.20(95%可信限:0.01—3.40)mmoL·L~(-1)。结论:MFA抑制高钾去极化引起的[Ca~(2 )]_i升高,在较高浓度时也拮抗谷氨酸兴奋所致的[Ca~(2 )]_i升高。  相似文献   

目的:观察大蒜新素对不同刺激剂所致分离大鼠脑细胞内游离钙的影响。方法:以Fura 2-AM为细胞内游离钙的荧光指示剂,用AR-CM-MIC阳离子测定系统,直接测定了分离新生大鼠脑细胞内游离钙([Ca~(2 )]_i)值,观察了大蒜新素的影响。结果:大蒜新素对脑细胞静息[Ca~(2 )]_i无明显影响,大蒜新素1-100μmol·L~(-1)能剂量依赖性地抑制高K~ 和谷氨酸引起的[Ca~(2 )]_i升高,其中IC_(50)分别为59.7和69.9μmol·L~(-1),高剂量大蒜新素100μmol·L~(-1)能抑制去甲肾上腺素引起的[Ca~(2 )]_i升高。结论:大蒜新素对高K~ 、去甲肾上腺素及谷氨酸引起的[Ca~(2 )]_i升高的抑制作用可能是其抗脑缺血作用机制之一。  相似文献   

张孝清  王斌  张民英  肖继皋 《药学学报》1997,32(10):726-730
应用AR-CM-MIC阳离子测定系统,研究TMB-8对体外新生SD大鼠单个脑细胞内游离钙的抑制作用及其机制。结果表明,在无细胞外钙情况下,静息[Ca2+]i为79±13nmol·L-1。TMB-810,30μmol·L-1能明显降低静息[Ca2+]i。TMB-8100μmol·L-1对高钾去极化引起的[Ca2+]i显著增高无明显影响。在细胞外钙为1.3mmol·L-1时,去甲肾上腺素诱导的细胞内[Ca2+]i升高可部分被TMB-8抑制;TMB-8(30μmol·L-1)对BHQ引起的[Ca2+]i的升高无明显抑制作用。而当细胞外液[Ca2+]i为0时,TMB-8几乎完全抑制了去甲肾上腺素和BHQ的作用。提示TMB-8降低脑细胞内游离钙的作用机制是通过促使细胞内钙进入肌浆网以抑制内钙的释放,并通过饱和肌浆网内Ca2+间接地阻滞细胞膜钙通道。  相似文献   

以Fura-2/AM为荧光指示剂,利用AR-CM-MIC阳离子系统测定小檗碱(Ber)对新生大鼠脑细胞静息Ca2+和神经递质引起的脑细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca2+]i)变化的影响.Ber1,10,30μmol·L-1对脑静息[Ca2+]i无明显影响.Ber1~100μmol·L-1剂量依赖的抑制谷氨酸引起的[Ca2+]i升高.Ber10μmol·L-1能降低Hanks液有Ca2+和无Ca2+时去甲肾上腺素引起的[Ca2+]i升高,且能降低5-羟色胺引起的[Ca2+]i升高(在细胞外液有Ca2+时).结果提示Ber可降低谷氨酸,去甲肾上腺素和5-羟色胺引起的[Ca2+]i升高,这可能是其抗脑缺血机理之一.  相似文献   

应用Pura-2技术测定游离新生大鼠脑[Ca2+]i浓度的技术、研究了Tet对静息脑[Ca2+]i和3种递质引起的脑[Ca2]i变化的影响。Tet(1,10和20μmol·L-1)对静息脑[Ca2+]i无明显影响。Tet(10μmol·L-1)可降低L-Gln(0.1、1.0和10μmol·L-1)引起的脑(Ca2+)i的升高。在Hank's液Ca2+为1.3mmol·L-1时,Tet10μmol·L-1可降低His(50和100μmol·L-1)和5-HT(0.1、1.0、10和100μmol·L-1)引起的脑[Ca2+]i的升高。但不能降低Hank's液无Ca2+时His和5-HT引起的脑[Ca2+]i的升高。研究表明Tet可阻滞L-Gin、His和5-HT受体调控的钙通道。但对His和5-HT引起的细胞内贮存钙的释放并无明显影响。Tet的这种降低脑[Ca2+]i的作用可能是其治疗脑缺血性疾病的机理之一。P<0.01在Tet10μmol·L-1作用下,相同浓度的细胞外液钙和His(0、50和100μmol·L-1),脑[Ca2+]i分别是221±5、245±5和302±6nmol·L-1。增加了11.8?  相似文献   

粉防己碱对培养大鼠心肌细胞胞内游离钙的影响(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究粉防己碱对心肌的作用。方法:采用Fura-2和AR-CM-MIC阳离子测定系统测定培养大鼠单个心肌细胞胞内游离钙。结果:外钙1.3mmol·L~(-1)时,细胞静息钙为90±12nmol·L~(-1)。粉防己碱不影响静息钙,但可明显抑制CaCl_2,KCl,哇巴因引起的胞内钙增高;对于去甲肾上腺素引起的胞内钙增高,粉防己碱只有在外钙存在时,方对其有抑制作用。结论;粉防己碱抑制钙离子的跨膜运动,但在心肌细胞,它并非是选择性的钙通道阻滞剂。  相似文献   

目的:研究金丝桃苷(Hyp)对新生大鼠的脑细胞内游离钙浓度的作用.方法:分离新生大鼠的脑细胞;用钙离子荧光指示剂Fura2测定静息和激动剂存在时新生鼠脑细胞内游离钙浓度.结果:在CaCl213mmol·L-1的Hanks液中,静息[Ca2+]i为(208±12)nmol·L-1(n=17),Hyp对静息[Ca2+]i无明显影响;Hyp10,40,160μmol·L-1呈浓度依赖性显著抑制KCl50mmol·L-1致[Ca2+]i增高;Hyp160μmol·L-1显著抑制去甲肾上腺素1,2,4和8μmol·L-1诱发的[Ca2+]i的增高;Hyp160μmol·L-1还可显著抑制谷氨酸和5羟色胺致[Ca2+]i增高.结论:Hyp对新生大鼠脑细胞钙内流有阻滞作用.  相似文献   

目的:研究小檗碱(Ber)对谷氨酸(Glu)引起的新生大鼠脑细胞c-fos表达及游离钙(〔Ca2+〕i)变化的影响。方法:斑点杂交及Fura-2技术。结果:Glu能诱导分离的脑细胞c-fos的一过性高表达及〔Ca2+〕i的显著升高。Ber10μmol·L-1显著抑制Glu诱导的脑细胞c-fos的高表达,而尼莫地平则没有明显作用。Ber1~100μmol·L-1能剂量依赖地抑制Glu引起的〔Ca2+〕i升高。结论:Ber的这种降低脑细胞c-fos基因表达及〔Ca2+〕i水平的作用可能是其治疗脑缺血性疾病的机制之一。  相似文献   

TMB-8对大鼠软脑膜动脉收缩的作用(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:研究TMB-8对大鼠软脑膜动脉的作用。方法:通过颅窗连续直接地观察软脑膜动脉,用微循环系统记录和分析动脉直径的变化。结果:Nim 1μmol·L~(-1)使PA直径立即增加,在给药后2min时达到最大,而TMB-8 50μmol·L~(-1)对PA无明显影响。预先给予TMB-825,50μmol·L~(-1)则明显抑制KCl引起的PA收缩幅度。在CSF中存在5-HT使PA持续收缩的情况下,TMB-8浓度依赖性地扩张PA,在TMB-8 50μmol·L~(-1)加入前,灌流一氧化氮(NO)合酶抑制剂L-NAME 10μmol·L~(-1)则TMB-8扩张PA的作用减弱。结论:TMB-8能扩张痉挛的脑血管,可能与其钙拮抗和一氧化氮释放作用有关。  相似文献   

Actionsof8(N,Ndiethylamino)noctyl3,4,5trimethoxybenzoateinvascularsmoothmusclecelculturesZhouCHEN,ShirleyXLLIU,GeorgeCY...  相似文献   

The inhibitory effects of 8-(N,N-diethylamino)octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (TMB-8) on vascular smooth muscle contraction and cytosolic Ca2+ level ([Ca2+]i) were examined using isolated rabbit aorta loaded with a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, fura-2. TMB-8 (100 microM) decreased the high K(+)-induced increase in muscle tension, and [Ca2+]i and 45Ca2+ influx to their respective resting levels. TMB-8 (100 microM) almost completely inhibited the increase in [Ca2+]i and 45Ca2+ influx due to norepinephrine although muscle tension was only partially decreased. A higher concentration of TMB-8 (300 microM) inhibited the remaining portion of the contraction without additional decrease in [Ca2+]i. The inhibitory effect of TMB-8 on high K(+)-induced contraction, but not on the norepinephrine-induced contraction, was antagonized by the increase in external Ca2+ concentrations or by the Ca2+ channel activators, CGP 28,392 and by Bay K8644. In Ca(2+)-free solution, norepinephrine-induced transient increases in [Ca2+]i and muscle tension and 100 microM TMB-8 inhibited these changes. The caffeine-induced transient increases in [Ca2+]i and muscle tension were also inhibited by TMB-8 at concentrations higher than those needed to inhibit the norepinephrine-induced transient changes. In permeabilized smooth muscle, TMB-8 (300 microM) did not inhibit the Ca(2+)-induced contraction. These results suggest that TMB-8 inhibits vascular smooth muscle contractility by inhibiting Ca2+ influx, Ca2+ release and Ca2+ sensitization of contractile elements.  相似文献   

The intracellular calcium antagonist 8-(N,N-diethylamino)octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (TMB-8) prevents the release of Ca2+ from cell storage sites. The effect of this compound on renin secretion from rat renal cortical slices in vitro was investigated. TMB-8 was a potent stimulant of renin secretion within the concentration range 10(-5)M to 5 X 10(-4)M with an optimum concentration of 2 X 10(-4)M. TMB-8 overcame the inhibition of renin secretion by angiotensin II, ouabain, 60 mM KCl and A23187. The results add to the existing evidence that Ca2+ is a common inhibitory messenger for a number of compounds which affect renin release and suggest a role for intracellular calcium stores in the regulation of juxtaglomerular cell Ca2+ levels.  相似文献   

8-(N, N-diethyl amino) octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (TMB-8) is a widely used pharmacological tool to investigate the involvement of intracellular Ca2+ stores in cellular responses. In this study we investigate the effect of TMB-8 as a putative inhibitor of Ca2+ signalling in single fura-2 loaded HT29 coIonic epithelial cells stimulated by ATP, carbachol (CCH) and neurotensin (NT). TMB-8 effectively inhibited the CCH-induced (100 mol/l intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) transient with an IC50 of 20 mol/l. However, [Ca2+]i transients induced by other phospholipase C coupled agonists ATP (10 mol/l, n = 4) and NT (10 nmol/l, n = 4) remained unaffected by TMB-8 (50 mol/l). The agonist-induced [Ca2+]i transients remained equally unaffected by 100 mol/l TMB-8 when the stimulatory concentration was reduced to 0.5 mol/I for ATP (n = 4) or 1 nmol/l for NT (n = 4). The competitive nature of the TMB-8-induced inhibition of the CCH-induced [Ca2+]i transient was demonstrated by examining the agonist at various concentrations in absence and presence of the antagonist. High TMB-8 concentrations (100 mol/l) alone induced a small [Ca2+]i increase ([Ca2+]i: 40 ± 5 nmol/l, n = 7). We assume that this increase is a consequence of a TMB-8 induced intracellular alkalinization ( pH: 0.1 ± 0.02, n = 7) occurring simultaneously with the increase in [Ca +]i. From these results we draw the following conclusions: (1) In sharp contrast to a large number of other studies, but in agreement with studies in other types of cells, these results substantially challenge the value of the tool TMB-8 as an intracellular Ca2+ antagonist; (2) TMB-8 acts a muscarinic receptor antagonist at the M3 receptor; (3) TMB-8 does not influence the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores when IP3 signal transduction is activated by ATP or NT; (4) TMB-8 as a weak organic base alkalinizes the cytosol at high concentrations; and (5) TMB-8 induces small [Ca2+]i transients at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the effects of 8-(N,N-diethylamino)-n-octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (TMB-8) on vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cells A7r5. METHODS: The effects of TMB-8 were investigated in A7r5 cell cultures with 45CaCl2. RESULTS: TMB-8 reduced the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]i in a Ca(2+)-free medium and blocked Ca2+ entry from the extracellular site in a regular Ca2+ medium. The equilibrated total cellular binding of Ca2+ was increased by TMB-8 whereas 45Ca2+ entry activated by both NE and KCl was inhibited. However, the NE-activated Ca2+ entry was not blocked by TMB-8 if TMB-8 was added together with 45Ca2+ at a later time instead of by pretreatment. Similar to actions of NE and KCl, depletion of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) would also activate Ca2+ entry, which was blocked by TMB-8. When TMB-8 was rinsed out alone or together with NE after pretreatment with NE plus TMB-8 in VSM cells, the inhibitory effect of TMB-8 was not affected. CONCLUSION: TMB-8 not only blocks Ca2+ entry from the extracellular site, but also enhances Ca2+ uptake into SR which, indirectly inhibits Ca2+ entry from the extracellular site.  相似文献   

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