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猫二叠体旁核与上丘之间的定位联系——HRP法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对猫二叠体旁核与上丘之间的定位联系用逆行性和顺行性 HRP 追踪技术进行了研究。HRP 注射至吻端上丘后,对侧吻端二叠体旁核可见大量标记细胞,核之其余部位标记细胞较少,标记终末则主要分布在同侧二叠体旁核尾侧部,它们呈颗粒或念珠状,浓密地分布在核尾侧部的背腹侧范围内,尤以背侧区密度最高。相反,尾端上丘注射后,HRP 阳性细胞和标记终末主要见于同侧二叠体旁核尾侧部,但标记细胞与终末密度明显降低。我们还注意到注射区仅限于上丘浅层者,二叠体旁核内标记细胞较稀少,未发现标记终末;注射区位于上丘深层者,不仅在两侧二叠体旁核内可见较多标记细胞,而且在同侧二叠体旁核尾侧部还可见到一些标记终末。以上结果表明,二叠体旁核与上丘之间存在往返纤维联系,并有相应的吻—吻端,尾—尾端,以及吻—尾端定位投射关系,即吻端二叠体旁核主要投射至对侧吻端上丘;尾端二叠体旁核一方面投射到同侧上丘尾侧部,另一方面也接受同侧上丘、特别是吻侧上丘的强大输入,而发出纤维至二叠体旁核的母细胞体可能位于同侧上丘较深的板层。  相似文献   

将HRP溶液(33%)注射到21只成体大白鼠的一侧上丘,存活1~2天后,脑切片作DAB或TMB反应,在另一侧上丘及其它脑区观察标记的神经元,结果如下: 1.当注射的深度达到上丘中间灰层或其以下各层时,无论注射点位于上丘的吻、尾端或其之间,标记神经元在另一侧上丘的区域分布与注射的HRP位置大体对应;当注射的深度较浅,即在视觉层及其以上各层时,在对侧上丘未观察到标记的神经元。 2.在上丘的带状层和表面灰层未发现标记的细胞。标记细胞在中间灰层(SGI)最多(53.6%),视觉层为16.5%,深部各层(SGI及其以下各层)标记细胞占标记细胞总数的83.5%。 3.根据标记神经元的形态分为:垂直的梭形神经元,水平的梭形神经元和多极神经元。它们的分布无明显规律。 4.除在同侧的视皮层观察到大量的标记神经元外,在两侧的下丘、外侧丘系背核和丘系旁核、黑质及外侧被盖核、同侧的外膝体腹核、对侧的前顶盖区及网状结构中都发现了标记的神经元。  相似文献   

前言细胞色素P-450酶系是位于细胞中内质网膜上的一种氧化酶系,其组成中有细胞色素P-450,后者的结构与血红蛋白相似,具有以Fe为中心的血红素,酶系中的其他酶则以黄素为其辅基。细胞色素P-450的功能与线粒体内膜上的细咆色素氧化酶相近,此氧化  相似文献   

细胞色素氧化酶,即呼吸链复合体Ⅳ,它位于呼吸链的最末端,催化细胞色素C(cytochrome C,cyt.c)的氧化,同时驱动ATP的合成,它也是线粒体的标志酶,其酶活性的发挥对于维持线粒体结构和功能以及细胞能量的产生有非常重要的意义。虽然国内外有关细胞色素氧化酶活性测量的报道很多,但运用较广的方法主要有三种:紫外分光光度法、极谱法和组织化学法,紫外分光光度法根据cyt.c的还原型和氧化型有不同的光吸收这一原理,通过测量还原型cyt.c的氧化率来反映细胞色素氧化酶的活性;极谱法是根据还原型cyt.c被酶氧化的同时消耗O_2这一原理,通过测量反应体系中氧耗率来反映酶活。相对而言,运用紫外分光光度法以及组织化学法的报道较多,而用极谱法测量的报道较少,但早在1983年Rafael J就提出极谱法测量细胞色素氧化酶活性更具优越性。本文结合实践经验对极谱法测量大鼠脑线粒体细胞色素氧化酶活性的方法  相似文献   

双荧光逆向追踪法研究大鼠视网膜节细胞的中枢投射   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:观察向上丘投射的大鼠视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)在视网膜内的分布、密度及细胞类型上的差异。方法:将 DiI 与荧光金(FG)注射入 SD 大鼠的同侧和(或)对侧上丘,不同时相荧光显微镜下观察两种荧光标记 RGCs 的分布情况。结果:视网膜与视神经内均可见荧光标记;视网膜内标记 RGCs 的数目随时间延长略有增加。DiI 与 FG 的标记效率无明显差异;RGCs 大多数为对侧投射;视网膜颞背侧区域可见双侧投射细胞;视网膜颞腹侧周边区集中存在同侧投射细胞,多数胞体较大;视网膜其它区域可见零星同侧投射细胞。结论:DiI 与 FG 可高效率逆行标记 RGCs 及部分突起;SD 大鼠视网膜内并存着向对侧、双侧及同侧脑区投射的 RGCs,后二者数量较少,分布局限;同侧投射以大胞体细胞为多。  相似文献   

将辣根过氧化物酶注射于9只猫的大中缝核及其一侧邻近网状结构(巨细胞网状核或尾侧脑桥网状核)。各例均在注射部位的对侧上丘的中、深灰层内出现标记细胞,其中以中灰层为主,特别是上丘中部中灰层的外侧部较密集。9例中有5例在注射部位的同侧上丘内也出现极少量标记细胞,它们主要位于上丘外侧部的中、深灰层。标记细胞可分为大、中、小三种,其中大细胞(直径为40微米以上)约占15%左右,其余为中、小细胞。本文还对顶盖网状投射的机能意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本实验用HRP方法对大鼠二叠体旁核至上丘的定位投射进行了观察。一侧二叠体旁核发出纤维投射到两侧上丘,其吻侧半主要投射至对侧上丘吻侧半,而核的吻侧端只投射到对侧上丘。尾侧半主要投射到同侧上丘的尾侧半,而核的尾侧端只投射到同侧上丘。上丘浅层接受同侧核背侧群和腹侧群及对侧核中间群来的投射。上丘中、深层也接受两侧二叠体旁核来的投射,但以同侧核中间群和对侧核背侧群及腹侧群来的投射较明显。上丘也有纤维投射到二叠体旁核,以同侧为主。另外二叠体旁核旁区与上丘的中、深层有往返纤维联系。总的印象是:二叠体旁核—顶盖—二叠体旁核的联系不仅与上丘浅层有关,也与中、深层有关。被盖—顶盖—被盖的联系只与上丘中、深层有关。  相似文献   

用HRP逆行追踪法结合电生理学技术,对21只长翼蝠上丘(SC)超声信息的传入联系进行了形态学研究。13只动物上丘的听应部位电泳HRP后,标记神经元恒定地出现于双侧的下丘(IC,同侧为主)和外侧丘系背核(DNLL,对侧占优势)。约半数动物的同侧前外侧橄榄周核(ALPO)存在标记神经元。此外,标记神经元还出现于下列结构中,同侧的舌下神经前置核(n.Ⅻ)、小脑顶核(F)、黑质(SN)、后连合核(NPC)、丘脑(THa)、未定带(ZI),对侧的小脑齿状核(D)、双侧的中脑网状结构(MRF)、上丘(SC)。8只长翼蝠上丘的非听反应部位电泳HRP后,同侧的舌下神经前置核、小脑顶核、黑质、后连合核、丘脑、未定带,对侧的小脑齿状核,双侧的中脑网状结构及上丘亦见标记神经元。本实验提示:上丘的超声信息主要是经过同侧前外側橄榄周核和下丘以及对侧的外侧丘系背核中继传入的。  相似文献   

新生大鼠缺氧后大脑皮质细胞色素氧化酶活性变化孙克娅刘平*周其锦*张爱羚*(南京红十字医院儿科*海军医学高等专科学校)本实验试图探讨①缺氧后,新生5天鼠大脑皮质神经元细胞色素氧化酶的活性变化;②缺氧后,新生鼠与成年鼠神经元超微结构变化以及细胞色素氧化酶...  相似文献   

本文用HRP法观察了大鼠两侧上丘之间的连合投射。结果表明向一侧上丘内注入HRP,在对侧上丘各个部位均发现有标记细胞,但以与注射中心区相对应的部位出现较多,这说明两侧上丘之间的连合投射存在着互相对应的关系。标记细胞主要位于上丘中层,特别是上丘中层的上1/2区域,其次在深层,浅层最少。而且一侧上丘的浅层只投射到对侧上丘的浅层,中、深层也如此,这表明上丘浅层和中、深层在连合投射中有明显的独立性。两上丘之间的连合投射经过上丘连合。上丘连合可分为背、腹两束纤维。背侧束细,主要与上丘中层上部及浅层有关。腹侧束粗,其中一部分与上丘中层下部和深层有关;另一部分为上丘至对侧中脑的其它核团(楔形核等)的纤维。标记细胞绝大多数是小细胞,少数是中细胞,未见到大细胞。  相似文献   

听源性惊厥易感性大鼠上丘神经元构筑的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用石蜡切片Nissl染色方法,光镜下计数、结合计算机图象分析系统观察、测量惊厥鼠与正常鼠土丘神经元的一些指标.结果显示:(1)在吻例段和中段上丘第Ⅱ层和吻侧段上丘第Ⅲ层的神经元胞体平均直径惊厥鼠显著小于正常鼠,说明惊厥鼠上丘上述部位神经元较小;(2)在吻侧段上丘第Ⅵ层,中段上丘第Ⅰ、Ⅱ层和屋倒段上丘第Ⅴ层,神经元剖面椭圆率惊厥鼠显著地小于正常鼠,说明惊厥鼠土丘上述部位神经元胞体较细长;(3)除第Ⅲ层外,土丘各板层神经元剖面面数密度惊厥鼠都大于正常鼠.本研究结果表明,惊厥鼠的土丘有神经元的形态学变化。这种变化与惊厥鼠惊厥易感性的形成之间是否存在着某种关系,有待深入研究.  相似文献   

Partial destruction of the superior colliculus (45%) significantly decreased the normal facilitatory effect of ambient white noise on locomotor activity levels in young rats. As recovery from surgery occurred and as test experience increased, the loss observed immediately following surgery was reduced. Presumably because of the age of the rats examined, destruction of the superior colliculus failed to potentiate the stimulant effects of d-amphetamine or methylphenidate on locomotion. These data suggest that the superior colliculus is involved in changes in general activity that result from manipulation of auditory stimuli in the environment in addition to the documented involvement of the superior colliculus in alterations of general responsivity resulting from manipulations of visual stimuli in the environment. Moreover, the superior colliculus is implicated in maintaining both excitatory and inhibitory changes in response to the environment of the organism.  相似文献   

听源性惊厥易感大鼠上丘突触素P38表达的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于恩华  刘猛 《解剖学报》2001,32(2):114-116,T003
目的:探讨听源性惊厥易感大鼠上丘突触密度的变化情况。方法:免疫细胞化学方法和计算机图像分析技术。结果:P77PMC听源性惊厥易感大鼠上丘浅层和深层的P38免疫反应产物校正光密度值均显著高于正常Wistar大鼠,结论P77PMC大鼠上丘突触密度的改变可能与听源性惊厥易感性密切相关。  相似文献   

B Lu  R D Lund  P J Coffey 《Neuroscience》2001,107(1):109-115
In normal rats maintained in the dark, very few cells in the primary visual centers, including the superior colliculus, show Fos-like immunoreactivity. By contrast, in rats presented with flashing lights many Fos-like immunoreactivity cells are observed distributed throughout the visual centers. In the dystrophic Royal College of Surgeons rat, in which there is major loss of photoreceptors over the first 3 months of life, similar numbers of Fos-like immunoreactivity cells are seen on light presentation, but in marked contrast, cell densities in the rats maintained in the dark are many times higher than in non-dystrophic rats maintained under similar conditions. Here we show that this elevated dark response can be abolished by intravitreal injection of the sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin, indicating that this effect results from changed retinal activity, rather than being centrally generated.We suggest that since Fos-like immunoreactivity is not usually elicited by steady state conditions, the elevated levels in the superior colliculus in these animals reflect the return of waves of activity, first seen in development coursing across the retina, but lost with photoreceptor maturation.  相似文献   

The distribution of [Met]enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (MEAGL)-immunoreactive (-IR) neurons and its modification after enucleation have been investigated in the rat superior colliculus. In normal rats and on the ipsilateral side of monocular-enucleated rats, small sized vertically elongated fusiform-shaped weakly immunostained neurons were dispersed throughout the sublamina of the stratum griseum superficiale (SGS). In bilaterally enucleated rats and on the contralateral side of monocular-enucleated rats, many small strongly immunoreactive MEAGL-containing neurons, projecting processes horizontally or obliquely toward the surface, appeared in the deepest part of the SGS and the superficial part of the stratum opticum (SO), in contrast to the disappearance of the fusiform-shaped weakly stained neurons in the SGS. MEAGL-IR fibers increased in density throughout the sublamina of the SGS, being densest in the deep SGS, accompanying their increase in the neighboring SO. Sporadically found MEAGL-IR neurons in the deep SO and the stratum griseum intermediale did not show the detectable change of immunoreactivity. These results indicate that enkephalin biosynthesis is undergone by different type of neurons in the normal and the ocular-derived superior colliculus, and suggest that some neurons in the adult superior colliculus have a potentiality to express the peptidergic phenotype.  相似文献   

M M Tan  A R Harvey 《Neuroscience》1989,32(2):511-520
The distribution of choline acetyltransferase was determined in normal and transplanted rat superior colliculus with choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry. This distribution was compared to the pattern of histochemically detected acetylcholinesterase activity. To determine cholinergic input to the superficial superior colliculus, double labelling experiments combining retrograde tracing methods and choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry were carried out. No choline acetyltransferase-containing neurons were observed in the rat superior colliculus. A dense network of choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive fibres and terminals was seen in the intermediate layers of the normal superior colliculus. The distribution was patchy and very similar to the pattern of acetylcholinesterase activity. Occasional fibres and terminals were seen in the deep tectal laminae. The superficial layers contained a low number of choline acetyltransferase-stained fibres and terminals but a comparatively high level of acetylcholinesterase activity. Following a unilateral injection of a tracer into the superficial superior colliculus, retrogradely labelled choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive neurons were found in the dorsal and ventral subnuclei of the ipsilateral parabigeminal nucleus. As in the normal superior colliculus, choline acetyltransferase-positive neurons were not found in tectal transplants. However, choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive fibres and terminals were seen in grafts but only in those which had extensive connections with the host midbrain. The pattern of staining most closely resembled that seen in the intermediate layers of the normal superior colliculus. The similar arrangement of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase activity in the intermediate layers of normal rat superior colliculus provides further evidence for cholinergic innervation to these layers, probably originating in the dorsal and pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei. The data from the double labelling experiments indicate that the choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive terminals observed in the superficial layers represent the terminal field of an ipsilateral cholinergic projection from the parabigeminal nucleus. Tectal grafts receive cholinergic innervation from the host. The evidence suggests that much of this input derives from the cholinergic nuclei in the brainstem tegmentum which normally project to the intermediate tectal layers.  相似文献   

本文以生理盐水加压注入大鼠眼前房,二道生理记录仪监测眼内压,制成大鼠急性高眼压模型。采用改良的细胞色素氧化酶(CCO)组织化学法,研究高眼压对视网膜节细胞代谢的影响。实验动物依存活期分为0、3、7天3组,根据视网膜节细胞酶活性强度和结构变化,把CCO反应的节细胞分为3级,Ⅲ级及Ⅲ级以上的节细胞为高CCO活性细胞,作高CCO活性节细胞计数,并对各级CCO活性节细胞以显微光度计测定透光率。经自身配对t检验,表明各实验组高CCO活性节细胞数目下降;经方差分析还证明,3、7天组节细胞的酶活性有恢复趋势。对视网膜不同象限结果的比较表明,高眼压所致节细胞损害在视网膜颞侧较鼻侧更显著。  相似文献   

Locomotor activity and electrophysiological recordings of the superior colliculus and the occipital cortex were measured for two age groups of rats (100-105 and 230-235 days old) tested in ambient light and dark sensory conditions. Age differences in response to ambient illumination were observed in both behavioral and electrophysiological data. While no age differences were found for the superior colliculus data, cortical activity of the older rats differed from that found in the younger rats. These results are interpreted in terms of potential cortical development and arousal functions.  相似文献   

为探讨听源性惊厥点燃和听觉核团的关系,用免疫细胞化学方法结合体视学分析,研究了Wistar种系的听源性惊厥易感大鼠惊厥和点燃后听觉核团内c-fos表达的差异。在内侧膝状体背侧核和蜗神经背核,Fos标记细胞无显著变化。本研究结果表明,听源性惊厥导的display status  相似文献   

The present study deals with qualitative and quantitative investigations in the superior colliculus of the rat. Tracer studies were correlated with Nissl staining to calculate the quantitative ratio between projection neurons and interneurons in the upper three layers of the superior colliculus. In order to reveal the projections from the superior colliculus, the first group of rats received injections of the tracer FluoroGold into the nucleus lateralis posterior thalami, the lateral geniculate body, the nucleus parabigeminalis, and the predorsal bundle. Commissural connections between the superior colliculus were traced in a second group of animals, which received Biocytin and FluoroGold injections in the upper layers of the right superior colliculus and small deposits of the carbocyanine tracer DiI in the deeper layers of the left superior colliculus. Additionally, double-labelling with FluoroGold tracing and the histochemical detection of NADPH-diaphorase activity was carried out to distinguish between projection neurons and interneurons.These experiments showed that 66% of the neurons within the superficial layers of the superior colliculus were represented by ascending projection neurons, whereas only 2-3% could be identified as descending neurons. Ascending neurons were scattered throughout the three laminae and descending neurons were localized in a cluster-like pattern. Approximately 2-3% of the neurons in the superficial layers were found to be commissural and interlayer neurons which were represented by an identical cell type, since both transcommissural and interlayer processes were originated from their somata. The somata of these commissural-interlayer neurons were all located in the mediorostral part of the superior colliculus and contained NADPH-diaphorase activity. The axon terminals of the interlayer-commissural neurons formed net-like structures which surrounded neuronal somata within the ipsilateral deep layers and within the contralateral upper layers of the superior colliculus, respectively.  相似文献   

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